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Road Boards. ASHLEY ROAD BOARD DISTRICT. UNREGISTERED DOGS. T&TOTICE is Hereby Given that PROCEEDJ3I INGS will be TAKEN AGAINST OWNERS of UNREGISTERED DOGS within this district after 31st uctober instant. By order. JAS. DUTHIB, Clerk to the Board. October 18th, 1881. 10-20 771 MANDISVILLE ANi> RaNGIoRA ROAD BOARD. is hereby given, under instructions -LX from the Mandeville and Rftngiora Drainage Board, that it is the INTEisTION of the above Board, at ita next Meeting oa November 4th, to MaKE and COLI EJT a. RAiE of ONE SHILLING in tho £ on ail Rateable Property in the Mandeville t»nd Rangiora Drainage District, contained in the Road District, for the current year, anch Kate to Become Due and Payable ia one euni on 30th November, 1881. The Bute is dow Open for Inspection at the Road Board office, Kangiora, from October 20th to November 4th, both dtiys inclusive. ALBEttT PaLSONS, Chairman. 10-20 m__ Tenders TO BDILD£RS. rriENDEBS are invited for the ERECTION X of FOUE SHOPS and RESIDENCES, to be erected in Armagh street, Christohuroh. Plans, conditions, and specification can be seen at my office until Monday, October 21th. E. J. SANDERS, ! Architect and Surveyor, October 18th. 1019 716 TO BUILDERS. TAI TAPU WESLEYA.N CHURCH. nnENDERS are invited for the ERECTION JL of a WESLEYAN CHURCH at Tai Tapu. Plans and specifications may be seen at my office, where sealed tenders are to be sent in not later than noon of Thursday, 20th inst. The plans may be seen at the Post office, Tai Tapu, on the 18th and 19th. THOS. SEARELL, Architect, 10-12 419 Hereford atreot. TO BUILDERS. fIENDERS are invited for the ERECTION JL of a Brick and Stone SHOP in High street for Mr 8. Nashelski. Plans and spocifica. tions may be seen at Mr W. Marley's, Hereford street, where Tenders will be received not later than NOVEMBER Ist. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. . 10-18 671 • . TO CAEPENTEBS. HHENDERS are required for HOUSE at JL Templeton. Drawings and spacifications can be seen at my office, where tenders are to be cent not later than FRIDAY, the 28th hist. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily bo accepted. PBEDC. STBOUTS, M.8.1.8.A., 10-20 724 Architect. TO BUILDEBS, nriENDEBS are required for NEW BUILDJL ING, Cathedral square, and other works, for New Zealand Insurance Company. Drawings and specification can be Been at my office, where sealed tenders are to be sent not later than 31st instant. The.lowest or any tender will cot necessarily be accepted. FRBDK. STEOUTS, M.RJ.B.A. 10-10 304 .Architect. TO BUILDERS. rjIENDERS are invited for the EBEOTION JL of a GRAIN SHED at LEEBTON. Plana and specifications may be seen at the office of Mr J. P. Jameson, Hereford Btmt, Christchurch, till 21st inst.; and; tenders will be received up to 31st, at noon. The lowest not necessarily accepted. FEEDK. JAMESON. Leesion. 10-13 -ite TO BUILDEES. nPENDERS are invited for the EBECTION X of a HALL in Brick and Stone, near tho corner of Manchester and Team streets, fop the Public Hall Company, Limited. Those desirous of tendering can see conditions, specification, and drawings at my office, where endorsed tenders will be received up till 4 p.m. on MONDAY, November 7ih, 1881. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily bo accepted. T. S. LAMBEBT, Architect. Hereford atreetj October 18th, 1881. 10-20 72g TENDERS are invited for PAINTING th& Parsonage, Stables, and Outbuildings at Prabbleton. Also, Separate TENDEBB for PAINTING the Parish Church. Specification of work can bo seen at any time at the Parsonage, to which tenders must bo forwarded by 7.30 p.m. on Friday, October 21st. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. OVDBTON, Churohwarden. 10-14 547 NOTICE. NORTHEBN AGBICULTUBAL AND PASTOBAL ASSjCIATION. TENDEBS FOeTbOOTHS, Ac, TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned up to Thursday, 20th inst., for the following PRIVILEGES, for the Show to be held at Bangiora on Thursday, November 3rd:— No. 1. Publican's Refreshment Booth and a Luncheon Booth No. 2. Confectioner's Booth No. 3. Band of not less than 12 performers No. 4. Bight of 500 catalogues. The highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 10-15 603 W. BUBS, Hon. Seo. are invited for the following JL WOBK8:Cleansing and maintaining clean for twelvo months the L 1 River Cleansing and maintaining clean for twelve months No. 2 River Cleansing and maintaining ole&n for twelve months main drains of tha district Shingling Carter's toad 15 yards to ohdn, about 35 chains Widening and deepening drain, Day's to%& Claying Tramway Eeserve Formation Great South road, betwoon BoDobton and Burnhem, 3 milea Formation embankment near Alington's Formation embankment near Corboti's Formation road between Alington's and Corbett's, about 30 chains. Specifications may be seen at the Road Board Office, Springston, where Tenders, addressed to I the Chairman, must be delivered not later than 2 p.m. on Tuesday, 25th October. THOS. M. MARTIN, Clerk to the Board, Springe District Office, 17th October, 1831. 10-19 7SG BASAIK BOAD BOABD. rfENDEBS are invited for tho following JL WORKS :— I No. 22. Bemetalliag about 80 chains on i Wairiri Valley road (first section). I No. 28. Bemetalling about 110 chains <m Wairiri Valley road (second section). No. 24. Reinstalling about 120 chains, with screened shingle, on Wairiri Volley react (third section). No. 25. Metalling about 80 chains on Thwaite's road. No. 26. Forming about 80 chains on Thwaite's road. No. 27. Putting in two small culverts, cutting drains, and altering level of roads near Thome's corner. ~.,■„ „•, Specifications may be e&en at toe Road Board Office, Hororata, where tenders addressed to tho Chairman, and endorsed with tho number of the work, will be received till noon on Saturday, ■ CHBISTCHUBCH CITY COIT2?CIL. ! ASPHALT. TENDEB3 are invited fer LAYING s portion of ABPHALT FOOTPATH, aba for Repairs to that which is- laid. Also, Tendenifiwihe KEEPING in EEPAIB whole of:ti|» ASPHALT PATHS in &$ Git j'fora term ofyaasß. Specification* ta be seen at my ofiica. Tenders to Wsent in to the Town Clerk on os before SATURDAY, the 22nd Inst. C. WALKDEN, .. . City Surveyor. 13th October, 1881. 10-19 742
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Press, Volume XXXVI, Issue 5029, 20 October 1881, Page 3
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1,009Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XXXVI, Issue 5029, 20 October 1881, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XXXVI, Issue 5029, 20 October 1881, Page 3
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