On Saturday next a football match will be played between the College and the Club on the ground of the former. The game will commence at 2.45 p.m. The following are the sides :—The College — Messrs Corfe, Worthy, Barker, Chapman, Cotterill, E. Cotterill, H., Geuld, Hartland, Hadfieldj Mathiaa, Ollivier, L., Pearson, Rhodes, "Westenra, and Whitcombe. The Club—Messrs Anson, Barker, Bray, Chapman, Dobson, E., Dobson, R., Herd man, Loughnan, Macquarrie (captain), O'Conncll, E., Ollivier, A., Potts, Searell, Thomson, and Wilkin ; reserves, Martin, and Waxman. A correspondent at Akaroa informs us that the amount paid for freight pn the imports and exports of Akaroa harbor for the last year amounted to £9000. C.E.V., No 1, met last evening at the orderly room, after inspection parade, sergeant Innes in the chair. It was unanimously agreed that Captain F. Pavitt, be chosen as captain of the corps ; and that the corps begs to congratulate Major Lean on hie promotion, at the same time thanking him for the efficient services that he has readered the corps during hie captaincy,
A meeting of the Dnvanchelle'B ]Jny school committee was hold in tli e B ch room on Monday, the 23th inst, at cijjht t> ' v Present—Messrs Spaiglit (chairman), l>j D ' Shad bolt. Hodgson, and Fry. The xnin t of the previous meeting were read and ' firmed. A deputation from the p re ° D ' Farm ISaywnitul on the committee, *&• for advice, and to assist them in establish• ? a school in their own Kay, as t}», diildr? could not poFHihly travel the distance t" 15ny The corning referred the deputation to the Hoard t Education as to how tLvy wen? to proceed they could not do anything in ih c rnattct however much they might .sympathise with them, as their children were debarred from beiug educated. The deputation then retired The Chairman (Mr Spaight) tendered his resignation, as he was about to leave th e district. A vote of thanks was unanimou&lv given by the school committee for the able manner in which he had officiated as chair, man. It was proposed by Mr Shadbolt, and seconded by Mr Fry, that Mr Hodgson be elected chairman, which was agreed to ua. auimously. The meeting then adjourned. A very well attended meeting was held on Monday evening, in the schoolroom, Duvauchelle's Bay, to consider what steps should be taken to establish a library and reading, room, and to secure a portion of the grant lately mode by the Provincial Council. Th c chair was taken by Mr Henry Piper. The chairman having read thc public notice calling , the meeting, said there was u 0 second opinion about thc desirability of pro. viiling a library and reading-room for the Head of the Bay and Robinson's Hay ; there were a very large number of men employed in the sawmills in the district, and it was highly necessary to take immediate action to provide them with means of recreation and improvement. lie would call on am one present to give thc meeting information as to the conditions upon which the grants were made by the Government. The Ret W. H. Cooper said he understood the ■ £5000 grant was not so much for the purchase of books .is for erecting buildings for libraries ; a building erected for such a purpose would also serve as a leading-room. The requisite building might be added to the school, or built upon a different silc. He would be glad to give permission to use the room they had met in fora reading room, f Thc school would shortly be removed into tbe new school room, and. his intention was io build, as soon as possible, a church upon the hill dividing Barry's Bay from the Head o{ the Bay. The chapel schooljwould then be available for any purpose conducive to the good of thc district. There was no reason why it should not be used for a reading room on week-days and for service on Sundays. He need not say anything as to the great advantage a library and reading room would be to the inhabitants; that was appa< rent to all. He would move the following resolution —" That it is desirable to cstnblieh a library and reading room for Duyauchelle's and Robinson's Bays, and that ; an application be made to thc Provincial Council for a grant of £250 to carry out this object." Mr Hodgson hud great pleasure in seconding the resolution, He fully concurred in the remarks made by the mover, and he would assist the movement in every possible way. The resolution having Seen put to the meeting by tho chairman was passed unanimously. Mr Spaight moved and Mr Fry seconded a resolution to the effect " That the school committee be appointed a committee for undertaking the management of the library." Dr Lowe said he did not at all approve of the resolution now before the meeting. He thought the management of the library ougb* to be in the hands of a new committee ap. pointed by those present. Many people were dissatisfied with the school committee, and he did not see why they should