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Bay of Plenty Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1917 LOCAL AND GENERAL

Senior Sergeant O'Grady is paying en official visit to Tauranga. A recent casualty list shows that Private W Rateli, son of Mr 0 Rogers, of Maketu, was wounded on July 21. Mr Guy N Morris, mining registrar, inserts a notice today in regard to an applicatir h for a license for a claim in the TePuke district. Mr W Armstrong, of vTe Puna, applied to the Ooun'y. Council on Friday for peniiiesion to take a few loads of pufliica from the bottom of Hakau Cutting for his milking ehed.— Cr Lochhead moved: That permission be t-rante I.—Tha motion was seconded by the Chai man and carried. Sapp r P Simpson and Private Farlatid, who have been spending their final leave here, left on their return to camp en Friday evening. Prior to the departure of the Ngapuhi the Municipal Band assembled on the Town Wharf and renderid several selections. Cr Ball advocated at the meeting of ths County Council on Friday that a piece of laud m the Maniatutu Township near the Pongakawa Hill should be acquired »s a puaaice reserve. The area was about one or two acres. — The Supervis r replied that he would look in'o the matter. There was a largo attendance at the lantern entertainment given by Ven Archdeacon Tuke at Mr Middleton's residence, Gate Pa, on Friday night. Thfl pictures were well screened, and dealt with instructive and amusing subject*. The collection resulted in the sum of £2 13a 2d, which will be handed to the Church of England Suuday Bchool Prizes and Guild Fund. Votes of thanks were accorded to Mr and Mrs Middleton and to Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. Accounts amounting to £658 2s 8d were passed for payment at the meeting of the County Council on Friday last. The items iucluded £132 for i metal supplied by the Public Works Department for work in the vicinity of the Kahika Hill; .

A very successful social was held . at Mrs Armstrong's residence, the Mount, on Friday evening in aid of the Church of Eugland fund. The evening was devoted to dancing, interepereed with competitions . and song's. Mr MeGrath carried out the duties of M.O. ia a capable manner. Nail-driving competitions were won by Mrs E Johnson and Miss Bal/our, while |Mr F Beach appropriated th<) prize in a hit-trimming competition for gentlemen. The prize for the hat - trimming was given by Mr Bain and those for the nail-driving by Mesdames Armstrong and Mellish sSoogs were rendered by Measra Liddicoat, Bennett, and MeGrath, and a recitation was given by Master Keith Armstrong. A dainty supper was provided. The committee —Meedames- Cartmao, Me Grath, Armstrong, Kunber, Melli?h, Johnson, Randall and Bain—are to he congratulated on the success vhich attended their efforts. It is iotended to hold another social next month.

la the course of his reply to a deputation which waited upon him a few days ago urging the speeding up of the construction of the eastern end of the Main Trunk line between I Stratford and Ongarue, Hon. W Praser said the difficulty was not a question of money, but a question of obtaining rpeeessary labour. The labour trouble |had also been experienced jn regard to ItheWaihi-Tauranga railway, and as if there were only twenty men available ffor work on that line it was not to keep an engimer and a £and a st&ff for thtt particular work. ;Men had been advertised for, but not one single application had been received. As soon as he could obtain the necessary labour the work advocated by the deputation would ba commenced.

A special meeting of tha 3orough Council will be held tomorrow night at 730p m. Among the matters to be considered are the question of metalling and planting Cameron Road, and the appointment of a borough foreman.

A good hearty sneeze is generally attended more or less by a not unpleasant sensation. That the exception proves the rule was well exemplified a few dare ago when a member of the local Post Office staff in sneezing dislocated his shoulder.

