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The session of the Presbyterian Synod of Ofago and Southland was opened last evening in the First Church. Proceedings began with divine worship, the retiring Moderator (the Eev. J. Clark) occuping the pulpit, and deliveiing an excellent discourse from 2nd Corinthians, chapter v., verse 25. INTRODUCTION OF MODERATOR. The service being concluded, the retiring Moderator thanked the Synod for the honour done him in electing him to the office, and for the courtsey and consideration shown to him during the pasc session. He then nominated as his successor the Rev. Dr Copland, of JSorth Dunedin. The nomination whs received with applause, and Dr Copland was formally inducted to the chair. moderator's address. After the usual address from the M derator, the ordinary business of the Synod was pioceeded with as follows: — BOLL OF MEMBERS. The Clerk of tho Synod (Rev. W. Bmnermen) read the fallowing roll of mem* be is : — Presbytery of Dunedip. — Ministers: Rev W. Will, Win. Johnstone, Dv Stuart, M. Wat% A Grig/, Dr Copland, J. M. Sutherland, L Mackie, J. Kirkland, J. N. Russell, A. M. Finlayson, C. S. Ross. Prof. Srflmond — Elders : Messrs Henry Purvis, Crtpt. Thomson, Arthur Scoullar, James Kunciman, W. Al en, Wm. Hutcon, John Paterson, John Gillies, Alex. Chisholm, John « ameron, Robt. Crawford, V. S. Fitzgerald. Presbytery of Cl n tha — Ministers . Rev. W. Raninan, Hugh Co*ie, J. M. Allan, J. Waters, K. Telford, C. Connor, J. Chi.sholm, J. MAra, A. Bett, D Borrie, J Sh inner. Elders: Messrs P. Johnstone, Alex. M'Nicol, Wm. Smith, John Johnstone, Eobt. M'Kay, James Taylor, James E. Brown, T. T. Richie, J. Reid, Wm. Cuff. Presbytery of Southland — Ministers ; Rev. A. H. Stobo, T. Alexander, A. Stevens, E. C Morrisor, D. Ross, J. Henry, J. G. Paterson, J. M. Davidson, R. Ewan, J. Cameron. Elders : Messrs A. Bethune, Thos. Cai-swell. Presbytery ot'Oamaru — Ministers : Rev A. B Todd, J. Christie, J. Clark, J. Ryley, J. Bard, J. M'Cosh Smith, J. Steven, J. H. Cameron, Elders: Messi's H. Allen, John Duncan, A. C. Begg, Alex. Rennie, E. B. Cargill, Geo. Strachan, R. Jackson. ELECTION OF COMMITTEES, ETC. The usual committees were elected, and other routine business transacted. The houra of meeting were agreed to be similar to those of last year — namely, morning sederunt-, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ; evening sederunt, 6. 30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. YIBITING MEMBERS. The Rev Dr Stuart moved—" That the Rev. Mr Gillies, ofTimaru, being present, be associated with the Synod ;" and The Moderator, in the name of the SynoH, extended a hearty welcome to Mr Gi lies The Clerk read a communication from the General Assembly of the Presbyter* ian Church of Victoria, appointing the Rev J W. Inglis deputy of such Assembly at the Synod's meeting, and introduced the Rev Mr Inglis to the Synod The Moderator, welcomed Mr Inglis and expressed the pleasure the Synod frit at his prestnce;and on the motion of the Rev. Mr B>nnprman it was agreed to hear Mr Inglis' address to the Synod during next day's forenoon sederunt. NOTICES OF MOTION. The following notices of motion were read : — By Mr Will : " That when the proposed new chair comes up for the consideration of the Synod, I will move that English Literature and Rhetoric sha'l be assigned to this chair, as recommended by the Kirk Session of East Taieri." By Mr Bannerman — "That with the view of furthering the interests of education throughout the bounds, and securing more fuily the original purpose of the education fund belonging to tbi^ church, the Synod delay the institution of a new chair and take the necessary stepi towards

