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Great Clesrigg Sale of Boots and gftoes at GASHED HOXJSEI 3BOOT BEpL HIGH STREET, OHBISTCKUBCH. V* ME QEOBGIi having fast returned from Melbourne, where he was induced to mat t PURCHASES ol Boots and Shees at SO per cent. zm<ier English Offer antSoae Goods, in all 84 Cases, at 30 per ceat. discount, and 2« onEvery PonS rSS 09 * , ** The commences THIS DAY, Saturday, 14th June, and will continue for Two m . vis., until 4ih AoEgost, on which day * will be closed for stock-taking. Goods consist of Childrea'eUeehoots,lβ,worth2e. Women's Ceehmere hoots, froa S tT . „ laee-upe,7'flto9'B,4s, worth6e worthse6dto7e ca »««jei „ „ 10's to 18's,5e6d, worth 7eGd Every deecripfebn of elipsew, fasa &t, ' ooppextoee.iO'etolS'B.&i, worth7e6d Mea'a elaetio-iddes, at foe. worth l&M „ ~ 7*B to 9'a,, 4e, worth 6e „ 8e S3, worth Iftf Womoi'a kid boota, 6rom 6s to 14e, worth 10e fe) Men'a EtnperoM, own mafo, at Z^ 2Ce » waterkighte. a,tlse, watth^^ Women's Emporora, from 8a 6dto 10s 6d, worth „ la«snps, at 10a 6d, worth 14a (U 12s6dtol4fl6d . ■ „ . Blachon, afcSsCd, worth 12aM The stock being too large to particularise, all ether lanes will be Eedacod in proporfim.. Observe the address— "*• 3E. GEORGE, CASHEL HOUSE BOOT STEEET, CHBISTOHU^ , COLOMBO STREET ~^~^ BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT BSSABLISHIBD 18K3I. . no IN COKSEQTJENCE OE BEING LABQELY OVERSTOCKED AND TO Mvw ■ THE TIMES, faESI JOHN GOODMAN BEOS to inform hia numerous Coatomera that ha has determined to make •, aXil p,™n BEDUCTION IN PRICES ■"β^ijribs Men's Lace Boots (own make), reduced from 18e 63. to 16a Si Do Kip Bluchers „ „ 12a Cd to lla Do Kid elastic aide springs „ 16s6dtol2aCd Women's Kid Boots ~ 9s 6d to 5a Do Caahmero Hooee Boots, from 2a 6d Children's Felt Boota, from Is NOTE THR ADDEESS— GOODMAN'S SHOE DggJ B. HALE & ~~^ BAIL. TENT, TABFAULIN, FLAG, HOESE CLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOI^s?-, MANUFAOTUBEES AND BORS MAKEKS, O&BHEL BTEBET, OHBISTOHUSOH. T IST OF BOME Off OUB IMPOBTATIONS ALWAYS IN BTOCg.s, : Navy and Tarpaulin Canvas, 24in. and 36in. Linen and Cotton Ducks, Ainericsn Driß, Caliio, Basting, Europe and Haailla Bom Plough and Lead Linoe, Marline, Spunyarn. Beaming, Boping, Net and Shop Twines. Palme and Needles. Common, Patent, and Iron Blocks. Pitoh and Tar. India-rubber Hose and Fittings, Fishing, Cricket, and Horee Nets. Linseed, Coka, Cantor aad Neatafooi OUs, Tilt Hoopa, Felt DraggettiEg, & c ., &0,, LIST OF OUB MANUFACTITEE3. ALWAYS IN STOCK, OB MADE TO OBBSa Baas, Biofc and Threshing Cloths, Tarpaulin Waggon and Cart Tilts. —aapPatent Engine and Combine Covers. Boaping and Binding MacMos Covers, Canvas, Duck, Drill and Calico Ttiiia es& fin Canvas, Hose, Otlskm Coats and Leggings and Trousers. Flax Bope, Halters, and Clothes Lines, Flags, &c, Ao. c &o. 8-31 PEICa fcIBTS OH APP3HOiTIO». gj. : ; Q-. P , . DAYB, ~ ~ GAS FTTTEB, BELLHANQEB, LOCJKSMITH, AND LAMP MAfiEB. G« jw-™ and Electric Bells fitted up by experienced workmen. Hot and Cold Water ApparS t> every description Blade and fisodon the most approved principle. Hydraulic Buna, asS Beer Engines fitted up and repaired. Gas Ovens, Gaa Stoves, and Gas Fittings in gteaivSijfc always in etdok. All work guarantees,. f A ÜBEBAL DISCOUNT TO THE TBADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, COLOMBO STBEET, 1-8 [ Mahufcctory—Opposlte BTaaon, Strathera and Co., Colombo street; $

