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Chbistchubch District. The following is the substance of the report handed in by Inspector Pender on the state of public-houses in the Christchurch district : — General Licenses.—The following applicants for general licenses have their houses in a good repair, well-conducted, and have comB plied with all the conditions: —W. D. Barnard, Blighted Cottage, Cashel street; Brooker and Sons, Zetland hotel, Cashel street; H. Or. Burnell, Rotherfield Vaults, . Cashel street; W. Craythorne, Junction hotel, 9 Lincoln road ; J. Coles and M. Thompkins, 1 Kinpire hotel, High street ; C. Or. Dann, Dunedin Club hotel, High street; Ot. Furby, Shakespeare, Gloucester street; R. \V. Kohlor, Koliler's, Lincoln road ; " F. King, r King's Arms, Montreal street; 11. Lewis and J. Dodd, Glasgow Arms, High t street ; W. Lunn, Racecourse hotel, Racecourse; P. Martin, Black Horse, Lincoln road ; R. Russell, White Swan, Tuam street; W. Savage, Shades, Hereford street; Warner and Workman, Golden Age, Hereford street; W. C. Webb, Bush inn, Riccarton. In 110 following cases the houses are in good repair, , and the conditions have been complied with : ■* —The Caledonian, Colombo street, formerly f kept by R. Botson, is now closed. N. Edgar, _ of the Eastern hotel, Cashel street, was fined . £5 for selling on Sunday; house otherwise well conducted. H. Garland, of the Valley . hotel, Heathcote, was fined £5 for selling on *■ Good Friday. J. Hood, of Leeston, ap--3 plied for a house now occupied by — f Leslie, as a wine and beor house. Not j required in tho locality. Thomas Tonnant, of i Tennant'shotel, fairlyconducted. J. Mummery, of theßritannia, Whately road, and G. Samson, Railway inn, Addington, have badly conducted < houses. New applications have been received . from J. Feather, Lincoln road, and T. Jones, Glasgow Arms, High street. Two applications have been received for the British Crown, Oxford terrace, now licensed by J. Fi.zpatrijjc, one of them from D. McGuinness, the other from J. Winstanley. Hotel Licenses. —The following applicants for hotel licenses have their houses in good ■ repair, well conducted, and have complied with ; all the conditions : —A. A. Adloy, Oxford hotel, Market-place, Christchurch ; T. Barrett, Madras street; J. Blake, A 1 hotel, Cashel street; A. Balcke, Golden Fleece, Colombo i street; J. Collins and W. H. Mason, Collins's » hotel, Hereford street ; E. Cuff, Royal hotel, Oxford terrace; W. Davis, Criterion hotel, Gloucester street; C. Dearing, Shearers' Arms, Antiguastrcet; J. Dilloway, Plough inn, Riccarton; J. Hart, Devonshire Arms, Durham street; M. B. Hart, White Hart, High street; W. Meddings, Papanui hotel; J. W. Morton, Commercial hotel, High street; C. F. Money, Victoria hotel, Market place; A. W. Money, Ca-lton hotel, Papanui road ; B. Monk, Courtney Arms, Felton's ferry; G. Oram, Clarendon hotel, Oxford terrace ; J. Osborne, Mills's hotel, Oxford terrace; J. Power, Crown inn, Montreal street; J. Ruddenklau, City hotel, Colombo Btreet; A. Silk, Wharf hotel, Ferry road ; J.Thompkins, Albion hotel, Colombo street; T. and J. Turton, New inn, Ashburton; W. White, Commercial hotel, Cathedral square. A second application for the* Crown inn was made by G. H. Sharpe. The following applicants have also fairly conducted houses:—J. Fox, Prince of Wales, Colombo street; J. Fuchs, Wellington hotel, Tuam street; J. Fantham Sawyers' arms, Papanui ; J. Flanagan, Tweed house Cashel street; J. J. King, Royal Oak, Market-place; J. Marshall, White Horse, Montreal street; J. Newnham, Garrick hotel, Colombo street; A. and J. O'Hara, Harp