TO THE EDITOJI OP THB PBESO. Sib,—l noticed in your issue of the-nd instant a paragraph regretting the want of a wind engine capable of being applied to tne purpose of raising water ia places remote irom natural springs or rivers. An engine to be to any way efficient for that purpose would have to possess certain peculiarities not contained ia the ordinary windmill. For instance, it would not only have to be self regulating with regard to the varying force of the wina, but also should be able to work equally well, totally irrespective of the pornt from whence the wind might blow, and continue ita wore comparatively unaffected by any change, However sudden or opposite. Of course every one 1-nows that it is noc possible to get a eteaay inform motion from any windmill, owing to the variable and unreliable character ot tiie power, but still the economy of ita working i*
than that of any otner mo- _ s casi iy rcrO ncned to putting up W tb * !.hine*hortof " th * perfections of β-peciallv in Canterbury, whero BUch«^ ieu,, or BnJ ;hins approaching it i≤ "on account of its absence. wi-.d cngiV.u giving motion ton SU .('-hedto cm; of Norton's Abyssinian ff C'lK or »° mo ol,i r ?i ' n | Ur *™"K°™ UK J^dva»t«Beou 9 lj employed in va^ «¥ T£r irrigation, wateung stock, or other utiiift , ' 1 "- an cn gi,. e> simple, cheap. f arp< lr C !iirp"not liable to pet out of order, , * OiI S of be-in" repaired by a busn carpenter ! inseiliience, aud requiring aiten- j 01 ow "> »nc- or twice a week would, I uuiik, tiono Mn-oecnt requirements. But there is | ,1 to their imm'-diate introrae * flat is Ido not beliere in working j the macl.ine, andhavc pof my ver 7 enierprisiiig fellow jng eoue . mnr'atiiu' not only the design •ftV-SS b- , afio the profi,. If ,«« •" Mr Editor, euggest any means of overm, - thh little impediment, I shall bo w f n 3 I confess 1 am at a loss. Bat usages. lfati, Davus sum, vox (Edipfs. Cbriitchwcb, Oct. 4, 1869-
Press, Volume XV, Issue 2020, 6 October 1869, Page 2
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