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Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1922 LOCAL AND GENERAL.

i Regarding the depredations re--1 cently reported by stoats, a local resident who has had considerable experience among English gamekeepeis, informs us that the main idea in trapping the vermin is that they cannot resist running through drain pipes. Procure, he says, a couple of 4 inch drain pipes, place on the ground a tew inches apart in the bottom of a hedge, or any suitable cover; put a good rat trap between the pipes and cover with a sack no need to bait the trap. Mr R. A, Gardner, proprietor of the Rotorua Chronicle, who has been spending a holiday at Mount Maunganui, left on his return to Rotoiu i this morning. Messrs Stansfield and Company notify that a dwelling and section at Waihi will bo sold by auction on April 22 The EuSi Coast bhipphg Com ■ pany’s auxiliary schooner, Houto is due to leave Auckland for Tauranga at noon to-day. The Northern Steamship Company’s vessel Parotoisdue to day j from Portland Island with a load , of cement for the Public Works I Department. Mr R. R. Gardner, manager of the Union Bank at Trundle, New { South Wales, who is spending a, 1 three months holiday in New! j Z ? a! a n d, i s s t a y i n g a i foil n l j Maunganui. He is accompanied ! ' by Mrs Gardner and family. j

A special meeting of the Tau ranga Cemetery Trustees was held last night, Mr J C Adams presiding. The question ol revising the scale of fees was considered. In this connection corres pondence was read from the Wanganui, Cambridge, and Napier Borough Councils, giving particulars of charges made by those local bodies—lt was stated that the expenses of maintenance of fences, etc, had increased greatly. Further, a delegation had previously waited on the Trustees and urged that mare should be done in the nature of keeping the cemetery in better order.— Members discussed the question and unanimously agreed that fees for interments be increased to ft 15s for adults and for children £1 ; also, that the fees for freehold plots be raised to £3. It was decided that the fees for maintenance of graves stand as formerly fixed, viz, £lO fora single grave and £l4 for a double grave.

The monthly meeting of the Tauranga Harbour Board will be held to-morrow. Mr H. Southey, county chairman, convenes a meeting of ratepayers to be held in the schoolhouse at Otumoetai on Friday next, at 7 30 p.ra., to consider loan proposals. All ratepayers are cordially invited to attend At the last meeting of the council of the Auckland Railways and Development League, con siderable discussion took place over the questions of finance and publicity, the reports of two subcommittees on these subjects being submitted, Roth were adopted. The matter of publicity was handed bark to the subcommittee, which was given power to act, progress to be reported to subsequent council meetings. The secretary, Mr R. R .Hunt, announced his desire to resign. After discussion it was decided to ihank him for his past services, and to accept an offer, he made to carry on until a new arrangement could be made. Members of local bodies and all interested are reminded of the meeting to be held in the Borough Council Chambers at 730 this evening for the purpose of outlining a common policy in order to concentrate up an urgent mat' ters to be brought before the Minister of Public Works on the occasion of his visit to Tauranga next week.

Mr B. P. Andrews local agent for the Northern Steamship Company is now enjoying his annual leave. His place has been taken by Mr W. Carstens, of the staff of the head office. The steamer Ngapuhi arrived from Auckland this morning and sails at the usual hour to night She is due again on Friday morning and will leave at 7 p m. Next week she is to go into dock and her place in the Auckland-Tau ranga service will be taken by the Rimu, which leaves Auckland at 3 p.m. on Monday, remaining all day on Tuesday (Anzac Day) at Tauranga. and sailing for Auckland at 7 p.m. on Wednesday. The names of Colonel Allen, Morrinsville; D. Donaldson, (Mayor); and F. M. Strange, Mangaiti (chairman of the Thames Valley Electric Power Board), are mentioned as possible opponents of Mr H 1 -gh Poland (sitting member) f or the Oh inemuri seat at n ex t clcctio 11 -

A large number of Rotorua people have been spending the Easter holidays at Mount MaunEanui. Amongst the number arc Mr J. E. Martin and fa mily, Mrs Urquhart and child, Mr A. Carnachan and family. Mrs W. T. Parata and family, Mrs Woods and family, and Mr and Mrs R. A. Gardner.

