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Auctions TATTERSALL'S. SATUBDAr NEXT. SPl'iJll L~~ BNT RV , On account of F. Moore, Esq., The Bteenlecbase Horse SHAMROCK. This rare steeplechaser is too well known to need[any comment. Tbe only reason for selling, the owner having left tbe province. On accon—t of Mr A. Brown, To be sold without reserve, 27 HOBS EB, -27 Including Heavy Draughts, Spring Cart, Light Harness, and Hacks, Bx Hawea, from Wanganm. H. MATSON * CO., Anctioneers. 8-21 8706 - CANTEBBUBT ANNUAL DOG SHOW AND SALE. TATTERSAIiI/S, ON THURSDAY, 7th MARCH, 1878. fTTHE ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE OF JL DOGS will take place as above, when PRIZES will be awarded in their several classec. Exhibitors are reminded that the entries wiU close on TUE3DAY, sth March. ■ Catalogues can be obtained on Exhibition Day. Kve~ f information given and entries received bCHAS. W. DUMEBGUE, Hon. Sec. 2-21 8707 B. WALTON & CO. IMPOBTANT SALE OF —KUSD AliT VALUABLE CITY PEOPEBTIES. FREEHOLDS IN THE CENTRE OF CHBISTCHUBCH. EMPIRE (CARL'S) HOTEL, AND THE BOROUGH HOTEL. TUESDAY, Sth~MABCH, 1878. !_L)f_SSBS B. WALTON A CO. have reJjJL eeived instructions from William Wilson, Esq., the Freeholder, to ■ SELL BT PUBLIC AUCTION At their Roe—is, Hereford street, Christcburch, - next to Messrs Miles, Hassal A Co., on TUESDAY, sth MARCH, 1878, At 2 o'clock p.m., , The following very valuable Freehold City Properties —— Lot I.—AH that piece or parcel of land being part of town section 984, upon which is erected that large two storied building -known as THE BOBOUGH HOTEL, This exceedingly valuable property is situated at the junction of Six Streets, and has a total frontage of 99 Feet, by a depth of 5t feet and 75 feet. '- This Hotel is fitted —p with every requisite; contains a great number of bedrooms, sitting roon «__ parlours, bagatelle room, large double bar, large kitchen, scullery, with every fitting ©ontplete, and is, in fact, one of the largest hotels in Christchurch, and capable of being grotty extended. It is doing a very large and profitable bn'iness, and having an extensive frontajre to Manchester street, now tbe direct street to tbe principal Railway Station, and ~ being situated at the junction of SIX OF THE PRINCIPAL STREETS let Christemireh, renders thia property one of tbe —tost valuable and desirable in Christchnr<m. Its position is unequalled, and its prospective as well as present value it is very difficult to estimate. Lot 2.—A1l that piece er parcel of land; being part of town section 984, having a fromWe of 30 feet, ad joining tbe BOROUGH HOrEL. in High street, Christchurch, by a depth of 54 feet, upon which are erected shops "■'" and tendings. Lot 3 —AH that piece or parcel of land, *•■" '• "being part of town section 984, having a V frontace of 48 feet to High street, and immediately adjoining tbe lot No. 2. Tbe two lota are situated in the very centre and pick of tbe city of Christchnrch, and if purchased by the buyer of the Borough Hotel, would present a section and potation without its equal in Christchurch. Lot 4.—AE tbat piece or parcel of land, being part ef town section 836, upon which is erected that well known and celebrated hotel known as THB EMPIRE OR CARL'S HOTEL, having a frontage of 30 feet to High street, by a depth of 66 feet, with a ■ right-of-way at the rear 12 feet wide. . This very valuable property contains IS BEDROOMS, LARGE RESTAURANT, PRIVATE SITTING-ROOMS, BAR PAR. LOUR, LARGE DOUBLE BAB, EXCELLENT KITCHEN, and the whole is fitted np with every reqnisite and appliance for doing a _cr—e and extending business. This is in the very heart and most active part, of Christebnrch, and it is said tbat no hotel in tin city makes larger profits than the Empire. Freeholds of this description are most difficult to obtain, and for INVESTMENT OR OCCUPATION It is unequalled. Flans and full particular of the above properties can be obtained at the auctioneers. The terms are very liberal. - TUESDAY, 5-nrMARCH, 1878. ZXI Twoo'efeck. 8695 BALE OF CHOICE CITY RESIDENCE, *=«—*-,, i Xlcrafonr Canst^nircli* TUESDAY, sth MARCH, 1875. TMpGSSRS R. WALTON & CO. have reS.W eeived instructions from the owner T TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Ai their 'Booms, Hereford street, Christchnrch, next to Messrs Miles, Hassal and Co.. on TUESDAY, STH MARCH, 1878, At 2 o'clock, ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, In Hereford street east, Cfl-istdiiurch, Co—taining ONE QUARTER Of AN ACBE, , More or less, Upon, which is erected a well-built and commodious odttagb Containing five rooms, With ontbo-sec, neat garden, Ac, Ac. This property is within a very easy walk of ths Post-office, and for either mvestment or oc—if tion it is most desirable, .A large portion of the pnrchaEe money can remain upon swrtgage. Terms very liberal. TtT-SDAY. sth MARCH, 187 S. 23* ' Twoo'clock. . 8696 S_l_f OFTALHABL'B TOWN PROPERTY, Park Terrace...-.-■. TUESDAY, sth MARCH, 1878. "HfBSSBS B. WALTON & CO. have re--i» ■ eeived __tractions from the Mortgagees to--'-- • ;: - : -- ; ■■'-.' -- ■ ,-' SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At their Ro—as, in Hereford street, ChristcJnMb, «-t to Messrs Miles, "HSes-i and Co., Ox TUESDAT, MARCH sth, At 2 o'etoek, Afi that Fieyant VILLA RESIDENCE sitaated in Chester street, on Park Terrace, hefcg on part of town section 291; let to_a good tenant. Tbe honse is well built, with very pretty garden, and is situated in tbe choicest part ef Cnristcfisren. Also, ■ Tbat Efegaat VILLA RESIDENCE situated in Chester street, Christchurch, on Park Terrace, being on part of '.own section ' 391. next the above, witb every conve_ienoe: let to a good ten—nt. A »pier_hd opportunity for investment or occupation. Wet farther particulars aprtjr to J. L_Wiß, Esq.: or THE AUCTIONEERS. Terms liberal. TUESDAY. sth MARCH, 1878, S-21 Twoo'clock. 8694 BULLOCK *CO. NOTICE OF SALE. ~ ~ MESSRS BULLOCK & CO. have received —tut—actions to ..SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ■< At their Rooms at tbe Ashburton, _&l FRIDAY, th- 22x0 INSTANT, T" tiortiragees' interest in tbe unexpired msw of section No. 5, in tbe town of A __-*oa, witb fi-a.roe__d House tueita, suitable for a dwelling bon-e or _ small «i--. 1-3 4W3 Hsr»fcßditr«et,G__tclsarci.
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Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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1,000Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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