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AN UNQUALIF.ED SDCJESS. - » c r-r-- - t mm hum of entries. 1 s I OFFIOUUS. ' J c Patron,— ilr V,\ H. llerries, lU\ s President. — Jlr H. .J. «;;ii. \ icePiHJsiden is— iU essis \\. A. Ik-nnctt c anil J. lVroW'ii. Auditor. — -Mr (has. * Bishoprick. Treasurer. — Mr Wn*. * Harr'uy.. Secrutary.— .Mr liobt: S. t tM at tuny (-Jeaoral, i.\.nm itlee — » M.-CSSI-S F. Donovan, (!. H«:t<jw, M. £ R.\V>urn. r l'i N. ii| ii»S'.>. A. Ky- | iHuma, D. J. AlcEwen, «.'. r«if-iiup-rick, T). JlcCracten, J. i". Kidjle-11, C. Ball. K. W. P. Matthews, J . Smit'b, A- F. U'ratlen, J.i F. i.«vis. J. K A, 'M c« hie, C. Vercoe-,, U. ,A. Yercoc, T. ljeinon, A. J. Moknry, G. IMpruse,! \V. G. Robertson, C. liarnow ami \V. Gilrnewr. fc'Jfcwv Committon— Messrs H. J. Gill, \Y. Harr.ay, W. A., Bennett, -F. l>on'ovan, C- Vcrcoe. C. Bisboprick, C. Harrow, 11. O'-CaUaghan, M. Hy■burn, .1. Hr O \vn, T. P. Leaicn, J. A. .MoUhle.. .ImVgcs— T>r a u|.tit fiorsew : Mr J. <?i\vnt, fln'ivera. Ijig-ht Horses : Mr A. Scllw, 'Auckland. Cattle : Mr S. W. 1./.ixf«l'd . Pevonj)ol't, Auckland. Produce. Vegetables and Fruit : Mr S. O'l^eary. Auckland. Butter: Mr M. J. Stan-ton. Needlework and Cookery : Mesdomcs l'\ H. Alexander an-d A. F. Tunfcs! Taluntng'u. Flowers : Misses .1. and E. C a Trut'h, -Auckland. Drawing, Hfimri writing and Brushwork : M'tes Soddon. Flastw cine and Paper Folding : Miss Find•*ai>'. Stewards— Light Horses : Messrs H. A. Vcrcoe, C. Bull, M. O'Callaß'han ami H. Doug-las, jim. 1 fraught Horses : Messrs A. Ry- ■ burn, J. Hnrray and R. Pradfcr 1. Cattle : Messrs J. Brown, W. McCracken. •!• A. McGhie and F. Bonovnn. Sheep: Mr W. Barrow. Pips: Mr J. Carrut.h. Hall : Messrs A. Pruden, N. Pearce, H. Bi'ownlie, C. Bishoprick, E. N. Hoytc nnd) O. .T:< Ho<lge. Tja<lies Committee : Mesdames AY: A. Bern net t. T. N. IM-iiro-so. TT. A* YeTooe, H. A. Powell -and TT. J. <!ill. Guessing Competition : Messrs \\'.-. A. Rc-nmtt, T. T.emon and H. Bradford. Ground : Mr "C. Borrow. Competitions 1 : Messrs J. Cnrruth ami Tnder. Concert : Mrs \Y. A. Bennett,, Messrs W. A. Bennett. C. Bishoprick and H. J. Gill. Th-o annual Show under the auspices of the To .Puke Agricultural and Pastoral Association was llvjlld yesterday, and casMy proved a record for thu Socjcty. Those who rememlber the first- Show hekl -five years ago would see in the exhijjition yesjtjordiny a striking ami ocmcroto illustration of the steady development going on in the district. Certainly the Show eclipsed aU its i:redewssors, both iji the numiicr and quality of the exhibits in the cattlo and hers© sections. The occasion was made again day by the on-Wre district, and the seen© on the showpround, with prosperous' ecrtt-UV.s, their ;wrvcs and- ahijdrcm, ibesidea numerous gaily-drossed natives, w-as not «ono forgotten. Visitcrj were present from as far as AVaakato inland, to AVaihi on the west-ward, and Wh-okatane on tho east. As übmml, Tauranga Contributed largely to the attendance. Ainon-gst tboso present was Mr AY. H. ■ Berries, the popular l'arlianwntary representative -f o r the Tauranga electorates who^ had ma-dc his sico-ml visit to the (JistricV.jvßlßik a period of three weflos. 'Hie cattlo were exhibited iti the New '/.calami Ivoun ujkl Mercantile Agency Company's sa:l6yards, w>hilc tho hurse. 13 , were jiKlgefl in two rings in Mr Montgomery's paddock, the horticultural and ir.