A meeting of the Gate Pa Hockey Club will be held in the school this evening. All players and intending players are invited to attend. The Rangitaiki Plains Herd Testing Association 30 - day period ending 30th. March, ■ 1922, gives the following results ; — 1 Yield of average cow in best herd 29.28 lbs fat ; yield of average cow in worst herd 17.29 lbs. fat ; Association average 22.34 lbs. fat; highest individual yield 38.64 lbs. fat ; lowest individual yield 8.40 lbs. fat. The auxiliary schooner Coronation, which arrived at Wellington at 7.45 a.m. on Saturday was considerably buffeted during the passage from Whakatane, which occupied todays. The Coronation left Whakatane on the sth. inst. I with a load of maize. Fine | weather prevailed till mid light on the 9th., when about 10 miles north-east of Casllepoint a strong southerly was encountered which retarded the vessel’s progress. Bad weather continued till the Coronation was off Cape Palliser on Tuesday morning. The vessel shipped a quantity of water during the heavy weather. She met a north-westerly gale in Cook Strait, and when off the Wellington entrance at 2 a.m. on Thursday was blown away as far as the Kaikoura Peninsula. The Coronation left the Peninsula at 9pm. on Friday, and although the winds were still fresh, she made port without further adventure. A social evening will be held in the Wesley- Hall at 7.30 to* night to welcome the Rev. J. J. Lewis. The Kiwi hockey club will hold a practice on the Domain tomorrow. A full attendance of members is requested. The Matron of the hospital would be grateful for gifts of old linen, which could be left at the hospital or with Mr H. H. Me Carthy. A special general meeting of the lawn tennis and croquet chb will be held in the borough coun cil chambers on Wednesday next at 7.30 p.rn. The purpose of the meeting is to decide the allocation of playing grounds for the coming season, e*c.

change in Name of Account. i fhe Paymaster-General of n, Treasury wrote requests that n lianie of the Tauranga * I Ihstriet Fund Account be cl 1 10 the Tauranga District 1 count in accordance with & M - C ’ | I I t was agreed to accede to the » I quest'. le ’ Hangerous Trees. ] Messrs .1, K. Sedcole, E. Rr w : 11. thump, A. W. Oliver, D. Cam bio. M, E, Myru and M. Scolt, rat^pay ( >rs ul Sixth Avenue, wrote call mg attention to the live T IIVK .M 111,. VK-Imty of the infan, shionl. which arc dangerous, especially in windy weather for tlie children who make a playground . it. The writers asked the Council to do away with these trees. Cr Whiting thought It would sutiico it the trees were topped,. Cr Baigent. moved That arrau ge . meiits for tupping the trees be lef t I in tlie hands of the Works Com- 1 I mitloo. The Mayor seconded, • Cr Jones was strongly against cutling down the trees. Cr Wrigley moved an amendment -That the trees he felledCr Walker seconded. The amendment was lost and the motion was 'carried.'

Account, for Timber., . . Mr A, E, Hammond forwarde] accoum for ,I'l for timber,' Mr Mcikle noted that the timber i was procured for “The Sleeping Beauty'’ tR.S.A.) and is all used in stage requirements. The Fiuano? Committee recoin- ' mended that the matter be referred to the Chairman of the Endowments Committee to look into.—Adopted, A Eating Matter. Mr .1. I’. Kalaugher, supervisor of the Manual and Technical . Branch under the Auckland Educa- ; lion Hoard, wrote stating that the Good Templars’ Hall should be ex- | empi from local rating, as it is used J solely for educational purposes. The Finance Committee recom-mended-That the Council cannot allow exemption as the property appears on the valuation roll arid has been confirmed by the Assessment Conn as rateable property,-Ad- j opted. j Keeping Drains Clear. I The Works Committee reported S that the nightwatchinan agreed; to ! see that drains are. kept dear from I 10 p.m. to time of going off duty in the morning, for the sum of £1 per. month. Cr Whiting thought, the people on the. Strand might do something' similar and keep the drains clear up to 10 p.m, The night watchman’s offer was accepted. 'Brockway Trucks. Messrs Pomeroy and Co., Ltd., Hamilton, wrote intimating that they could supply Brockway trucks, On the recommendation of the Works Committee it was decided that the letter be filed for future re : forence. Beplacing Trees. Mr F. A, Turner wrote asking permission to remove four pinus insignia trees on the road .adjoining his propertv and to replace same with other trees to be approved by the Council. He was also willing to provide the necessary guards for the latter trees.