obtaining an atm-ndment of the P.esbyterian Church L>ndB Act, 1866, to th> effdcfc that the Synod may be relieved from applying said fuud towiud instituting and supporting a second chair in the University pt Otago, and to be empowered to devote said fund for the payment of bursarie*, as far as it will allow, to pupiL* of either iez; from the High and District Sehcoia of the Otago and Southland Elucation Di«tric'a who shall enter the University of Oiago, having paused th*matrictil?tjon examination of said University) and, further, that power btobtained, in the event of the chair presemly endowed by the Synod' becoming vacant and the University Councl not exceedu g ro its continuance, that the portion of ihe fund now applied towards its support be devoied to the increase of the number of bursaries, and the giving of a bonus to such teachers whose pupi's shall be the successful winners of the bursaries." By Mr By- ley — "That the regulations passed as an Interim Act of Synod on the 16th day of January, 1878, be now finally passed and adopted by the Synod, with the alteration that the words contained in second line of the first regulations — namely 'or such other professor ' — be omitted." Second Day. — Wednesday, January 16. Tbe Synod met and was duly constituted this (Wednesday) morning, '.he Moderator (Kev, Dr Copland) presiding. BIBLE READING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It was agreed that the Rev. Dr Copland's overture on the question of Bible reading in. the public schools of tne Colony should be considered on Thursday eveniug after tb.9 report on miss ons. PROBATIONERS. The Rev. John Lothian, recommended by the session of the First Church, and the Rev Thomas Summers, of Victoria, applied for visible connection with the Synod. A Committee was appointed to cunside and report upou the applications. CHURCH EXTENSION COMMITTEE. The Rev. Dr Stuart, convener of the Church Extension Committe reported " That in th« course of the year 1878 th« following parishes obtained ministers : — Limestone Plains, Mr Robert Ewen, M. A.; Riverton, Mr James Cameron, M.A.; Lawrence, Rev. Hugh Cowie. The charges presently vacant in the Church are: —^t Andrew's, Dunedin ; Kaikorai. Wint^n, Cromwell, Alexandra, Clyde, and Blacks. The ministers at the disposal of the Committee are the Revs. A. B ake, M A., James Niven, and A. G. Bovd. They were fo tunate in obtaining the sen ice* also of the Rev. Mr Summers, Mr John Lothian, probationer, and Mr B ackie, a divinity student who has very creditably completed his theological course in our own I'ivinity Hall Your Committee aro happy to announce that our constant friends, the Colonial Committee of the Free Church appointed in October last, Mr Suthe laud, a licentiate of the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh, and Mr Graham, a home missionary of greit experience, to labor in this Held. The Missi >n Committee of the Iri-h Pref-bytr-rian Chinch, to whom application was made in accordance with the instructions of last Synod, responded also with great promptitude to our call, Hiid have commissioned the Rev Mr Gordon, a minister of experience, to p.oceed to Otago. These laborei's may be expected early in the year. The home missionaries, your Committee are glad to state, are doing good work in their seve« ral fields — Mr Morris, in Catlin's River ; Mr Gilbert, in the Upper Waitaki ; MiAnderson, in the Tapanui Outfield ; Mr Traill, in Stewart's Island ; and Mr Srewart, at Saddle Hll and Brighton. The friends in C'tlin's River district aie erecting a manse for the accommodation of Mr Morris, while those of the Upper Waitaki have presented a horse and saddle to Mr Gilbert. The Committee consider that it would be of advantage if grants could be made towards the eiection of temporary cottage manses in connection with our preaching stations ; and they would recommend that the Synod take the necessary steps in the framing and adopting of a regulation for this purpose. Your Committee are painfully conscious of the extent of country within our borders which is to this day without the preached gospel, and which they could enter upon provided they had ampler funds and more laborers. The Committee rejoice that two of the rapidly growing suburbs of Dunedin have no.v regular ordinances. During the year the Fin>t Church has built a church at St. Ki da, and what is better still, maintains religious services through their missionary, Mr Wood. Jt is with plea»ure your Committee report that there is every prospect of tbe Church being supplied wiih rniuisters from her own ranks. Several