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Lyttelton, April 11. v nnvr.ii. Vixe.l. -.rh'ioner. ?>■> 1 •:'•>■ l'>"f.e. from Aki.rua. I'asscn-c-tT- Me--!" 1,.-...-! ian I .-ii'-lv.tni ,lii:n>, ,>rt.:). :i I M-, \\'o..d..ii;v, fiKij) Ounedin. No pas-V.'i-•l.-' • -.. 4'• ' ii- , • • >'■''■' '■'• ■ r "' il '' :i:f ' '■"■ f- 1 " ,- '-' ,- ---■ ',-'■' ii ' -r- i: i'.ii>. >'' :itii. !•;. Norma. i. uinl two for the \,„-!,". s-.-ei'.i -e-Mi-iJi-.-. K. Ki-iiii,■■'.■. G.iuis...u, au'-l C.i iV.-Vuc.V.rlh." Mi'-liml ■Iγ. !>!i-. -in. ii. for Nelson and l>, .',..■.■,-/--;:! )>i.. M:,; r- -■■?..'>■ -M.- r-. .1 s|',, .-.„•! NiniH'i. I- !■■■■!, Hi.-.. Di.i.n-r. J. .1..::.--. W. '}].';•■.'. If' I. AlT'-.1. :fi.i ■■ K.hv.iVd M-,» - - 7.;-. :oiiK i.u_-a-i. >•>:■ Di;; ;■). in b.ill.i*t. Mll'S r.i-.-:..;.r s rs. D.. t vaell i Uauiuu..i-i. CI.FAKrO. Maid of Kent, schooner, ju t-jiis. Martiu, for Auckland via NapiiT. No lia^nerrjei-.-. Zephyr. schoo:i>'r. .ir. 'mis Iml<iy, for Pelorus bound. In ballast. No passeiiLicre. .Master, ageut. I' t r Vixen, Master, age-.i::_ Is.OJO lect timber, W~. V. Vvr Juno. Hargreaves ,<■; Co, : I.' quarte;- c;isks bniiidv. a<) quarter brls ni'ples. 11 bali'hils herriiijis. 4fi I'.rKS dl :'. (Vase-; cl'.ei-se. :i li. m-.-s'ham-*. I pk.j< bacon, r«i b ixcs 1.-.i'iv'ters.'-l' , di) candles. - el.-.-- cirnte<'iio;i<-iv. ■'• do in.ii/eua. 7 <!(i s.'ihnoii. 1 '-'ll' , I win.-, .".iici-.s Imricr. 4 cases l>a--on. inn d.-'.in-oil. '.('I li-ili i-i-1. ii|i;.l.-s. JO ca-es capei-', 'J pkg- ]!,)■« '>lc:l-e-: iio-|,| IV'li -. 11l (•:; c «;!\ llMU'iie , 21) >:<..-> S <-Ikh:i."i ■:»■. '■> •-..-es sardines, mi rN p.-arl 1 hale I ,-!. - .•< !M'if!-< •■.ilv.iui/ed iron. ."'I i>, .1. T. I'i-a--cock and < o ; :in lib N ale, lu-i <• i-si-s wbi-k.-v, Hii.!. X::. hi., ,»• ( o • in hill c,i,-'- lea. I-:. Muclie.l; 2 do (1... :•:-. i-mpty ( ha-- lirownell .v I'm ; :, i, ::::r: ci- c,i-!,s whiskey, nrder ; h qi' : ii-ter c-i-Us t.nuidv. .1. X. l-'airhi.r-t ; :i kegs tobacco, 1.. K.Nalliiiii; in .SoMsdo, l>. Prn-is. I'i-r Auckland, Miles \- <'0.. a-.-.its: :i2l bales wool. U , logs till! .cr, MileJ .V < o ; ;uid :i.7t.) o/s, 7 <iwis gold, .-.hipped a; Ot"■■■o for Svilney, an.l smi'lrv cargo lor Sydin-;.. IVr 11' To,' s.s." from Meilvuinie : 1 case. Ma.don. Forbes, Jt <'i. ; 1 ca-e meivhaiKlisc. Simpson A; Alurk s ; t cases furniture! 1 t'iiM- T. KitcHie : 1 i-a-o uien-ilandise. K. Svniin'uton ; 7 li link". 1 case;, i easi- nu rchaiidise, 1 trunk, ii. \V ele/vii-ki ; J i-.-i"' -i (inijiery. Klrby «V Co.; 10 bait rheslN lea,'V pi'Pl'er, *» rice, r.i; hags do, l liardwan-. J parcel, Wulton. Wani.-r. A Co.; :! pkLrs drapery. ,1 Xisiiitt ; " ca.»es liaiuH, I c>se cocoa. 11. ,J. Hill; 1 pkvr. Captain Buckley; 1 pkir Bank of New Zealand; I pkg. Cook and ltoss ;" r>o !in^- tlour, -1 clients ten, 10 cases grapes, 1 ca-e twine. 1 box fobac:-o. 1 pa-;, toliacco, H. Hawkili- ; 1 hhl. I boxen ni'-n-handi-e, T. Hitrhie; 1 ca-e merchandise, Hevindv nu<l Kilp;tni.-k; 1 pk;:. It. 1.. Sherman; 1 box. Mere.iiili and Tnlnot ; .' pkir, Millaw and Co. ; '.'.(mo sheep, .« Iku'si-s. I-'roin Dimeiiin : :ij pkgs drapery, 2 cases soft goods, .1. T. I'eacock and ('•>. KXI'OItT?. lYr Auckland, for Ne|so«. Miles «v <0.. agents: leases Mor-.isoii \- Co. ; ;j h:i?r- wheat, ii casks cheese. 2 cases do. :t do \i.'sias. r> tlo ch-icolate, '-I pianos, Keiishaw; and sundry gooiii lor Xorthorn por!s. " r.srv.rTl".t> xuiMVM.s. Colcondn. j-li'i>. fnun l.nndo.i. Sailed December 2?nd. I'riuce Cou.-oi£, ship, from i'lyriiuitth. Sailed Ocoeiiibcr 22nd. cbeice, brl'.'aii'ine, from Mclbounie. Countess of Se.-itield, from l.oiulon. Ivauhoe, fiinn London. (iobleii Sun-el, tVoin London. Cossipore, (nun London. Star of Tasmania, IVuin OtaiTO. JiOtds and Miriam, i.rig, from Sydney. Uurbnn. from London. Sailed Feb. Id. M'aijxira, .s.s . irom l.< lHist. Sailed Nov. 2C. Mountain Maid, from Sydney, with coals. Wild Wave, from Sydney, l'lince Alfred, .s.s.. from Sydney via northern ports iv May. F.speranza, brig, from Melbourne. Scotia, s *!., lor Mel' iiiiriie. CiUfcn, s.s., from Otngo. I'lio.ii.i n:i> nrPAHTrnr.'. Uoji-rood, barqin-, lor Callao, to sail sbortlr. Mti'nniid, ship, for I.oiidon. with wool and p.ubenjjers. Cn si of the Wave, schooner, lor Auckland. Star of the South, lor W.iugaiiiii. Airedale, s^,, for Otitic, on the IS'.h. IS IIAKKOI H. Hoinaii Kiuperor, «hip. Irom London, discharged, llolvrood, bari)Ue, oNcliartrcd. l,yr'tel:on, sldji, Irom Loading for Hoslon. >'"ermaid, Hliip, from London. Discharged cargo, ami loaning for London. li:ilncbiva, barque, from London. Discharged. Lady Douglas, sliiji, from (Jlasgow. Discharged. Star of the South, s.s.. from Wellington. Parisian, nblp, from London. I'i<charginu r cargo. liulian Knipire. ship, from London. Discharging cargo. Kniii, ketch, from Akuroa. Zephyr, schooner, from Dmieilin. Cleared for I'ulorus Sound. Maid of Ken*. HcliooiKT, from Manukau. Cleared for Anekhii.d via Nelson. Canterbury, schooner, Irom lleathcolc. Vixen, schooner, fn.m Akaroa. .1 nno. ketch, from Dniu-dln. Sylph, bchoonor. Irom lleatlicote. JUVKII SHirriNG. T.ytteltoD, April 0 & 10. ARHIVEO. Moa, U.S.. from TlcaMicotc. Wakool. s.s, front llcathcntc. Alidge. pill for. fVom Kaiapoi. Sy pb, s-.'hoOJier. from lliatlicofo. Euterori.- c, from Saltwater Creek, with wool. Apvil, n. I'er Maid of Kent, Master, n-ent : i.noo bushels barley. 1,5 io do oat*:, X. '/■■ produce, Aikinu'i Hfollicrs. Wnkool, s.s,, frum lleatlicote, US 'airs Hour. Moa, p.h.. do do, with 2'fi bales wool, barley. bo Id beer, and vats. Canterbury mlkjoiiit, from lleatlicote. IS bales wool. Enterprise, p.s., from Salt water Creek. )S I,tiles wool. IS ambler, cuiter, from Heaihcote, 1 !<> hides. s.\tMM>." ketch, for lleatlicote, with iron ex ludian Empire. .k.i-u-idlau Maid, for lleatlicote, with iron, <fee. ex UiUacluvii. April 11. Pa'inurus, schoonor, for lleatlicote, with lime and timber ex Parisian and Win. H'iclianaii. Isabella .laekson. schoi ner. with coal, ex Lady Douglas. Annie, ketch, for Kaiapoi, with shot, coals, beer, and sundries. Muiil of the Yarra, for Ainiiri, with flour, tea, sugar, timber, palings, fencing wire, &c.

