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Agrtricultral Column.


The Tokomairiro F.rmers' Club held its

fifth annual show of stock, dairy produce. implement*, <£«., nn^n the Recreation Ground on Wednesday last. Tiie weather. : Ibr some days previously, hud been very broken and nnpropitincs^fur driving prize Stock, *»n«l probably this circumstance had tome influence in effecting a "considerable - reduction in the number of exliihirs this year. Certain it is, however, ir>Jno-st! <: of the classes there whs n f»llin<r f»ff in the snmlier of entries <as compared wi'h those - of former rears, hut w<« Ho not attribute. ; this to a falling* off of interest in such exhibition* on the part of sto<kowners and agriculturists. Tt i« always unpleasant to exhibit stork, and have »o take th'>m home withont their having obtained a prize, or a certificate of comroenda'ion. Now, it is 1 well known that a few affri<u!fnrists throughout the district hoy« for some vp»rs past devoted n considerable amount, of atten f ion to stock breedinir. auri have secured ' a rlass of animals .fur superior to the ypnetality of those in tlie disnir.f: thus, those who still adhere to the mongrel breeds ■ ielt they had not the Inast chance of secnr- " ing" prize*, and hnd the common spnse. to know ihat to exhibit their «?'o -k' wonld only he to proclaim their own mismanage.- --" ment an<! folk. They therefore wisely / Jefr tin mat hone. The Tuk<imairiro «linw ;• .lias now arrived at tlmt ?»no - <* when only really wood sock can be pxhihited. The thovr of Wednesday testified ih.v the district can pet up a small show of ibis class. ""find as the stock will- yearly increase in ■. nntnbers, so will the. show i«\ dimensions and importance. We therefore look upon . the character of thi« yenr's show ns the roo^f hopeful and en'vmra-.rinff vet held in ~ ibe district. «nd i"feri<»r ruV'isb ire excluded, and it will be jns'ly regarded * an a high honor to tnke a prize at the Tokomairiro annual exbiliHon. '. . In the cattle department, Mr Corsnn's Diomed took the chief honor nmon«rst tiie - but the two-'ve.-ir old, I»irh.-ird T. — exhibited by Mr Donald G'-ant. Tsiieri, and which tottk the second prise — shews, that yo»ng" stock are now bfinu- reared amongst which eve.n Dinmert may find it himl «nough to maintain his present proud position. Amongst the shorthorned cow* the^e was this year nothing 1 to come near to Mr Hihbard's Daisy, recen'ly imported from Canterbury, and which is re«llv a fine animal Mr Corsan. carried off the prize 3 for heifers. Mr D. Grant also exbihited one with vpry fine points, but she "was in inferior condition compared with Mr Corsan's, and suffered from the Ion? journey. In Ayrshire? Mr Gillies carried off seven prizes, and Mr Paton sir. Amongst the draught entires, Marquis re tamed bis,.»*f»isl posnion in the lead. -. followed fit" Young M«j«>r. Farmers' Favorite was also a favorite wirh many. Of hrood mares there wpre six putrid, all of fbpm jr«od. Messrs Maitlnnd- Bros, jrained both prizes. The young stock were perhaps the best part of the show, and would do honor to any exhibition either here or elsewhere. Mr Nimmo's filly was, without exception, the best we have ever seen in the colony. Messrs Hislop Bros', filly was a good second, tut they all deserved prizes. The horses for saddle or hnrness were only a secondary show, and the prizp was justly awarded to Mr M'Leish's imported horse. The thoroughbred sires were confined to Tom Kin*? and Stormhird, t'<e former deservedly taking the prize. Thus the decision of last year was reversed, although the horse had neither the coat nor the condition he then had. The declaration of 'he prize was received with applause by the spectators. Of sheep the show was miserable in numbers, hut some good animids vcere exhibi'ed. In swine the numbers were also deficient The poultry do not deserve mention. In the agricultural implement department thpie was a great improvement upon former years, and those exhibited by local manufacturers abundantly showed we have ample talent in the distiict to produce all necessary machinery for agrioultuiist? — encouragement alone is required. Mr Humbleton, ofDunedin, auined <> priw for an excellent reaping machine. A number of handsome sewing machines were al.-o exhibited. Mr Dewe exhibited a sample of excellent bricks, an assortment of drain pipes, and. tiles for garden edging;, all of which were justly nommended. The dsiiry produce show was held in the Volunteer Hall, and it also partook of the general character of the whole exhibition — fewer entries and superior exhibits. In quality there was a great improvement upon forrnpr years, and the makiny up was everything" which could be desired. The fan:*y butter was quite a show, and a very pretty one, in itself. We rannot help mentioning one.^a-nple ot salted butter, which apparently had ' een sent :»s a j ike. "We question if the hikers would hnv»* it for paVrv, or, indeed, if Cohb nnd Co. would )ill«»w it to defile their coach axles. Irs ranking' np was'of ft piece with the quality. There were some ajmaren'ly pood cheeses, ' but. ' we °»b paiv the out - H(fe ; we trust the f»nm<a] exhil»i;s in this depaifment will increase. Mr Wlii'e pxhV i 'e<) siw vhi-v p"'oi p&Mimje*. turni|i<. and *cucumWrs\ -which recuived a comme»d_ation < > ert;fi.:M'e. Upon the. wli!i!«'. the sho-^ was not ;i fuihtr'-y or y&r'bA {^i)nrf, :><> fiorni* »fii> - »»; Ir w«s a 2"«<id 01 c ; m. 1 "-'' bftterand moi-p. liotieftll- fllsin if 'here ljil<f beou h ! exliibinon of infe'iiur sto<-k. The ir.t( j re*-t m'anif'-sted in it .was -.iliurid-aitlv .proved by 'he crowded ground lhrnug-lMMit t!i« dav ; t'»e rjuin'<erbf ti.-itors was morn than usiutlly.lar^e, an<l ;i large- propiitticin w-is