of our students who went to Edinburgh for their theo'ogical studies before the establishment of our own Hall are known to have expressed their pnrpo-e to return to their owo country. It is also known that a number are now prosecuting their under-graduate course at the Otago University with a view to our ministry. Your Committee would respectfully sub mit to the consideration of the Synod whether the time has not come when the fallowing parishes might by formed with advautage into a separate Presbytery, viz.: — Queenstown, Cromwell, Alexandra, C yde, Jtfaseby, and Teviot." The Rev. Dr Stuart mentioned that the Hon. R. Campbell' of Otakaikie, had presented to the Presbyterian Church a site for a church at Duntroon. Referring to the necessities of the outlying districts, he said there were a dozen districts with populations varying from 300 to 900 were there was not a minister or missionary from any Church. However, in the course

of the year, tha f'omruittwe had the pros- [)< ct of recsivin<» foui* additional labourers. The Eev. W. K rkl md moved the ad,. p. tion of the following deliverance: — Adopt the r*»por ; approve of the diligence of the Committee and record the thanks of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the convener ;, express satisfaction at the prospect of an increase of labourers from the Home chuiches, aod at the favourable report of the several agents of this church in the field established by the Committee ; regret that so many churches are still without the privilege ot a s ated ministry, and rejoice to hear that there is ihe prospect of the ministry of this church being increased from the young of the Church ; encourage the erection of manses in station districts, in accordance with the regulations anent the erection of cotta»e manses ; record the thanks of the Synod to the Hon. R. Campbell for grant of site for a church for the congrega ion at present worshiping at Duntroon ; further ins 1 met the seveial Preshyteries to co-operate with 'he Church Extension Committee in opening up new stations and securing suitable accommoda^ tion for the agents employed by the Committee." The Rev. Mr Borrie seconded the mot on, which was supported by Mr John--on, of Invercargill, and the Rev. J Chisholm, and agreed to. DEPUTY FROM THE PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH OF VICTORIA. The Rev. J W Inglis, the deputy from Victoria, delivered an exhaustive and eloquent address, couveying the fraternal greetings of the Church in Victoria to the Synod of Otago and Southland. He mentioned thaD the Presbyterian Church of Victoria now had 264 distinct congregations; lii3 district pastoral charges, in care (f 125 ministers, and 25 additional ministers ; 14 vacant congregations, four of which were about to be settled ; about 62,000 people attended divine service in their churches, the number of communi* cants being upwards of 15,000, and the number of elders 420. There were 270 Sabbath Sc ools. with an attendance of nearly 25,000, and about 2300 teachers' The whole income of the church was about £75,000 They had a fund at their disposal of £14,500, and they thought they would ere long have sufficient to endow tsvo college*. The Rev. Dr Stuart moved the adoption of the following deliverance :- "The Synod having heard with pleasure the statement of the Rev. Mr Inglis, the deputy of the Presbyterian Chuivh of Victoria, thank him for his address, rejoice in her extensive operations in preaching the gospel in s > tunny parishes, and giving so much attention to the religious instruction of the young by Sunday schools and Bible classes ; express the Syuod's satisfaction at the liberal povision for the support of gospel ordinances, to comfort her aged and infirm ministers, and lessen the sorrows of the widows and orphans of her ministry ; further, reciprocate the fraternal feelings expressed for this Church, and the hope of a more frequent intercourse between tht Churches by the interchaug« of deputies. The Rev. Lindsay Mackie seconded the motioD, which was carried by acclamation. DUNEDIN YOUNG MEN'S CHRIST AN ASSOCIATION The Synod cordially accepted the invitation