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CJ.O. AUTUMN MEETING. F__u» Day—Mokcat, Aram 18. ■ ttewr-Jsr-Captaia CJegstoun, Dr. Prins, P. Cnaj-oDghara, J. Lance, J- Studholme, L. Walter, W. H. Wynn Williams. Judge, .It Btaaho-me-. starter, J. CJampbeU; bssdi-atiper, E. 6. Griffith; clerk of the sales, 3. Garforth; clerk of the course, E, W. Mflfett; hon. treasurer, G. G. .Stead. xhs saoming ot the Autumn fixture of 1881 leaked say thing but propitious for racing to far was concerned, as it was threatentersin, and during tee earlier part several. Stat showers fell. Despite this there was a attendance, the two first trains being •to! fiHed end a large number af traps taking tkes position nt 'the rails prior to the first saa, -
Mr MiHefct as clerk of the eovrse; Mr 8 wafatb, v clerk of.the scales; aad Mr (he secretary, discharged theii duties si a thcrouehly satisfactory manner $ while feOampbel wielded the starter's flag *ith •Ssdsjsto success. Mr Baveahili's eaterug 8W»B-aoh tatisfaetion iv the outside booths, .MS. isetsffiß remarks apply to Mr Buggy, in wSraad Stand. 9&a -free Handicap, the first item of tha produced a field of five, for - vkm, with his sprint reputation, backers to a man for Billingsgate, It tack a moral that 15 to 10 was laid on -*«», Katttilu*, the handsome sister of Satahowever, uptet the pot, and won cleverly •tor the favorite in lmin. 48fsee. Borneo, "*to*-_tyet make a useful colt, was a fair J™*.'. Of the twelve that figured on tha card. telha- Antunm Grip waa the only absentee. -»** decidedly one of the best races ever Waoa the Canterbury course, aad it will be fsfc tone before we see a race with so many j*-*otes. When the horses were undergoing ia the paddock, the condition ,««r Modred, Natator, Bandwick, la*J &&?*, and Tbe G-overaer attracted mush Babes,. Most of these were really in grand **«*. Thaw was agood deal of betting, there , s***t » many favorites. It is to be hoped , - «6tifßth will take this remark for a com*s«B*_sut to his good handicap, for it is. meant * ««*, Tho ring were laving 5 to 8 on the 3*«, which really meant 5 to 2 Sir Modred, **-*«?, and Bandwick, and a trifle mow *-w-«s* same of tha next best. Ifcvras really * &»ad race, indeed one of &» best '««a her. f OTf a i ong -jay, Q-over-!*-«4 Joker fallowed, assisted Luna ££*F o * the running for the first mite or no, f2**jbeing pretty prominent about the F»* tone, and Prospero, who got away badly, *™8 -"t* At the lasttum the lotelosed, togsths? to the sn-rane* to th* ?—•»*-% ■*• colors oi! tho various _sde»flas»» _B_£_?* * aS *°* »■*»** * »«7 P*** 1 * *&% '■Si&& m a*»ioveraor. Si»Mod»d =■ .!■_£ B ?*-» d»w away from ***•*■■*» *»»»» t*a_*_n* toe* hear*, T& W*
'wnght, however, told its tale, and the littledaughter of Tattendon jast wooonfb* pott hy half a length from 1 Sir Modred, wfcp, in ha torn, beat The Governor by • trifle mos* for second place j Katater w*s bh-?sj Sir Modred's performance moat be looted upon m a Teiy grand one, as » comparative ynfrtyrHLtim of the respective weight* earned wilT easily show. B. Outta aetems the greatest credit for the condition to the poet. A similar compliment must be paid Kean, who has taken a lot of pains wiA toAj Emma. Her victory was most popular, and she wee loudly cheered onretaining toscale. A vfcry nice field went to the post for the Champagne Stakes, which was won very easily by Somirae. ffonpariel was third, and Amulet and Hinemoa, who got away Tjadly, were unexpectedly unplaced. 