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Wednesday, November 15v The Superintendent having read- his nddressy and declared the House open for business, the new members elected since last session were introduced by the Provincial. Treasurer. The Provincial Treasurer (M F. J. Moss) laid on the table certain resolutions on the Relations of the Provincial and the General Gjvernments. The Provincial Secretary laid- on the table the following resolutions on the Land Question :— '1. That the taxing and improvement conditions be abolished, and the purchaser of Crown lands shall receive his Crown grant without delay. '2. That all previous purchasers shall be entitled to their Crown grants without improvement clause or tax. * • *3. That after the lands within any Hundred shall have- remained opon for selection for a period of not less than three years, the unsold portion thereof may be offered for sale by ptfblic auction at an upset price of ten shillings per acre; that such auction shall take place at such places, at such times, in such sections, and in such manner, as the Waste Land Board, with the sanction of the Superintendent and Executive Council shall determine.' The Provincial Solicitor (Mr B. C. Haggitt) obtained leave to introduce the following bills, which were read a first time and ordered to be printed, the second reading of each being made an order of the day for the next sitting :— Omaru Reserves Bill. Turnpikes Ordinance Amendment Bill. Medical Practitioners Ordinance Amendment Bill. - Roads Diversion Ordinance Amendment Bill. Friday, November 17. The consideration of the Land Resolutions was, in committee of the whole House, .adjourned to Wednesday. The reply to the address was then moved by Mr Haughton, and seconded by Mr Maddock. Mr Grant moved amendments, which were negatived. , ■ The reply, as moved, was adopted. Tlie discussion on the relations of the Provincial- with* 'the' General Government was postponed. Monday, November 20. The report by th« Chief Railway Engineer on the proposed Southern Railway was laid on the table. . In reply to Mr Mouat,. the Provincial 'Treasurer said that only the Alunicipalities -of Port Chalmers and Dunedin owed money to the Province. Neither -of" them had paid interest or sinking fund. The City Council had asked that the proposal ' to make the loan a grant should be laid before, the Council. ".■■'• .' In answer to Mr Mouat. the Provincial Secretary said Dr Hector had been applied to for his report, who had replied that it should be furnished on receipt of some scientific communication from England. A committee was appointed by ballot to consider the relations between the General and Provincial Governments. . The* Provincial Treasurer's motion to place on the Estimates Lsooas compensation to Mr Lewis, on condition of his lease of the Olutha Coal Reserve being cancelled, was negatived. On the motion of Mr Yogel, a Select Committee was appointed to consider the best means of encouraging the formation of country municipalities, and of aiding their development.

Tuesday, November 21. Mr Thompson presented a petition from setflers at Port Molyneux and its neig-h---borhood, pra3'ing for the construction of a short line of road in thafne.ghboi-hood. A debate took place on the petition praying that the Exhibition building be not converted into an hospital. The House refused to interfere or alter the decision arrived at hist session. The Superintendent's Indemnity Bill was passed. ..-. , Wednesday, Nov. 22. ' Mr. Mouat asked the Government " Whether they have taken any steps to frame new Goldfields Regulatiohii, rendered necessary by the GoldHelds Act Amendment Act, passed last session by the General Assembly." - The JProyiucial Secretary stated that no pny ofi the Act bad as yet been; forwarded