be entrusted with the care of the proposed reading room ; and library. He would move as an amendment " That the members of the library committee : be chosen by the present meeting." Mr j Spaight said that if there was any dishatie- I faction in connection with the school com* j mittee, there would bo an opportunity in October of appointing an entirely new coir* mittee. He thought that as the school-master would probably be the librarian, and as tta library building might be erected on the school reserve, the school committee would be the best to undertake the management of the library. Thc amendment was then put and lost ; thc chairmau then put thc original ; motion, which was carried by a large majority. Thc chairman was requested to forward to the Provincial .Secretary a copy of the resolutions passed, and an applies, tion for a giant of £250. A vote of thanii to the chairman, terminated the proceedings. The " Sydney Morning Herald," 12th July, writes: —" We paid a visit yesterday to Mr T. 8. Mort's freezing depot, at the head of Darling harbor, a huge pile of buildings calculated to hold a thousand tons of frozen meat. This establishment will be en lajiport with a slaughter-house and frecziug-roome now being erected at Bowenfells, on the other side of the Blue Mountains, the two places being connected by rail. It will also be connected by tramway with the shipping wharf in Darling harbor. The powerful machinery now in course of construction is calculated to produce cold equivalent to sixty tons of ice every twenty-four houre. As to the process, the result of many years of anxious investigation and unremitting labor on the part of Messrs Mort and Nicolle, we presume that there now pertains no manner of donbt, judging from the costly preparations which we have wit* ucsscd. Mr Mort expects that within one twelvemonth he will be in a position to commence the export of meat, all difficulties of transport having given way through the discovery of singularly simple means, whereby the frozen condition of meat on board ship is maintained with safety, simplicity and economy. It may also be remarked that ammonia being the agent employed in the production of cold on land, has led , to the erection by Messrs. Mort and NicollO of extensive works for its manufacture in connection with tho Sydney Gas Works, where they are now making not only suffi* cient for their own purposes, but to supply the colonial demand." The Chief Secretary was asked in the V Legislative Assembly yesterday, sajs tho "Argus" of the 19th, by Mr MactfaiD, whether the western colonies and New Zealand had agreed to participate in the contract with the Peninsular and Oriental Company. The reply was in the affirmative, but the terms were withheld for the present because negotiations were pending with Ne* \ Zealand as to the proportion of subsidy which it ehould pay. Propositions whica j Mr Vogel wished to have regarded as con»* ; dential were received last week, and W| \ answer was to bo seat by the first yam * steamer, *
The meeting for nomination of candidates for the Christchorch East Educational District takes place this evening in the Music ' Hall. The fifth of the series of St. Michael's •winter entertainmenls took place last night, and was -well attended. Two or three of the o items were altered from the advertised programme owing to some of the performers not being able to attend, but Mr Bell, Mr Hobbs< 3J r Soafrell kindly made up tbe programme which was a very successful ouo, including two duets, " I would that my - j ove ," and "Seethe Swallows," by Misses Parkerson and llarshman ; two songs, " The Bellringer" and " Simon the Cellarer," by Jjr Hobbs ; readings by Mr Marshman and Mr Worthy; song, " Agatha," Mr Bell ; * overture and fantasia pianoforte, MrSearrell; duet " What are the Wild Waves Saying," Messrs Hobbs and Bell; song, " Bobinson Crusoe," Mr Feldwick, which was encored. The entertainment concluded with the National Anthem. The Chairman (the Rev H. J. Edwards) stated that the next entertainment which would be the final one for the season, would take place in a fortnight's time, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. A special meeting of the Kaiapoi Borough School Committee was held on Monday evening last. Present—Revs W. W. Willock and B. Bavin, Messrs Ellis, Pashby, Johneton, and Young. The Rev W. W. Willock, - in the absence of Dγ Dudley, through severe . indisposition, was voted to the chair. A letter from the Rev Mr McGregor was read, expressing his approval of the site on which ( No. 1 school stands as the site for the borough school. A letter was read from the Rev W. W. Willock, offering school site in terms of Mr Pavitt's letter of July 21st, on behalf of the Christ's College. It was moved by the Rev B. Bavin, seconded by Mr Young—" That the committee recommend for the Board's ' approval