3Ch* feature of the race, was the appearance of Mr Walter* , colt, who was not In anything like fora, in the second place. Hβ is a grand colt, and £n appearance rivals the handsoinftSamnue, the victor of toe day. The Bpsom Stakes went to On Dit,who we* very patiently ridden by Derrett, the Joker and Sir Sarnet makiDg a tremendone race for Seconal** , - Details are appended. The Fbbs Hahdicap, a sweepstakes oE S. aovs each/with 50 soys added, for tbrvjeyearoldi and upwards. One mile. Mr /. Chasfe'B eh f Nantilns, by TradueefWaterwltch,3yrß, 6st (carried 41b over) J. f ■-■■■■'•. (Thompsoa); 1 M? W. Walter's bo Billingsgate, o Sib-' . ... «. —■■■" (Wattle) 2 Ms Seabrigbt'e chc Borneo, 3yrs, -sst ■«*■ ■ (carried 51b over) ... ... (Botte) 3 Mr G. Bates' oh c Hie Poet, 3 yre. 7st z • ~ (rulmer) 0 MrH. Westmacott'e b f Frailty, 3 yra, 6st ,51b ... ... ... ... (Newman) 0 Betting, 3 to 1 on Billingtgate.'S to 1 on the others. •-■■■■■ ■ ■ ' : ■ - ; ' : - -■' ■'- "■: •■;'" ' ' After one or two false starts, in which Billingsgate, Borneo, and Hautilus were conspicuous; the lot were got away to a straggling start, Ihe Poet being quickest away, with Frailty, Ziautilos, and Borneo in close attend' anoe, Billingsgate lying last. In this order they ran to nearly oppoeite Pord's", where BilfiDgegete began to draw up. The Poet still held the lead, Frailty having dropped back, HantUofc wa% seoond, and coming with I Borneo third and Billingsgate fourth. At the ; turn The I'oet was tinder the whip, and BTautiluß assumed charge of affairs,...intb Billingsgate second, Borneo third. Coming up to the rails Billingsgate made his effort, but Mr Chaafe's filly was not to be denied, anH won by a length and a half, two lengths between Billingegate and Borneo, The Poet and Frailty bringing rap the rear. lime, lmin. 48J sec. The winner, it may be noted, is own sister to Satatos, being bj Traducer out of Waterwitoh. : Thb Gbbat Autxjur Handicap, a sweep* stakes of 10 cove each, with 300 soys added, for threeyear-olds and upwards, the second horse to receive 25 soys oat of the stakes. One mile and a half. Sir H. Bobinßon'e b f Lady Emma, by Tattendon—My Fancy, 3 yrs, ssfc 131b (W. Allen) 1 Mr H-. Driver's be Sir Modred, 3 yra, Bst 101b '(Clifford) 2 Mr H. Hereford's eh c The Governor, 3 yrs, 6stßlb ... ... ... (Rosewarne) 3 Hon. W. Bobinson's eh h Natator, 5 yrs, : get2lb "(Derritt); 0 Mr P. Butler's eh m Lena, 6 yrs, 7st 21b; (V 7. Batler) Messrs Mason and Yallanee'e eh h Bandwick, $ ; syre, Bst9lb (Bndings) : 0 Mr H. HoraCord's eh g The Joker, syrs, 7st fib ... (WebsterMO Mr W. Walfcers' br o Libeller, 4 yrs. &t 21b > (Wattie) i 0 Mr Bates' b f Hilda, 3 yrs, sst 71b i i (Hawkins): 0 MeQ.Fraser'achoProspero,3.yre. 7e£ 7lb |■, ' (Btargißß)iO , The. betting- was about 5 to 1 aget Lafly Bmma. ' ' ;
. -After one or two false ftarts.inwliioh Sir j Modred, Luna and The Governor were to the 1 fore, Mr . Campbell' sent the lot,. t away, Prospero" being loft at the .post, buf going I off to try and make up his lost ground, v Luna's colors were seen in front,-with Toe >fl Governor next, and -Libeller third. Sir **. Modred and Katatbr headed .the second I division, Lady Emma'being sixth, and the 8 next, except Prospero and Harkaway, in>a t cluster, behind. In this order'they ran until v opposite the stand at the back of "the course, I where.The Governor went up to Luna, and r the pair raced together for a bit, with Libeller s close up, and the rear division coming up. c Luna held the lead up to the turn into the a straight, where -Sit Modred began-to go - through -bis. horses, aad draw' up cm -4 terms with them. Lady Emma also c began to come up, and Luna tiring, 1 a splendid race ensued between the c four, Lady Emma, Sir Modred, Notator, .and- c 'The Governor. The light impost of lady c Emma told down the straight, however, and, \ despite the efforts of Clifford on Sir Modred, Lady Emma shot out from the four, and landed the Great Autumn of 1881 by about a - length and a half; a length between second and third. Time, 2min.43-.secs. ' -" • I The following is the pedigree of the winner: -