-elustrial sections being displayed in the piiblic hall. Several sido shows, such as wrestl-;*i'g, snakechanni'ng, etc., cofitrihutecl to the amusement of the- assemblage. Mr A. Montgomery, tho genial host of the To Puke Hotel-, had a booth on the ground, while the new catering firm of Messrs Harrlte a-nd Mcjvellar provided luncheon and refresh|nient» to numerous patrons -throughout tho day. At 12.30 tho jwlgcs,. jj^cMninent!visitors, and officials of tho Association sat down to a recherohe luncheon, which was prc/vided by Mrs E. L. Smith (proprietress of the Club) and laid out in Mr • McDowell'** Sfrti^Tuiiu's, sVpper r<oom. A moeVl of praise is duo to Mrs Smith for the excellent recast pr-ovidetl, and also to tttpset who- attentlefl <*o expeditiouvsly to the roeitSiretnents of all who sat at table. Amongst the toasts proposed and duly honoured were :— "Th6~ King.'.' "The .Judges," responded to Iry Messrs S. AY. T,uxford, A. Selby and J. Grant; "The Visitors," repli<ed to by Mr Berries, I M.P., who refcrretl in complrimontury terms to the excellent manner h which the Te Puke people always looked, after their visitors, and concluded, amidst applause, by wishing all- success to tho To Puke, Show and its executive. The Brass Band, under the cemduetorship of Mr L. Kerr, wa s present, and contributed to the day's enjoyment by the renditi^n of numcroute musical selections. Mr McKenzie gave several items on the bagpipes, which were much appreciated. The attendance was tho largest yet seen on a Te Puko showground, and with such excellent entries in t>he cattle< and' horse divisions^ the Association liast every rjason to feel gratified on the fact that the Show for 1.910 was thu best which has yet) 'been heW ml the. diistijict.', Credit i.s due' t« the executi\-« for the manner in which they carried out the work of tho <Show. Mr Mutton is an able and energeticsecretary, while Mr Gill, the. president, proved as hardworkjng> in that position as when he acted as secretary. All tha stewards worked r «r---riuoi&ly. The Comonltteo were fortunate in having the services of higthlv .qualified judges ami the decisions ft H round Imeti wi^h; uni(W«?al approval. This year's entry of horses was a record, both in numbers and cpiality, and . the anhnals were Krought into the ring in nice show condition). Many of the classes t o ok "a lot of placing,, tho fieKltf being: particularly good ami tho judges* tasKi a b> r no meayis easy one. In th© two carri'a@a ctaases for jkairs tho first henvours were taken by 3lr if. Crtmsnins with I'rhice «-net Princess, and by Mr J. Brown wkhanoat pair of k bays, rrincess was first U» a strjoclig

class in single harness 1-3' hands ' Lord Bobs continued hi« winning career and appropriated the rcdirib<aml »t/i.-r. (\ he handsome urininn L»<a H>r hur.itss hcrse uuder 15 htlnds a-nil In Cobs.- The two s; ring cart classes I. rough t out smno txtivc tinhuals) Mr V. Howe-11 winning th3h.i-a.vy and Mr IJ. l>ou{,l.\s the light. Sove>ral nice trujn-outs- were* shown, the wifiners Uoirjg il«fv«rn .H. D;«key, B. McEwesianri H. Uouplas. Thero wwii a nirmber oi we>lV-grown a r .nonp the umbrokan roadsters, the wrn-njers being descendants of I^iord Clive and' Firearm. In tho satldk; division renl rU^Jtms vrcre carried -i>iT by such well known horses as M-utigore (trotter), Cocky (walker'), Tago (14-:;. htiCk),* M-afejaziiie (12 st Imck), Mtitan'gi (troop horse)', *»ntli ilanrtij^ai (lady's -Tiack). Th^- Victories of Magazine (ridden by 31r W. iiihnour). Cocky {ridden l«y Mr J. Jordan) an-d ilarangai (ridden by ]lliss Aliscn SiHKlarass, wore very popular with the spectators. 