Tavern, High street; G. Oram, Market hotel, Market-place W. Smith, Caversham hotel, Madras street. The following new applications have been received—J. Coker, Coker's hotel, Worcester street; J. Gordon, Spreydon Arms, Lincoln road (partly unfurnished at present, and rooms not sufficient in number, but additional building is being erected) ; John Brunt, Mechanics' hotel, Colombo street. The following have insufficient accommodation—W. Craythorne, Junction hotel, Lincoln road, deficient in two private sitting-rooms, five bed-rooms; the house has been well-conduct, d under a general license A. Hossack, Clontarf hotel, unfurnished, having been recently closed. T. R. G. Smith, Duke of Wellington hotel, rooms too small. R. Warner, Provincial hotel, Cashel street, unfurnished, having been recently closed ; W. Shakespeare, Ellesmere Arms, has been fairly managed, but is not adapted for an hotel. Fines have been inflicted in the following cases :—R. Beattio, Warwick hotel, Cashel street, fined once for harboring prostitutes, and twice for selling at prohibited hours. Joseph Brunt, Junction hotel, Papanui road, fined for sly grog selling; house generally well conducted. W. Moir, Central hotel, Gloucester street, fined £5 for selling liquor on Sunday ; house generally well conducted. Wine and Beer Licenses.-—Thomas Gee, Colombo street, Christchuroh, conditions complied with and very well managed. Conditions have been complied with, and no complaints received in the following : —G. Basham, Springs Road ; B. Clegg, Addington (houses in middling state of repair) ; T. Johnston, Ferry road ; J. Mann, Colombo street south ; «F. Mummery, Colombo , street; J Paterson, Cashel street ; J. Travis, ; Waltham ; G. Trickner, Lincoln road ; J. Wide, Ferry road. New applications have < been received from T. Johnston, Kiver Irwell, , house not finished, and a room for ladies; | L. T. Smith, Selwyn bridge, house hot finished; t W. Spring, Leeston, house unfinished ; James j Hood, Leeston, no room for ladiea. The house 6 of James Gillon, Stanmore road, is unin- j habited. James Gillon, Rolleston, has been 8 recently convicted of grog-selling at tho Holies- .. ton Railway-station; the house is temporary, t and with no room for ladies. A groat many \_ com plaints havo been mado aguinst the houso i of Frances Inues, Caledonian road. t Conditional Licsnses. — The following b have applied for conditional licenses:—G. a Allen, Weedon, house old and out of repair, r but fairly con iucted ; W. Bernes., Cuss river, a house well conducted by present licensee, but v condition. 7, U, and 14 not complied with ; B. si Bulraer, Wind whistle-house, Rakaia gorge, o fairlj conducted, no hay on the premises ; G. a Bedford, Miner.' Arm., Coal Track, com- C plaints against this house, particularly as to C want of good water; J. Byroin, Rakuia gorge, tl new application, house in good order, stable b unbuilt; J. Bailey, Porter's pas.., house in tl bad order, conditions not complied with (the st lato left the houso unoccupied) ; ci
- Bailoy applies f,>r a new license, not * M • , m tho place; W. Birdling, HhnknJl'SW t Rllesmere, well co.ulu.hnl ■ T Vi tol > A Hillsborough, house fairly ' con .v,.,"?* I ".' t 1.0n1.y, Porter* ,„„ ( 9ce > J. - LTArey, 0u..1,-hill, h ollSo in ,ji,*repair, management improved • PO .1? , U, nnd 15 nested. K . Derre . J fc 7 ' c Uororatu; fairly conducted, it Davi YvV "' b sheaf, Shand's road ; fairiv conduc^T i lit_maunoe, Railway-atation, Heathcote". Jt\ v comlueted, G. Granger, Traveller. 'C o Racecourse; accommodation bad no nr ' 0 room for not well nianag,,!