Bat 1016* fillies, Bst BEb. 26 subs. Six Mr b c Somnus, by Trsducer— * . Hammock. Bst 101b ... (8. Hams); 1 - , Sst 101b -. ..* (Budiags), 2 MrH.Hbr_ford'aea g Nonpareil, SstlOlb (Derrett); 3 0 Mr Hortford's eh f La Mode, .Sst Sib (Webster) 0 Mr Weston's eh c Amulet, Sst 101b(Clifford): 0 Mr W. C. Webb's eh f Gold Bust, Sst 81b (Hams), 0| Betting, * to 2 on Somnus, 3. to 1 agst Nonpareil, 4 to 1 agst Amulet, 100 to 15 agst; Hxnemoa, Peeress colt and La Mode. [ L* Mode, Hinamoa, and Gold Dust went on an excursion of their own before the start, going: half way round toe course. Mr Campbell, after the break away, despatched the lot to a fairly good start. Nonpareil cut out the running, with Somnus and Yattendon oolt in close attecdanoe, Amulet, La Mode, Hiheraoa, and Gold Dust forming the rear division. At the turn into the straight it was evident that, bar accidents, Somnus had the race well in hand, and, despite the efforts of Badings on the Yattendou colt; and Derrett on Noap&reQ, won the Ohampagne by two lengths easily. Halt a "length between second and third. Time— lmin 19f sees. The following are the winners of the Cahtbbbpsy CHAggAON* Stakes.
Thb Epsok Sta-CBS, a sweepstakes of 5 soys each, with 100 soys added. For horses that - have not won 200 soys in one event, or two events, each of the value of 100 suvs or upwards up to the time of starting. Maidens at allowed—For three-year-olds, 81b;4yrs,71b;-5 yrs and upwards, 101b. Weight for age. Once round. Hon- W. Bobinson's br f On Lit (by Albany —GosMp); 4 yrs, Bst 51b ... (Derrett): 1 Mr H. Prince's br o Sir Garnet, 3 yrs, Bst 61b ...... ... ... (S.Harris) 2 Mr H. Horsford's eh g The Joker, 5 yrs, Bst r; 61b ... ... ... ... (Wattie) 3 Mr W. Seabright's eh c Borneo, 3yrs,Bst 31b .... ... ... ... (Clifford) 0
Weight for age. Once round. Hon. W. Bobioßoo's br £ On liit (by Albany —GoeSp); 4 yra, Bet 51b ... (Derrett) : 1 Mr H. Prince's br c Sir Garnet, 3 yra, Bst 61b ......... ... (S.Harris) 2 Mr H. Horsford'a eh g The Joker, 5 yrs, Bst ; 61b .;. ... ... ... (Wattie) 3 Mr W.Seabright'a eh c Borneo, 3 yrs, Bst 31b «. ... ... ... (Clifford) 0 After a couple of false starts the flag went down to a capital start, Sir Gurnet going at once to the front, followed by Oα Die and the -joker, .Borneo bringing up the rear. They ran thai to the back of the course, when the four took very open order, and it was follow my leader to the laet torn. Here they all closed, and came for some distance up the straight pretty well together. On Ditdrew away, however, about flfty'yards from home, and won by a length from Sir Garnet, who just beat the Joker a head .for second place. Time—2min. 53seo. The Hack Baoe prodnoed a field of fourteen and a good race, Mr Bell's Orange Peek, winning by balf a-length. This brought the first day's recing to a conclusion in good time. While the Haok Baoe was being ran W. Beakin, an old and well-known livery stable -keeper, attempted to cross the course when the hones were coming up the straight, he wee knocked down and killed instantaneously. Dr. Prins'was quickly on the spot, but pronounced life to bo extinct. Mr Deakin's sodden death will be much regretted by many old residents, who knew him as a most careful and good man amongst hoitta. The tickets taken in the totalwajor ob the various event* we're as followe-— Haadicap—Total, 120; on winner, 19. Autumn Handicap—Total, 472 } on winner, 65 (paid out on Champagne Stakes—Total, 619; on winner, 231, Epsom Stakes—Total, 148; on winner, 57. Haok Baoe—Total, 120; <ra winner. 