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October 4, 1864. [Before C. C. Bowen, Esq., R.M.] j Bridget Ferrich was brought up for lunacy, and discharged. There were several cases of debt under £20 disposed of, but none of any public importance. This being the day for the quarterly meeting for granting publican's licenses, as there was no quorum of magistrates, the Resident Magistrate stated that the applications would be forwarded to his Honor the Superintendent. The following report, from the Inspector of Police, was forwarded to T. B. Bain, Esq., Cierk to the Bench, for the information of the justices at the quarterly meeting. Inspector's office, Christchurch, 30th Sept., 1864. Sir, —In compliance with the 42nd Clause of the Public House Ordinance, 1863, I beg to forward for the information of the Justices, at the quarterly meeting to be holden at Christchurch on the 4th inst., the following report respecting the hotels named in the margin, which are situate in the Christchurch Police District:— Oxford Hotel, Adley's. — Inspected. Found accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with conditions. Al Hotel, Blake and Sheppard.—lnspected. Found accommodation to be of a lit and proper character, . and in accordance with conditions. Family Hotel, Coliins's. — Inspected. Found accommodation to be of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. The Royal Hotel, Curs.—lnspected. Found the accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. Ferry mead Hotel, Curtis's. —Inspected. Found accommodation of a fit and proper character, in accordance with the conditions. Shearers' Arms Hotel, Dealing's.—lnspected. Accommodation of a fit and proper character, in accordance with conditions. Mechanics' Hotel, Fuch's. —Inspected. Found accommodation bad, house generally rough and uncomfortable ; beds very inferior. Visited the house on si couple of occasions, in consequence of complaints being made to mc of the manner in which the house is conducted. I have informed the proprietor that I ' shall be compelled to lav an information against him ■ if the accommodation afforded is not improved, and the house kept more orderly. Devonshire Arms Hotel, Hart's.—lnspected. Accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in i accordance with conditions. Clontarf House Hotel, Mrs. Hossack's.—lnspected. Accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in accorda cc with conditions. Lyttelton Hotel, Jones'. —Inspected. Accommoda- ! tion of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. t Kohler's Hotel, Kohler's.—lnspected. Accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. Valley Hotel, Lawrence's.—lnspected. Accommo- . dation of a fit and proper character, and in accordance t with the conditions. Papanui Hotel, Meddings*.—lnspected. Accommodation of a fit and proper character, and in accordf nnce with the conditions. The bedrooms and beds, and in fact the whole house, is kept remarkably clean . and comfortable. f Heathcote Arms Hotel, Pcarce's. — Inspected. . Everything properly, coupled with house clean and neatCity Hotel, Kuddenklau's.—lnspected. Found the accommodation to be of an excellent character and in . accordance with the conditions i Wharf Hotel, Silk's.—lnspaeted. Found every- ; thing clean and comfortable. Conditions fulfilled. Albion Hotel, Thompkins'.—lnspected. Found everything clean and comfortably arranged. Conditions fulfilled. Bridge Inn Hotel, Treleavan's. —Inspected. Found everything clean and comfortable, and in accordance with the conditions. Central Hotel, Moir and Campboll.—lnspected. Accommodation good, rooms and beds neat and clean, and everything in accordance with the conditions. White Horse Hotel, Samuel's. —Inspected. Found the accommodation to be of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. Sawyers' Arms, Matthews'.—lnspected. Accommodation good, and in accordance with the conditions. Harp Hotel, O'Hara's.—lnspected. This is a house recently erected, and not quite finished inside. The place is clean and comfortable. Carlton Hotel, Oram's.—lnspected. Accommodation of a superior character to any in the district. Everything neat and clean. Extensive improvements I in progress. Tweed House Hotel, Edgar.—lnspected. Accomodation of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the condition*. The house is very small. Golden Fleece Hotel, Smith and Aton. —Inspected. Alterations going on which will greatly improve the accommodation of the house, and when completed the house will be a comfortable one. Commercial Hotel, White's.—lnspected, Found the accommodation of a good character, and in accordance with the conditions. House very clean and comfortable. Criterion Hotel, Coker's.—lnspected. Found the accommodation in this house of a fit and proper character, and in accordance with the conditions. Every thing remarkably clean and comfortable. 1 have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, P. Pendek, Inspector of Police. The Commissioner of Police, Christchurch.
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Press, Volume V, Issue 603, 5 October 1864, Page 2
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744RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Press, Volume V, Issue 603, 5 October 1864, Page 2
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RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Press, Volume V, Issue 603, 5 October 1864, Page 2
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