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■■■ Pablls Notfeafi. COLOMBO S_-E--±_t_T BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, ESTABLISHED 2889. IN CONSEQUENCE OF BEING LARGELY OVERSTOCKED AND TO MBBI THE TIMES, JOHN GOODMAN BEGS to inferm his numerous Customers thai he hMdetermined to make* s__ forthai BEDUCnON LN PRICESi— % , ___ ~ •:,_,■_. Men's Laos Boots (own make) redtwal from Do ffipßtachera ~ »» !? f_ „! H? f_ Do Kip ElasticKdeSpring. .. lesftltops-d Women's Ed Boofa - _ _ _•. ._ 8.6dt05_ Do Cashmere Honse Boots, from 2a 6d Children's Felt Boots, from la NOTE THE ADDRESS— GOODMAN'S CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, « W i/ju_hi » COLOMBO STEBIT 12-, 6993 HO-EfcS-E COVERS BEO-BSE. COVEI-EtS FROM 17a to. BUY your Horse Covers from B. HALE & CO., who are the Largest Makers in the Colony, and who will give you the BEST VALUE for your MONEY. B. HaiiX amd Co. are noted for their superior quality of Horse Covers, and as being the best firm to buy from, a good article always being the cheapest. B. Hams and fo. always keop on hand the LARGEST STOCK of OILSKINS, TARPAULIHS, TENTS, ROPES, TWINES, and everything connected with the trade. MARQUEES OF ALL SIZES ON HIRE. Orders by Post or Telegram forivarded by FIBST TBAIN. 33. ___AJ___3 3s COWHOLESALE AND RETAIL SAIL, TENT, TARPAULIN AND HORSE COVER BIANUFAOTTJRERS, AND BOPE AND TWINE MAKERS, CASHEL STBEET, CHRISTCHURCH. BOPE WALK AND TWINE FACT OB V, MADBAB STREET SOUTH. 8-24 77? g>EMEMBEBI A SINGLE PA2B OF BOOTS AT WHOLESALE PRIOB Some men there are who talk about I He facrwa full well they're Htdh'a own eblm " New chums " and immigrations | And better he don't wish to get} They go round town with boots worn out, 1 His weekly wages he will take, For fear of speculation. | And knows he'll get a first-rate fit. Bnt not the man who save, bis cash, g Now, why it is. yon know roll well, And never lets his boots wear down; 1 Of patrons I ye a double share; He still will not "go in" for trash, E It is the fact that I can sell Bat bays Hyde's Boots renown. § At Whomsai— Pbiox a Si»-~n Pii- l Never pass the shop, bat come in and inspect, free of oharge. __Hr_DE'S SOOT .FACTORYRETAIL SHOP-TRIANGLE. HIGH STBEET 6-23 REGISTERED TRADE MARK 661167-1 BO©s-MMSllg (PYRAMID.) ___. AND BAI.DNESS accotj-NTT boout "IB CUMABXII.. MAHOTAOTOKE ———* THE This Great Scientific Discovery. «p_«eSS" C©Hlßanj, IJmtted H. BCOTT BARROWS WONDBOUB HAIB PRO- ojaj^CMUßm, ■ DUCER, "OrAVING aeoured the services of JAMES Is a purely natural and vegetable restorer JCL MAOTNTOSH, Prise Medallist |« ... Bookbinding at the Sydney Exhibition of 1860 ' ex sne __£ _g7__ ,_—, prepared to execute all > HAIR ON BALD HEADS. kinds of _ __,--_-- ' * PI_JN AN_ BOOKWHISKERS ANDMOUSTAOHIOS, With the most complete sot of aoden twta and _ -. „__.. appliancea yet imported to New Zealand. To soften and beautify the " __ HAIR, _____ PUBLIO SOCIETIES AND SCHOOL To eradicate DANDBU-T, LIBRARIES .. „ . _ .. WHJ- BB T.TBiaililiT DXA-T WITH. And, with a tingle application, to arrest the __■> faffing off of the Solicitors oas rely on their Law Binding being . iff a TO executed with c_ref_lneaa and dispatch. In the most obstinate eases ot —— _______ DISEASE, DEBILITY, BOOKS -"OB PEESBNTATION,, And the many other causes so fatal to the FEBN AND PHOTO ALBUMS, i 80BAP BOOKS. MUSIO, _0. «___..___. «--____ _UHDBOI_»I,T _OUH_ TO O-DSB, Frioe, in bottles (one month's use), 4a ©_ Prompt!- Repaired. Ds , (two months'cse), 7a Ba. _-—_ ■ . - _-. l -. •1. Special attention will begiven to tho BnJinfl I Beiail of F. BIGSB.JHfJ> BteeeijCtost. B indii« of Ledg_-, Jonraals, 40., , chnreh, and of all, Chemist, and Perfus-exi An _ _ v ___ __ Stet ionery and Aoobb-S Book , Urroughout the Colonies. Man-facfare. . 