9. Grand total, £1879. TODAY'S EVENTS. The following acceptances were received la#fc evening:— jnmSJBBT HANDICAP. Peenas colt .■■ I Legerdemain , Anmlut. * I Hinemoa 1 Dauphin * ' . I T a Mode Nonpariel I Gold Suit - Envy SBy > I , SABTSB HASDICAP. Natator ' I Lady Emma Bandwick ~ I TheOerernor Libeller . , "I Hilda 1 Luna . I Prospero Joker ■' I BiTINO HANDICAP. Luna " I The Joker Libeller , I Amulet Lady Emma , ,J Hilda '* The following are" Sinbad'f " tips for toOTHUSX ffASDIOAP. * Yattendon—Peeress colt -*. I La Mode - S ./, : 'fcABXEB SASDIOAP. The Governor ..., ~. ... 1 Lady Emma ... '2 ULLXSe BAGS. Bandwiek ... ... ... ... 1 Hilarious 3 nnsQ haSdioa?, Luna- — «- ... •- "l Amnlet .„ „ « ... 3 HOEITIKA RACES. TpaxeS ABBOOIiTIOir TKtHaßiH.] . • v HOKITIKA, April 18. "* There wee a large attendance at the noes to-day, the weather being very fine. Tbxax. Stakss. MrPreetVsHero ... . M , ... 1 Mr O'e'herrie'e Tork... -' - 2 HojcrriKA Handicap. Mr Jones' Warrigal 1 Mr Grimb!e<s Whalebone 2 . BsitLiHa Bags. Mr Hareotart'a Yoriey ... — i PVBIiCANS' PUSSB. Mr Clarke's Kensington „. „. 1 All the events vera .well contested. AUCKLAND AUTUMN MEBTDTG. fpssss Assoenxrcor THra&aAK.j --. AUCKLAND, April 18. The Auckland Autumn Meeting was well attended, notwithstanding that a drizzling rain set ie at noon. There was but a little betting, although the totalisator was well patronised. TbADIBIOBN'S PX.ATB HANDICAP, of £0 BOYS. Mr Smith's Maid of Honor, Bst 81b 1 Mr Leonard's Batcatcher, Bst Sib 2 Mr A. McDosale'e Paramena, 7at 81b ... 3 Dan, Loaehand and Miss Domett were aeraiched* Betting—6 to 1 Maid of Honor and Para- , HUM. After a good deal of coquetting at the post the horses were despatched to an excellent start. On going round the bend of the coatee Paramena ran into first place, hotly followed by Batcateher, whOe Maid o£ Honor led the rest, which followed in & suck. At the back of the course Wilmott called os the mare, and is response «h» went op on the quarters of the leaders and raced them, end at the - fchree-quaJfter>milo post she was on even terma with them. In turning into the cutting Paramena led, but it we* easily perceived that hie reteataon of his position was only temporary. In oommenetog to run home he ■tumbled, end Batcatcher at once shot to tfie - front. Maid of Honor then came away in slashing style, baking the lead from Mr Leo- | aazd'a gelding, asd won a grand race by & length. Time, lmin. sL}Bao. Ellsbbleb Handicap, of 100 eovs. - Mr Osren'e Sur George, SstlCHb .« ... 1 MrLeonaKl'aKenUworUi.letfflb ... - 2 Maj« (kerWsTiKßflffibn, 6st 3 Tim WfciSer, Miss Domett, Boweoa and Sander mOj also eturted. Bifieman was _ terakbed. Betting—S to it on Sir George. The start waii a> bad one. Sir George securing the full ndnmtaje of it, and Kenil- ■ . worth asd Tesiunbn £» particip*&ig to nme extent is this fteeidental good fortune. , The interest centred in the contest lwtween ._ these fciw animals for teeosd ho&on, for it ty -Was «asay«eeß that the leadee was not likely Iβ to be displaced: ~ Kenilworth and Tenambra
