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Tuesday, May 4. The annual licensing meeting under the Public House Ordinance, 1866, and the Public House Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1867, took place this day at the Beeidenfc Magistrate's Court, Chrietchurch. The following magistrates were on the Bench:—H J Tancred, Esq (chairman), 0 0 Bowen, Esq, EM, WB Tosswill, Eeq, J Ollivier, Eeq, G- W Hall, Esq, G Hart, Esq, Hon Ernest Grey, and Geo Packe, Esq. The following were the applications with the decisions of the Bench. GENEBAL LICENSES. Barnard, W D—The chairman remarked that there had been two convictions againet the applicant under the Ordinances, but the Bench were not inclined absolutely to refuse the application. Granted accordingly. Noah Edgar—The police reported the house well conducted, and the license was therefore granted. Robert G-eddis —Mr Wynn Williams apj peared for the application, and there being no ' objection on the part of the police the license was granted. Francis Hobbs—ln this case the applicant had applied for a general license, but upon the representation of Sergeant Pardy a country hotel license was granted. E W Hughes, High street, Chrietchurch, granted ; Henry Lewis, High street, Christchurch, granted. Martin, Philip—The application in this case was withdrawn. Morgan, W C —Application for a general license for a house situate in Manchester street south near the Kail way goods shed. The Bench declined to grant the application. Daniel McGuinness, Oxford terrace, granted i Robert Eussell, Tuam street, granted; William Savage, Hereford street, granted ; James Thomson, High street, granted ; W F Warner, Hereford street, granted,, . ;i
. HOTK& XICENBES. A Adley, Colombo street, granted. G- Allen —Application for a general liconso for the house at present occupied by Mrs Harriet Hart, in Manchester street The Bench declined granting the license, upon the ground of the applicant not residing on the premises. Joseph Brunt—ln this case, the pohce stated that in the first part of the year the defendant had been convicted and Qned for allowing prostitutes to assemblo in his house, but that latterly the house had been very well conducted; it was alsojvery well furnished. The Bench granted the license, but warned the applicant about conducting his house better in future. George Broo&er, Oxford terrace, granted ; Isaao Blake, Cashel street, granted; Robert Beattie, Manoheater street, granted; Henry T Bowers, Ferry road, granted. W Craythorne, Lincoln road —The Bench complimented Mr Craythorne upon the manner in which his house was conducted. Hannah Dilloway, Biccarton, granted j Charles G Dann, Colombo street, granted. Joseph Fantham —In this case the applicant did not appear, and upon the Sergeant of Police remarking to the Bench that the roof of one or two of the bedrooms was in a bad state, the application was allowed to stand over until the 18th instant, by which date the necessary repairs were ordered to bo made. J Joseph Fucb.B, Tuam Btreet, granted ; John Fox, Colombo etreet couth, granted; J E Graham, trustee in estate of Coker and Heath, refueed ; Charles Green, Collins Hotel, granted. Henry Garland.HeathcoteValley. Adjourned until the 18th instant, in order that the applicant might find a substitute to conduct his business, it being contrary to the ordinance for one party to have two licensee for different places of business, Henry Garland, Tuam street, granted; M B Hart, High, etreet, granted ; John Hart, Durham street, granted; Henry Haddrell, Market place, granted ; Harriet Hart, Manchester street, granted ; Frederick King, Papanui road, granted; Charles F Money, Market place, granted ; Levi Monk, White's Bridge, Waimakariri, granted. William Moir—ln this case the police reported that in one or two of the bedrooms the roof was defective, and the Bench adjourned the further hearing until the 18th instant, by which time the repairs are to be effected. J W Morton, High. Btreet, granted ; A W Money, Papanui road, granted ; J C Oeborn, Oxford terrace, granted ; J W Oram, Gloucester etreet, granted; George Oram, Oxford terrace, granted ; M H Oram, Colombo street, granted ; John Plank, Whateley road, granted; John Power, Montreal street couth ; J G Buddenklau, Triangle, granted. W Styche, Spreydon —In this case the applicant