H.MATBON&CO. TATTEKSALI/Sa SATTJBDAY, SBPTBMBBB 9m. S.F BCIAL BnTBY. <3ydesdato Entire, YOUNd THUMPEB. Also, Boa Gray Trotting Mare, PEGGIE. Psssßxeea aad Barttßatare ta to-morrow's paper. Jr T* H. MATSON ft CO, B*7 5145 AactJoßeara. Y. CLEARING SALE. LAKESIDB, LBBBTON. LIVE ft DEAd'faHMING STOCK. -UrSSBBS H. MATSON A CO. hays reIFF eeived instructions from Mr John Watson - BELL BY PUBLIO AUCTION, At bar Homestead Yards, Lakeside, Leeston, At 12 o'clock, on THOBSDAY, 6EPTEMBBB 7th, 1882, 'Ihf foßewmg: AdMtaght marea. all vomac Iborse, .4 yrs old, unbroken 3 unbroken colts, 3 yre old _ 1 hack, quiet to ride aad drive S fat baiters, 12 store pigs 7 oows, just calving 40 2-year-old steers aad hrifen, 20 yearlings 900 half-bred ewes 300 saavino ewes, in lamb j _m»„i----8 denMe ptaoghs, 1 ringta do, aad,wMpple. trees; 2 seta son harrows, I set barrows, 1 reaper, by Hornsby; ltwme binder, by by Wood; , 1 wire binder, by McCormick; 1 drill, by Garrett; 1 diaff-cuttar and horsepewer, 2 drays and frames, 1 each - .doable and single cheese press, tab and '~~ m, rfmULaiqaantitv of vats, 30 sacks seconds grata, 2 sets of trap harness, harness for four horses, complete; and a quantity of sundries THBBBDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1882, .".'.** 2o'doek. Luncheon provided. H. MATSON ft CO., Auctioneers. 8-28 4681 TBM K-OHINOOit BLOCK, -'' Commonly known as MOBTBN'B COBNBB, TKTILL BE LBT ON LONG BUILDING LEASES B B C T™ O N S, Waaabare vritaoni exception the most valuable in New Zealand. SATTJBDAY, 23bd SBPTBMBBB, - 2 o'clock. H. MATSON A CO., 8-96 4658 Agents for the Freeholder. ANNUAL SALE OF SIOCK, Ac, -i,TT ■'■: ATP THS XtfXBSafBBB ASMS, TAI TAPTJ. MBBBBS H. MATSON ft CO. have reoerred inrtrnctions from Mr Joe. Jades, to hold the ANNUAL BALE OF STOCK', ,«- - AT TBB ■ XLLEdMBRE ARMS, TAI TAPU, OH TTJBSDAY, SBPT. 26tb, 1882, I At 1 o'clock, ejwwv HEAD CATTLE < njfi BPBINGBBS | -| DOUBLE CHEESE PRESS . i£» VATS, Ac., Ac, ftc. til Xaboaaosa *ro"/ifitoQs t-tSJU H. MATSON AOa, Auotioneers. B. WTLKTN A CO* TF,IHJAYs "■ TOBUTOHBBS. THTIBSDAY, BEPTEMBBE 7th. TKpt wfil OFFEB atour WEEKLY SALE TH TJ B 8 D AY, '~,<- Aad imnwdiately following THE BALB, * ' Incur XSW ZEALAND- WOOL STOBEB, . M ~ »■* A fires-dasa BUTCHER'S OAST, Wefi bout and v goad caeartion. Nearly new. HOBBBT WILKIN ft CO., 8 51618 - - . Auctioneers. ~TT i OBGANB. ~~ TUBT aANDED, ax AVANTT, from Boston, ej.acaretallysekcted Shipment of the BELL CO.*B cdabrated ORGANS, which in dedga sadLMusieal Capabilitiea far exed anything at stSßßßsathaajarkst. They took first prise at Iba Sydney Exhibition, also ia the United States for tone end make. Now on Bale sAsaaasaseta moderate prices, and may be seen samtrteiea TBB NEW ZEALAND WOOL STOBE3, 8.16/ r ' Hereford street Christchnrch. 4004 BUGGIES. have bow ON VTEW a J.3targaanaT varied aisortaasntof AMEBI* CAEI BUGGIES, at extremely moderate priose. . , BOBBBT WILKW ft CO., ~*"~ "NewZealandWodStores, 6-562Q67. _ Cbrißtekarob. _ BYE QB&SS SEED. ITIBat ttadenigned having completed their JL Madirpary for Ctcentag Grass Bead, an BEOBIVB SEED IN ANY QUANTTTTEB FOB CLEANING. Taew'are also Cash Buyers of Seed ia Largs or Small Parcels. ~ BOBBBT WTLBIN ft CO., »7«88 ? New Zealand Wod Stows. TJALLAB A CO T EC I S_l> A. Y. THOBBDAY, 7th BBPTEMBER. ' < SALBOF BUFEBrOB HQUBEHOLD FUBNI* TUBE, to. WOOLSTON, Opeerita the Wharf Hotel. Tram care past "uittiuriiiii!!!, i At IS o'dock. . ' Oatnerraaitasa, Wedstoa Avery "■_- ■■, BTJPEBIOE LOT OF HOUBEHOLD BITBHITirSaS. NfitrijKW. CeapiMDfi f"i ia*i mini iiuisq ftinifig Mr*- -*-a*r-*T firaesale aad tapestry oarpeta ■ Bearth rugs, fender aad irons QSttfaer ataaa, TO x 40, enrtaia aad pease Fenßetal writing table MaarChateia eaaaraad mcaoooo BaJfA tantabogaßy and bah, wood bedsteads PsTrsiiy, Staaketa :> i Clests arewesay hair aaite, catalotb Weabstaaaa aid ware toilet tables BJaglt wm badstaads and bedding TAata- aaAaßp aaata, fafahen chairs Tableasieta, cbtaa, aartbeawaie oeoktagutaaaiKmartss2e,BaaAgta i Ac ._„—— - -flO fSSBBVa. %& , aataatl2o'eVjfek. 5011 : J. g.HAWE3B. TO TaTJB AHD < OTHEBB. . TUBBDAY, SEPTFMBER Uxm, : - LEGAL WOBKS ' of the Cactertey Law atjotiob/ Emma ' «««tad street, * Jj^ff^.!^ fa Jgpß. trthsr disata. 80 YODn- LEgJLL WOBEB. M aaßafttyalßea. 5147*