ran neck and neck from the start till the turn for home, when Holmes allowed them to get on terms with him. At this place Bowena fell, but her rider, though thrown over her head, escaped unhurt. Sir George won in a canter. The Slander Filly made » good fourth. lime, lmin. 2O£*eos. Hoedlb Each Handicap of 50 sovb. ; £staaee 2i miles; over nine Sights: of .hardies. Mr W. BoogW Harkaway, lOst SHar ... 1 Mr J. Etlis'e Lonehand, I2at 71bs ... ...2 Mr E.W. Wheeler's Morning Star, lOrt ... 3 Whakahihi did sot show up at the post. The horses got away on good, terms. After the first few score of yards had been travelled,, Morning Star oarae away'with a rusfi'j'knd led the field over the first hurdle, Whltefoot; Lonehand and Harkaway being in close attendance. The second, hurdle was safely negotiated with no change of their relative position, and the third was also taken in the same order. Through sustaining severe damage from the hoofs of some of the racers in approaching the stand, Whitefoot dropped i behind, and then the leaders drew closer < together. At the back of the course Loneband began to go up on Harkaway, who from the stand had got second place, while both of them began to make the pace hot for Morning Star. A neck and neck race ensued, and then as the straight was entered upon the three were together.. Morning Star yielded up his position, and Harkaway and Lonehand raced grandly for it, the former winning by a head, Morning Star being only a length behind him. Time, 4min 49seo. Easteb Handicap of lOOsovs. Distance, two miles. Mr Honfall's King Quail, 7at 51b ... ... 1 Mr McDonald's Foul Flay, 9st 51b ... ... 2 Mr Douglas's Bawenta, 6st ... ... „. 3 Matau, Tim Wbiffler, Maori, and Maid of Honor were scratched. --.-... . Betting - Level money on Sir George, 6 to 4 agst Foul Flay, 3to 1 agst Dan, 4.t0 1 agst Ariel, 6 to 1 agst King Quail, 10 tolaget the others. This was from start to finish a splendid race, and every one of the t starters were well in it. Dan obtained the benefit of the start, with Ariel and Foul Play oloso up. The position changed several times, and when the grand stand was passed for the first .time the six horses were dose together. At the back of the course it was the. same. Sir George then put on a spurt, and looked a likely winner, but King Quail soon disposed of him and took the lead, whence he was raood up the straight by Bawenta and Foul Flay and finished fourth. Dan threw his rider, but no injury was sustained. Novbl Handicap, of SOsove. Mr McQee'a b g Skylark, 7st 21b .., ... 1 Mr J. 0. Mill's b g Diver, 7st ... ... 2 Magician was scratched. Only three started. Betting even on Diver. A very good start was made. Skylark led, and Diver hung close to hie heels to the finish of the race. Omega was a good third. Time, Sarin SOaeo. Winner was sold for £26 to Mr Bobt. Graham. . /. '
Publicans' Pubss, of 60sovs. Distance, li miles. . . . Out of eight entries only two started, Foul Play and Maid of Honor. Betting, 10 to 4 on Foul Play. After a determined strcggle Foul Play took the lead in the straight, and won by five lengths. TINWALD EAOE3 ANJD BPOSTS. Baces and athletic sports were held yesterday on a farm belonging to Messrs Wiikin and Carter, dear Tinwald. The mowing was wet, but towards nine o'clock it brightened up, and remained dry lor the. rest of the day, although a cold wind was blowing. There was a good attendaace, however, and everything' passed OfE 'very satisfactorily. The following is a detailed aooount of the various events: —
HtTBSLB Baob of 20 eovs.; H miles; over six flights of hurdles; weight 11 st. Mr T. Quill's Eaven (Cotton) 1 Mr H. Muir's Lonehand (Wilson) .2 Mr B. PuUar's Lagmohr ... (MoKnight) 3 Mr M. toott'a Manilla also ran.
An excellent start was effected. Lagmohr leading, and a very good race ensued, all the hones taking the hurdles in first-class style, and keeping well together. At half the distance, Baven went to the front, ihd won hands down. The second and third; horses came in weXL together, but Manilla was x>o* where.
