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The bi monthly imsetinj of the Bruce County Council was held on Tue^d-ty. Pres nt. — Messrs fl Cl irk (ihsirmm), Colder, M Pheraon, Noble, M'Kay, Duthie, Inulis, aud Haggart. Toe Inspector's report waa read as follows : — Roads —The roads at this season of the year ;rn in v ry good repur. The only one wm-ch H out no by thn tr ffi :; is the ro;»d Mi W.mgaoa. Tne 'r. ffi: fni.u the coal p"s jias r«nile»eil it inipas-ahie, and the tr ffi; no iv go. b over the o.d hill road. Tae road to the Bruce Company's Coal pit from Fal-oo;-e 'a is also very deeply rutted by the coal tr&ffi; JbKIBOES — Some slight rep urs have been in do :o several of the bridges Biuce my last

rep rr. VVokks —The works in progress during thy paai two months are nearly all completed. . The maintenance metal contracts at Stirling, Miihuru, an-.l Greerfidid are alt coin pleted, aud good progress ii«B been matte with the contract at L >vel 8 Fiat. The f -rmafci'm and me.a iling uiabracc ou Table H'll road is finished, and also the cuttiug of ditch between the Lakes, ami the sluice-box contract on Kaitangata Creek. A commencement ha* been made with the f irmatinn and bridge contracts ac Junction Cre* k, Akitore, aud very iictle progr t ßi has been n*ade to the extension of Kouou bridge Drain since my last report. A start has been made to the clearing of the road leading to Mr Prentice's, Table Hill, and ais > to the bridge and formation on new road, VVangaloa. Tenders have been called for the formation of road through Mr T. JjhnS'n's, Wanualoa. The fencing of new road rhrou^h Meaera Jounson'a, Uaggarfc'e, aud Mitchell'd is makng good progress. A elmce-biX has been erected in the Centre Ducb, Inch Clotha, in piaoe of the uoncr«ta b.-x, aB it waß of no ÜBe in holding back the tide water. Tue work of widening aud cleaning the creek between the lakes has been carried out, and the fencing aiskad for by the KUtangata Railway and Coii Company where the Lakes Drainage crosses the railway has be< n erected. One of the large culverts at LoveiiS Fl*t haß had a new covering put on it, as the old one is iv a dangerous state. Hillend road.— The contractor for the supply of maintenance metal has been stopped, as he was damping the roa<l, Taieri Mouth Punt.— Tie puntman complained that; one of the pontoons was leakiug and be was a' raid ie mi^nt siuk during the uight. I have ordered the uecessary materials to have the pontoo •• caulktd. The chain which works the punfc ;s a ill breaking occasionally aud with the concurrence of the Tiieri County Counc>( I-ispeccor a new one has been ordered, aud ,ijßi> a new r >pc for thi auohor. Several of the pu 1-iys iv connection with thd punt pqutm to bo ivpUo-d as they are worn ou . Tuis work will bn carried out wben tne pontoon is being cauke I, as the traffij must i;e stouped f . r a few rby;<.

FkncinO AT Tikliso. — Tne surfacemen id clearing ou a <iic i <>v the Bide of r< ad •ilongsMe of Mr Parker's pro^rtv, Bet firr 'ji> tue grass aud mtioiah, The tire cau»;bt tue sodi in toe feuce (-.vhich were raised ou of as^mj i'id huru- <1 part of them awa., ii\H iiurneT 18 joska 'ff to the ground. 1 wnd rec..iuui nd thai, the C -U'lOif supply new pints and that the surface-men be askeii \,n pir thvm ii Road atAk»T>RE.— I have also 'X' miner? toe c mp:o.iud of by Mr (xc< eu. Toio n_«ad haw bueu formed 10 M^BHrs Wilb-hi'm horn ;a r .« a')B and the remaitider lies in i'« ita'urai «tkte. The road from the horneMtea't to .Mr Green's Sdcfciou. a uiu.ance of »dv mil . i-i ci>vered wi - ,h short c!o=e ecru • nod noi. fi' f'-.r ar,y ttaffio. I LStimace t» dear a track ihjnc twelve L-o-i wiie, aud level som^; <r ihy hillocks iiu thH apaoi cle r< <l fc> com 1: 6'i per oaaln, or a total of ahou" £4.