KAIAPOr. April 8. Artuiv; r>. Mai.l of tlio Mil!, Tlohhs, Irnin T.yttolfon. with P. hnlc« corn sarkn. •.* cases tools, 1 do unparel, <;. (\ Hliick ; 7 disks. 18 eases oilmen's stores, 1 bale blimkets, 1 ease, a bolt load. lt> kcjrs shot. 4 drums oil. :: discs hanhvare, 1 snfe, i ilrnin [>:iinl. White X- <"o ; It) cases boitletl beer, Itirktnnn ; C boxes so;i)\ VI ilo ten. 1 siigrir. I barrel nuts, 0 boxes cHiulle-). A. Wiston -, io pacUnjree lujrpfajre, .Foster; 1« do (In Wood; - bale.-- thumbed tobacco, .1. l>. Mueplierson. April.». Knieriilil. from "\Wllin.\rton. with iD.ooOfoet timber, 0 bales corn sucks, Ucswieli & Birch. SAILKD. Ml. IN KIVF.R. TJomiie Lass. Snutliern \)neeli. Maid ol the Mill. lOuior.ilil. TIMAIir. April 1. AURIVEP. (ieelong;, l>.s., Turnl'iill. iVmn h> ttelton. Two passcripers. s.vii.m. Geclonu , , p.s., for Dunediii. No iiasscngers. mi , oi:ts. I'er (leelon :: 1 c.i-v. AV:ii.-on ; 1 ilo JStnh'is it Kin.?; ' stove, 1 I .os iitt'ii..-., lbnmlle j.ipitipr, ltrown iV Mantle; ■* nisi- :-.-'> milk ili-lii'-. -J luniks boots, Uuswii'k ; "J tlrnys. ■'. Irani , ! : beer. I.rCrni. ;:• Alv.'irn.'i ; 2 cases fruit. ('"■.■e-iiike; 1 :: rases l.:itter iV: Henley; 1 case. V reeu.