; lloteßs. ) UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATEOpisE, I QUILL'S HOTEL, ASHBUBTON, s (Opposite Bailway Station, and adjoining P^! I and Ttdegraph Doparfctnonta. • rgIHE Proprietor of the above m^siSsaJ * JL Hotel bega to announce to Comaasad Travellers, Pamiliee, and Vieitora to this ps, porona district that thia establishment is <«■ fcnowledged to be the finest in NewZeik-J, both as regards ita extent of acoommodatioa I and tlie geaor&l perf eotion of ita appcantegak The private suites of apartments ore spssSy I designed to suit the convenience and pnTssyc! families. The sitting rooms mo cheerful a&J , pleasant. Splendid commercial roon. anil s reading room with ono of the bsefe lifeacais the colony. Largo sample roomy to taosi Us . requirements of commercial travellers.. Bits rooms, billiard saloon, and maea and epirllse! the choicest brands. , 6-24 3966 THOMAS QUILL, rropnife ; hindhope~hotjkl; """ A lainute's Walk from the Hinds SkUoa, f> LITTLE (late o£ tho Elleemew Anss, -SAi*- Tai Tapn), Proprietor. Best liquora, real comfort, good a hearty welcome. 8-13 CSS? k WAGSTAFE'S FAMILY HOTEL, '" AKAROA. WES. OHAMBEELAIN having , fete sis above well-known Hofcol (whiab bg k; completely refurnished), begs to eslidi & patronage of visitors to Akaroa, am} the generally. Private apartments for Families crlnvriii', Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the very bastqcslsif. } ; h? : CBOWN HOTEL. GEBALDIKB. , JAMES A. EOBEETSON, PEOPKIETOE, alterations and imptonV 7 ments baying beon mafia in this hofe', persona visiting Goraldine can rely npon reoeif" ing first-class accommodation. Coac&es leavstte hotel daily, and meet all trains at Orarx aci Winchester. Wines and epirits of fcbo bek brands. Good efsabling'eccemGioclatiim. j _____ ; ■ * r-H 61Qg T fOSEPH BALDWIN to bfona Mj ' tl frienda and the pnblio that heteOPEHED , 1 THE OENTEAL HOTELS , WAKAHBI StbKBT, ASHBTjETOW, 1 Thia CommodioTW Hotel is sitnaiea trip 3 3 three minutes' walk of the Eailway Stsfeca , TaHe dTScta daily at 9 p.a. LBBcheoawfe tablo from 12 fco 2 p.m. „ 1 The Jug and Bottle Depnrhsent will be Kfci ' a epedal feature, single bottlc3 and imsli quantities being supplied at tho lowest mtmeraMva rates. Only tho best efnsKi? « r wines, beers, and spirits proenrab' c will is fep" ?.5 8559 jT BALDWIN, Propriste. : , , —— ; _•«—-— , ALBEBT HOTEL, ] QUBBS STEEET, AUOSLAIO). SG. CAtn.TON7"Proprietor (*<&t . Masonic Hotel, Napier, aad Hotel, Giaborno). ,„. f®r " Town and Conntry," which privates a view of thia magnificeafc bcitel, af i&i d/sanfe,? the plan of the house and general ftecomsiMS' tion in ealogistic fcerma, ramarJES-.T- , ' Vistas from all parts of tho colonies aad.Amera»6B <» be met with here, and all seem higbJ? e&fcefcsi wife the good things provided and tweajjSf ! maaagemant 6f fchia fine total." 2-13 <KS Money* TpO LEND, ia «aiaa o£ . i en Approved FBSEHOLD BSJ9«* S i BIGH. WM. HIIEMD&I. i Bolidlto?, . T-Clll Colombo Btrcßt.- OhrJsfeage^. VICTOBIAN LOAN AND K^ COimT AGESOT, I MANCHBSTE3 SfEEE^ 1 msnS above X Same o&MOfcEY, from npon Farm Stock, Merchandise, w ee sonai, or other seenrity. Loaus eas ' repayable biweekly, , etalmeate. Sena wale eSeotod; f daOy. All applications, BtrictlyooaflleatiaL __J*g LOAN AND DISCOUNT COM?ANT. I — i Office— laah&M -qrp npHS eboye Sedefe? UISOOKSTS B*w \ . aeej&of propasSy, ebssm m bisMjo ■ ana other a 4 cairass *s«a. -jr. ; . latiw charge for mwfAto et»»lings per whSc, j6l. ~ 4« eg y Mnmss made oa Fnmitase, SiodE-fc* ! BWaStock,&o. , I All appEesftiaaa, ptsenal ©r fey »*^|^

