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.-; '[%^v r okWm%%:' r J-:' ( : •/;' .' OJLT St. HOITKT^ COOKBON'ai NEW WINE and SPIRIT VAULTS a»Bew OPEN 16 the Pobhc. Beat Brandt of Wtaes.and.Spirits £ ditto Base's best Pale Ale, Edinburgh Ala. Dunedin ditto, sad Ctirißiekittcb ditto, crevm direct from the wood. 6-19 1910 BBATTY'S I>AIjACB hotbi. (NEXT THEATRE BOYAL, Gtaucsster ttreet E.). A-3.EOBGE "OEAT T V Desires to intimate to hia friends and the pubac generally that he has again resumed posirßwiffn of THE PALACE HOTEL, whioh has been entirely BENOVATED AND BE-FURNISHED. The tafty and well-ventilated bedrooms have, been re decorated and fitted throughout regard- ] less of expense, making the Palace second to none m the colony. There is a large and cam- ] tally famished BILLIARD SALOON attached to the hdd, containing two of Alcock'B j Prize Tables. The Palace Hotel ia the recog- j "hised centre and home of the dramatic and other prefessiond talent visiting the dty, whose enoominms oa the cnisine and generd home comforta to be found at the Palace have been frequent and hearty. Mr Beatty being the owner of THE THEATRE BOYAL, whioh is acknowledged to be the most complete end the BEBT THEATRE IN TBE COLONY, capable of accommodating two thousand persona, is open to treat with managen at a fixed rental or on sharing terms. The Wines. Spirits, ftc, are imported direct 1 by the Proprietor, whioh should be a sufficient guarantee of their quality. 9-4 4973 HURUNUI HOTEL. t W. J. NOBBLE, Pbofbxbtob. BEST ACCOMMODATION provided for Travellers. Private Apartments tor famines. None but the Beat Brands of Wines and Spirits kept. Coaches leave fer Christehureh twioe daily, for Waiau twice a week, and for the Hanmer Plains Hot Springs every Tuesday. Horses and Buggies always on Hire. ■■ 301048 W AJ»2^ETB»S 1 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, CHRIBTGHUBOH W. P. W* BHEB Begs to announce to his many friends ta > Christehureh and the adjoining Provinces that having RE-ENTERED INTO POSSESSION of tbe above Hotd, whioh has been entirely ; renovated, re-decorated and re-furnished in tbe ' latest style, he is bow prepared to welcome hit old friends and customen. THE BLTjiABD SALOON Attached to tbe Hotel is unsurpassed by say other in the colony, containing three tables spe* cialtataparted from England to the order ef .' the Proprietor. ; The suites of 1 PBTVATB APARTMENTS, 1 wHohßwdegantiyfurnialiedandappotated,are ' entirely distinct from the hotd portion of tbe 1 bufldmg, thus insuring perfect privacy. A aovelty ia odentat hotel accommodation ' vrill be available at "The Oemmereid"m the 1 ahaoeof a LADIES' DRAWING ROOM, kepi specially select and exduuvdy for ladies. A high pressure water supply has been arranged for oa the premises, and the Bath I Booms are fitted with every oonvezuenoe for hot odd or shower baths at any time. Comment oa the quality ef the liquors sup* pnodatTheCommereid is unneoassary,as the oaltar ia under the speotal tupexviatau of Mi W. F. Warner. The Hotel being most centrally situate, ad ja. cent to the Cathedral, and within a short distance of the Museum, Theatre aad other puhtip buildings, and with a tram service to all parts of the suburbs passing it at short intervals, lenders it unequalled as a place of residence for families or eomineratal gentlemen visiting . Ghristdmrch. For tbe convenience of conunsrdal travellers sample rooms will be available. Aa excellent chef do cuisine has been engaged, ' and generalb no pains wll ba spared to make The Commerctal the leading hotel in Christ. church. Prompt attention wfil be given to telegrams orlettenspplyingforapartmenta. W. F. WARNER, 8-8 6692 Proprietor. GENTttAL FAMILY AND OUMMEBOIAL HOTEL, ASHBURTON. JTSEEOHER, late of Bruee'e Hotd, o J_a Akaroa, begs to announce to his many friends ia Aahburton and the adjoining districts, that having TAKEN POSSESSION of the above Hotel, which has been entirely renovated, re-decorated and re-farnishad in the latest style, he is now prepared to welcome his old friends and customen. THE BILLIARD SALOON Attached to the Hotel ia unsurpassed by any other in the colony. Suites of PRIVATE APARTMENTS Are elegantly furnished and appointed. Two Bath Booms are fitted with every eoa> venience for hot and odd baths at any time. Comment on the quality of the uquors supplied at The Central is unnecessary, aa the cellar is under the special supervision of the Proprietor. The Hotd being most centrally ritneta, renders it unequalled as a place of reddence for families or oommeretal gentlemen vidttag Ash- - . .. mirwui. For tbe eouvemenoe of commerdd trardlen sample r?niiß will biravailablft. No patas will be spared to make The Ceatral tha kading hotd in Ashburton. Prompt attention wfll be given to telegrams er tetters applying fer apartnventa. Good Stabling for Customen Free of Charge. JOHN BEEOHER, 7*7 2668 Proprietor. r E22* Ska. ta* rasa m OOAOa wary Tau^M UllaMlSlttnlLdJJ the Ink Tram team to Heed's AtssBBBUSSBxIOB Bouse, Moußt Bomers and ABord aTocesi, retaroisg every Wednesday ani Saenrday fafttait foftbe ssst train atCbrisa. •hsrob, namely, SJBB&m. Vvi&mwmm%<m&dmfl&mis* aai Osden aaaeiaeih B. OOOKBON, PfopriatSff, Aahborton ZAverr Stabtea, m Oipotite Kallway Stattea BALGAXBH TO L£TTHBTELI>. ON ANDAFTBBItt JANOABY, 1881, a CONVEYANCE wfil LEAVE (the Post CnuSe)jfWattß aad Oo.'Bßtare, Lehlifldd,D! sbaa te meet the Banning train ferOmtatdnumh, tad mojajng and eveajjitf fcnjai from Qbitw ma assy P SHAW. Paatatatat. HOT SPHDJGS «ANMBB PLATNB, AMUBI NELSON PBOVINCB. rVBEGT OOMMUNICATION by MnO "■ Oaacji every Tueaday. oa Sjerival el fret tram from CBiriatohnrob, retmuaas anssy nartday ■Bsndng taibae teeaaab sasf bbbbi toe Ohriricharob. ■ VOAXSam sTOLPME FBatatatsa. LONGBEACH. T.ONGBHAOH BOYAL MAIL, OOACB MJ laavea Lougbeach for AabbuTton dally (Sun. days excepted) at 7.80 a-m.; Wassrtoa, 849 ajs.; Aabtaa, &2S ajsu; Wbaatasone, 8.46 a*ss.> txrivtag in Aahburtoa in time for the axprest from Chriatchnrch to Tnaarn. Tbe coach taavea QmU's Oomineretal HotaL Ask. burtaa, at AfiO srrivaw at Leagsaaah at 7Jnlb>bb. Pstrodaozordan fm at any of tbe above nhoat wfil recexte atriei .attoatieß. ( Fares Through atagfa; retara, aaass *W. ft BOlTO,f*OFrieeer,Zi»g*es J 8-7 891
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Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5307, 7 September 1882, Page 4
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971Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5307, 7 September 1882, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5307, 7 September 1882, Page 4
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