Members of the St. Peter's Choir sod Sunday School essembled in the Parish Hall on Friday evening to msik their recognition of the work accomplished on behalf of the Presbyterian Church by Miss England Words of appreciatkn were spoken by Kev. A U Wedderspoou behalf of the congregation), Mr W Jones (Choirmaster), and Mr J Murdoch (Superintendent of the Sunday School), all bearing testimony to the unselfish manner in which Misa England bad laboured for the Chuich. Several songs and recitations wen contributed, and a '•' missing word " competition was held, the winners being Misa Gilinore ind Miss Robbius. Duriug the evening Mr Jones, on b;half of the choir, presented Miss England with a gold brooch, and Mr J Murdoch, on be half of the Sunday School, handed to Miss England volumes of ScoU'a and Matthew Arnold's poems. Miss Eng • land replied in appropriate terms. Supper was afterwards handed rouud, a very pleasant function beiug brought to a close by the hearty singing of 11 Auld Lang Syne " und " God Save the King." The question of location of electric wires on the main road opposite the Experimental Station was placed before the Oouaiy Council on Friday by the Supervisor, who said the place for the wires wjs between the trees and the hedge on the eastern side of the road. —The Council resolved to leave the matter in the bauds of Mr Gray to act as he deems fit.

A communication from Mr A E Anderson, Omokoroa, was read at the meeting of the County Council on Friday, asking the Council to put a road or at least a good track to his sections 224 and 225, Apata District, as he expects to be carting some heavy goods in shortly. He explained th it when he bought tho sectious he thought by the plan that there was either a track or unformed iOiJ, buc when lie got there he found that sucu was not fthe case.— Mr (iray said it would be useless to construct roads in the Apata district until a resurvey was made. Tfce i whole couutry thereabouts consisted of

!I military sections.—Or Lochhead sugI \ geated that inquiries be made.—The Council decided to refer thd matter to the Te Puna Separate Kate Committee . At the end of the thirteenth week of the Auckland Poultrykeepers' Association's egg-laying competition Mr J H Blaker's pen of Black Minorcas etill retain their position of firat aggregate in that class. Matters affecting a long dra'n at Maketu claimed the attention of the

County Council on Friday. A letter was read from Mr 0 "Rogers—tot the Maketu Committee —who advised that at a meeting of natives it was agredd to pay the expenses of clearing the drain from the bridge towards the school-■•> house past the culvert, the Council to clean tue lower part down to the bridge towards Te Puke road. The Goudcil | was authorised to put a man on to do the natives' portion, and the natives j will guarantee to pay expenses, the money being in hand. Tne Council! was asked to start the lower end as soon as possible, as in its present state the drain may causa fever when the dry weather sets in.—Mr Gray said he could get the work done for 6s per chain. The length of the Council's drain was 28 chains.—The Council agreed to advise Mr Rogers that if the natives will deposit £10 the Goun« oil will proceed with the work.

The running of cows on the streets may Jiava many advantages but it has its drawbacks Many residents are complaining bitterly of the activities of several cows in the hungry herd that now roams the streets. Gates and fences are of no avail and gardens suffer accordingly. Residents who are troubled in this way have the remedy in their own hands. It is not quite so certain, however, that Mr Kidley will have any recourse against the cow which, enticed by the cabbages and other green stuff temptingly displayed, quietly strolled into the flaymarket on Saturday morning. The episode caused some amusement, and the cow was got rid of before any harm was done.

The following* motion, proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by Or Stewart, was uaanimously adopted at the meeting of the County Council on Friday — 'ihat on this the third anniversary pi the declaration of a righteous war, this meeting of the Tauranga County Council records its inflexible determination to continue to a victorious end the struggle in maintenance of those ideals of liberty and justice which are the comiion and Bacred cause of the Allies.

A meeting of the Hauraki Comforts' Fund Concert Committee was held in theßorough Council Chambers on Saturday evening Mr C E Macmillan io the chair. The Secretary, Mr Qeo. Willcock, reported that arragements had been made for a launch to meet the performers at Bowentown, and a'so for billeting them during their brief stay here. Mes9rs J A Guinness and G Willcock were authorised to account for the Fund at the Bank of New Zealand, aod to operate on it. Mr Willcock also reported that ia addition to the epergne donated by Mrs Floyd, a very hiudsome table centre had been donated by Mrs Bard, ani a pen-painted satin cushion by Mrs THall. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the donors.