TELEGRAPH," largest JCJ Sonth Canterbury circulation, ia NOT the Timam paper for sale. 9-12 8126 DEAFNESS.— Send stamped envelope, and I will forward particulars of an infallible Bemedy, and copies of testimonials received from all parts of the colony. T. H. Banna* roBD, Auckland. 7-15 5764 HEALTH FOS AT.T Jr HOLLOWAT'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the' Liver, Stomach., Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to B'emalea. THE OINTMENT is the only reliaole remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Cbnghs, Colds, Gout, Bheumatism, and all Skis Diseases, it has no equal. ' ■ Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Hoi>i.owat, 533, Oxford street, London, and by all medicine Vfm&ata thjogghant tha -worM. 7-3 77P8 Beard and Itesidene©. 13 Tj T G- TT R OANTEBBTJET RESTAURANT, Victoria street and Market place, over Victoria Bridge. MEALS AT ALL HOUBS OF THE DAY BOABD ANiTIODGINGS, 16s, IBs, and £L per weak. Beds and Meals, Is. Good Accommodation for Famflies, 9;9 Stabling Free. 8000 Motels. MARINE HOTEL, SEW BBIGHTON. fTIHIS extensive Hotel, so beautifully situated JL on the chores of the Pacific Ocean, is now ready for the reception of Families and others who may desire c thorough ohange by the sea side. The Sooma are bo arranged that the strictest privacy can be obtained, with speoial Dining and Sitting Booms, if required, with First-class Attendants, Bath-rooms, &o. The Cellar contains the choicest Wines and Spirits that can be procured, and nothing shall be wanting os the part of the Proprietor to make all his Patrons at home. Tabla d'Hote every day at 1.30 p.m. A large Yard and Stable Accommodation for Twenty Horses is attached to the Hotel. Newcombe's Coach leaves the White Hart Hotel daily at 10.30 p.m., returning to New Brighton at 5 p.m. . . .■■ •■'• .■-'■■■• Sundays. .'' Leaves the White Hart at 11 o'clock and 2 o'clock, returning from New Brighton at 4 p.m. WILLIAM CLEMENTS, 9-6 7802 -~-■■• ; Manager. OfflE EOYAL LYTTELTON, Near the Bailway Station. , ; HRH-R-Y TzBA.JT'B, Pbopsibtob (Late of the Thistle HoM, Auckland). hpBATELLEBS and VISITOES wiU find every Comfort st the abev» Hotel. WINES AOT SPIRITS . 02 the Pines* Quality. SHIPPING SUPPLIED IN ANY QUANTITY, PEOOF OE UNDES PEOOF, AS 7-14 EEOM BONDED STOEE. 6233 CS&U'S SOMEE3ET 00MMHB0IAL ANB FAMILY HOTEL, Aiiburtea, * Uadratiepatroaagaof Sif George Grey, K.C.B. pTamia s& New Zealand, Sir Jsmge Fergnaoa, Bat*., late Gersmso* of New Zealaaa, and Sir Charles Daoaae, late Governor njpiHlS oeatsß% eitoated bstel ia sxmeaaoed J. to be oae o5 the finest n iha Soe&beni HesssphsEA. smsoeAChai, as3the tiat bia long eaaeaaaea is the trade is « B&SaieQi sra. rMte*«ttfe> tfe9<jnaKfey rf t3»oe*tearfa of (ba ceS«. OVAL HOTEL, Moore steeet, A3bbui> i ton.—Having cotaeteted. the improvenieifoi teluslsoßße,W. Power aeakes to infona Ms friends tm& flic pnblie thaJi ha can OFFEB &&a fee Tery BEST ACCOMMODATION, aaa trusts thai bin knowledge of &c bamneea. ssA the iraperionty of fiM esiabMuaaDt. will enable him to receive aa ample eliiure |ol their custom, Pnvafa : gnttea dt jAgartsmanfa. "mnee, beers, only oj tlie Ijest oraads, W. Powbb, sropriewi, &.J8 980

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Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4408, 16 September 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4408, 16 September 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4408, 16 September 1879, Page 4


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