Public Notices NOTICE OF REAIOVaL. ON and after December 1, the business of the undersigned will be conducted in the premises at present occupied by Mr O. W. Turner, situate at the corner cf High and Lichfield streets. WOOD & CUNNINGHAM. October 21, 1370. 10 22 , NOTICE. mILL his own PREMISES are RE-BUILT _L in Oxford street, the UNDERSIGNED will CARRY ON his BUSINESS in the lower part of Mr. GEORGE TAYLOR'S STORE, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton. , 11 2 J. DRANSFIELD. LATE FIRE IN LYITELTON. ■\TOUNG has STARTED AGAIN, and < X with many thanks for past favors, I hopes that old friends will not forget the OLD SHOP, and invites as many new ones who like to pay him a visit. N.B.—Temporary premises at Mr JOHN GRUBB'S, London-street, opposite the Rising Sun. 11-2 WOOL. J" EONARD WHITE & CO. beg to J_i inform the sheep farmers of the Ashburton and Rakaia districts that they are now prepared to CARRY WOOL and STORES, at the FOLLOWING RATES :— Per bale. ■ From the Ashburton to the South Bank of the Rakaia ... 3s 6 d From the Rakaia to the Selwyn... 3a 6d From the Selwyn to the ship's side 6s 2d 'Per ton. I Back Freight will be charged from the Selwyn to the South Bank of the Rakaia ... ... 18s From the South Bank of the Rakaia to the Ashburton ... 12s All goods entrusted to our care will be crossed over the Rakaia bridge and guaranteed free from wet. We are also prepared to make arrangements for carting wool and stores, from oil parts of the district, on the same liberal terms, LEONARD WHITE & CO. Rakaia Ferry, 22nd October, 1870. 10-22 JDRANSFIELD begs to thank those • who so kindly assisted nt the Fire, and takes this opportunity to say that all accounts against him for business transacted at his late store, Oxford street, will be paifl at once, if preeented at his office, Norwich Quay. 11-3 ® t" , c\ El I wßfs I g t S aH ° H b g . I—l a R S H I h :: Publications. -VTEW ZEALAND CHURCH NEWS, A MONTHLY RELIGIOUS AND LITERARY PAPER, The object of this newspaper will be to supply a want that has long been felt by the members of the Church of England in New Zealand. Hitherto, while other religious bodies have been represented by their respective periodicals, the Church has had no recognised organ, and her members havo consequently been without, any means of exchanging ideas on subjects connected with her most vital interests; they have therefore lacked a most valuable bond of union, and a means by which Church principles might be widely disseminated. No effort will be spared to make the TS.Z.C.K. readable and interesting. Besides Leading Articles, British and Colonial Church News, &c, there will be Hints and Helps for the Sunday School Teacher, Stories, &c, for the Young, and plain practical teaching for the less-informed members of the Church. The hearty co-operation of both clergy and the laity is earnestly requested, to ensure a large circulation for the N.Z.C.N.; and it is " hoped that every churchman in the colony will become a subscriber, and that each parish , will appoint its own correspondent. ' Contributions of original matter, leading • articles, &c, are invited, and, with all correspondence, are to be addressed to the Editor " of the New Zealand Church News, Christchurch. 9 j Post-Office Orders to be made payable to 2 the Rev W. H. Cooper, Christchurch. 1 Subscription, in Town—6s. a year; Do. in Country—7s. a year. Advertisements—Single insertion 3a an inch. Standing Advertisements according to 5 agreement. 9-2
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume XVII, Issue 2350, 7 November 1870, Page 1
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