■'•' ' The annual exartriinfttibh' of .pupils" attending tins sclioql/sgas commencerl| on -the 21s : t in st., "and r conclu ded oh thoj22nd^ inst ' Duruig the two days, a' considerable '.'' niimber of "parents, and" visitors attended. The c - school; yrks. tastefully^ decorateH "with. >flowiers, fernk, and jßviargteeiis. Hiving a ; fortnight ago-given an' expended notice of the ' substantial work being done in the; school, "when examined 'omcially^y the Government School Inspector, we need riot again repeat itj-but confine bur-nbtice chiefly to vvhat may be" termed the show... work: and- list of .prizes. We only repeat wliat we heard as the general" -expression of opinion from those who attended the examination, (an opinion;that we heartily -endorse,)j viz.,. full satisfactiori, with the intelligence and appearance-of the children in -their several classes. We understand that In all the liigher -classes, prizes have been awarded according to the number of marks - obtainedduririg-the course of ohe year. The prizes in writing, sewing, and fancy work - -were decided, at the request of the School k : Committee ', by Mes'damets Jones, Spooner, ' -and Pettit ; the boys -writing being cjudged by Messrs Lit tie John and Marshall. Recita- *: -^ioris were given by the follolvirig :— Charlotte Walker, " The Srst born of ' Egyp t;" Isabella ••Gillies, first parb,Tenn3'a6ns " May Queen :" jAnnieT. (•Jillies, -".B qw Year's iwe; " HenTietta Campbell,. ."Tho. Gamblers Wife ;" Mary Ann^ ; Tbdd," •'" The' : 'Treasuies of -the : Deep; "-Elizaboth Daniels. li The Death of ■ ': a Child ;"' James Philp, "The Normon ; 'Baron- ; " >Tames Mathes;on and John Drin■nan, " Bruttis aridCassius ;" Stephen G^ld:ino-, "Progress of Madness r ; " Percy Duncan, '"The Spidei' and Fly;" Miiik K. Ayre, '"Virginia." K"ot a few; who were unap- ■ quainted with -the school expressed their • agreeable^surprise at the" very excellent ren-.; dering of-the pieces without exception, by i ■ one aud also that the awarding of the prizes 1 in this competition was rather a difficult r iriatter. Mesdames s-pooner and Fettit • awarcled'the girls' prizes, and the Rev J. Chiaholru and Mr Jones the boys. -The prizes for j 'writing to dictation were awarded by public j •competition, tliree trials, errors in punctua- ■ tion to count half mark, errors in spelling, • ~\ wrong use or" vraait of. capitals to count one mark. -The :pupil' teachers were allowed to « compete in this, and the result of this trial we ; • consider highly creditable to the school. : The . : seleLti^ns were dimcult, takenfrom one of the prize books, and pieces to which the- children • were tofeal strangers. Mary M'Lai'en , pupil teacher, accomplished air three without a • single i)lunder^ and accordingly was awarded - : first prize ; Isabella Gillie?; h<*lf markj 2nd • prize : James Matheson, 1 mark, 3rdv prize, the g^at majority of those- competing having « only 2 marks against them. The -copy books were remarkably neat and clean, the prizes ; beingawarded specially forprogressive-merit, we understand. "During the progress of the - examination^he heavier • wor-k was relieved tby the children singing one or- t-wo pieces. <By the kindness of Mrs Gunninghame, un ■ both days the children were supplied bounti"*fully with-buns, and they testified their 'appreciation ;of the<gift by responding' most lustily to- the. suggestion of three cheers to . that lady. Prizes for special objects were given by the following 'ladies :— Mesdames ■VW: A Sanderson,. T. Crossan, W. Philp,' Dawaon. Matheson, and Miss-Lewis, i and by t the' following gentlemen Messrs RV K-. Jones, Gillies, Isinsford', Soutter, Hislop, ; Gray, Liviugston. and the Rev. Jame3. • Chisholnii; -;The character of the prizes, -reV fleeted great credit upon Mr John 'Ferguson, - formerly a. pupil teacher of the school, who -made the selection while in Duuedin attend-' • -ing the University. After the prizes 'were - distributed. Mr K-. &■" id ones came forward. - and stated thut he had been deputed by the ' children to. perform a most pleasing task Of • their own accord >they had subscribed a sum ' of money sufficient to present their teachers with small tokens of their regard. He had ■ very great pleasure aii presenting Mr Hoes witk a pair of . very handsome mantelpiece • ornamerts. Mr Ross, la replying, expressed his surprise at the gift,: acknowledged their kindness, and trusted- that they would long the friendly ieelmg which had ; been given expression 'to. He further expressed Ms -great satisfaction with the intelli•r gence of his ..pupils. Mr Jones then pre- - sented Miss Nichols with, a handfebme brooch. Mr J. L; Gillies, request, thanked xhe • children on- her behalf, and took occasion to, - impi^ess oh the children- that, if they wefe. determined to carry off prizes, they must start in the race from the first day, and not be : satisfied" with a mere spurt before examination time ;: it "was by^diligentplodding from the first day-of the -session, and the gradual • accumulation of marks day ( by day that the s race was gained. The loss of -even a single r day might' result in the loss of .a prize. Mr -Jones then, in ;a highly complimentary • speech presented Mr • M'lntyre v/ith a pocket book and -pencil,^ to "which he suitably and feelingly replied/ Mr Gilliei by request of ' the School Committee, -annonnced, that the extend >tb ; the 29 th day of ' January^ 'on which date Ml* Rosa an 1 their ■ • other teachers wtmld .expecfr^to-'seeithem: all "back in their places, refreslred anilready for Jthe duties of :ahotiier Bessidn.