to the Provincial Government. A nopy had, however, been procured, and the Secretary of the Goldfields was now engaged drawing- up the necessary amendments in. the regulations. Mr Grant asked the Government— " Whether the deficiency in the public funds, asserted by the Provincial Council of £kage r on the 12th December, 1860, sessio» XI, in their address to his Excellency Governor Browne, requesting* him 'to remove James Macandrew from the office of Superintendent ot the Province of Otagov' on the ground that 'he had the use of abortion of the public funds for private purposes/ has been yet made good to the Treasury ?" The Provincial Treasurer stated in reply that the amount referred to had been refunded! . Mr Yogel moved — ' That an address be presented to his Honor the Superintendent, requesting* him. to put. upon the Estimates the sum of L6OO to join Beach (or Main) street, Waikouaiti, to the Main North Roaa.' Mr Grant opposed the motion. Mr Haughton, Mr Miller, and Captain Mackenzie supported the motion. Mr Mouat moved as, .an amendment, 'that the amount be L 400.' Mr Yogel adopted the amendment, which was put as a substantive morion, and, on a division, negatived by 21 to <>. Mr Burns presented a petition from 6:2 settlers in the Taieri district, pra}'ing for the opening up of a road between the Taieri Mouth. Akatou, and Tokomairiro, by the sea beach. The House went into committee on the Land Resolutions. The Provincial Treasurer moved the first of the alterations proposed to be made iii the Land Bill rejected by the Assembly last session. The amendment w?s a simple alteration of date. Mr Macandrew moved the following* amended resolutions, of which he had given notice :■ — ■' Whereas the great object of Land Regulations ought to be speedy aud beneficial occupation of the country by men and women j and whereas a moderate number of individuals, or of families occupying extensive landed estates, would tend to pro mote the future greatness and safety oithe.; body politic ; and whereas the existing Land Regulations of this Province are not conducive towards these objects, it is.there^ fore- expedient to amend the same as follows, that is to say^- ' The lands of the "Province exclusive 1 of sites for towns and villages, mineral and other reserves, shall be divided into three classes, A B and C, as under — Glass A — Agricultural freehold. Class B — Pastoral freehold. Glass C — Pastoral leasehold., A.^ — The land classified under this head after having been proclaimed into Hundreds shall be sold for cash, at a fixed price of 20s an acre, in allotments of not less than 1C nor more than 320 acres each, with an immediate Crown Title j or, at the option of the purchaser, on deferred payment of 30s an acre, one-fifth of. which shall be paid in- cash, and the balance at any period within four years thereafter, bearing interest at tta rate of lOs percent, per annum, Crown Grant to be issued on completion of purchase. - After the lands within any Hundred shall have remained open for selection for a period of not less than three years, the unsold portion thereof may be offered for sale by public auction at ah upset price of 10s an acre, and U the period during- which such lands shall have been open for selection exceeds seven 3*ears, theii they may be offered ibr "sale at an upset price of 5s an acr? ; and such auction shall be held at such places, at such times, for such sections and in sucb manner as the Superintendent and 'Executive Council may from time to time determine. i B.— -The land classified under this head shall consist of two millions of acres of the best pastoral lands of' the Province* to be divided into blocks of not less than 1000 nor more than; 10,000 acres each; at the expiration of the existing pastoral licenses such blocks shall be sold by public auction •to the highest bidder at an upset, price of 10s sin acre, Crown Grants to be issued forthwith: Provided always that full particulars oi such sale by auction shall be published throughout the Colony for at least three months prior thereto. Such blocks shall be laid off with a due regard to the physical featuresiuid coni'ormation of the country its respects, bound-

