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THE Bay of Plenty Times

"m.mW ' IHfe F«ES SKAU. TEACji ««.spKp." ; .OK '^ I '-* -'' H'l !I ' /, I KINO- JOH^. iACT IV '

nor*fV.)-;«TOFiBDA s VT*M?AY'*B1 i , l -l'iSßl. 3 --' ; j ._ ■■ -. „ : . „:■ ■-»-.".- ..H 1 ■■:•■ ... ■ ■ .'■ ■

af^.jfcb^aj; il^e 'County. Co -incit iiaa/igadii- a ..'fl^^em the. riglit ; (firectloa. m'.dechlijug.Qti tteir eu'erg^tic/ Ghq.TrJ^a;^ W'oU ;] l'Oiitc j after" pur Sochi, ' jiHerosfc--, ,:'U!|pig,^]'4. next., session of, iVrlumjn'nt,* it ,I;se^js 'tb i t f 'tiu)c.'for ."jjie'jjeopte to all* ' ulttsir griovahceg ,p^d.' :j agitate*.^t'or' -redress. . i'.'irst and fpr,eniosi coirisn Ibe" proper reprcr -seMHi'idhdf^he 'district by -W imembcr who % ea '^ e *° fp vo I p ore a* flying visit I - i > Vina part of his constituency after su.:h an ' i !i];ortant session as the last. -The-Tatiranga district forms a large part of the East ('<> > i- i'ifitituency, and' is by/ far' the most im-ici-taat i/art, It has an excellent harbour,