Theiy'^as only one refreshment bonth on the gTb.iind ? --i»eh»n«ring to Mr Philfs snd which apparently haJ » fiir share -of pnf.iwiwg'e: I' is perhaps w«nriy v «f ' riot : «:« U?*t there was no excessive iitdulgettae in

drink obserf&btfi; indeed, them its* not « •ingle indivi.limi rhe lea<t ♦Mono bed" on the utound, or throughout the town. The foljpwinir is the . i PRTZE IJST. - CATTLE. — Shohtiiornkd. Judges: Messrs H. W. J<ibnstone, D. W»irnock, Tnverrargill, R. l\!illpr. Atrendinjr members : Messrs J. L. Gillies and John M'F;>rlnnfi. * - "Cl'«ss 1 — Bull ot any ace,. silver mednl (2 entries) D. Gars^n's •' Diorned ." do, 2..d, L 2, ponnld Grat.t's « Richard ls»." 2 — Bull, 2 year old, silver medal (1 entry) Donald Grant. 3 — Bull. 1 year old, hon cer (5 entries) G. M. Bell, Woimea. 4- : -0»)w of any asre. silver mpdal (3 entries) B. Ri'.bard's " D»isy" ; do, 2nd, hon cer, B. Hi'ilmrd's "Cruinmie"j commended, ,D. Carson. s— -Ffeifer, 2 year old, silver medal (o entries) D. Carson; do, 2nd, bonder, I). Car«on. c < ■ 6 — Heifer, 1 vearold, bronze *niedal (1 entry) G. M. Bell. AYRSHIRI2S. 7— Bull of any age, silver mpdnl (2 enrrrns) J. L. Gilltfes ; do, 2ud, L2,J. L. Gillie*. 8 — Dull, Q years old, silver medal (5 rnt'ie>) J. L. Gillies; do, 2nd, hon cer, D. Paton. 9 — Bull, 1 year old, hon cer (0 entries) D. Paton. * • 10— Oow, any aye, silver medsil (3 entries) D. Pa ton ; 2.-vi, hun cer, J. L. Gillifis. 11 —Heifer, 2 years old, silver medal (1 entry) J L. Gillies. 12 — Heifer, 1 year old, no entry EXTRAS. 13— Bull, any age or breed, excluding shorthorn and Ayrshire, silver medal (1 enrrr) — Sultnond. 14 — Cow. any age or breed, excluding shorthorn and Ayrshire, silver medal (4 entiies) D. Puton ; 2nd, J. L. Gillies (under n'-ofest). 15— Three l>est (provincial bred) cows, Silver medal (3 entries) I^. P«ton ; 2nd, LI 10s, J. L. Gillie. 10 — Best cow, of any age or breed, bred h? the exhibitor, with t^ro of lipicffspriiic, silver medol (one entry) D. Paion (uueer protest). ; HORSES. — DRAUGHT. JunVps : Messrs D. Wurnock, Blnir, and Vi ung. Attending members : Messrs I J. M'Farlnne and Inglis. l?r— Eu-'ire Jiorse, any age, silver medal (5 entries) Hislop and Hamilton's '•' Marquis "; 2nd, Blue and Duthie ; commended. Andrew M'Larea's "Farmers' Favorite " 18 — Entire colt, 2 years old (no entry). 19— Entire colt, 1 year old, L 2 (2 entries) T. Parker j 2nd, hon cer, J. Pnriter. 