Impoundings. IMPOUNDED at Chrietchurch, on Octok. ber 19, from Armagh street — One Brown COLT, with white mark down face and on noeo ; both hind feer white ; branded on near shoulder like C P. One Dark-ohoenut FILLY ; star on forehead ; ofl* hind feet white ; branded on top of near shoulder like D. If not released before November 11th, they wili be sold. CHAS. ALLISON, JUN., 10-22 Poundkeepor. NOTICE. TMPOUNDED at Papanui, from Templor'e Il_ Island, near Harowood Church, Oct. 31, 1870 :— 1 BAY MARE, branded like M on near shoulder. If tho same be not released within twentyone clear days from the above dato, will bo sold. JOnN WILD, Poundkeeper, Papanui. Nov. 2, 1870. 11-3 Miscellaneous. FLOWER SHOW. 'FHE CHRISTCHUROH HORTICULI CDLTUKAL SOCIETY will liold its FIRST EXHIBITION of the Beason, On WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9, In tho Grounds of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association. All productions must be in the place of exhibition not later than half-poet 10 o'clock a m. Admission —One Shilling. J. GREEN AW A 2f, 11-5 Seoretary. NOTICE. mHE UNDERMENTIONED BANKS in I Canterbury will be CLO3ED ON WEDNESDAY, The 9th instant, being tho Anniversary of the Prince of Wale's'e Birthday, and on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, The Bth and 10th instant, at noon, on account of the Races. Union Bank of Australia, JOS. PALMER, Manager. Bank of Now Zealand, I J. L. COSTER, ) Manager. 1 Bank of Australasia. W. DYMOOK, 11-5 Manager. EMPIRE HOTEL, HIGH STREET, CENTRE OF THE CITY. JOHN CARL calls the attention of hie old friends and the public generally (especially intending visitors to the forth* " coming Metropolitan Meeting) to the advantages to be found at the EMPIRE HOTEL. Cool and thoroughly ventilated Luncheon Rooms ; improved patent steam kitchen apparatus ; extensive and well appointed smoking, sitting, and reading rooms (lately erected) and regularly supplied with all the local and colonial newspapers. i A commodious saloon well adapted for meetings of Rifle Associations, &o. A PUBLIC DINNER CAN BE SUPb PLIED TO FIFTY PERSONS. Spirits, Wines, and Sparkling Alee, of tho choicest and most approved brands. JOHN CARL, 10-12 Proprietor. WHEAT AND OATS. mHE UNDERSIGNED ie a CASH I BUYER. 8-29 J. DRUMMOND MAOPHERSON. AKAROA: i THE WILLOWS, I FAMILY HOTEL, > J. G. HUGHES, , Peopsietoe, Late of Royal Hotel, Timaru. 11THE UNDERSIGNED hae, temporarily a DISPENSARY, &c, in the same Building as MR NALDER'S OFFICE, i Oxford Street, and will (for the present) be there between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. PATENT MEDICINES, &c. EDWD. 8. ELLI3DON. Lyttelton, October 28. 10-28 o " : ' d BOOKS, TRACTS, AND STATIONERY mHE UNDERSIGNED has now in Stock _L a Good Assortment of Account Books, Paper and Envelopes, and all other kinds of Office, Desk, and School requisites. A Great Variety of Religious Books. Tracts and Small Books for loan and gratuitous distribution, Printed Tract Covers —all at Reduced Prices. School Committees and Storekeepers liberally c dealt with. ■ R. BINSTEAD, ' (Opposite Zetland Anne), 8-5 Cashel street, Christchuroh: Wanted. WANTED, RUNNERS, This Diiy. Apply office of Ibis paper. 11-2 ;p ■Jj \\ 7AN TED, a GENERAL SERVANT Vt Apply Mrs Bbas3, Hereford street. WANTED, a STEADY MAN, for kitchen work. .3 11.5 TATTERSALL'S CAFE.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume XVII, Issue 2350, 7 November 1870, Page 1
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