7001 I IW2 - «"» H.S.BABBOW-00. yMtXJA3LB j^j^m. \ lIEUTEB'S T.IS- QYBTJP CXB — Iw/OMFORITNG. Isamedicinethat was discovered by old Nars ! Bertrand, who had been occupied in sick room a -tti-t-.-t_»C_»C3 «~n~nA «—4 wh_the care of sick people tor oyer fifty - V-» V_» \~* V____o -____, __ i_ ____c purely and entirely of mvaiTFAST PLANTS, HERBS, AND BOOTS, t ___-.__r-ox. _nd is exceedingly agreeable and pleasant to » -— both the taste and _ne_, being wane, aromatic, 3 "By ft thorough knowledge 0! the nature andspioy It is a most thorough purge, otean- • laws wMoh govern the operations of digestion ing out the bowela without pain, and mthonl 3 and nutrition, and by a .awful application of nausea or Biokeaing. It does not vreaken, and the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr leaves the system openand free, nevwr drymg ■ny ErPB hasprovided our breakfast tables with a the bowels -Serwards, as ever/ ottsrjfwrge thai delicately flavored beverage whioh may save us we know of doeo. It can bs given to infante and many heavy doctors' mils. It is by the judicious invalids with safety, and in every case of old os nse ef such articles of diet that a constitution young, it is guaranteed to cure the worst easel may be gradually built np until strong enough of constipation, indigestion, end all diseases thai • to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds affect the stomach and bowela. It is, moreover, ef subtle maladies are floating around us ready a powerful _tim_ator and - . ________ to Stock whenever there isTweak point. We INVIGOBATOB OF THE LTVER. may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oar- Its effects upon the blood and humoral bo~,» 1 selves wall fortified with pure blood and a ' king really astonishing, and ia much moreim. , properly nourished frame."—See article in the mediate and thorough than that of any otliei ■ "Civil Service Gasette." piirifier yet disoovered, having this great ad- , Made simply with boilmg water or milk. vantage, that when it haa, by its depmrating Sold only in packets or tins, labelled j— powers, set free in the system the poisons oi v~* Sorofnla, Salt Bheum, Malignant Uloeroni JAMES EPPB * CO., Sorea, and C-Merona gatherings or lamps, il ! Horncepathic Chemiata instently carries them out of the body bj I LONDON. 823 purging the bowels. No other purifier does 1 this; with all of them the patient mustts_i 1 . p_ls, or some other equally nauseous dose oi ■ tip nrvßlß'nTK'q physio, or if they do not, the poison remains ii ! DB ' S {_£ aoa'goea baok into the blood. PILTJL-- __IT_KJBOPI_IJI__ BEUTEB'S LIFE BYBUP 0B -la exceedingly pleasant to take, needs no secont '"•', _..__-—.-.-,,-, to innrge the bowels, and does) all the we-_ ALTERATTVII FILLS, required to effect a perfect cure. " - D _ v _,___ . -1- *~ »_ BAEBY'-IPAIN beiief, Oonfirmed by sixty yeara' experienoe to be ■ , ■ ~ _ . . __ __ one oi theliet everoomponndea P™&? f " a for the Wood, and asßifltingNatare emally. Corea in onammute. Tggitl ■__ d teß__t__i_ia^_^ ! a .lss.and^each. mniS Powder _ for destroyi-s . Sold in Boxee at la lid, fc ftLfc 6d, 11b, &J£bJgSJ* *& i^ft-Tanl t BEACH & BABNICOTT, met___rpho_a;wl-_stithas no qualities delet DUpetuary, Bridgport, England, and by al terions to human beings, and is quit _ hannleaa ; respaotable mediolne vendoHJ. __ its application to dogs, cats poultry, &o. , We ask hut one trial forth-powder to secure . " eonhaenoe, no oi-iar brand wtf be- wanted here, T « P B B I A L after ___- ____| ! J. SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS. = p — _*_i»lie«»t1«>n» A Pure Aromatio Spirit, " — '. Distilled and Prepared in Holland from as —■— -__r ~0 [ Original Beoeip*, .1 HE W BBKLY JTBESB. ! SATURDAY. S 20th, 1882. _ - - 1 SUMMABY Off OONTENTS. A a Ton!io, Dia-efaoaadanb-Dyßpeptw Cordial ou ___, it has the reoemmendationo. she leading Page. PhysipiMS, and _ wwadmow. Ab -~ b __ ot __3itb 1,8,18,21,22,28,24 lodged aa the latest and moat varaable athtstics » ... 