[Br Tbxegbath.]
[FEOM OTTB OWN CO-BBSPOSDKNX.3 .*. Dcnkdin, February 20. "Pegasus," in to-night's "Star," reports:— At the Forbury this morning" there was a large assemblage of : spectator)f, a—d the? weather being vexy fine all tihe horses were 6u„l Mason and Goodman bad Oberon and Chancellor on the Beach at an early hour, and sent them about Cup distance witb, it is said, their weights up. The result was, ac I understand; that Chancellor had considerably the best of it. Webb gave Trump Card and Bribery two; rounds dut#ide the hurdles, and Ted Cutte followed suit with Ariel and Longlands. Alii four look sound and well, aad none the worse for their trip from Christchurch. Ray gave ] Templeton a heavy sweat, sending lorn three times round on the outside of the course, and accompanying him on Shillelagh. Titarda, stripped, joined her stable companion at the back of the <x>uree,j»nd~ finished the last mile and a half with him. Pungawerewere did only walking exercise. Callaghan tried for half an hour or more to get Starlight to face the hurdles, but without success. Of Dan O'Brien's string, Luna and Xantippe did a serviceable two miles. The eb_esout iillj, however, soon left her mate behind. Eclipse, had a cantor on Uietan. French put a boy upon Hippocampus and .sent him three times round in clothing, Watti.e joining him. with Cloth of Gold at a mile and a half, and coming home. with him. Swede and the Virginia colt went about two miles together stripped, at a good pace. Kildare worked on the tan, but Little Dan and Warwick went three or four times round the tan, and over the hurdles. Little Dan jumps very' high, and Warwick, though but a novice at this work, cleared tbe jumps in very good style. The morning's work was wound up by unknown going twice round fast, with Amulet as a compamo- for pert of the distance.
Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 3
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