anl^tjWe ~j*jj>pyl wjdesjjtliq clis|;vict;i^ mkjiiti^ in satfifen^t aud;iiicr(MfflejOf ponula^; tipri'iiresejits:^ ch|^uiffi^pn\ra|ptf) the} nrttiM^ :a^'.j4wts^' \ ra^rpgresji|<'*n t o£| | pur'Gisßprnk n^nbonr;*''. \^ha tn#prpgi*e)-A too is not' ephemeral, genuine Bnd^siurtsfcaifl^ tial settlement by plodding, energetic, industrious people, determined to turn our waste lands into fruitful homesteads. Encouraged by what haß been dono at To Puke, the promoter is makuig^rraivgementsjiy^ilj Jj, view tb settling knbtJrej^-3srge %&%jHi/ p 'Mmilar- system to ftnat-wljicji $at project so,, successful there. Notwithstanding all those M WaieSi^effl&qjart *of "ther electorate-may be said to be to a great extent unrepresented in Parliament. It is high time this state of things were done away with, and the district -fornraWnto^*a?pwA^«l^to^t^> energetic man to advocate its interests in Parliament, ther&^wdnlft^oo^bd- ait'end to Government neglect ; the native lands would soon be thrown npvfpr purchase. :by private capitalists ; the *p J drV\\&uld*be^tf£6'pened ; roads would be made that-bave been promised till people are^ sick -pf continually hevrtngihty*ar6^li&™i^?®Q.& various other puttie -featttaiM^&ijlSb Wfcattended' to that have too^qng suffered .irom the great taihoa policy > -Money '-has been voted ; surVeys,havo been .made, And estimates, giy.en for a'WaVttc^eerf'this and the' Waikatd; but still delay is thp order of the day. The famous' Haifinf Bridg^' aiid "Tc -Phke-ronVFaVe other instances c>f -the jPplicy of delay, and we venture to say' that lfacl'it h'rft been for the energetic action of- the ■^depiftaj'ion-ttlia.t went to Wellington sometime, ago about this business, the' > <"on9tructi6n i 'of-. the- Hairini Bridge w.onld haye hpepi ßelegated, to. the? list of .works that; might ' static!, over till some indefinite period in the future, when nionQy^ouUi,! he ;8p -tl"*at*nq ;oiisMt could be found for its, expenditure. As another instance of t fche 'neglect ! ~osi this' district, wei might .jnentiou the onesided way in which the p'romo^r'of theTe 1 Puke* Special'J&We'ment has been tt^at&ifciti' regard to that block. Bound down by_ harassing conditions, wliile other places have been fostered and pejkted by a; paternal thajs settlemQiife has turned out a "decided success in staking i &A$ if w tm w mml' oWfch Government proteges as..Karjimea and Jack;sph'ii Bay, both of which, after costing the "coUatry'thpifta'rKte of jidftirds, have collapsed . In) the face^flf a teluctance to make fnrtlier grants to the promoter, tlibugli "the^ldncolnshife" farmers hadHio..difficultySn''lsei!ui ; in'g t*i verjj ad-vantageous terms, for .wliat i&, .essentially a sp,eculative. r ,,traiisactiom- , , lv, , a4ditiou to furthering by every 'nieatfs 1 i'h th"e"iV p 6\ver the occupation ,bf ithfe} ct>fini<i:y l^y j jnd.psto>ious settlers, the people of the. |Cast Coast should urge on the Governmeiitj.tlie o£ making grants of j^o'n"e^ for opening; "up tni} district, J>j£ noHv ; lines of , pad, the" benefits of which' wduld be^reajied by the-; Governmental ephane/ng tH,e.yalu^eoi tli^pub^: Jlit lands. Oilier parts' of the' Colony have had^ thousands of pounds- lavished' on' "railways and. , public^ works, and it is tirae ; thfirpeopie^ of 'this £art. ; of $)e I Jup.lQny,,- rr -tho : ug'h'in spite of - Jtlie neglect with which it has been treated rand the fact that it has not Bhared with more favourect di^tnofp jn/- the expenditure- • oai rdilways and public works', it' has^yet made a3 substantial progress as perhaps any other district — made an cffoi-'t-to-obtain some show of justice in the distribution of the public monfy,' and, if we cannof get a railway from •. herelb theiLaUos, r ilet' us at all. evißhts. "have i oor jiecessitios: oonaide'red; a little/ and eA*»-\ municatioii pbyl.rfla'd-.witbi.the .-.sttrrounding-; districts opeued-.up and maintained*, ,- S^reiy^ (When^o n}UK}h. I {ias, ) b ; een.^peAt in ot^or. places. we might liyy,e.sometHuig J , done, to' .'improve, ohr communic^tipris QverlandrAvitll' tjiecoast 1^ settlements'/ arid 'other places! We trust an; ejiergetic efforlj will be t msjcle.this session to secure us a^instalrneht ! of justice^ and. let ua" u atld that"' m TaVrng ' oui* case ' before 'the iGovornment wo should, not be afraid of .asking too much, for small demands as a rue meo'fcT with but 6cant'Jc§uiHbe3y.r : P c ? u f.' imitate the people, of the Thames,' who are famous for«theii*-stnrdy ! &emahds ) .'fdr it has bjeen- amply-proved -by- experience- that the more persistently,.. the .deHiaud.^is .jessed, and the M^Tr"tnlr'animmfr'<4sk'ed*f6r, the greater likelihood there- is of something substantial being gnvuted. , Perhaps one reason why this district' had got "so little is that fact that; wejhayo.been, too moderate, in , oui'.requpsls— le^us.^o longipr'gQ to : ( Wellin^- ■ ton a^ njoi^e Jjeggps^.but "press our claijns as ' a miLtter.'of right^nd equity.' ; In connection witli this i pubject^ : ]i^ jnay np,t be bu^'of ' 'place ; to ; cflll'ajt'tontioato 'jtlje very unsatisfactory', system of 'mail communication .bptween. this and Jiatikati,' and to urge' the^ubsictisingof 'a' coacJi.'in. place, of, tlje'pvese.nt fanlty,cortimuiiication by steamer.* A^i present: the steamer goes by fits and starts, and' her trips arc so uncertain" that if a person comes down by her he does not know how long he may have to wait before he can return.' 'A coach should' certainly .-W oh'fthe; road,! aiidl sub-? sidised for ; 'say/a-.-couple- of iyears, ?.jthe trajclo* Would soon, open up and expand tha^a very 'small subsidy afterwards 1 induce^ coach proprietors to continue.tbe service. A coach jtoo should be subsidised to Te Puke once ithe' ifcadiisspradtioable^and: by doing th-is GQvemment, "Would , make in-.. some 'degree, .for- /the.-! apathy they have'hithertfr 'dlspla'y^.^witli s re^ai-jt trf. j hat district. 1 "• '<Tn ' thi&^infeaufime 'tlieyi 'could ' arring'e' a horse .service 1 ,- *»nd : . coHtiritfefjiiVftp^ 'ijeitPnkjPj : though, .the p ther coasji. t - settlements' "At : present mail communication* witH*'Te'Puke : is. j very" ; *f?ubi6 i us, CtHough we l - ! should : \haVe' •thought that the success, of the settlement I would have justified a little more considera- ; ttdri of w wfentSJ ! ' 'Wliile^rawing attention. f to tlie Government neglect?, it is well to keej) . in view, little .mat^vs of lpcal.gv;e,yance that seem put up .with in/agajbhelic indifference by_ our. fellow townaincn. We alludo to . the ; 'rnpH ' ims^sfa^'tpry cdrti'munid ation with' Auotland sincf J^ftk^d 'pnrcliase of 'the Uni6n ! Company's interest in ' the" trade r^ron} Friday.,- till /Wednesday ther3,f4S|iip chaiice to send a letter, and we liavelicarfl df a case of great hardship*' through a person being unable^ tp; communicntQ ynth Auckland, whicli _re3ultp.(l .in a messenger having to be l despatched ■ : o\'e'riand, fk' it ' -w hn a monetary trafisaetion : of- importance to tho garty :. concerned,,, one doe 3 go. up y the WeilingtQn pu Uj Wednesday thtre.i"| scarcely,^anyj-time^ left tg. do b.u'sinjes'j, and^iii fact, as a rule, it means a sojourn in' the capital for all but a week, where often aiid often an extra few 'houra ■ Woukl save all that expense. Surely when the company have a monopoly -of -the- tiwle .they • tnight' show a little more business aptitude, — indeed, if they expect to meet with support from the Tauranga public • they' must display a little more* consideftviio'n for:- theft wants. We commend Hie consideration of this matter to the Director, in /Auckland,, feeling' sure the Agent hcrii' wiir fnlly'^'cnnol^fi 'tilfc remarks we have made on the subject. When Parliament meets we hope to drawflattention more particuli^yOmd Jhia]tters to wliicli our, we wofe going "to say Representa-tive'-But ?we feel' impulled.>t6 t . say, .member might give at least a moiety of his 'time and attention. ......