The Cup of 20 eovs.; second horse to save his stakes: 1& miles; weight for age. Mr J. Smith's Minnie, 4 yrs., Sat 121b (Owner) 1 Mr T. Qafll's I»dy Plerenoo,'tye, Sit JSh. . (Aughtea) 2 Mr Claridge's Winnie, 5 yrs, 9st 2mb, (F. Claridge) * „. ... 3 Mr Jonrneaux's Prims Donna and Mr J. Smith's Merlin also ran. , , t , Minnie, the favourite", made the running,, followed closely by the second end third horses all the way, the Others being' nowhere. Minnie was never asked to' run ajid won by two lengths, Winnie being' an indifferent third. Tbottzhg Back Handicap, 7 bovb; two miles ; eeoosd horse to save his stakes. Mr James Hay'o Conrad, 170 yds (Compton) 1 > Mr MoKenzie s Slate, 19O;ds ... (Owner) 2 Mr McKae's Narrow Guage, 150yd5... ... 3 ■ Mr W&Uia's Tjtikowaru (ecratch), Mr Digby's Ginger (155 yds), Mr T. Cotton's Mungo Park (180 yds), Mr F. Lewis's Namghty Cousin (185 yds), Mr Bigg's Maroßas (19Qydfl), Mr E. Button's Polly also ran. Kate led from the beginning to the end, but was disqualified for breaking, and was consequently placed second. Hack Each, of 5 soys ; for hones (hat have , never won public money; one miter. Mr Lewis's Sandy (Lewis) 1 Mr Sainy's Nancy Lee ~. '... (Moore) 2 Mr Lewis's White Stocking, Mr Fraser's Smoker, Mr Garry's Robert the Devil, Mr Begg's Prince, Mr Nicholas's Pirate, Mr Hay's Marquis, Mr Scott's Little John, Mc Stalker's Jib also ran. Consolation Back, of 5 guineas, One mile; for all beaten hones. Mr Claridge's Winnie (S*. Claridge) 1 Mr T. Quill's Lady Florence... (Harold) 2 Mr J. Smith's Merlin (Owner) 3 The sports then commenced, and resulted as follow*:— . 109 Yards Eace—First prize, £2j second prize, 15s. J. M«cfarlane ... ... I Bashes ... .« - 2 B. Leokner, Fiefield, Doyle, Casey, and Spring, also competed. Three-Legged Bace—First prize, 15a; second prize, 10s. Muir and Kelly ... 1 Leckner and Bushet . ... 2 Claridge Brothers, Stephens, and Doff, also competed. 440 Yards Eace—Firet prize t 395; second pruie, 10s. B. MoFarlane 1 B. Leokner 2 Bushet, Hugo, Olaridge, aad Pauling, also competed. - The spevts had not concluded when the express left. ' . OHOKA-EYBETON ATHLETIC BPOEre. ---" The sports usually held in connection with the Ohoka horse racesi were'fli& year'deferred till Easter Monday, and had the weather yesterday been fair all day they would, have bees very sucoessful. There was a itumerpus gathering of people from all parts of tllie diatric*, and come 6f the events were productive of capital competition. Messrs IB&iley, Batters, Denton, Elder, Burgess, ti«fd t !»£oore # Clothier, Waiting, Hopkins, Power, Qntmett, and Tincent, who'managed the events 1 of the day, are to be congratulated on the eoaipleteness of the arrangements, while the indefatigable secretary, Mr WJ Taylor, while; ne had Mβ handsi full, was abk |o imeet the demands of every one in and obliging way. It will be seen by the subjoined list of events thatS.KaatfjOf Oxford, wr • the largest winner. Men's running high jump; fouT entries. First.prize £1, J. Aehwo:th, clearing 4ft. lten.t 2nd. Sb, G- Aahworth; 3rd, J Colemsm. . ■Men's flat race; one mile; four entries., First prise £2, S. Keats } aad, 10e, B. Bollinson. '— !_i ; I Boy's 300 yards race (under 16 yean.) First pruta 15s, B. Ashworth; 2nd do, ss, Bα. Lynakey. Men's district flat race'; half-mile; six entries. First prise, 30a ; S. Keats ; 2nd 7s 6&, C. Moody. ■ Men's running long jump; three entries. ffiret prize 15s, J, Stoae, clearing 19ft; 2nd do, ss, J HalL Menß hnrdk race; one mile; over fear lights. First prize £2, S. Keats; 2nd do, 16a, J. Coleman. tingle girls' race (under sixteen years) 150 yartb. First prise iQa; B A?tworth; ana do. ss, S. Aahworth; 3rd, 2i 6i, M. MGifford. Girls' race (noder fourteen ye irs) 100 yards. First prise, 7s 6d, S. Aahworth; 2nd, 4s, M. A. 3rd, 2t, Mary Vrttie. Boya' three-legged race (under fourteen years). Kret prize, lOg, W.asd J. SSeGifford; seeona, ss, M. LjxKlce? and. S. Aehworth; third, 2s 6d, H. Ha<-ris and W. DaSeon Boye' race (neder twelve years), 200 yaras. First p»a, 7a 6d, J. Sinclair; second, 4s, J. Mc'jifford. . A number of smaller races were got off before •untet, aud a. raried as well as good •election of toys, over the value of £5j wen
.distributed. A supply of cake and ginger beer waa also provided, and in spite of the bad state of the fore port of the afternoon, the latter portion resulted enjoyably enough, end all who took part in the prooeediag* went away satisfied with the amusement provided by the committee.
