1916 Christmas Greeting »« As my business ia flourishing, owing to str'ot personal attention and sound straightforward nieilioic, I h-ive resolved t<> further reiuce the cost of ivtng- fir-my customers by working, wherever" possible, oa a smaller margin of prollt. Commanding, as I do, the best markets by buyirg solely for spot .cash, I cm offor goods which, you can rest assured, will compire favourably for price and quality with any in the Domini n. Thanking you for past favours, I am, Yours Respectfully, W. T. TEASEY. Direct Importer of Drapery, Millinery, Mercery, Furnishings
E. IV BAKER Land, Estate and Commission Agent Agent for the Liverpool Loudon aud j Globe Insurance Co., Ltd. L^ans Negotiated. Estates \l ia >.ge Office Wharr St.- Phone 9G DENT I ST BY."" §Vir F. W. THOSVIPSOP! (Late of Ohiistclmrch) Will take charge of Mr W.- H. roole't- f-ract'ce during his absence at the front, Mr J C Dromgool I Solicitor, 1 Has removed to a temporary g office at the rear of Messrs I Phillips aud Maltby'sprcm- I lses (old National Bank) 1 Entrance'from'Willow Street, | H, H, OLEMSOX, | F. N.Z. LA. I X AGISTER ED ARCHITECT I Norris-& Bell's Building?.,-' I Devonport Pvoad Tauranga I " C J. KlliK ARCHITECT, A.N.Z.I.A. Wharf Street, TAURANGA $11 AR P & TUDH OP E Barristers & Solic .TaUKANGA. i Money to Lend on Good Securities Fallwell's Hair Tonic makes every hair stay where it belongs, promotes its growth, and ures dandruff. We Guarantee it,:—3/- Bottle A. G. FALtWELL, - ! CHEMIST, THE STBAND, - TAURANGA BUTTON & ALDIS. Barristers and Solicitors WHARF ST TAUTUNGA W, J. BAIGENT, LAISD AGEFT Office, Wharf St. JUST OPENED New Sprting Goods. Tennis Racquets aud Balls, Bowls ! and sundries. i ■ . 'MASONIC .. HOTEL. + _ Speight's XXX ALWAYS CNTAR gB-a-saea-a-as-a-sa-S-i-B-g' , i 'saw Only the best of spirits stocked MARTIHUIRK Proprietor. ~", Many thousands of people V^^ make their own good cough, \V cold, and sore throat medicine. \ VTheyuse HEAN'S ESSENCE. A^k One bottle makes a pint and V^ saves ten shillings. f
#% en™ bs? ici *♦♦*♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦*♦• j When digestion fails, whether from' J M_ ssa M 1 o*%b *oss °^tone' c^ma^c changes, overwork, + BBS Jnli p errors of diet,"nothing so soon restores £ B__ _P_v ___ *^_0 {one ai^d healthy activity to the digestive .♦ system as the root and herb extract— 2 Mother Scigel's Syrup. It tones and ♦ J regulates the liver and bowels, and clears the system of the decayed t + products of indigestion—the fruitful cause of headaches, ■''-■■ + I TAKE THE -DIGESTIVE-TONIC I ♦ languor, acidity, heartburn, flatulence", brain fag, and biliousness. It ♦ J makes food nourish you, and thus builds health on good digestion _ ♦ 5 1 nil fill i UM p_ i_# _*! BL _ _Tl _l 1 " ■_■ ♦ i.m-UIHfcK at lb tl Si I SYRUP. |
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6806, 18 December 1916, Page 2
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