the section of land in Hilton street, containing two acres of land more or less, the property of the College Trustees, for the purposes of a school site, instead of the section recommended previously to the committee." Carried. It was resolved—" That *• Messrs Johnston and Ellis be empowered to negotiate with Mr J. Matthews, respecting the matters referred to in his letter regarding the land required adjoining the foregoing section subject to the approval of the Board. It was moved by Mr Ellis, seconded by Mr Pashby—" That the committee agree to purchase the buildings and fixtures on the site in Hilton street for the 6um of £198 10s as settled by arbitration, from the church school committee subject to the sanction of the Board." Agreed to. The Rev R. Bavin moved, Mr Yonng seconded — " That as soon as the report from Messrs Johnston and Ellis be obtained, the chairman forward to the Board for their approval all. information respecting the land, the amount of Mr Matthews' claim, and the sum required by the church school committee for the buildings." Carried. The committee then adjourned. A. child of Mr John Thompson's at Southbrook died suddenly there on Wednesday last. It was not deemed necessary to hold an inquest, as Dr Downes had seen the j child on the previous day. A public meeting was held at the Literary Institate, Rangiora, last evening, to elect a school committee and auditors. About 100 persons were present, Mr 11. Blackett being appointed chairman by the Deputy-Superin-tendent, presided. Mr J. P. Restall attended oa'behalfof the Board of Education, and, as - occasion required, lucidly explained portions of the Ordinance. A letter was read from Mr T. W. Maude, stating that he had a severe cold, and was unable to be present. chairman read the notice convening the meeting, and the description of the boundaries of the district, as already advertised. Mr A. H. Cunningham and the Rev Canon Dudley offered some remarks upon the clauses of the Education Ordinance relating to Bible teaching. The following persons were nominated as candidates for the committee :—Messrs A. H. Cunningham, J. JohnEton, H. Blackett, Rev B. W. Dudley, Captain D'Auvergne, S. Stephens, R. Anderson, L. Hunnibell, G. Cone, S. Howard, sen., J.George, R. T. Smith, Dγßurrows, T. Keir, Ponsoriby, A. Ivory, D. S. 'Montagu, G. S. Bertram, J. Scott, H. Boyd, J. Luxton, sen, Dr Downes (declined), J. Chinnery (deglined), C. Sims, J» Rowley, E. Barnard (declined), T. Pring, J. G. Seaton (declined), R. Truman (declined). It was decided at the suggestion of Mr W. E. Ivory that each candidate should be asked to give* sn opinion on the question of teaching the Holy Scripture in the school. The answers firatwere very various. A show of hands was then taken which resulted in favor of the first nine on the list. A poll being demanded by six honseholders it was resolved on the motion of Mr H.ißoyd that the Superintendent be requested to fix tbe time for the polling between the hour of 12 noon and 8 p.m. at the Road Board, office on Thursday, August 7th. Messrs E. R. C Braddell, and C. F. Pemberton were procandidates for the office of auditors; the latter withdrew when Messrs Good and Braddell were declared elected. A vote of thanks was proposed to Mr Restall and the chairman when the meeting terminated. The following description of the French nxmclad Atalante, which has arrived at Sjdney, is given by the "Sydney Morning Herald":—"The French war-steamer Atal&nte is a powerful looking ironclad of 2000 tons. She is under the command of Admiral Boussin, and will, during «er stay here, be docked and overhauled. .She is on a cruise, and is last from Tahiti' *w New Caledonia, and will proceed hence to Auckland, and from thence to America. She is five years old, having been toalt at Cherbourg in IS6S. Her bottom is llFO ea\ with iron top sides, and she has a ***& bow of most formidable appearance, "echnically speaking, she has a great amount 01 freeboard, and her sides tumble heme to a large degree. She is fitted with horiengines of 450 horse-power, which drive "Sat the rate of twelve knots easily. She - ** fally manned, her crew comprising 360 fcen and twenty-five officers. She has twelve ' gaas. The Atalante left Noumoa. after a **} of two months, on the 28th June, and experienced very fine weather during the Passage across. On arriving here on Sunday horning, she was moored in Spring Cove, as Jhae was not sufficient water on the bar for twent T** Mfd /> her draught being over non x. *' •*■* k'£h water on Sunday after"on.however, the pilot again boarded her, dktrfl° n | ht her U P to Farm Cove. Imme. eMran anchorin ?' the officers of H - M ' thelbd * ln **** P aid official visit to Admir-iS ' and exchanged courtesies with laotoS+w 8 " 1 and his officers - The Ata»ters*£ c r B l armow- P lated ship that has weee *** iarbor oi Port Jackson!"
