Auctions CHARLES CLARK. THIS.PAY. BT-OBDEB OF THE MORTGAGEE. SALE OF A FINE~COENEB SECTION IN SYDENHAM. JUNCTION OF MADRAS STREET AND POUND ROAD. DWELLING-HOUSE, BAKERY, STABLING, Ac. 'TLJfR CHARLES CLARK is instructed _____ by the Mortgagee to SELL BY AUCTION, At his Rooms, Herefordstreet, on ■■. .-: - - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, Lot 407 on the original plan of Whitaker and RusseU's Land, situate as above described, as having a total frontage of 327 links, together with the dwel--ling-house, capital bakery, .stabling, Ac., Ac., now in the occupation of lux John Mohr, Baker. A capital stand for -bakery and grocery business. No. 663 Sale at 12 o'clock. 11-24 8326; H. E. ALPORT. THIS DAY. TUESDAY, 28th NOVEMBER, At 1 o'clock. /*1 LE A B|l "Wo QALES V BY AUCTION, AT THB HEREFORD STREET SALEROOMS, Christchurch, At above-named time. Of a Proprietor leaving Christchurch, A splendid assortment of specimen pot plants, comprising'—• azaleas, pela*goniunis. geraniums, pot roses,Taegon_s, _siandreas, salvias, verbenas, Ac.. ■ ,/j.,; Exhibition boxes and covers for blooms, National Rose Society pattern Garden frames, flower pots, guano The above are from the garden of a celebrated Christchurch prize exhibitor. After which, 7 large camellias, 12 to 15 years old LOT OF USEFUL* FURNITURE, Comprising Mahogany hair seat chairs Carpets, fenders, fireirons . Iron and wood bedsteads Waabstands, chamber ware . Dressing tables, looking glasses Eatchen tables, chairs, Ac., Ac.
IN RE JOHN HENRY BRADBUEN, DECEASED. Lot clothing and underclothing, Ac. IN RE JAMES SERVICE, DECEASED. Canadian gold watch Lot of clothing and underclothing, ac. Under Distraint for Sent. IN BE CHABLES HAWEfiB, FISHMONGER.. Lot confectionery, lolUes, tins, show Fowl pens, baskets, weighing machine Kitchen utensils, <fee. Afterwhich, j A parcel of superior groceries and-oU-man's stores arid other goods.' H. E. ALPORT, Auctioneer. 11-28 8458 X J J ... ... . -.- AVERS A CO. TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY, 29th NOVEMBER. At 11.30 o'clock. On the Premises, GLOUCESTER STREET EAST (Next to Mr W. Ness). HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE AND EFFECTS— Sitting room. Dining room, Bedrooms, Kitchen, Pantry, &c. Ac. &o. AVERS A CO. are favored with instructions from R. H. V. RoUeston, Esq., I who is leaving Canterbury, to SELL, On the premises aa above, The whole of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Quito new, having been in use a few weekonly. Sale to commence at 11.30. Terms Cash. No reserve. AVERS A CO., Auctioneers, 11-28 8460 -165 Colombo street J. G. HAWKES. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. BUILDING MATERIALS, DOORS, SASHES, Ac. Ti/TB J* G. HAWKES has received inIwl structions from Mr R. Richardson, in consequence of the DEMOLITION OF THE OLD EMPIRE HOTEL, HIGH STREET, , SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On the Premises, THE WHOLE OF THE MATERIALS, Via.: Timber, boards, sashes, doors, bricks, Ac. Sorted into convenient lots. 11-28 Sale at 12 o'clock. 8472 BENN A CO. TO LET B7 TE_fDER. NEW LAND.
AMBEELET. 289 ACBBS * AT THE OPTION OF THB TBNDEBBB. IBBM-TEN YEABS, MABCH law, 1883. TENDERS TO BE SENT IN DECEMBER 12. For p—t—uUre, conditions, cards ta view, apply to BBWir & CO., ——B___IV