31iss JlcKwen and Miss Hunt (Waikcito) currietl off the honours as lady ride-rs,. -and M-iys Alison: Sneydjgrass-fwr girls 15 years and under. In -draught! ho»'Sos first and chivmpionsjiip. h«onoui"s in <Jve>«tallkrtt cK»ss wmt to Mr Harrow's li)v-c-.vo a r-olid JioyalvHigr nal, which his- Jurn-ished into v very nice h.<ivc. The feature of tho .other cihsses was t'hes success, of Mr J. -B. Dickpy's hor.sis. Mr Ura-nt, the judgv. was higihly .jileased with the class of horses pluccd. luefor^ Winn, but advised owners to tlevotc a-lit--Ile iitoro time to the hanrilki-g of their young unimals so- that they may bo shown to the fullest advantage. The leaping matches always -prove interesting, -although th^se took place somewhat late on the present occavsiein. T-he well-known Togo (rkkksn by Mr H. D'arra-g'h) w-a-s the boat hunter, while Mr H. J. Gill's Pilgrim (ridden by Mr \Y. McCracken) won the hfgib. jump. ■ The Victoria Cross -cowpotiti-on was one >of the--I>est -dwntis, Mr S. .McKwen i:r o vlng tho'wl'nnei*. The whr ( c>f Miss Alisr/K SncwlgTiuss in the class for lady rider, iovc-r fcntios, was poDuliar, «s were also those of Mr M. Criimnins (.gentleman rider), Mr C. Rivers (-bending compe-tition), and Mastc-r A. Fenton (boy ride-i"). Cattle were a fine entry, and an point of numbers a record for any show yet hekl in the Bay- of- Plenty. The numerous pens in the New Zealaiwl "Loan' i& Mercantile Company's yards were ea-ch divided, but this did not prove sufficient and' it was found ivecessary to erect fifty tenv por'i'ry^ pens." Tho lucJgfc, Mr Luxford, sard be -doubted whether Tie had seen a greater number of cattle in any show in New Zoa^aml Tlie cframpjonsiiip for the test bul] on the -ground went to Mr Harray's Hereford, an 'animal bred in the Bay of Plenty, . ami 'M to grace any show ground in the Domi^i>*n. Recemtly Mr IBarray ha's made some vuluaiblc additions to his herd and exhflsi-ted , -three* pure j bred Heref-or-d cows, with calves purchased from Mr Wheeler, -the wellrkin>w>n> MaftVawatu •b-r-etl^-r, the ca'ltfes, lyeing s-lred by one -of Mr Whf<eler v s bulls. Sbortrhcrns were well rapJ-esent-c-il, the championship for best oow in -the yards poiji-g to one of : this breeld owned by Mr W. Gilmore, of Papaanoa. Mr R. Dickey's Eramble~is a bull that fehows a dot of quality. The. oijher pri7.erV.S l n i n<?rs owned lay Messrs Ryburu Bros., J. S. Dickey, S. Teague, -and W. .Gdlmo-r-e, were all nice animals. Messrs J. Carruth, W. A. Bennett, and W. Gilmore scored in the three Jersey classes. Several well-bred Ayrshires were yarded, including! 'anjiffiflls- bred iby such wellknown breeders as Messrs LuxfcrJ andW. J. Hall. Tho : Holstein breed is coming into favour in- the district, the yards containing purebrerls from Uk: studs of Messrs Newton Kin-g (Tpranaki), Burke (Waihou), Dawson (Opotiki). Mr D. McCracken won in bulls with at* animal bred in the Waikato, Mrj M. P. Wels-h being s-ec-cwitl with onu 'of Mr R. Burkes breeding. Messrs Rybum Bros, won in the cow class and Mx> W. Gilmore was first and second h heifers. Seventeen dairy cows were entered, Mr J. C. Riddell carrying off the red r)bbon with a model cow, aig-ainst l*een- coimpebifDiaii. The pen of two-year-old dairy heifers drew 10 entries, Mr to. P. Welsh scoring with a brace of pretty Holsteins. Id the class for two ye.irHitg heifers Mr Wi A. Bennett secured the honours with (a couple of well-shaped grade Ayrsbires of his ow: breedIng. The Fat. c<Vbtle were an p.xoellent lot am-d a teal credit to the district, A better lot could not be fi)UTi4 anywheine. 