The Works Committee racowmended that the request be granUd provided that lime trees be planted and substantial guards are erected. --Adopted. Temporary FenceMr J. S. McKcuzie wrote asking for permission to erect a temporary j fence across Hairini Street for the j purpose of preventing stock dsm»g- j ing his garden. He also intended ■ i)l an ting a hedge. The Works Committee recom-mended-That the request bo granted under the usual conditions wa during the pleasure of the Council. Cr Whiting stated a gate") would have to be erected by theap: pii cant. , . The recommendation was adop ed. A Dangerous Corner. Messrs Stevens and Go*, surveyors, forwarded-sketch plan land proposed to be taken from Lot i | 302, Section 1/near Monmouth ** I doubt, ffl . The Works Committee rwoij mended—That the Council grte » Edwards a guarantee that the «* nig of the piece of ground **£ prevent building on Lot w-» tlo Cr Whiting said that Mr Edwjjj had met the Council m » -' friendly spirit as regards the takm,, of the land. <j. The recommendation was opted. Durham Street. Miss Home wrote requ« that repairs be effected tc.a off* i portion of Durham Street footp^' and road.- , , ~„««; The Works Committee J mended that the matter be att*u . ed to at the first opportymty. Cr Whitinu said certainjrtf m>„ was necessary in Durham Strt«Cr Wngley said some work ba been carried out in the streer. The recommendation was adop ed. Water Pressure. Mr R. P. Baigeni, acting t,ry of the Tauranga wrote as follows: At tuc meeting of this Board T w » smieted to ask your Council w that the mains of the Borougb^ supply are kept in A* 4 *I** 1 ** ° th e ,o thai in the event of a nr brigade would have a good P^ 3 of water available. The Works Committee _ " me«dcd-That the SupeWiU« of the Brigade be asked to ilm Council with a record oi " pressures for the period oj Luth, and fchat the Board be u»

formed that fire plugs have just been inspected.--Adopted. Missing Hurdles-. Mr P. S. Deusem, lion, secretary of the Tauranga Athletic Club, wrote stating that some years ago tho Council had borrowed a number of hurdles for fencing off openings in streets, The hurdles were not returned, and the assistance of the Council in tracing them was asked for. The Works Committee recommended that the Club be informed that tho Council is unable to trace the missing hurdles. Mr Mandeno said the hurdles which the Council now possessed were of a different type to those which athletic clubs used. Cr Whiting moved—That the Works Committee's report be adopted.- Seconded by Cr Uaigent 1 and carried, Town Clerk's lleport, The Town Clerk submitted his report as follows: . Streets Loan £2OOO, 1919 This loan has now been expended and as the work is incomplete I would ask for authority to apply for the additional 10 per ecut., being £2OO. The department may require a further special rate as security and a rate of one farthing in the pound over the whole Borough will be sufficient. Electric Loan £12,500 The debentures and documents! for this loan have- now been, completed and sent forward. The loan should be available shortly. 1 would suggest that on arrival of the loan the Antecedent Liability Account No. 2, amounting to £5,2Q8/i4/9, be extinguished and the balance of the amount advanced by the Electric Account refunded, also that the Otumoetai, Papamoa and Te Puke guaranteed overdrafts be extinguished. Antecedent Liability Accounts - In compliance with tho Local Bodies Finance Act, 1921-22, Antecedent Liability accounts have been opened at the Bank. General Account £2973/8/8, Electric Account £d2oß/14/9. The latter has been reduced through a cheque, £556/8/5 not having been presented by March 31, and there being apparently a Haw in the Act which makes no provision for this class of liability. Outstanding Kates at March 31, are as follows; General, 1921-2 £2-1 13 0 Watep-, 1921-2 £l2" 11 5 Streets and Town Ha11,'1922 £837 18 9 Drainage, 1922 £3lB 11 0 There are now no rates of previous years outstanding. Financial Position—General Account Antecedent Liability £741 1/11, electric account antecedent liability £327/5/5, making the amount of the overdraft £ 106 b" 7-1, plus unpresented sheque £556. The total debit, including antecedent liability, is £9806/19/2. Cr Whiting moved--Thai the Town Clerk's report be adopted. Seconded by Cr Walker. Cr Wrigley regarded the results of the streets loan expenditure as disappointing. The Mayor said some of the roads had boon'treated with tar twice. which increased the expenditure. There was still £l5O available. ■ Cr Whiting said that certain tarWtling material had been costly but ii was of good quality. Cr Whiting's motion wib carried. Cr Jones moved That provision b« made to pav off the antecedent liability by mean.- ot a loan with a currency of twenty years.- In speaking to the motion he said he understood that the antecedent liability was. £2900 and that was too Uitich t'j pay off in seven years. Cr Whiting seconded. Cr Wrigley moved an amendment -That the matter be held over till n«ft meotintr. Ktv.-.iiih-d l>v Cr Walker. The* aiaenduiiii; wa- carried, by l '"»r votes to three.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7964, 19 April 1922, Page 2

Word Count

Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1922 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7964, 19 April 1922, Page 2

Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1922 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7964, 19 April 1922, Page 2


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