KECBIPTS. Kates A' 657 6 4 „ Crown lauda 13 i I 8 Licenses, Publicans' ... ... 65 0 0 Dog-tax 4 0 0 R.nts 8 10 0 lutercst, Kaitaugafca Borough C-uucil 10 0 0 ftefuud for works 2 15 0 £761 3 0 EXPENDITURE. Workß £122 1 8 Lakes drainage ... ... ... 68 3 6 Wangaloa Road 113 9 0 Southbrid^e drain 3 0 0 Surfacing ... ... 37 13 11 Hospital and Charitable Aid ... 79 14 8 Kangera 5 6 8 Licensing expenses 3 3 0 Offija and Miscellaneous ... 2 8 0 Salaries 42 10 0 £477 10 3

The Chairman s<nd that it would be seen from the Bank book that the overdraft bad been reduced fco £465, and the rates had been all recovered with the exception of a few pouuds. There were some not yet paid in the outlying districta, but that would not

ff.;ct the Bahßidy. They were mostly small same, and the reason they had not been collected waß that the people could not be found. Most of the ridings were pretty square. He hoped that now the overdraft was so satisfactorily reduced they would av< id going into debt again. He was sure their roads would compare favorably with the roads in other counties, and there was no need for any immediate expenditure upon them.

Gr M'Pherßon said he thought the Taifri punt was going to 0"8fc too much. He hoped the member for the riding would take the marter up. They should ace what the tr.<ffij amounted to, and whether it was worth while to keep the oonoern going.

Cr M'K.iy said the punt was undoubtedly doing fcood for the didtriot, but it was enormously < xpensive.

Cr M "Puersun said it was run for the convenience '.f a very few ratepayer, and he did not think the wuole district should p»y

for it

Tne C lairman said thafc there was a 1 >tt- r from the Tai.ri C -u-ity C >uncl, whic-; paid hdf the oobt of maintenance, calling afcten tirtn to tne Unsafe condition of the punt. Th« chains wer« wrn, were repeatedly breikin /, wbioh was c: used by the biting anl w^»Hn«£ of the drum. They suggested that th«- fl nge be fq;iare instead of concave as at present. Tht? anchor rope also was in bvl condition. It was pointed out also that aarioua r«sults and even losb of life might occur should the punt break aw»y, and be taken out to sea by the current. Tiie Chairman said that to catry oat what wat •uagested ia the report would cost »boufc

M.s^S.rrwriKlit "" (i J' me "' solicitors, Du-ie.lin, wrote that they were instructed by Mr G Lawa-.n that whi'e uaiu', r the punt the chain broke while in mid-B ; ream. He bad a trap *ud two horaes ou the puut, and was detained by the aooid^nt f.jr four hours and three quarters, brides miming great personal risk, and the liability of sustaining damages in o(h«r ways. They were in. structed to apply for £5 damages. Cr M'Pheraou said that he thought that the Inspector should b« instructed to ascertain what was .he n-vauue from the tr.ffio, and if it was not sufficient to pay expeuaea, to stop the concern ahogather. The compl.inant, he sail, derived the greatest bes fit from the punt.

The Cfcuirmau remarked that the qua ion was a very serious one, considering that the chain did not last more t,hnn three y<ara.

Cr M'Kay moved, "That Lawson be informed th*t the punt was a great expense to the riding, and that he received more benefit from it than anybody else, and thut the Council was surprised he should make Bach a claim." Seconded by Cr M'Pherson, and carried. The Inspector's report was then adopted. A communication was received from the Land Board asking on what works it waß proposed to <xptnd the d. p. thirds. Or M'Pherson said that there should be a good deal of money comiag from small grazing runs in Waipori district, aud it W'luid bo worth while to s«e into it. The Chairman undertouk to make enquiries. Mr J. C. AndersoD, M.H.R., wrote asking if the Council wistied auychiug further (ione in connection with the vescing of the Tuakiiolo and K vitangata Lakes, and in a letter of later date stated that he had ascertained that the Premier's ill-health was the reason why no action had been taken in the matter. Mr Mitchelson bad informed him that the Government had decided to bring in a bill on similar lines to that rejected by the Council in 18S5.