Prize Lilr. - : My First "Book.— Ist, Catherine Waltoer ■My Second Book.— lst, Ernest Campbell. My Third Book.— Prizes-r-Annnie VVhy- • took, Florence M'Leod and Elizabeth Jackbou, all equal. Second Division. — Girls": Ist, Mary Gillies. Boys : .Arthur Holt.; M y Fourth Book.— Girls : 1 Bt, jane Sanderson ; -^nd, .Annie 'Campbell. -Boys": Ist. ■ James Ferguson ; 2nd, jjohn Murray My Fifth Book^— Girls > Ist, Agnes Crossan. Boys . Ist, 3Tohn M-Cubbin. My Sixth Book:-— Girls: Ist, Jaiicßryce; '-2nd, EuphemiaOlarii > 3*d,-oafeh6rine Fleming. Boys : Ist, William Fleming ; 2nd. i George Ayer ; 3rd, Sfohri M'CaskiJl. Series.^-Onniors— Girls: Ist, Mary M'Millan ; 2nd, Isabella M'Millan and Martha 'Holt equal-; 3rd, Sarah Anne Holt. Boyaz Ist. Alexander Campbell ; 2nd, John Walker* -3rd, Fred. Daniels • -Ath, , 36hn Chisholin. '■ Progress— Archibald M'Leod. ; ••■•.•;• : .: Series —Seniors— Girls : Ist, Mary Anue *Todd;2nd, Eliza Forsyth; 3rd, JaneParlane; 4th, Margaret Wallace. Boys : Ist, James - Philps ; 2nd, Charles Forsyth ; 3rd, Bavid Drinrian; 4th, B Pewar ; sth* F: Byer. ■■-;: History r- Qivls : let, , Paiiny ."'. IMatheson • 2nd, Eliia, Tough. Boya \ Ist; White -, 2nA, WilliHtn Crossan , 3rd- : -Alexander.C/h.urch.:^SjecoiVd Division-^Girls;' ; Istj Henrietta Campbell-; 2nd,; Jane ; Thompson i; -3rd, Agnes Clarke,; Boys:": Ist, Jpiib r Cunniughaiae y 2nd, Denton : PuncaTi ; ; -drdj -John -Miller.; fThird fr Girls : Ist, ' Annie T. 'Gillies ; 2nd, Charlotte ; : . Srdj .lane Paw-son.. : Boys : -Istj. Percy; hnn- ; 2nd r Mar^ H. %er >3rdy John prin- ' - nan. '■■ ■--■•.: ■". •• ■.. .••-•■■ • '.. - ■"! ■. ; . '-' -■■■■'■ ' '"'. : "
Advanced Header,— Girls h Ist, Annie T. ■■. ■ tGrilliesj- 2nd, Gharlott© : Walker^ 3rd > i; Jane; f D Dawsoh. . Boys: Ist,^J^lm. Drinniah • '2nd, Mark Ayre ; 3rd; Percy Duncan. ■ i--
,- history, — Gh'la I Ist; isabfeila Gillien • 2nd, Elizabeth [Daniels.":; 3rd, c Margaret I>ickson *; BruceT Bdy^s :' lstj David duthie ;V2nd.rDanieMVr'Phors6n;; f3rd. j&me's Matheson ; 4th Alex.- Brown.- / ■ .Gepgraphy^-Sehiors^Girls-: Ist, - Isabefla Gillies- ; '2nd f Elizabeth Daniels ■; 3rd, Christina M'Jiay^ißoys;: lsticDavidV Duthie | r2nd,' James - Matheson ;:> 3rd, T Daniel M Kherson. ■.-.-.' Second; DiVision-^Crirla '. Ist, Annie T. Gillies ; 2nd, ' Jane Da wson; 3rd, Janetr Whytock. 'Boys: Ist, .Alex. Brown ; '2nd, Edward Campbell ; 3rd; Mark BF, Ayre'. Third Pivi.siqnr±Girfe; Ist, ilenrietta Campbell ; -2nd, Eliza Tough ; -3rd, Jane Thomson ; 4th, Mary AtineTodd. Boys : Ist, TPercy Duncan ;'2iid.Denlon Duncan ; "3rd, John Miller • 4th, Bruce Dall. Fourth Division— Girls : Ist, franriy Matheson ; 2nd, Eliza Forsyfch ;-3rd, Mary Brown. Boys : Ist, Charles Forsyth ; 2nd, Fred. Daniels ; 3rd, Louis. Kirby. ■:
