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ThTTSiTmeetang of the Boartl wjas held yesterday at the Council Chambers. Present — T&e J#lo'Mng members elected, viz, Mr P. Hobbe (hie Worship the Mayor) and Messrs H. J. Tancred; R. J. 8. Harman, H. J. Hall, B. G. Wright, A. Duncan, T. D. Jones, and J. B. Boss. The Mayor laid three copies of the map of the Christchurch drainage district on the table, prepared by the Government, and said it had been hia duty to call the first meeting of the Board, fle would have called the members together sooner, but he had found that it would have been inconvenient for some to have attended before, and he trusted his action in delaying summoning members together before would meet with the approval of the Board. He would merely add that in calling-the members together he had acted nnder clause 22 of the Act, and it now remained with the Board as their first duty, under clause 23, to elect achairman.

Mr Wright desired to proposed Mr Tancred, whose long experience in the Provincial Council and House of Assembly would well qualify him to fulfil the duties of chairman of the Board. It might be said by many that his Worship the Mayor should, in virtue of his office, be elected to the position, but though holding that gentleman in respect, he felt that, having so much to attend to in municipal matters, he could not tcive the time .that might be required to be devoted as chairman of the Board.

Mr Hannan had very great pleasure in seconding the nomination of Mr Tancred, and in doing so he (Kγ Harman) did not forget the fact that he was representing the city. Hβ had heard remarks made which t would lead him to believe that it was thought by those persons that he was only sent there to represent the interests of the City proper. So far as he was concerned, not only would his influence be exercised in behalf of the City, but it would also be used for the benefit of the whole district. Aβ a City member he would again with, pleasure second the nomination of Mr Tancred. Mr Hall had very great pleasure in nominating the Mayor of Christchurch for the first year, and in doing so he would remark that no one had a greater respect for Mr Tancred than he possessed; His Worship had taken a very great interest in the subject of drainage, and butforhis exertions, probably, the Drainage Bill introduced by the Government might have fallen through. In electing the Mayor for the first year of the Board's existence, it would be giving him an opportunity of carrying out the measures of a Bill which he had been so much the means of initiating. He would wish, however, distinctly to add that in proposing the present Ma*or for the |position, he had no wish to establish the precedent that every Mayor of Christchurch should be elected as chairman. Mr Duncan, as one of the outside members, had great pleasure in seconding the nomination of the Mayor. While admitting the many qualifications possessed by Mr Tancred to fill the position, he could not forget the active part taken by the Mayor in the matter of drainage, and as the preliminary works of the Board would be very much in conjunction with those of the city, the Mayor being always in a position to be come-atable, while Mr Tancred would not be, he desired to see his Worship elected as first chairman of the Drainage Board, though, with Mr Hall, he should not desire that the Mayor being elected on that occasion should establish a precedent for the election of subsequent chairmen. Mr.Boss would support the election of the Mayor, as in doing so it would be a concession against the outside prejudice which prevailed. Mr Jones felt the City Council would expect the Mayor to be elected as chairman for the first year. The Mayor said that, personally, he would prefer Mr Tancred or Mr Boss being elected to the position, as he felt they were much better qualified to fulfil the duties of chairman, but as the chairman would have a casting vote, and a large proportion of the citizens of Christchurch considered that the city should be largely represented on the Board, he had allowed himself to be nominated for the position. As he had said before, personally he wonld desire to see Mr Tancred elected chairman. He would merely add that he had made such arrangements for the coming year which would allow of him devoting hie whole time to the duties of his office. Mr Tancred waa not desirous of being elected chairman, but would of course act if elected. He would, however, desire that his nomination should, with the permission of the proposer and seconder, be withdrawn. By consent of the meeting, the proposition was withdrawn, and his Worship (Mr F. Hobbs) was declared to be unanimously elected chairman for the first year. The chairman said that to facilitate business he had during the week instructed a letter to be sent to the Government, to which he had received the following reply :— " Provincial Secretary's office, "January 4th, 1876. "Sir—l have the honor to acknowledge I the receipt of your letter of the 30th ult, in which by direction of his Worship the Mayor, you ask the Government to favor them with their intentions with respect to the disposal of the grant of £1500 made by the last Council for drainage purposes, and in reply to inform you that the sum remaining in band, about £1400, out of the vote of the Provincial Council for procuring a good engineering scheme for Christchurch and suburbs will be placed with the Drainage Board, for the purpose of obtaining the best scheme procurable, in such manner as may be mutually agreed on between the Board and Government. " 1 have, &c, " W. M. Maskell " Provincial Secretary. "PS.—The Government will be glad to -confer with the Board at any time which may be convenient for the purpose of arranging this matter." The action of the Mayor in this direction was strongly approved by the Board. The Mayor desired to thank the members for the honor they had done him in electing him chairman, and it would be his endeavor to faithfully perform the duties of his position during his tenure of office. [Hear, hear.] . Mr Harman, without having any desire to discuss the subject, would like to remark that in the letter received from the Government certain conditions were mentioned relative to the money to be handed over to the Board. When the money was received it might be said it was handed over under certain conditions, and he for one would not agree to any such conditions. The chairman explained that the wording of the letter was merely a matter of form. Mr Harman said that if the decision of the. Board was merely to be endorsed by the Go-i vernment, he would agree with it, but he: did not desire that any scheme by the Board should require the approval o| disapproval of the Government. ?j Mr Dnncan thought the first work of the Board should be merely the tratsactionoff formal business, and he would suggest ;tnqjsj consideration of the letter from the Govern ment be deferred. {■{ It was decided that this should be don ®-j A resolution was carried, fixiug Tuesmfi moraines, at 10 o'clock, for the meetings of the Board at the Coun« Chambers. £ The chairman was authorised to ram temporary arrangements for having tne w<*t of secretary performed. X The chairman said he would asfc «* Board to consider the question before n<» meeting, whether they would elect to t& the valuations of the Road Boards, or* have an independent assessment. . Mr Wright would prefer to have an ltwt pendent assessment, and have two , appointed, as he knew that many or 3s valuations in the districts were w *°n& On the motion of Mr Duncan, tne en*. i man and Mr Tancred were appointed a m*. committee, for the purpose of d l ra a w , mg JP such standing orders as the Board «iy X Som e e remarks were made on the adyis%- , ness of appointing committees, ov* «. • mately it was resolved not to. appomt«»y committees at present.