,The balance-sheet of the ,<i\aurang.i. domvty, I "'sliowiiig'tbc receipts'ahd expenditure for the ; year endbid : 31st ' iVlardh, ISBI, give# an : ftb-j stracfc of the principal public workb carried out inlthe.Co.untyduring the past year,, jThe amojint of tbp Bank overdraft. for the County •is ££,Q£4- : B3<:ivliich, supplemented by the debt 'District -Road' Board makes- a total 6f> £3,919 3s Id due th'e 'Bank. The' • woiVm' -rateßdnringtlioyeavamonnted to 11,; 2. : .Gs ~d. in t /-- addition, to . .wbicb - the O'nvi-rn^i^ni-. "granted a subsidy of 1 £154' -Is '/'d outu t l*i • • &M">:, and on account of the land fund t"2">t 1^ (hi, ■rhaking- } a toh\l of £4ptf.ft^ld. : . 'lluj'iLVi.nid^ had also at its disposal' for cxpeivlirure £01)0' granted fofrthe T.airauga anil Jaupo i\>ad ;' £()\)0 for' tho^'Makstn and'lvo'fcorna road; £2,500 for the 'laurnnga and 'I'bam^ road, and £2,400 for the 'I'auranga and To I'uke nad. There was also a sum of .01 25 4s <M made up of miscellaneous itemH, including £327 revenue from the port, £50 dog registra-