20— Geldinsr of any age, L 2 (I entry) Win. Grty, Wailjola. 21 — Br»od mare, in foal or foal at foot, silver mp-ds.l (6 enrrie*), Maitland Bros ; 2nd, L 2 10s, Alait land Bros. ; commended Donald Grsmfc. <, 22 — Fil'y, 3 years old, silver medal. (4 entries). John Nimmo ; 2nd, 'ironzs med='l Hi<lop Bros. ; commended, fhomns Quill 23— Filly or g-eiding, 2 years old, silver medal (6 entries). !\J;iiilanfl Bros.; 2oti, bronze medal, George Lindsay j cumuiendfid,, Jiiuaes Burrie. 24 — Filly or gelding, 1 year old, 1.2 (4 entries), A. Flewitson j 2nd, hon cer Blues: and Duthie. 26 — Veld mare of any age, silver medal (5 entries), John Nimmo; 2nd, hon cer, Jobn G»w. 20 — Pair mares or geldings in harness, L 2 (2 entries), M<iitland Bros. 2? — Maw or gelding fit for saddle cr hiirness, L 2 (8 entries), M'Leish, Dunedin ; commended, George Connel. THOROUQHBRKDS. I 28 — Entire of any age. silver madal (2 entries) Maitland Hros.' " Torn King ;" do 2nd, D. Carson's " Storni Bird." 29 — Mure, in foal or wirh foal at foot, of any »ge, silver medal (3 entries.) D. Carson ; do, 2nd, hon cer, Juhn M'Farlane. 30 — Colt, 2 years old, hon cer, (2 en'ries) Mart Dale. 31 — C«»ir, 1 year old hon cer, (1 entry) J. L. Gillies. 32 — Fill v t 2 years old, hon cer, (1 entry) J. L. Gillies. 33 -Filly, 1 year old, (no entry). 34 — Pony under 14 hands high, any agp, entires excluded. LI 1", (6 entries) John M'Farlane; commended, "Miss King;," Balclutha. Mr Gillies's entire *' JN"utsheli, v highly commended. SHEEP. Judges : Messrs Robson, Armstrong, and J. Johnston. Attending- member; John Hislop. ! 35 and 36— Merino ram snd ewes, (no entries). 3?— Leicester ram, silver medal, (4 entries) Wm. Grey j do, 2nd, hon cer, Wm. Grey. 38— Leicester ewes, silver mpdal, (2 pntiies) Wra. Grey ; do # Sad, hon cer, James Allen 39— Southdown ram, (no entry). 40— Southdnwu ewes, silver medal, (1 fiitr\( J. L; Gilli.s. 41 — Cross-^red sh"e.p (no entry). 42 — 5 fat lambs, LI, (I entry) Thauisis Murny. Kx'rsi — "h p vtrtt ram and eive, com rnebd.'d, R. M'Keiiz-e. SWINE. I 4J. — B')«r^ l:n-!j h i.raed. (no en'.rv). 45— ?50\Vj «10, do, LI 10s (I enrrv). J. L. Giiliei. •* 40 — Bw»r, small bree'l. (mi entry). .47^S-.>w," i\o, d<«, LI 10^ (l' entry) J. L. Oiili-.". 48—F.t \iljr, (no en trie-). . £9'— 3 porker*', XI (I entry) G. W. Langlev. • . POULTRY. 50 and 51 — Sniui*ii cock smd h'e.ti, (no ei'trie-) 62-— D.jjfc'ng cock, couiro-nded, Mrs J&iuv* AiatUb-on.