'Vw^nty-nnf h<»i<id W€K yarded in the freezing class, a-nd a race well-done even lot they were. The judge had considerable difficulty in making the -award? -and ultimately first an-d second wart to Mr H. J. Gill's PoUed Angus oxen. We und-erst.3,'.:id -thj-t the; aniiin^ajje -shjOiwn are to be slauKhtered at the Auckland Freezing Works and the carcases shipped 'Home and judged. Some heavy beasts were shown in thp fat ox class, Mr W. Gilmore carrying off the first, second ami .rRi-irdl awards. Mr Gill scored in 'the class fior thrCevy-ear-ioM f< a <t steer, and Mr W. Gilmore for fat cow. The store cattle were a good lot, especially those of the prize-winners, Messrs J. T. Heather ington , Coliiv M«icN'au^hton, R. A. Dowell and S. McEwen. Sheep and, pigs were not numerous but some choice animals were shown in -both sections. For the guessing competition the bullock this year was located under the clump oif trees in close proximity to the -light horse ring, and manyentries were received during the day. The produce, ve^, fruit, flowers, industrial an-d children's exhibits were exhibited in Mr McDowell's hall, keen competition being noticeable in many of the classes. In the produce section some exoellent stalks of maize, weJI on to 15ft >n /height, wf re shown. First honours w-erp carried off by Mr J . Levis, of the Paenftatoa Junction. In vegetables, pumpkins, marrows, melons, cucumbers, beet and table carrots were responsible for the best competition, several of the classes- having 11 entrka>. Tauranga exhtt>?Tors: carried, off the bulk of the prizes in the fruit section, the principal winners being Miss Marray (Te Puke) ami Messrs Grapes & Robins, Reeve, and Badger (Tauranga >. Peaches drew the largest en-try, Mr Bad-ger winning- i-n a class of eight. Many of the classes in the industrial department were well filled, that for bread being tne sfr.Vn-^fcst. In this cl.o&s M!s. c: E. Malvon was awarded first honours from ten others. The children's secWon brought out been competition and some excellent work was exhibited, reflect?!^ in a Jiigli degree on the scholars and their teacbeTs. Messrs Mason, Struthers <# Co.. Ltd., had t>n exhibition some of the'r latest Alf a -Lavar cream separators, including a steam turbine plant, which seemed to attractrtxmswlrrahle attention amonest "aa«rv farmers. Mr H. Sarfcr represeotjative for Gane's dairy macb-merv, tic, was on the ground, and Spent a busy -day answering the rntjjiiries of settlers The contest for the Robert Scd^on memorial shioM fs a between two voiing exbrbitors. viz.. I We3srs S. A'cEwen pind W. GilmrTp fPapsunoa). When itir representative Wt 7> 'P'ikf'H-fl r«:uVt. wrrn <r.t available, %ut we hnp« to'nvaketbo same known, in an ea^ly issue. I.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5474, 18 February 1910, Page 2

Word Count

THE TE PUKE SHOW. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5474, 18 February 1910, Page 2

THE TE PUKE SHOW. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5474, 18 February 1910, Page 2


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