Mr Anderson also wrote with reference to the app'i-jafcion of the Council for a grant towards the renewal of the bridge over the North Branch of the Tokoinairiro river, to the tflu-ct that there waa little chance of getting any money out of the Government to build bridgea in settled districts, and „hat the local bodies must take advantage of the Loans to Local Bodies Act.

A circular from the Clerk of the Wairarapa C-'tiuty C0m .0.1, aB follows : —

Trie question of making piovision for the r construe i"» ot 1 r_e bridges destroyed by accident ot fljod or nre is one whicQ has irotu time bo time ncuupiud trie attention ot tiiid Ooiiucil, anil a conouaion h*a been arrived at tnat the respjuaiouity of restoring" ttuofa sLruocures, at all evcu.i.B ou maiu road , ib oue wbicu abound be borne by the wu.ilo oouoty. buo that it wouM be impossible to c rry any propusal to r<i)t>e a iouo for the jurpoae und- r the L>ans to Local Bodies Act WQiuu uiuat be ou >uiiuted iv tUe urdiuary «\'ay provi'tid oy tuat Ajd for the approval of a uirfj'jrity in uuinoer an<t votiug power ■>r tne whold nody of ratepayers. Ad au inßDitnce of the Mtceaaity of giving local oodies txi-on led powers for ihw purpose, 1 m\y poiut ou . ihit in thi^ c>u ity ohere are s veral large bridges adj iccut t j tie maiu centre or p>puiatioa and wihm the riding ot Miiitortiii wni.;h are a)>s >luoely essential i,o tne tr..fßo from the several ridings be y >nd, and il w <u<d be m»mtesDiy v it<nr t' iturdtu the riding named wifcu tiie entire cost of renewing thetri.

To« folio wing resolution w*s accordingly p >soed at tiie last ta^ekiug of the (Jouucil : — " That in tae opiniou of thta (Jouucil power should bo tjiven t » levy s,jejial ratea over the whole C /uuty for tue purpose of providing Interest on loans to renew bridges .if tbe value of £400 and upwards without making a poll of luo ratepayers." I aun instructed to mvioe the o-operation of your Couiicii iv this matter, and if th« bU^^estion meets with that approval to ask y.m to urge the representatives of your district tv bring the question under the •iotic>3 of the Uousd during the coming seasiou of Parliament.

Tae Chairman said that the case submitted was precisely similar to their own here. It had been found impossible to get the ratepayors to vote for the loan for the renewal of the bridge over the South Branch of the Ti>k'jm*iriro Eiver.

Cr M'K-ty said be did not see w-hy the Tokonv»iriro riding shouid jib, seeing what other ridings had done.

Several other councilloi'B spoke to the question, and

Cr M'Pherson moved, " That tho circular be simply received." Some better form of local government was urgently required. Seconded by Or N >ble.

Cr M"K »y moved as an amendment " That the Couuoil approVo in the miia of th" proposal, but would suggest an alteration to the <.ff.»ot that it be applied to bridges costing £200, instead of £400, and upwards, and that it be applied to all roads and not main roads only." Seconded by Cr Inglia. The Chairman said that he could not accept the amendment without notice, as there was a resolution on the minutes that each riding should be responsible for its own expenses.

Cr M'Pheraon said that no matter what resolution might be passed, the Council was lega'ly responsible for that bridge.

Tne Chairman ruled that he could nit acijept the amendment.

The motion, " Tnat the circular be rereceived," was theu oarried.

A ci>mawtiio*fcion was received from the members «f '-h* M^taa Lioensing Committee who met at oa the 5 h ultimo, o^aimin^ £1 for th-3 servicds rendered by etch nv-mber present, who were Messrs Rurherford, Anderso i, and Bryce.