There was a capital house at the Theatre Royal last evening, when the comedietta of "The Youth Who Never Saw a Womau." was presented. The character of Lubin vas taken by Miss Clara Sicf.henson, who pla : ed it exceedingly well, the only fault we hi ye to find with her being the dress worn by ] er in the pait, which was not at all appropriate. Miss Follande :nar!e up and acted as Gertrude, the gorerr.FFs q- an uncertain excellently; and Miss Asliton deserves a word of praise for her rendering of the part cf Eliza. The other characters, by Mr Herman and Mr Hesford, wore well rilled. The burlesque of " Ldon " seems to have lost none of its popularity. Miss Stephenson as Ixion was ably seconded by Mr Bromley as Minerva, and Miss Follande and Miss Ashton and Mr Simmonds. Miss Tilly Andrews sang a new balkd, "Thy voice is near," very well indeed, and received well-merited applause. Mr Bromley's "Goodbye Charlie" evoked the usual amount of enthusiasm, and was encored. To-night will be a fashionable night, when Sheridan Knowles' play of " The Hunchback," will precede the burlesque, Miss Stepheuson take the part and Mr Burford Master Walter. The officer commanding the district. Lieut. Colonel Packe, held an inspection parade of the head quarters corps of volunteers at the Drill-ehed last evening. There was not a very large muster, the corpe present being the Cavalry under Captain Strouts and Lieut. Slater, the Christchurch Artillery under Captain Bird and Lieut. Staosell, No 2 C.R.V. under Captain Thomson, the City Guards under Captain Havvkes and Lieut. Wolfe, and the High School Cadets. After the inspection Lieut.-Colonel Packe pre sented the New Zealand War Medal to Trooper Monnen of the C.V.C, who was attached to the second battalion of the 14th regiment during the last Maori war, expressing a hope that he would long live to wear that memento of his having served his country. The men were then dismissed. The half-yearly meeting of the Deep Sea Fishing Company will be held to-day at the offices of Mr K. Walton, Hereford street. An entertainment in connection with the Christchurch Mutual Improvement Association will take place this evening in the Wesleyan Schoolroom, Durham street, under the direction of Mr Spensley. The quarterly meeting of the Kaiapoi Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the Council Chamber on Monday last. There was a full attendance of members, Mr Foreman Smith in the chair. Messrs J. F. Baker and W. Burnett were elected members of the brigade. The meeting decided that the office of engine-keeper to No. 1 engine be declared vacant, and applications for the appointment should be sent in to Mr Foreman Clark before next ordinary meeting. It was resolved that the sum of £38 3s subscribed by the brigade towards the purchase of a steam fire-engine be handed over to the Borough Council on their deciding to order the engine.
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Press, Volume XXI, Issue 2493, 1 August 1873, Page 2
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2,993NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXI, Issue 2493, 1 August 1873, Page 2
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