It was resolved that the epergne should be Bubmitted for sale at the concert by public auction at a reserve of £20 the other articles to be disposed of later as the committee may decide. A petition was received at the id eating of the County Council on Friday from Messrs E Maurice, HG Lever, RH Phelan and B Bnodgrass, objectisg to the proposed erection of » gate across the Wairoa-Oranui Swamp Koad as intended by Mr Carmichael.—The Council resolved, to inform Mr Carmichael that as there are objections his request cannot' be granted. Motor Cars for hire day or night Ring 'Phone No. 72. Geo. Davies Cameron Boad* For Chrouic Cough Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Is 6d, 2s 63.

v The steamer Waiotahi is a» fa * jSi in here it 4p m on WedneiS^llK her way from Auckland to OpotiJL ? ? Headers are reminded of the J * organised by the Junior QniJl heW m the Church of EngC^bj Hall this evening at 8 o'cWt T good programme is advartisea aud .t enjoyable evening should result/' On Thursday next a public m**is to be held in the Town flSflffip purpose of passing a motion urgW Z Government to introduce V «;» 7 reduce the hours for the sale of hW from Santos p m durA currency of the war, andduri&tfc! demobilwation of our a-mie? gnWorship the Mayor, Mr JQ will preside, and v<m oU3 speakers S audress the meeting. ™ The ladies* goif comnaHr;«w F G brought out twelve * petitors and provided a very lw finish, Mrs Koche proving tl»« winnH with a score of 73 ( SCjre 86 hanrft. handicap 20; and Miss McLaughK £ (sere 82, handicap 8) runnersup A " competition for gentlemen will beheld on Saturday next, wither permitting. Owing to pressure on our 6i)aceto * day the general rep,re of the Uo aQ t Council meeting is hald over. The Municipal Band will miw ter outside the Town at 7 30 >harpo a Wednesday evening rtQ d will ■reader, progrdmuie prior u the commence ment of the Isle of B ,ng entertaiucneat The masquerade and fancy dreu ball held in the Opera House on ihursiay evening was largely attended Many pretty ana original costume were worn. A fi, s t prize wa ß awarded to MusSwanu, « ho oleverly re»reM n r ed "Massey's Art Lmoo/heroSi > being adorned with iu«roles wu [ te j e , grams while eue oariied a ballot box* Aoo\her first p k ize wm won by Mn A Munro, who concealed her 'identity in a Chioese costume. M:ss Doiii KeU v as "Criaison Kimble*/' Mr U MilW - > as "lodiau,' 1 Mr A. thttrnm u * ■«Ghi!d-Top» and Mr V Clark « •• ihree Castles Cigarettes^" were»ll highly commended b^ the j-«i M Ntedless to say a fair number vivht. tators weie present, auu m lULctionsof ' this kind the provision of card tables would be appreciated by ihoae who ait out and do uot indulge iu dancing, Kr F li Uammond made an efficient Master of Ceremonies. Excellent * music was supp.iei by Mrs Hartley (pianoi, extras being played by Mim Cleaver and Mr A McGiegor. Supper was handed round at 11 o'clock. Later dancing was resumed, a very' pleasant fauciou tormiuati g«t 1 am, ihe proceeds are in ail of the Treiiob Comforts Fund.

At the meeting of the County Council on Friday a letter was read from Mr O J Hodge, clerk to the To Puke Road Board, advising that at a meet' iag of the Board held on July 21 [fa followingreaolmion was passed: « f h»t the Tauranga County Council be recommended to declare the road laid, ing from ihe main county road tj the Te Puke Gold Reefs to be a county road and thereafter to dedaie it to be a main road."—He further stated;—l wu directed to p w iut out in communicating this resolution to your Council that one " of the chief considerations which in. d.icei the Board to came to this de«' cision was the promise made by. the: chairman of the County CounciUnd the two representatives of the Te Puke - Riding to do their beet to persuade the Council to expend at once a sum "of " £400 on the road, the work being oat \ of most urgent necessity."—The Chair, man (Mr Southey) explained that wh»t ' he promised was that he would uwhis : influence to get a subsidy from the Oovernment for the road.~Or Lilly moved: That the.road be declared« V county road, and that a special meetiog : of the Council be held on September 7-1" = to make the necessary BJpeoiil order.—■" The motion was seconded by Cr Lemon . and carried unanimously—lt wu aho decided to apply to the Miuiiter of Mines for a eubaidy of £500, £l for - £1 for the road.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6895, 6 August 1917, Page 2

Word Count

Bay of Plenty Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1917 LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6895, 6 August 1917, Page 2

Bay of Plenty Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1917 LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6895, 6 August 1917, Page 2


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