It was m>ved by Cr M'P&erson, seconded by Cr Iniilis, and carried unanimouwly, "That tin petition be raraful y deposited in the waste paper bisket."

An application from Constable Th'onris Kmg for payment fir services renderel as oierk to the licensing committeea at Waihol;<, Stirling, and Gien re was considered, and the usual fee of £3 3s awarded.

The committee of the Milton Athenaaam applied for a remission of ratea on their reserve on the ground, that the Government had withdrawn the subsidy, and that they bid had to meet heavy demands for fencing,

which wunid absorb about a year aud a hall's revenue. Cr Dathiesvid that he d'd not nee why the Athbi.iß.iui should get off. The wan in dubt., an:l why should it «ive away what did not belong to it ? He moved that the application be refused. Seconded by Cr M'Kay, and carried. Messrs Littl* john wrote that owing to the advance in the prices of hardware they were unatle to carry out their contract for the supply of nails, &c., at a remuneration, and ask«d that it be cancelled.

Agreed to. Fresh tenders to be invited

A communication was received from Mr Smaill re road deviation through his property, stating that as soon as posaible after the Council had fu'fi led its part of the agretment, and p.iid him in cash for the land aud cost of fencing, he would proceed with the fencing.

Tiie Chairman atac^d th*t the money had been paid for the land, but the fencing wi;nld n«t be paid for until erected.

Mr P. Williamson presented a petition signed by Mr J. H. Wilson, himself, and six others praying that the Council would take a deviation of road through Mrs Somerville'a property, Mlburn, up the Narrowdales, and that it be immediately formel, the present r.xvd being impassable.

A petition was also received from T. Featheistou and a number of other ratepayers at Akatore to the same i ff-ct.

Mr Williamson, who was preseot, said thit Mrs Somerville had no olj :ction, an 1 that it would be a very convenient road from Glenledi to Milburn. They did not want the whole done in one year.

The Inspector s,.ud that the forma '-ion would cust about £65.

It was decided, on the moli«n of Cr M'Kiy, seconded by Cr Noble, " That £25 be spent on the road in the meautime, the two riflings to share iqually, and the first txpeuditure to be on tbe deviation beyond the saddle."

Mr A. Young waited on the Council and said he wanted to know about the closing of the upp^r road (.lwendon to Berwick.

Cr M'Pherson Baid he had no personal objection to the road being closed, but there were a good few who used it. He believed it would be necessary to take steps under the Public Works Act.

Afcer a little disuujsiou, the matter lapsed, the Chairman having punted out that he hoped that there might eventually be a connection made between the upper aud lower roads to suit Messrs Grey Brus., hut that ia the meantime the Council could not do anything.

Mr James M 'Donald waited upon the Council, aud asked if it had any iuteution of doing him justice. Tuey had repudiated hie claim in connection with woik done on tue Ltch C ntha ditch, and thrown it on his brother. Surely, if they were only men, they might get somebody to decide. He wanted no favor, but only fair play. He wanted to be paid for what he had dove, and to be recompensed for hiß losses. If r.hey could not do that, they might get somebody to arbitrate. Tue contract had been altered six or seven times. He asked th - 0 mncil not to throw him into a lot of expanse which might be worse for them — u^t to f oroi) him to sue them. If be did go to law, he would get all be claimed, aud it might bo worae for them than they anticipated. Ttiey were all aware that the engineer had uo experience in that kind of work.

The Chairman B'iid that Mr M'Donald had better brin^ his brother;

Cr M'Pheraon said that if Mr M'Donald had any claim on the Council which had not been met the fault lay uot with ttie Council but with Mr Cumine. He thought that Mr Curaine should be asked if Mr M'Donald had got all the money he was entitled to.

The Chairman said that ho had had a conversation with Mr Cuinina on the subject, and he would not recommend aDy further


Mr M' Donald said that was curious. The Cmnoilsent a tall Idah policeman down there. Ho got Morrison and others to start work. Tuey put iv the a^uff an inch thicker, aud with double the quantity of oement in it. Oement was lost, time was lost, etc., etc. Nearly 30 tons of oement wero loot. The Council agroed to gve him compensation. He was certainly entitled to compensation for the Council Bending down a mumtn r like that.