53— Dorking hens, commended, Mrs Jtmw MHtl«fi«on.

54— and 56- -Common cock and lien(no award*.) 56 — AvWmrv Hrajke and pair of ducks, 10- Mrs James Marh||pn. 57 — Common drakjf||fid pair of ducks, commended, Mrs JiimeV'Mnthesnn. 58 — Gander and pair of geese, 10s (2 entries) Mr< Quill. 59— Turkey cock and pairs of hens, (no award*.) CO — Hen egg-», conmended, Mrs Jas; Mhthesnn. 61 — Duck eggs, 5s Mrs J-is. Matheson. 62 — Turkey psrgi», (no en'rv.) DATRY PRODUCE Judges: !\lessrs> John Allan, M. Tfijrjr'ns and P»rker. Atrendinir members: Messrs H. White and Jhiti^s Scott. (33—;^ ]r. s f,e<h butter, LI 10s (18 enfrieO Mrs Pringle; d >, Snd. 10.^ Mrs J. L. Gillies; cornrnendeti, Mrs Chalmers, Mrs Jas. Allen, Taieri. 64 3 lbs powdered buffer, LI (14 entries) Mrs Prinjrle ; do, 2nd *0s Mrs D>nvgori ; commended, Mrs Porter and Mrs Drinnan. 6")— 14 lbs salr better, L 2 -{1(5 entries) Mrs Kav; do. 2 >d, Ll Mrs Drinnan , commended, Mt\« J. L Gillie*. (36 — Cheese over 6 mon'hs old, silver medal (2 entries) Mrs D. Paton ; do, 2nd, hon rer, Mr U. Duthi«. Q7 — Cheese under 6 months old. fi'vpr nv-dal (4 entrie*), Mrs James Allan, 2nd, hon ncr, Mrs Hislop. 68— Side bacon, Ll (3 entries), Mrs Pe.trie ; commended, Mrs Cap?ti«*k. GO — Pair smoked hams, Ll (1 entr}'), Mrs James Petrie IMPLEMENTS. Judg I**:1 ** : Mr Georvp Pram. Attending . member Mr William G-ny. ! 70 — Assortment of Provincial-made agricultural implements, silver medul(2 entres), Me«*r/» J. ond T. Bryce. 71 — P.irm fart — no entry. Extras-^ Reaping machine. Joseph FTfimKledon, Dnnedin, wjis awarded :» first pijz^, for excellence of design and work manship ; commended, Messrs Chalmers Rros , for 2-horse jrniblier j commended, D. Ferguson, for chimney can and ventila- i tor: Hihbard and Co., for colleotioa of farm im piemen's. SPECIAL PRIZES. I—Three1 — Three dairy cows (owned by the exrii'»i»or), »ift of Mr R. W. dipstick, silver cup (2 entries). D. Paton. 2—2 your old colt or filly, produce of a t'lorongh-lired hn-se. gifr of Jlr fJ»orge L^ngley, L 2 2s (2 en'rie>), J. L. Gillies; pnnimpiided, Ma- k Dale. 3 — Three year old draft fi'lv (bred in i\\p district), 'gift °f )r Philpi Commercial Hotel, L 3 3s Hi-lop Bros. 4 — 3lh district-made fresh butter (18 entries), uift of Mr i'dward Stewart, silk dtvs«« (F-5). Mrs Pringle ; 2nd, Mie gifr (jf Mr Goodall, box of tea (L 2 s<). MrsChnlmer* : 3rd. gift of Mr Julius, Ll, Mrs Carson ; 4th, gift of Mr Brinirezu, two butter moulds, Mrs Hislop; commended Mr< Gillies. s_3M> district-made powderpd butter (15 entries), gift of Mr P. Cunninghnme, 'rtilef. set complete, (L 2 2-) Mrs Ferirtison ; 2nd, cifr of Mr R. R. Jones, Ll Is, Mrs Print; le; com'uended, Mrs Borrie . and Mrs Davvron. 6_7}}i 9 district-mndfi salt butter (11 entries), gift of Messrs B. Hi b bard and Co., china set fLS ss), Miss Gillies; 2nd, jHft of Mr Hollick, Ll I*, Mrs Kav ; commended, Mrs Pringle, and Mrs Edwd Martin, and Mrs J. L. Gillies. 7 —Fancy marie, but'er (9 enfrip.*), ffift of Mr Nutsford. Scotch pebble broach (Ll) Mrs Hislop; 2nd, gift of Mr Pettit, 41bs rented soap, Mrs Porter; commfnded, Mrs P. Cunnin.ahnme, (protest lodged against the fi<>-t prize) B— lJnsmoked pair of bams (4 en trip), •rift of Mr Dmssan. Ll Is, Mrs Gillies; commended, Mrs Capstick. 9— Hack, uold medal, gift of Mr J. T. Telfer, Dnnedin, L 6 (7 entries), James M'frish, Dunedin. Jt had been annonced that a dinner would take place in the Exchange Hotel, at. half past o'clock. This however, did not seem a popular part of the day's proceedings. A'>nut 7 o'clock a few illfdividuals, certainly, met in the "back kitchen " of the establishment, where they were served wiih an abundant supply of roast beef, cV\, by a town carter. Afer the cloth — no it was'nt removed — l>nt, after dinner a few of the customary toasts were alter much canvassing an Ipre-s---t ing, purposed and '' responded to.'' -The meeting was abruptly prorogued by a vote of thanks to the. Chair, when a stampede was made towards tha Volunteer Hall t<> a more <r*nial entertainment — " Mrs M'Gregor's Levee."