*; i U 3 o, 9, and 14 not complied with T s Hethenngton, South Rakaia ; house i„ . ■ . repair and fairly conducted J jr .. Heathcote Arms, previously hold unde gS \ icense ; well conducted. W. Lawrence iff :. leson; new application for accomodateof* ■- railway passengers. J. J 1 00 , oi hotel; very well managed. A. __. ..!. S, ,°_- e Selwyn; well conducted. 8. MolW £ ! pass ; well conducted. E. NeiUon, Por2 c Pass; license not forthcoming- verr. T d conducted ; condition U neglected. $ c Parish, George and Dragon ; l icouso . forthcoming ; house fairly conducted , con - dition It neglected. J. Tavlor ir ," ; road, CW track; house .erfwell "? rCWO °? n A. Thompson, A.hburton ; hou o i managed. G. Willis, 7 r S 1 c Racecourse Hill; house in middling.;, D l, 7 Z7- " m n * Cl6an and Well co "ducted P n « w. * C °" r !r y "T ! c ■s Watson, Half-way house, Coal tne_ .r• V' I, conducted ; stable required. J fttlrl ? 8 Kaiapoi District. Sergeant Hurse reports for the information -. of the justices at tho annual licensing meot ing that he has inspected tho licensed house. _ in the Kaiapoi district with the followin! result:— Ul 6 Oram Brothers, Pier hotel, conditions comPj'tr! th V h . 0U90 , clean and comfortable. Mr White, Kaikainui hotel, conditions com plied with. Or F.Day, Kaiapoi hotel, Z ditions complied with. Mr Hammett, Mund. ville hotel, conditions complied with- i lou ,_ ■ clean and comfortable. Hugh MoCWor Sneyd 3 Arms hotel, conditions complied , with. Arthur Ward, Woodend hoteli CO n • d.t.ons complied with; house clean and comfortable. Refreshment licenses, Thotnaa Ball, conditions complied with ; John Reuse. * house not yet in sufficient repair. ' ' RANGIORA D.BTJUCI. 1 Sorgeant Davis begs to re D ort for ths , t information of the justices that he has inspected James Dann's house at R.nciora ; and finds the house suitable, as required by 8 the terms of the Ordinance, for carrying on j a wine and beer license. Tho undermen. tioned houses ho also in. pocted, and in caoh 1 case found tho terms of the Ordinance com- . plied with in tho Rangiora district—- ' r Frederick Luers, Harewood Arms, Oxford- . John Lee, Oxford hotel, Oxford; David 5 Fisher, Foresters' Arms, Oxford ; John ( Messent, Half-way House, Moeraki downs- . Solomon Stephens, Plough inn, Rangiora' , Thomas Wycherley, Lion hotel, Rangiora* ( Benjamin Pack wood, Masonic hotel, R m . [ giora, was fined £5 10a, for a breach of the , Ordinance on May 2. Tho house liaa been , conducted in a disorderly manner during the L past quarter; the beds are clean, and the . house comfortable. Mr T. Baugh, Rangiora . hotel, was fined £1 for neglecting to keep his . lamp burning on the 21.t March. The house p is well conducted, tho beds clean, and the rooms commodious. LeITHFIELD DISTBICT. Sergeant Barlow reports for the information of the justices at the annual licensing 1 meeting that he has inspected the houses in tlio 1 Leithfiold district, and finds that the appli- ' cants can comply with the requirements lof their licenses :—D. and D. Cameron, Saltwater Creek ; Charles Turner, Northporfc hotel; Elijah Smith, Ashleybank hotel jE. C. Paget, Leith's hotel; William Hood, Brown's Bridge hotel; Ross and Forbes, Weka Pasß hotel; John Hastie, Hurunui hotel.
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Press, Volume XI, Issue 1404, 9 May 1867, Page 2
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1,639REPORTS ON PUBLIC-HOUSES. Press, Volume XI, Issue 1404, 9 May 1867, Page 2
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REPORTS ON PUBLIC-HOUSES. Press, Volume XI, Issue 1404, 9 May 1867, Page 2
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