7 remedy for Gravel, Gout, and Chro--0 wWwa - _, 16 Boß b °S 6 The Analytical and Sanitary Institution, n.—,- 4 4Holbo«Jiaduct,E.O. Kne ... ... ... 7 1 London, 9th May, 1577. Coubsing , 7 s Report en a Sample of Imperial Schiedam CoMaa . BC tAi. and Shipping 12 [ Schnapps received from Mr H. J. Hart. cn-a-iNT Topics—Judge Gillies' Becen. We have subjected a sample of tbe aeove charge—lmports and Exports—The t__ned article to a Tery oaxeM (__e_-i_al a_-_jni« Board of Health—Local Government and examination. _,»_j.v I^oposalß—Parliamentary Beform— University Lectures—The Kingito ia a separate report, show thatith_ sprntißttf Meeting ...14,15,16 oobbbspohdehob ... M 19 ' thai it oonfeainß bnt traeea of sohd matter _m ____ ExHIBmoN v i s_ution. a awabds 17,18 1 aroma, and a pare and mild Engubh Nbwb 16 Bohie___ Sohnappa v avery Bupenor artioie 01 footbaue. ... 7 i_»:<__a, > Qabdbh ... „. ... ... ... 10 . (Signed) _-. „,wn Geot___ Name 9,10 AB ?' a A^«««««« n » Hospital Ccncbbt ... 11 Aui_«cf "Food«^ itsAddteratiOT. Inqubsts • ■ _ 2 0 --1- -«t— -nrapnwr L-Jonss' Coitrsm—Paris Fashicna ... 2 ra -4 J ? HN ThbHomb ... 2 Loo____n>'G!_nn__ .. -• 14,15 __elbs3_xne, 23rd July, IB7T. ___ T i K Q ß _Fhar_aoy Board of Now Henri J. Hart, Esq. . Z;a'and--l?harßjacea_toal3ocietyofN-W Sir,—J _aveti___mortorepjri to yota m. Zteland—<Sty Ctou_<__—Drainage Act formation that ths sample orlmpenai Bcinedam —Teacheru of North Canterbury—- - EWauwpa forwarded by you to mc has bean rah Hospital and Charitable Aid Board— mitted to a saawhing chemical analysia and Colonial Insurance Co.—Cultivation of critical examination, the resulti or wfaicn enablea EaropeanFlax 3 »' ma te state that 1* is the finest Bample of Thb Novblist—Stretched Out: A Rossrio tchnaKSi that haa as yeiioome Police Bketch—A Queer Fellow TraIt has a pore fi-gxsni oto, and ia atootately vdler-The Governess's Secret ... 3,4 fne fwm any trace of rnsflml «r other m- Natitb iNTBLUGBHC-i-The Kingite foriooß imparity, and haa eyidantby been dut- Meeting .. 6 ■ Pobtbt—The Wedding Fee % of ___, {a the prodaebon or she eha&ee-i PbUTicii—Mr O'Callaghan at Lincoln— - qia-itieeo selußßpa.. It _ very imooth to the Hon.. E. Bioh-trdson at Bing-land—■ . palate, and in tiu» JgspMt oomparaa favorahly Government Propos-to _••_. _? 8 * 19 with other saaptea cger&d for sale. It may be Bacikg—Canterbary Jockey Clab Handi. advised aa eqaauy saxfaWA . I> pr medical or cap—Sportingr Notes ... •••■ - .1 esBW-iopsrpose-.—llsrmihehonortoSaa.&c., Bktobns ... ... i? (ffigned) W_. JoKHiIOK, Bo_d Boabds... ... »• •» -Jl • A-u-lytiosdChea-ttotha Gorenasenict ~bi_bgbaj_ic - ••• -;»<>! ? Victoria. Tt_abtj Shippihg C-J-AK-tt ... ».£} TMspare msSaelamjoA, anperior to any in TebWbbk — ™ -•_ •__ r- ia the market, and lower in prioe. offered to the Thb Ybomah—Farming Kotes—i'iongn. pnhlio nader ths fnß o_Jvio_ka thai ii will l ing-Feeiing Young Bulla -Co-rtenay ■ perwedeaaofcerßaowinnse. l Grain and Boot Show .., «• -AY

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Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5217, 25 May 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5217, 25 May 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5217, 25 May 1882, Page 4


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