Itwas-stafpd at the exhibition of the New Enjr'nnd Asriicuirnrjil Society tliat the no'OTejrate v»l«ih of th« N<-w En^lnnd liirm-Tr* dols. 456 325.853. The value of implemPTi's usfd on fiese f;irms i-* do!*. 16.440,014: tip vmlup of rhe live sock is dol.-s. 68 675.015; tnaking* »n „o-urp<rate of dols 500 470,432. Ii i^ (i «jrpiit mistake to fnroura»e th« j proilii«.iioii of yross wood in nnv stao-e of tliH existem-e of a fni 1 tw, Wood ot thi« des«*ripti'.in, especially in tiP ca<e of stono fruit-CH ve>'V !i:i' lf to pum -^canker and ptrmaMire deji'li-nrp so<i>etimes tlie n*sul«« whilf of ppiirsa stnythiiii! d*-s«*rvin}y "he uamc of ;i crop is nev^r obtained 'till thn <:ro-s b-.ibir induced by plariMnir in ovpi-iji-h soil h-is bt^fn ovj-rcomf. Ground in rpnd«-d fur fruit trees should fjr«t l>f drained «'fftcrnMlly ;md then trenched at leasr 18in to 54in. deep, nnd, if the mitunil soil is found to be too poor for the keulth ami growth of the free*, ft stiffiV-iput q'luntity of fresh ttirfv lujim should be ntUM ; »mt ri h stimularinjr m;mure.s sbouiti not bn nst-d, hip ib»»V «re jtfiiin fxliiiu^t^d, -ririil :be trre~ itf lelt 'O dpjherid up «n thfl D««riir»l s il f-»r tin ir suji port, wild wlimi treated in this wi»y oeyer give s.»tj*fi»ction.

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Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 347, 21 December 1870, Page 7

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Agrtricultral Column. Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 347, 21 December 1870, Page 7

Agrtricultral Column. Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 347, 21 December 1870, Page 7


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