also lodged an application for a conditional license. Mr Wynn Williams opposed the latter application, and after soma consideration the Bench decided upon granting an hotel license. W B Smith, Madras etreet, granted j ¥ Slee, Cashel street, granted; W Schmidt, Madras etreet, granted ; T and J Turton, Aehhurton, granted; J H Tompkins, Colombo etreet, granted ; T B Thompkins, Cashel street east, granted. B Warner—This was an application for a license for the Shearers Arms in Windmill road. Befused. H C West, Gloucester etreet, granted ; Wm White, Cathedral square, granted-. COUNTRY HOTEL. James Feacher, Lincoln road, granted ; T? Innes, Caledonian road, granted ; Thoa Johneon, Irwell, Leeston road, granted ; P Martin, Lincoln road, granted ; Ed Prebble, Prebbleton, granted ; Wm Poeeon, Racecourse, granted ; S Treleaven, North road, granted j W C Webb, Biccarton, granted. CONDITIONAL. Wm Adams, Bakaia gorge.—ln this case the police etated that the conditions of the present license were not complied with ; the stable was in bad repair. They also remarked that in consequence of a chasm being near the house, the lamp at night was dangerous in leading travellers off the track. The license was granted upon the understanding that the stable be repaired and no lamp exhibited for the future. John Breeze, Tai-Tapui.—Granted. In this case the Bench remarked that at the next annual meeting an pplication for a conditional license would probably not be entertained, and that the applicant would have to apply for either a " Country Hotel" or other license. J H Bailey, Kowai Pass.—Granted. Applicant to be sworn in as a special constable. John Bryan, Upper Bakaia Ferry.—Adiourned to the 18th instant, in order that the police might report satisfactorily to the Bench about the house. J Chapman, Hillsboro , , granted ; E Derritt, Hororata river, granted ; M D'Arcy, Caetle Hill, granted ; John Holman, Ferry road, granted. In this case the Bench gave advice similar to that given to J Breeze. T Hetherington, Eakaia, granted; John Irvine, Ashburton, not entertained, application received too late; James Innes, South road, do do j H Johnston, Cass Biver, granted ; J Jones, Bailway Station, granted; J J Loe, granted, advised came as JBreeee; W Lawrence Selwyn, granted ; S Lawrence* Shand's Track, granted ; S Mcßae, Coal Track, granted ; L. Neilson, Porter's Pass, granted ; Wm. Power, Bealey, granted; D Pye, Alford Forest, not, entertained, application received too late ; T H Banger, Weeden, granted; W Spring, Southbridge, granted; W Styche, Spreydon, refused; A Thompson, Upper Aehburton, granted; J Taylor, Yaldhurst, granted, advised came as J Breeze ; G Willie, Malvern, granted ; C White, Courtenay, granted j Grace Watson, Coal Track, granted. WINS AND BEEE LICENSES. A M Arklier, Lincoln Townehip, granted; W Bowden, Waltham, granted ; B Clegg, Addington, granted; A Gee, Colombo street, granted ; J Horler, Antigua etreet, refused ; F. Innis, Caledonian road, granted; T Johnston, Ferry road, granted j J Mann, Colombo Btreefe south, refused ; W C Morgan, Manchester street, granted ; M. Patterson, Cashel Btreet, granted; L Schmidt, Selwyn bridge, granted ; G Tickner, Lincoln road, granted ; J Voice, Templeton, refused. At the Lyttelton Court, Messrs W. Donald, 8.M., and M. Stoddsrt, and J. S. Willcocks, J.P.'e, were on the Bench, and granted the following licenses for the year :— B W Boper, Shades ; J Smyth, Bailway Hotel; B Belgrave, Bising Sun do ; William Davis, Canterbury do ; J Hill, Albion do; J W Julian, Mitre do ; P Cameron, Robin Hood do ; T W Parsons, Queen's do; S Pearson, Oddfellows do ; E T Cannel, wine and beer license; Wm Johnston, do ; G Scott, do; G Day, accommodation do; Wm Foster, do do ; T Leslie, Saxton Hotel. . .;; ...
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Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1889, 5 May 1869, Page 2
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1,262ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING. Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1889, 5 May 1869, Page 2
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ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING. Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1889, 5 May 1869, Page 2
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