" "Onjhe motion, of Mr tb e L y ttel '. ton faieAtaS t¥e^ ial J?**** 0 * forthe Srateuc ■*&. kt The chairman did nof me*-** 1 ? th f £» that meeting the question of *fV%% 7? earned out ehonld be consfteK*** p \ would be necessary, ia hia opip oll * to m, \* e ' if only temporary, arwngemffta to-projuW against the effects felt by tn» late floo<i at i Waltham and Phillipetown. Perhaps it 1 might, as a temporary mea* Te » be .found expedient to appoint an en£ neer to report on the best means of takisg measures to prevent a recurrence of the 83 an< * inconvenience he had referred to.! Mr Wright thought it wodfl be better to defer consideration of thif matter. The first thing the Board wonld fa* 6 to do would be to appoint an engineer. l° at officer could either be advertised for in &c colonies or at home ; or the subject of coinage might be placed in the hands of who had consented to crfjsider the whole question relating to the fnriatchurch district if he obtained the <jfnsentof the Government. If they sent h4P c * or . an engineer he might on arrival bef ounl UI181ll ite;I to therequirementsof theßoard. personally he would prefer that the drainage should be left in the hands of i(r Carruthers, who was an excellent autborif on irrigation—a kindred subject to drained- He would wish that further considera|P n of this matter should be deferred until r iext meeting.

Mr Harman would at? prefer that consideration of this mattetfbould be deferred.

Mr Hall, though agieing in a measure with Mr Wright's vief, would like the echeme of the drainage[f the whole district submitted to public conpetition. After some further remarks, it was decided to defer consideration o * tne question of drainage and the appoitment of an engineer until next meeting. f On the motion of M* Duncan, Messrs Garrick and Cowliaiir were appointed solicitors to the Board Mr Hall moved—"?at the Bank of Australasia be bank of the Board." His reason for doingip was that he thought that if the Government accounts throughout the colony were ti?e distributed among the several banki it would result in more public good* The bank he had proposed had yen great influence both in New Zealand Australian colonies, and waa in a good jption to transact to the best advantage any>«s>ness that might be submitted to it byj*e Board. Mr Tancred sec# e d the motion. Mr Jones propqfd as an amendment— " That the Banks* New Zealand be appointed the bank} the Board." Mr Ross second* the amendment. The Mayor worf support the amendment, and gave instan* of the accommodation given by the Ban of ew Zealand to the City Council, anfthe efforts of that institution in disposing* , the Council's debentures, when they to place On the market. '-■" Mr Duncan sa he would prefer that ,the account shouldfllet by tender. On being pntj?e amendment was declared to be carried bji&e casting vote ofjthe chairman. For—M*rs Jones, Ross, Duncan, and Hobbs. Agaii? —Messrs Hall, Harman, Wright, and Taered. Mr Jones trped that immediate measures would be.takejfor the iseue of debentures for carrying q?the works of the Board. An accounifbm Messrs Garrick and Cowlishaw was defied consideration until next meeting. - - -■■ - The Board fen adjourned.

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Press, Volume XXV, Issue 3228, 5 January 1876, Page 3

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CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT DRAINAGE BOARD. Press, Volume XXV, Issue 3228, 5 January 1876, Page 3

CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT DRAINAGE BOARD. Press, Volume XXV, Issue 3228, 5 January 1876, Page 3