of the {secretary to the Dunedin Young Men's Christian Association offering to members of Synod the free use of the Society's Rooms, which are open daily from 9 am. to 9 p.m. The Synod rose at 3 p.m. STATE OF RELIGION AND SABBATH OBSEBYANCE. The Eev. John Ryley, Convener, read the report of the Committee on the State of .Religion and Saboath observance. This year the membership of the Church stands at 7675, being an advance over last year of 392. Many families have removed from settled distiicts, and have gone to take up land on the deferred payment system where there is no church and no minister. These are not counted in the number given. The Rev. W. Kirkland moved the adoption of the following deliverance : — " Adopt the reporj, approve of the dii« g^nce of the Committee, record the thank of the Synod to the Committee, and especially to the Convener, express gratitude to God that in spite of many families having moved from settled districts, taking their certificates with them to districts where no settled congregations exist, a steady increase in the membership continues ; that attendance on the public means of grace is of so encouraging a character, and that there are not wanting indications of a healthy spiritual conditions throughout the Church ; regret the the reluctance on (he part of our young people to join the membership of the Church, and recommend to the Church the consideration of the matter ; adopt the recommendation of the Committee anent evangelistic deputations Sabbath observance, and a day of special prayer and lvlia ous services for the young." The Rev. Mr Fmlayson seconded the motion which was agreed to. The Rev. J. JEtyley intimated that as he had been convenor of the Committee for eight or ten years, he would resign in favour of some other member of the Synod. SABBATH SCHOOLS. The Rev. John M. Sutherland, Con» venor pro tem, of the Committee on Sabs bath Schools, ■ read the Committee's exhaustive report, showing that there are in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Otago and Southland, 91 schools, 6891 scholars, 564 teachers, 106 teachers nob members, 9745 vols., m library, and 26 Bible classes. The Synod then adjourned.

■ leases op the runs. ■ e lqj^Beting of the Land Board ftf £^eyor reported on runs, the If which will expire in March 1880, I of section 114 ot the Land Ace of ■ The sentences within quotations I Ch^f Surveyor's descriptions and liea^tions. E)g (Teschemaker), Kauroo dietrict, ■ acres Carrying capacity, 2650 ■or one sheep to vhree acres, rough Ry ia quality ; recommended for ■ n cr ia whole. ■jfo&'d determined that the whole Myitbin this run are required for sale ft lands under part 11. of the Land ■he lessee accordingly to receive I 99 (Dr Webster) Kaucoo district, ft acres. Carrying capasity, 200 lor Ito 5 acres, rough and hilly ; reftnded for leleasing in whole." Klar resolution, lessee to receive like ■ 418 (Campbell)' Greenstone Valley, MqO acres, 2000 sheep, or 1 to 15 ■ mostly very mountainous \ recoraKd for re-leasing in whole." E Board determined it was expedient Wkt this run again for depasturing purEes in the whole for ten years at £60 ■mum upset. ■ 421 (Campbell) Lake Ohau, M)00 acres, 6500 sheep, or 1 sheep to ■rep, rough and high; recommended ■.leasing in two runs— 42l 14,600 V to carry 3300 sheep; and 42 la, Bo acre?, to carry 3200 sheep." l wa9 deiermined to lease two portions &r plan submitted by the Chief SurBr, at £100 per annum each, for ten Bn. 424 (M'Kellar's), Waikaia Bush ■ 800 Hcrefi, 6000 ebeep, or 1 to 3 acres, Bitainous, 2000ft. to 4C 00ft, high, and Brougo ; recommended for re-leaaing .Bpn runs, viz., 324, 11,650 tcres, to By 3900 sheep, and 424a, 6150 acres, Birr y 2100 sheep. Wk was resolved that this run should be ■Eased ia two portions as per plan for ■Lars. 11,650 at upset rental of £120, §■6150 acres ai upset rental of £60. Ipo. 425a (Car^ill and Andensoo), likai B^h, " 12,000 acres, 19,40 sheep, si to six acrep, very rou^h cold country. flFthis area, 10,7t0 acres are under Hers for survey, leeving a balance of B(l acres, which I would recommend be Hed to run 425b for re-leasing. llrhe "Board re-olved that 1300 acres be mAed to run 425b, as recom mended. fto. 425b (J and A. Ciarke), Waikai I ish, M 1b',500 acres, 2560 aheep, or 1 to I acres, very rough cold country. 