The ultimate decision of the Council was that all further claims of Mr M Donald be repudiated.

A communication from Mr Duff's solicitor, with regard to fencing road through hie property, was read aud received.

The subject of f«ncing at Joseph's, Taieri B ach, was deferred until next meeting.

Mr Muir of Kaitangata, complained that a heifer belonging to him had got on the riilway line and been killed, fie asked for onmpensation on the ground that the animal Lud wandi red out of his paddock, Btrolled di>wn on the canal, and managed to get ou the railway.

The chiirman stated that the clerk had been instructed to write Muir to the effect that as the distance wan bo great, and the oomphinant'd fauces imperfeot, the C ■< disclaimed responsibility, the animal having to trespass a mile before reaching the place where the daugfir lay. Tenders were opened and dealt with as follows : — Contract 287— Formation of road, Wangaloa ; estim n-e £30. d, Ottaway (accepted) £24 19 0 F-r anon ami M'Alpme ... 29 10 0 L H.rdy ... 37 0 0 A. Cirrurhers 42 17 6 T. Htslop -. 52 3 8 Cr Inglia g avo notice of motion in the usual form that a rate of g I in the £bo

levte I over outlying, and § I over road and river districts.

C mstabie King was appointed ranger at a salary of £5.

A commu"Wation was received from the Secretary of Lmds, Btahing that tha Bill to Yea-, the Likes in the C.uocil has been declared » local bill, and th»fc the Council

must comply wuh the Standing Orders in reference to it.

It was resolved on the motion of Or M'PJcrnon, seconded by Or lugh's :— " Tuat the Council take steps to comply with the standing orders of the House, and that the Chairm »n communicate with the member in order to get the necessary amendments thereiu effected."

A memorial from Jaa. Crane and 4 others re state of portion of road to Taieri Beach known »8 Whalan's Hill waa considered aud held over.

An effjr from Tios. Dickson to fence roadline through section 3 b 17 Waihola at 10* per chain was accepted.

Joo. Carrick wrote to say that he had leased p irt of secrionH 3 and 4, block 111, Inch Clutha, and asked the Couucil to maka a bridgs across the ditch.

The Chairman said it was not clear that they couid put a culvert everywhere a setter wanted it. It had been done in some instances in that locality.

Cr Haggart said the applicant leased the property lately, knowing the ditch was there.

Cr M'Pheraon said the others applied when the tlitoh waa being made, bus this man had pur, in hiß application since.

Tne Cuairin.n said it was a very Berioua matter. If they admitted such claims, they w..uld have to in ike a crossing over every ditch to a man's property.

Cr M'Paerson mewed, Cr Calder s^conde^, and it was carried, " That the claim be uot enb'.irtiine'l." Bryan Healy wrote asking to lease the Qiarry reserve at Faufax. offering 7i an acre. T>ft to the Cnairman to confer with the Bor/ugh Council. Mr M. Henderson applied for a footpath to ho formed from the Mtiu South roid to the Milburn station. It waa riiffi;ulb for inun and almost impossible tor women and children to get there now. Cr Duthie said he was there only the day before, and the ro*d was as good as it was iv Milton. He could walk down iv carpet slippers. No action waß taken. Jno. Grey asked that steps be tiken to oloae road>«line through sections 23 and 24, block 1., Table Hill.

It was resolved that the necessary steps be tiken, on Mr Grey paying the necessary deposit to covtr the cost of advertising.

In was m >ved by Cr Calder seconded by Cr Intflia, aud carried, " That plans and sueciflcalions be prepared for two cv tin^s on road to Mr J. A. Duchies farm at Lovell's Flat."

The Council adjourned nntil September.

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Bibliographic details

Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2180, 4 July 1890, Page 3

Word Count

BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2180, 4 July 1890, Page 3

BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2180, 4 July 1890, Page 3


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