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LENDERS FOR FOBMIHG ?g*BJ^ H. Mktooa * 00. are instructed by M«« £«££ Bros, to aQ £w Tender* ««*SEKfc«r UO iDS in the above township. JFif T_ders aoy tender not Moesearily "x****** «* iBB2 will dose on SATURDAY, June IOBi. !»»• AH information supplied * the office Matsq a amp Co. . Cashel street. Slowest or any tender will not necessarily b 3 accepted, j c MADDIB ON. Architect, gereftrd street. «•» 1455 11ENDEES will be received as my office uatM 4 pm. on Friday, Jnne 9th, for the EJECTION of an HOTEL at Waikari for Mr H MeLean. Plans and specification may be Sen at my office and at the Crown Hotel, lowest or any tender not necessarily eCMpted ' J. C. MADDISON, Architect. Hereford street. Christchnreh. 5-26 878 AVON ROAD BOARIX are invited for a SUPPLY of i 8 SINGLE and BCRKENINGS, to be delivered in Bingsland. Specifications can be seen at the Avon Koad Bo»rd Office, where Tenders, addressed to the Chairman, will be received till noon on TUESDAY, the 13fch Juno, 188 S. ROBERT HOWE, Clerk Avon Boad Board. Avon Boad Board Office, Jnaa 6th, 1832. 6-7 1432 THE EDUCATION BOAED OP THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CANTERBURY. TO BUILDEES. TpEbTDEBS are incited for f EPAJES to __ HSATHCOTE LOWER SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Specification can to seen at the Office of the Board, Normal School. Endorsed renders are to be cent in to the Chairman of the Board not later than 3 p m. onTUJSSDAY, 13th June. The Board doe* not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. __,_„ J V. COLBOBNE-VEEL, Secretary. Chrktcburch. 2ud Jnna, 1882. 6 5 1326 TO BUILDKJSS. TENDERS are rcqnired for BUSINESS PEKMISEd, High street, for Meters Milner and Thompson. Drawings and epecifi. cation can be seen at my Office, where Tenders are to be sent not later than WEDNESDAY, the alet inst. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. FaEIXK. STROUTS, M., 6.2 1197 Architect. " TO BUILDERS^ mENDEES are invited for HOUSE at Port B Levy. Plans and specification may be seen at my office, where Tenders must be sent not later than Wednesday, June I4tb. THOS. BEARELL, Architect, 6-6 1334 Hereford Chambers. - TOPAINTERsT mENDERS are invited for PAINTING, Ac. X for new BAPTIST CHURCH, Oxford terrace. Specification can be eean by applying to Clerk of Works. Tenders to be sent in not later than MONDAY, 12th JUNi?. The lowest or any tender not neceesarily accepted. 6-8 '^53 TO uRaZ__;S AND Ui'HEHS. TO~LET, HAGLEY PARK SOUTH. rjnENDERS addressed to the Chairman C.P. M Domains Board, and endorsed "Tender for South Park," will be received by the undersigned at hie Office, where partioulare may be seen until MONDAY, 19th Jnne. 1882. ALEX. LEAN. Cathedral Chambers. - - 6-8 1457 TO BDILBEE3. are invited for the ERECTION J. of BUSINESS PSEMIS KS, Cashel street E, for the New Zealand Farmers' Cooperative Association of Canterbury, limited. Those desirous of tendering can see conditions, specification and drawings at my office, where endorsed tenders will be received np till 4 p m. on FRIDAY, Jnne 16th, 1882. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. T. S. LAMBERT, Arohitect. Hereford sheet, April 24th, 1882. 631285 TO BUILDERS. m ENDERS are invited for the ERECTION X of a VILLA BESIDE MCE at Biccarton for G. King, Esq. Those desirous of tendering can see conditions, specification and drawings at my office, where endorsed tenders will be received up till 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 22nd, 1882. The lowest or any tender will sot necessarily be accepted. T. S. LAMBERT, Architect. Hereford street, Jnne7th, 1883. 68 1450 THE SPRINGS DISTRICT. TENDERS are invited for the following WORKS :— Murray's Drain, cleaning about 130 chains Bay's road, ditch widening, about 12 chains Do do do about 10 chains Bo do cleaning abrat 60 chains Lincoln Coal Tramway, shingling, about 150 yards. Specifications may be seen at the Boad Board office, Springston, where tenders mast ba delivered not later than 6 p.m. on Friday, 9th June, 1882. THOS. M. MARTIN, 6-6 1386 Clerk to the Board. CHBIBTCHUROH DISTRICT DRAINAGE BOARD. TENDERS will be received up to 3 o'clock p.m. of MONDAY, the 19th instant, for WIDENING and DEEPENING a DRAIN from Church road to Dudley Creek. Specification, conditions, and drawings can be seen at the Office of the Board. Tenders to be endorsed on the outside, and addressed to the Chairman. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EDWIN CUTHBEBT, Acting for Engineer. Jane 3rd, 1882. 6 91404 QHSISTCHUfiCH DiBTSICr DRAINAGE BOARD. TENDEBS will be received up to 3 o'clock p.m. of MONDAY, the 19th JUNE, 1832, for the WORKS included in the No. 2 PIPELs-YING CONTRACT. Specification, conditions and drawings can be seen at tfea Office of the Board. Tenders to be endorsed on the outside, and addressed to the Chairman. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EDWIN CUTHBERT, Acting for Engineer. May 31st, 1882. 6-2 1216 TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. WANTED KNOWN —That the PORT CHALMERS BTONE is Delivered &i Christcbnrch at considerably Less Cost_ than any other bard stone. No limit to quantity ex size. Orders executed with despatch. Christchnrch Agent— WILLIAM STOCKS, Monumental Mason, 4.10 8633 Madras street. Chrietchnrch. Insurance Companies. HE COLONIAL INBUBANCE COMPANY Off NSW ZEALAND (Fire and Marine). CAPITAL ~ T~ -. J82.000.e00 Liberal terms. Prompt settlement. H. MATBON a CO., Managers for Canterbury, 1-11 4583 New Zealand. THE UNION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY 09 new zealand. Hxbxtobd Strbkt, Cheibtchttbch. OAPiTAL SUBSCRIBED ~ - £2,000,00* PAID-TJP - ~. -. ~. 75,008 &BSERVE FUND «» ... _ 37,501 rr\HX3 COMPANY, the ONLY institution of A the kind having its HEAD OFFICE and MANAGEMENT in Chrietoanrch, ia prepared t0< 7182 AND MARINE INSURANCES Of flvsry description AT CURRENT BATES. W. DEVEHISH MTSMtfg, General Manage. list of β-tebnxr Agents in Safetrday't esoe. SUN FIBK OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABUBHID 1710. THB above Office is prepared to TAKE BISKS ON PROPERTY at lowest surant rates. The magnitude of its business, MBoanti&g last year (1831) to £970,959,974, is a guarantee of the great of the lublic J. P. JAMESON, Agent, Hereford street. 65 1321
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Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5230, 9 June 1882, Page 4
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999Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5230, 9 June 1882, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5230, 9 June 1882, Page 4
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