1000 I resoftbis country are underß order* for I rvey, leaving a balance of 15,500 acres, 1 licb, wi'h 1300 acres of run 425a added, I kes 16,800 acres, which ia recommended I • re-leasing. I The Board determined that this run | oold be re-Jeaßed for 10 years, with the H ceptioi^^klOOO acres under Burvey, 1 ith 13(flP^pe» of balance of run 425a, M i upset rental of £100 per annum. H No. 426 (A. M. Clarke) Manipori Lake, H 300 acres, 1 sheep to 3 acres, narrow galley, steep sides, country rough ; recom|||ended that this run be re-leased as a HI To be re-leased a3 a whole for 10 years, ji|t a yearly rent of £50. |i No. 427 (k. M. Clarke), Waiau river, tg& 300 acres, 1 sheep to 3 acres, bluff round Hill between forest and "Waiau river ; recommended that this run be re-leased as ill whole. Both this run and 426 are jnatches of clear land between forests. " W£ To be re leased as a whole for 10 years, Sit £49 per annum. W No. 428 (A. M. Clarke), Waikaia, g" 10,000 acres, 1600 sheep, or 1 to 6 Stores, high cold country ; recommended gtthat this run be re-leased." m To be re-leased as a whole for 10 years, Sat a yearly rent of £70. I No. 421a (Hill's) Ohau, "39,503 Bacres, 7100 sheep, or 1 to 5£ acres, high Sand mountainous ; recommended that this grim be divided into two, — namely, run I 529a, 24,000 acres, and run 429aa, 15,500 | acres." I To be re-leased in two portions as re- | commended, 24,000 acres at yearly rental I of £120, and 15,500 acres at a yearly renI tal of £90. I No. 429b (Campbell), Ohau, "9300 1 acres, 1478 sheep, or 1 to 5 acres, high I and mountainous ; recommended that this I run be re-leased as one." I To be released as a whole for 10 years, I at an upset rental of £60 per annum. No. 430a (W. Fraser), Hawea, " 8400 acres, 1670 sheep, or 1 to 5 acres, rough and mountainous , recommended that this run should be re leased as one.' 1 I To be re-leased as whole for 10 yeai*s, | at rental of £75. ! No. 431 (Campbell), Greenstone, i "15,000 acres, 1200 sheep, or 1 to 12 acres, rough and mountainous; recommended that this run should be re-leased as one." To be re-leased aa whole for 10 years, at a rental of £50. No 433 (Frvser), Hawea, " 7500 acres, 1590 sheep or 1 to 5 acres, rough and mountaneous ; recommended that this run should be re-leased as one." To be re-leased as whole for 10 year3 at a yearly rental of £55 per annum. No 437 (Strode and Fraser), Barnsdough, " 91,000 acres, 1600 sheep, or 1 to 7 acres, rough and mountaneous : recommended that this run be re-leased as one." To be released for 10 years at £60 per annum. No 416 (Campbells), Wakatipu, 74,000 acres, 4000 sheep , or 1 to 18£ acres, very rough, high, and poor country ; recommended that this run should be re-leased as a whole." To A^-e-leased for 10 years at an upset ient4H£l3o per annum No i&3a (D. A. Cameron), Nokomai, " 6000 rcres, 1500 sheep, or 1 to 4 acres, i

high rough country; recommended that it be iv.leased as a whle." To be re- eased for 10 years, at an upset yearly rental of £50. No 423b (James Gall), Nokomai. " 10,000 acres, 1486 shee, or 1 to 6 acres, high rough country ; recommended that it be released as a whole." To be released for 10 year*, at an upset of £50 per annum. No 436 (Joseph Clark), Waikaia, " 63,000 acres, 9000 sheep, or 1 to 7 acres, high rough country ; recommended that this run be leased in two parts — 463 containing 34,500 acres, and 536a, 28,500 acres, to carry 1 sheep to 7 acres." It was resolved that 34,500 acres should be re-leased for 10 years at an npset rental of £180 per annum ; 28,500 acres for 10 years, at £150 upset rental per annum.

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1079, 17 January 1879, Page 6

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PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1079, 17 January 1879, Page 6

PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1079, 17 January 1879, Page 6


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