Merchandise, &c. ON SALE by the undersigned—A large quantity of Panel Doors, Window Sashes, Paints, Oils, and all description of Building Materials, at lowest rates. BELCHER & FAIRWEATHEB, 1018 Charles street, Kaiapoi. WOOL. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to make CASH ADVANCES on the above for shipment. GEO. HUTCHINSON, Jim., Colombo street, Corner of Gloucester street, 10-22 Christchurch. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to EXECUTE INDENTS for any class oi GOODS, including machinery, on favorable terms. Also, careful attention given to Colonial Produce consigned for sale in the London Market. J. P. JAMESON, Christchurch. CASH BUYER of good samples of Butter, Tallow, Ac, &c. 7-22 COLONIAL MADE BOOTS, STJPERIOE IN QUALITY, AND TWENTY PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN IMPORTED BOOTS ! I ! MoNICOL & WILSON have in working order the finest and most complete labor saving machinery for the manufacture of BOOTS and SHOES in the Colony, and are prepared to manufacture every description of Men's, Women's, and Children's Boots and Shoes, at prices lower than imported. McNicol & Wilson, from their long experience in the trade, and thorough knowledge of the wants of the community, trust to merit a large share of public support, and feel assured that one trial will prove the above fact. McNICOL~& WILSON, GOLDEN BOOT, CASHEL STEEET. 11-2 ON SALE, QAAA E WE S , After shearing. Apply to 11-1 BIRD AND BENNETT. LYTTELTON FIRE. MR. GEORGE HESLOP, DRAPER, HAS TAKEN TWO SHOPS, IN LONDON STREET WEST, TO DISPOSE OF THE GOODS SAVED FROM THE WRECK. They will be CLEARED OUT AT LOW PRICES, Being more or less injured. SALE COMMENCING THIS DAY BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. The Men's Clothing especially cheap. 10-29 ON SALE, BRICKS, PIPES, TILES, and SLATES, Portland, Roman, and Keene's cement Corrugated galvanised iron, 5 feet to 9 feet lengths Sheet lead, zinc, ridging, &c. Baltio deals and flooring V. D. L. and native timber Quantity of first-class assorted ironmongery and sash weights. 11-4 J. BAILEY. FOR SALE, at Waikaku Creek, about sixteen miles from Christchurch, the INTEREST in a LEASE of a compact little FARM, 20 acres of good land, all securely fenced, together with a good five-roomed HOUSE and other improvements ; good supply of water. Also, FOR SALE, four good DRAUGHT HORSES, with harness complete, and two good SPRING DKAYS. Apply to James Parker, Agent, Cashel street. 11-4 Miscellaneous. CHRISTCHURCH HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE attention of INTENDING COMPETITORS at the forthcoming Exhibition, to be held on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 9, is directed to the following amended Regulation:— " 13. Competitors must forward to the Secretary, at least two days previous to each Exhibition, the number of the exhibits and the classes in which they intend to compete, so that space may be secured for their proper arrangement." This does not apply to productions for EXHIBITION ONLY. J. GREENAWAY, H-2 Secretary. C«HEARING at CHEVIOT HILLS will O COMMENCE on MONDAY, the 14th November. Apply at the Station, or to MILES & CO., I 10-29 Christchurch. WOOL. I THE UNDERSIGNED ie prepared to make Liberal Cash Advances on Wool consigned to him for shipment to London. GEORGE WARNER, ' 10-81 Hereford Street, Christchurch. TAMES MOOD/E begs to inform the Iβ inhabitants of Chrietchurch and the puhlic generally that be has now OPEFED that SHOP lately occupied by Messrs Sexton and Clark, Colombo street, as a GENERAL GROCERY STORE, and next door but one to the City Hotel, where, by keeping nothing but first-class articles and strict attention to business, hopes to merit a share of public patronage. 11-5
Page 1 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Volume XVII, Issue 2350, 7 November 1870, Page 1
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