tiohe^os, £35 '^iftjgl|(fefing licenscs.Yi : |rhc£ to tjfcV:: amount frpiji |^11" souVdbp available' for^expenditurel%!a3:;^l2,BO4io? 2d. s' sTj'he,; e^eftditiire inqliuleclSHe lar^e amount, of? 17s 3dsp^%|heilß.j*ffhi3i3ki'ferf l^jge sum to t>&fufcJlxs§B, Mpit is v^ihß.tt<}», for the Council^ . Qijnwderatidn i£'som~e more" durable materiar wouW- not be more economical. There v is- an 'abundant supply of stone at the Mount, and considering that atono would not we*r away by heavy carting a? shells do, it might b,o worth the Council's while ro co»3j^ef If : excluslf ol^ should fiQt iai.futWej %_^- i\s(jft;£pi roScit jjnetMiug^ Among the other items "we find £34 spent on the OinftnftWft-l>r.ldgo,^29..7ft>on,tho.Cauievon road, £221 14s on llaringfcon street, £443 12s Sd on tho Taupo i'pad,,£462>l7s 4d in surface labour, and £89 '18s J 6d- r otf the • ? J.inle»^ u l < -Qtu«ioetai-..r-oad— an item-wi)ioh . would have been saved to the County had the Councillors waited a- -little iongor before saddling themselves with the District Board's debj;. Among the larger items are £2,y555,1l spent on the' TauVanga* ' an d ! Thames road, £381 18s on the Alalfetu a,nd ; Estonia rroard r and £I,OSO 333 7d on the'Tauranga and T6 ; Puke road,. ; , Thoro is al§^{ a,iv item: of, 10s M ■ •spent on tho Hairini bridge, though we aro notinfonned for-jyhat.partiQolar part of the woi'k this expenditure was incurred. The result of ''the 1 year's ti'rtns&ctibna-SVas that on-. the.Slst of March tHo -'assets including: availaole rates and special gvanta amounted to £2,120 2s, and.the.liabilitieg to £3,91.9 3s ldIn addition' to the i' ; County fbalaipe-slieet, ' theye is ore setting forth 'the" receipts and , 6jc]ienditure on account of the Tauranga Highway Road .Boilrd-Dtetri«to;«'. ; <i-'be statemejits,"Which "Will btr-fonnd elsß\v4iere''will a good ide& i>f tEc'ippbg^s tHo^County kaq nuula .during .th.Q-«:ist yojur. - . ia Tbe ljarque v «Clarn?Hargreaves has 'been* anchored in the stream -noar- -Mount Maketu, and will -it isTwcpeotod- be' tawed to Auckland .this Weclft3.i it) <-•:-.. i *hi ».:<:,■ ;. ■:« :• „ The Duke of SutnerL-intl, the ilfaninis of Clifford, au4;ptheirEiigiiphjrailway;direotors are visiting the United States to stntly*^ the AupcxMn'Taibvay 1 sy'atem'.- '■;'■>■■ • " •' »'-" ' I / > Tho'Liccnsing Courts for tno Tauranga and. To' I'apa DistriQts ai' be held m M i;he Resi-" de|it Magistrate's' ' Court?' Tfouse'ut 1 noon on Tuesday'bcxt, the, 7tn instant:' - r ;r:i: * . • i <; -TV •• ' ;.■{•.' , •■;.-n'J.; ■•• .''•,! ■.•; . The. Rpy%L: Mail steamer, arrived ki Aucklandiroifv^au Francisco at G o'clock on Sunday evening. The Tauranga portion., of the ■jn^il is duo hero- per, s.s. Wellington tonnorrpw.,. ;.,;;; J f ;;'•„.;;.;'; '.- ' ...]-./.,. .. At the evening, service in the, Presbyterian Church oil : Sunday, evening ; the Key P.. S. : Hay v M.A.,' announced that next Sunday evening ho : would preaob. •, his ..farewell sermon.-^ \Y. ? _,; ■, „■ , ti ';(,..:> ,-,-. ■-„ Tiie- Ketv .Zqaland '• Accident Insurance Company ! li'ave : ]Ust paid their first Tauranga claim for -compensation to Mr ; P.-C. ; Crump, who injured' his foot aomoweeks ago, by a fall from a horso. . >■.•.,,,, ■ / •-■•. 'The, amateur .concers'given, in the, Temperance'Hairb'n'lt'lwrsday, realis'ecl £18 7s 6(V. Tjie balance wKen ! expenses are -paid is to be devdfce'ij to the purchase of books for the ..Tauranga Mechanics' Institute; .. iWe regret to have, to announce the death of the wife of Mr John Mannix .of this town, which took place" irtSt night after. a severo'. illn^ss'pf ten mbnthsV' Thefuneral will leave her '/dte residence at"2 p.m; to-morrow. |The.Bteamer Katikati was to -leave this morning for Maketu >with a cargo for J.e Pnke.. It is expected she will return here on Thura- . day, aittlwill»Btart the same day for Katikati, tp darry^tlio English mail; to -that settlement. j P^ersons-fond'of the'h'ealthiutand inyigora ; tmg exercise of rinking: will be, interested in Iqarnjng] that, a mfietihg. of the members of the Rinkiug' Club is cpnv.encc[ for Thursday evening in ( the 'Jcmperance>Hall, at half : pa3t sevcix o'clock^ ... ' ' A^ '^seratch fodtliall?<iifiifoh ; wits played iv the Domain Ground on Saturday betwejq teams picked Mili captained by. 