Grammar— Seniors—^Girls': Ist, Isabella Gillies; 2nd, Elizabeth Daniels ; 3rd^Mar•garet "Bruce";- 4th. Margaret Diclfaon#Jßoys-: Ist, David Dntlre ;.2nd, William Dall ; '3rd, Daniel M'Phenon ; 4th, Jatties Matheson. Second Division— Girls : ist, Annie TV Gillies ; 2nd, Charlotte Walker ; 3rd, Jane Dawson. Boys : Ist, Alex. Brown ; ;2nd, Edw. Campbell ; 3rd, Percy Duncan ; 4th, Alfred Jones. Third Division— Girls : Agnes Cowan; 2nd. Henrietta Campbell. Boys-: fßrttce Dall ; '2nd, Robert Martin; Fourth Division —Girls : "Ist, Fanny Matheson ; 2nd, Sane Thomson: 3rd, Eliza Tough, 4th, Mary Anne Todd. Boys: Ist, John Cunningham c ; "2nd, Alexander B. Church ; 3rd; vlames^hilps ; 4th, /William Crossaii. Fifth Division— Girls : Ist, Sarah Dawson r ; 2nd,' Emma Canning. Boys : Ist, James Lockhart ; '2nd, Charles .Forsyth. Arithmefcic.-r- Juniors— Girls : Ist, Agnes ■Rrowiv; 211(1,'"] Ellen Matheson and M. Chisbolm, equal. Boys': Ist, Alex. Campbell"; 2nd, A. M'L'eod anid John Walker, equal. Second 'division— Girls : Ist, Janet Tnglis'; 2nd, 3ahe Pdrlane ; '3rd, Emma Canning. Seconfr divMon— Boys^ . Ist, Chas. forsyth ; 2nd, Da»'id Drinnan : 3rd, Jas. Lockhatt. Third division- Gir }s": Ist, Jane Tliifm^m ; 2nd, Fanny Matheson; 3rd, Henrietta Campbell. Boys : 'Ist, William White ; 2n<l, iTohn Ctihningham^ : 3rd, Wnr. iockhart. Fourth Division--Girls> : Churldtce Walker; 2nd. . Agnes Cowan. . Boys.\Geo. B. Dall V 2nd. Percy Duncan ; 3rd, John Dritinan. Fifth Division— Girls : "Ist, Jane Dawson ; 2nd. Annie T.< Gillies. Boys : Ist, Edward Campbell; 2nd. Frank Duihie. Division-^Girls : 'Ist; Isabella Gillies ; "2nd, Margaret Brute , 3rd, Mary Goodall. Boys : Ist; David Duthie : ; 2nd, Daniel M'PheT3on ; "3rd Wm. Dall. Mathematics^— Boys-; Ist, David Duthie' ; '2nd, William Dall-; 3rd, James Matheaon. Composition. — Girls ;Ist, Isabella Gillies; 2nd, Jessie Brown ■; '3rd, Elizabeth Daniels. tßoys: Ist, David Dutliie ; 2nd, Daniel M'Pherson ; 3rd, James MatheSbn. Writing.— Girls": Ist, M. Bruce-; 2nd, Jessie Brown ; : 3rd, M. Dickson. Boys: Ist, Robert Martin; 2nd, Frederick Dyer; 3rd, -Drinnan. -2nd Division.— Girls : : Ist, Mary O-obdall ; 2nd, Annie T. Gillies j '3rd. Agnes Brown. Boys : 'Ist, Duncan M. Church ; 2nd, Charles Forsyte ; 3rd; Richard Capstick. Recitation. — Girls :~lst. Elizabeth Daniels ; 2nd, Isabella Oillies ; 3rol, Henrietta Campbell. Boys: Ist. 'Janre3 Matheson-; ,2nd,; David Duihie ; Sr<3, Sleeken GoMiag. ' ■. Sewing.— Jane Thomson, Agheis Clark, equ al. Junior Division— lst, Arinie Todd ; 2nd, Catherine Fleming ; 3rd, Jane Bryce. Bible.— Girls : Ist, Elizabeth Daniels. Boy : Ist, David Duthie. 2nd Division.— Girls: ;lst, Annie '% Gillie 3. Boy-: Ist, 'Alfred ' Jones.
Latin.— Girl : Ist, Isabella Gillies. Boy: lsfe, David Duthie. '. . Fancy Work.— Daisy •mats, Isabella Gillies; crochet mats. Agnes Cowan; paper r Tnats, Isabella GUlies-; sampler, Agnes Cowan.
•Dictation — open to the whole school, pupil teachers included — Ist, Mary M'Laren ; md, Isabella Gillies, ; 3rd, James Mathieson. Special Prize. — Best mathematician, David Duthie. Do. — Best Geography Exercises, Isabella' Gillies.
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Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 399, 27 December 1871, Page 6
Word Count
1,650TOKOMAIRO GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 399, 27 December 1871, Page 6
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