'l'lii> I'li.-v , '! -, ni-r ; vi-d fiMin t >':iiri>, willi infi jia-seuff'Ts ulw.t r,nv: ou on SnMiril;»y. haxiii-- loft tlio juvvsniis evi-n----ln<i at 6. insiUiii.L' a nuiel; p;t * n.y ot" t n hour-*, stu w:: i!( !::!H< >! in I> :i!t''!ht v.-iitin.i» for the innil. Slip li-ji I'.irt a::;iin l-zthr \on!i !".,v.r h,>\ir< aiti-s- ln-r arrival. Mr. l!:i:iUs. n! - th?> tirm nt >!I'i-< .V <'■>.. lias shipped in tin-Ili-ro. uMi-.i^n , il to "Sir. < 'nvt-rliiil, mi.' live kangaroo, Idii< i> , :: ■•'k ->v'i>< <o. r ln.i-'il'-;. and x-\t'.v.l poaeoi'ks, wliicl have arrived siifi Iv in port. Till , s'-ivw sd-amMiiii Hire, •'.■ifain f.oirii:i, from Mγ)-l'onnu-via<»ta_'o. ar.iwil in tlii> pu.'i v.' hall-pas t\v>> !in , iiiiT n vitv tiiie paiMiiiv , . Sin- Ul'i .Milliourne or S:i!nrd;ty tl'.v'Vnd and liad ihi-1. r:i'k' Wt'Otllc!' Willi ••iiaiii-'i'.iM.' winds ;i!i nriUiji:: , i!ic on the i'ourfl tlav out. wliin very bvny wi-aiiu-r .'.iroun*, nil with tlii.- , wiiich i>'>li'..r'd t.'ie vesM-l to lav -to lor several hours The Mi■;•!> .1 .•: i\ •■•! ;:' I'orf (''lalniiTS on l-'ridHy. at noon ami ('otiiitti'iit'ril at o;ii\' to dtM -I .iar-je her lUiirdm ••i-iif iw.i "iMndf. .1 a-i.l tilty !v:i~. whii h was ;i'| well de-liv.-nii ;uid Hie v.->r> ri'.'idy «\i.-*,-:i »i::iin !>y tli.- iollowi:ip evening. l-elii-ve til:' liUr di-na;e!i h:i> not lieeu *; ,n ii Pi-rl < "iiii'.ii-.e- 'i on any p- - iviou> invoioii. The Hero ininir2V:i'< tine -ttfi'U -h.■<•:. iiii.! - In•:•-•-. l>i-ijdi->> ::il tons genera! <-:ii-ji». Anion'.st sin of pa-M-niis-i's \m- liuiicr ihv name o' (ajii iin .!.:nu-( l.aki. •<< well known in ooutitvlion wit! the i-fl.-lir.ited - l'.l.iek |:-ii| " .li: jer " ;uu! who is now one o'tlie in tiuigers mr the tirm of Messrs. lid Jit & Co.. ofMelboiirm , .

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume IV, Issue 453, 12 April 1864, Page 2

Word Count

Shipping. Press, Volume IV, Issue 453, 12 April 1864, Page 2

Shipping. Press, Volume IV, Issue 453, 12 April 1864, Page 2


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