I g_ SI \ The Colonel Whisker, "by Wasy My Sally's dam by Dolphin Cap-a-pie - . Paraguay I Sister to Cactus . Sultan bySelim jDuohesa of York 'n7 h • ' EST Etercules Whalebone by Wasy Peri- by Wanderer Partisan by Walton Bezarre byPeru vian - ' [Paradigm _ Tro* - LJL Pris illam ■ j Emilias by Orvflle Cressiaa by WldBlfy. Partisan by Waltojn.. Jest by Wasy ' 7 - Pioneer by. Whisky Bi-git-1 by Buzzard M jAli'eQrey I it i s Young Oohaima by, (Johanna , ' Ultimo by H'Hji'st iBirdcatcherbyStcH Echidna byEcumiat I' T. Baron Stockwoll Poeh*ntaa [Glencoe by Sultan Marpessa by Huley F*2 S Ifelboxnej Q.3__o*y B. CHnker byComet Cervantes luxe IB. Bonny Gladiator by P'i*«_ |?le_dpoten*aaxy~~BI. - i u WeTac erlit | tottery by Tramp Morgiaaa T-yMttley Priam by Bmilius ' Miss' Fanny's d'by Orville r ■• M-Xetty - i ■'•} M [Ml M.-,W»_* B-oatoher Sw'theart Sir Hercules " by Whalebone Guiccioli by Bob Booty I'> The D.,byD. Syntax [Sunbeam by Vanish Spi iul 1 (Kl Yes fide Hei (7st Au! BB-TOBVArroBS. — At the Tattersall's j.W.) Midwinter Meeting, won the Two-r-OId Stakes, three furlongs, beating a I ol fourteen; ?anplaoed ia the Manlong Plate, five furlongs, ia the TAG. ing Meeting, won by Palmyis } unplaced be Flying Stakes, six furlongs, at the same ting, won by Bemembranoe % won the nington Stakes (bimdiosp), five furlongs lOlbs), beating a field of eighteen. A.J.O. Meeting: Unplaced in the Chamno Stakes, five furlongs, won by Grand e t won the Sapling Stakes, five furlongs, ing-a field of nine ; unplaced in the idwick Stakes, one mile and a quarter, i by Bavenswood. At the Sydney A. J.O. sting, unplaced (Sst 121b) in the Open bdicap, won by Freemason (4 yrs, 7et 41b). *lu following table shows the winners of 1011 Pri. bea! i..
6 GBBAt Aimhar Hakmcap efiacu 1874. -
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■owJSI *nuui •0BS6I "upni Btxt-H'S aeonpw__ »onpux inumog pMDOjrj. aig 1881 0881 ■oss}*, "utrai aeonpoix .ei«i|ea 6-81 •0OS8I 'unui >t>wzz 'ujmj | jooupvix *>W«JS 8„8I .«_pa"H'.| jeoupDij, aoonpwx pa-Oduitux 4A81 .'osbjjs "Ujmi *■»_[ 'a Jtiuqauug; 9481 'bsBfss 'uimj ..•owig 'nunr, pjto«**I uwji-ox fjiooeqeaqj S481 ** ot "l_ *H qfJ0MSU9A.{£ juureA^ MBl . -: •eunj "»P!H .'MJS •amvj<i •«8i
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Bibliographic details
Press, Volume XXXV, Issue 4898, 19 April 1881, Page 3
Word Count
4,274SPORTING. Press, Volume XXXV, Issue 4898, 19 April 1881, Page 3
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SPORTING. Press, Volume XXXV, Issue 4898, 19 April 1881, Page 3
Using This Item
No known copyright (New Zealand)
To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.