New Advertisements. ■ '■• 1. . , ' '■ ■ LAND; LAND. iincoln"~i)istbict. be john brooks' estate. BY PUBLJkF AUCTION •• '■'■■08-- ... THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1868, At l| o'clock. H MATSON & CO. have received instruc- « tions from the Trustee in the Estate of John Brooks, Springs road, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUClTONpfttheabbve their OFFICES, CATHp>RAL SQUARE, The following VERt VALUABfLE PEpPEEHES ■JBTf.-.r ifTHE UNCOIN DISTRICT, .. .? Equity of redemption in mortgage on Rural Section No. 2495-, comprising— 200 acres of spendid land with homestead, 78 acres'ln;-wheat, SO'acres laid down in grass . Alio, ". *"'•'■ Equity of redemption m mortgage on Rural Sections Nos. 2955 and 2956, comprising— 100 acres, of this 50 acres are in grass and 50 acres in rape ! ■■■ Alio, ■■'■•■ Equity of redemption Juf mortgage on Rural ~; . Section, Mo. 2835i,~ comprising— .. 60 aores, of this 30 acres are in wheat, the rest is unploughed ; Also, All that section of land No. 1136 fronting St Asaph street,, Chrißtchurch, containing— 1 quarter-acre, upon, which is erected a large iron warehouse about 30 x 50 Sale at 12 f/clock'.
Terms at gale. The Auctioneers beg to draw the especial attention of Farmers, Capitalists, and Others to this Important Sale of First-class Land, which is knewn to be some of the very best in the Province of Canterbury- and the chief portion of it being'now under crop and well fenced presents an opportunity rarely to be met with. Full particulars and plans oan be" obtained at the Offices of '-■<- •- •- / ■' »| 9-1 * '•..'' Tbeb AtfcrkoißßßS, • BANE', OF NEW ' SOUTH 'WAIiES,,' FJVHT3 BANK WjLL'lBT* nrnam/TUESDAY, SEPTEMBE-t 8, for the half-yearly balance of accounts. H, Babiok, For the Manager. Christchuroh, August 28,1868. 8-29 SHEEP RUNS FOR SALE. TO BUN HOLDERS, PARTIES SEEKING INVESTMENT, AND OTESItS. THE UNDERSIGNED has for' disposal by PRIVATE COIRrRACT, some VALUABLE RUNS AND- STOCK In the PROVINCE OF HAWKES BAY. Capital required £300 to £2000. For further particulars apply to 3. H. Bests-bit, I Auctioneer, Arbitrator, Valnsfew, and I General Agent. Hereford street, Christehurch. 7-28
HEATHCOTE ROAD BOARD. THE RA-TTS ROLL of this.District is now OPEN for INSPECTION at the Board Office/Ferry Road. ' _ : f J. T. Fishbb, Chairman. Ferry road, August 31,1868. . 9-1 CHRISTOHURCH HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. ' " '* THE PRIZE SCHEDULES h€ the ensuing season are now READY, and may be had at the shops bf Messrs W. Wihon, Duncan aud Son, Cashel street; W. Hialop, Colombo street *, and of the Secretary, Papanui ! road. | J. GbeS-UWay, ' t 9-1 ' Secretary. NEW ZEALAND ALMANAC AND DIARY. ADVERTISEMENTS for the New Zealand Almanao and Diary for the ensuing year will be received by Geo. Tohbs, 8-29 « Press ". Agency, Lyttelton, - BOROUGH HOTEL, HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. * T\/|-SS. MEDDINGS is happy to he able to JJ_L inform het country friends and customers that she-will now be able to give every accommodation for their horses and conveyances, having secured the stables and premises adjoining the hotel, and hopes by careful attention to their wants to secure their patronage. 8-29 JUST PUBLISHED, "VTEW ZEALAND POSTAL GUIDE. Contains full information as to time of closing country mails, rates of postage, &c. PRICE SIXPENCE. Apply at 8-25 RBGiaTEBKD LETTBB WIHBOW. FINANCIAL REFORM ASSOCIATION. THE REPORT of the cial Reform Association, containing the identical scheme on which tbe Goyernment have decided to stand or fall, can he obtained at Mr A. Stbvbss", High street. PRICE ONE SHILLING. By order, IFbakgis H. V__*? y> 9-3 Secwtajy.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1721, 3 September 1868, Page 1
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