'Messrs Yates and Moss. The game resulted in a victory ipr v r Yates 1 teanv, c who "■ scored seven tries to their Qppoiieut's. love. "The kicking must, h'avfe been very '{wor- when 'no goals were obtained from so many tries. The last cchßu's returns sefrdo\rn the populMio'n of the ' Unit'c^T*. states at'2s, i 520,r)82 1 males, and 24,65'2;284" females, ; of- whom .43,'475,5b9 l aro native- white" Americans* and CGG7,4fiO foreign borrt. The oolonVed race number GJ567, 151, being a large increase 'q'ince the war ; Indians arid "Qialfbrecds' hot on reservation, 65, 122; ' Chinese, 105,460. ; Captain. Boycott of LougU Mask, Ire|and,, • has emigrated to America with. his. wife; and brother,' witK a view. to; settlement iu:Virginia. Tke Captaia was -the- first-victim iv Ireland o/ thft general uprising against, 4 the landlords, and {|he fanioiis ''Bfty'cotiing " policy has taken its ' imme from- the'system which wiis. resorted-to to bring him "to' his BiDses.**' ' < '■ '• ;> " <; '- ■ • . '• .■• ! , he programme of events and prizes for the'aßiletic mee'tiiig 'to-be lielct 'on'Satiivd.ay/. iJuno iS'thjappeai-sinour aUVe'tfcising columns. Iliitries for the. handicap will be Received by the secretary at 8 a.m. on Friday, June 10th, ? , an<J ; ,thei' t handicaps. • are otp be declared: on the following Monday. ■ There, ,are jiijrteen ; event's 6h the Jn-ogrcimme-,' and • .'tho,, spoils arc' 'to cpinin'ence a * 11 a. my punctually.*'. '/'.".'' : ' ' ]': " '" '" " " ' : I She comet which has. made its appearance ,■ iiu the southern hqavens, was. visible here labout seven o'clock last night, and a good lnany-too'k a,d vantage, of the occasion to get ,a look at this unknown celestial visitor. The ! nucleus appeared very " bfiiliant ; . and was ! very plajri. .'i he comet is ; in'^fhc' constella•tidn (Jolumba, .-md was'bearjng S."W: by W., 'mL stretching 1 2" 52 30" in _leugth. Local astronpmeji^.. "coniiderl^Hat"*it .13 mp f st,lilcely . Enetfe^b\)inet;vV . --i 5-J 'j I' '„-./■, ; One gt anr lpaal; aiictioneers t lyul a rather lively ;sale a few'daysuago'... He first 'turned 1 a ; qaWeefc arid ' crfcfo : out of ■ the 'buflding -for I interrupting; thß sale and' afterwards :> greatly! to the amusement of : h^, audience' refused to tske.,a[certftin ; (»nunission : agentftb'ia of, ll^d for a pair, of -sock's^ apparently thinkuig the woulcf bb" purchaser was not possessed of 'so much cojn of^thejealm." A pair of heavy boots were 'also offered' 1 which the •auctioneer said were the property of. a gentleman f who was* going in to t%e ; Drawnig Itoom*' line of Business;' ■''■■ >'»■ !';!'. -.;',-' x „,'.[ J We are informed that*a gentleman in this town, < contemplates. fornjjog a compajiy for the erection of a cocoa palace on the same ! principle. as £hose. started. ia .Liverpool and Lomlons "some* 'years "ago".' ' T6.\," 'coffee, and ' cocoa are to bo supplied at very moderate rates for out door consumption. : We understand the same gentlejnan is .now trying to establish a co-operative store also on thejipme pi'ineiljlc. - Whilst admiring the' plucfi aiid energy' of our' friend in ciobarking so extensively in business we hardly think the- town is sufficiently large for these establishments, and plwul^ advise him to apply his energies, Comoro promising pursuits'. l ' •'" The following visitors, ,liave ; been staving at the Com 'meVciar 'Hotel during the past week JW judge Manning ; Hon 11. Marsham, London ; Mr J. Orr, Ashburton ; Mr H. Synott; ! Melboilrne- j-'lMr] J. ; J§. London; Mr WV Guise, London; Air J. Smith, Paisley", Scotland;' Mr C. ninrg, Auckland ; Captain "Syinmonds ; Afr (I. Cobk; ; Olun'ninirtiV;' Mi- L. '(-irace; -Auckland ; Mr Tanner, Katikati;- V.r W. J. Staller, iPietfriftai-itelmrg, Natal, .iSouth Afriua ; Mr ,F.,,P.:ij-tyn, ])ii£]i:u), X.atal, Afrj«A; Mr George Tinline, Mrs and'tlio'Misscs Tinlinc, London ; Mr.fohn Mon'troa'l'j'MrPage, Auckland ; Mr A. Picocc, C'oronuuidcl ; Mr F/-JHV Cook,' Mr& Cook and -family, Wellinjc;t,on;.iMr;Kichard,Hii)kßOii, Wra tlickson and family, Wellington ; JV!r Lewis, Auckland ; Mr O. Croagh,' Auckland ; Captain May, Thames ; Mr C. FI. Jsjykes, Te Puke ; Mr lOncko, Thames; Mr F. Mace, Auckland; Mr Geo Walker, Cambridge ; Mr Johnston, Katikati.

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume X, Issue 1047, 31 May 1881, Page 2

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THE Bay of Plenty Times Bay of Plenty Times, Volume X, Issue 1047, 31 May 1881, Page 2

THE Bay of Plenty Times Bay of Plenty Times, Volume X, Issue 1047, 31 May 1881, Page 2


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