aries, roads, bush, dd'cfsupb like, and with.--a due regard to each block containing 1 a. modicum of such land as may be rendered available for agricultural purposes. Inthe event of one or more purchasers applying- for a block of land situated withi» any licensed run, prior to the expiration of such license, it shall be competent for the Government if ie shall see fit, to dispose of the same by auction as hereinbefore specified, provided the purchaser so applying shall have previously arranged -with the licerisehqlder as to any compensation in respect of the unexpire'd period of such license, and provided that the payment ot such compensation shall be made a condition of purchase at such auction, over and above the upset price, and the highest bid thereon. . C. — The land classified under this head shall comprise the whole of the residue of the pastoral lands of the Province, over and above those which may be set aside under class B, and shall be let in runs not exceeding acres each, for a period not exceeding 14 years, such lettirig to be by public auctiqn to the highest bidder, At .such upset price, and upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the Executive Government, and confirmed by resolution of the Provincial Council. With regard to those lands which have been sold under any terms and conditions of purchase which which may have been heretofore in force, it is expedient that Crown grants be forthwith issued in respect of atl such lands, notwithstanding anything contained in such terms and conditions to the contrary. That the foregoing resolutions be embodied in an Act to be submitted to the General. Assembly at its next session ', and ■that with a view to the different constituencies throughout the Province having an' opportunity of pronouncing an opinion upon the resolution, by conference with their representatives, or otherwise, a special meeting of the Council be held previous to the next session of the General Assembly, for the purpose of finally ratifying the same. Resolved further — That inasmuch as no Land Regulations can be satisfactory or effective unless they are admin isterea with wisdom and discretion, and inasmuch as there is great room for improvement in the * admistration of the land laws of this Province, It is expedient to appoint a Commission for the purpose of enquiring and reporting thereon, with a view to the introduction ot such reform as may be found necessary and beneficial. Resolved also — That a statement speci-. fying the area and locality of all the surveyed lands of t\x6 Province (excepting town and village lands) open for selection be published and circulated upon the .Ist day of every month, such statement to exhibit as near as maybe the distance and direction of such lands from the nearest town, village, navigable river, or pu'»lic road, and to specify as near as may be the quality of the land, and if open, the distance from bush.' . A long debate ensued,- but was ultimately adjourned without any vote being taken. ,

Thursday, November 23. -. In reply to Mr Maddock, the Provincial Secretary said the report of the proceeding's in respect to Constable Bruen in the .* Tua- • peka Recorder ' was not correct. The constable gave up the Government property when requested, and removed m the afternoon as suited his convenience. Captain Mackenzie moved— 'That an Address he presented to his Honor the Superintendent, to the effect that he may be pleased without d°l ay to take such steps as may be necessary to render the passage of theOiutha at Clutha Ferry safe for life "and property.' v The Provincial Treasurer seconded the motion, because he believed this was a work of great urgency. On the 1 4th of October last, instructions were given to the district engineer to have three works carried out. A memorandum was returned to the effect that the cost of the works would be Ll5O, and as the meeting- of the Council was so near at hand, the carrying out of the works was postponed until its sanction was obtained to the expenditure. He hoped that ere long the punt- would be superseded by the erection of a bridge over the Molyneux. (Hear, hear.) This was one ot the great works which the Government was anxious to see carried out. ; :Mr F/ D. Bell suggested; tliat the Qo-

verhrrient should communicate with the' Government of Southland, lor the purpose oft co-operating' in. the re-erection of the, bridge over the Mat-aura- river. Messrs Thomson 4nd? Grant spoke at some-length in. support of the motion. The- motion was put and; carried. •Mr f?-apghtoti moved,. ' That- a* respectful address; be presented^ to. his Excellency the Governor;, praying- to amend the Regulations of the Otago Goldfields with regard to Mmmg 1 Leases, so far as to reduce the amount payable-as rent,-. and that his Excellency will be farther pleased to authorise the remission of the present rates of rental; to the present leaseholders/ He entered^ into explanations showing, that; the presenthigh rates charged for inming leases' were • great hindrances to the establishment of.' mining companies, particularly with respect to quartz reefs, and a heavy burden* upon those already established; • " The Provincial Secretary seconded themotion, which was agreed to. Mr Dyer moved, 'That an Address bepreseated to his Honor the Superintendent,,, requesting that he will be pleased to re^ serve from sale, and set aside for public ' uses, for the township of Milton, rural section 148, block XVIII, and 149, 150, 151; 152, block XIX, Tokomairiro district.' Mr Adam seconded the motion, and. hoped the Council would have no, difficulty in acceding to the request.' The Provincial Secretary felt it. to be his painful duty to oppose this motion! In the Tokomairiro plain there were twotownships, Milton and Fairfax. Milton was the successful township and a private speculation, ..while Fairfax was a Government township. These sections asked tobe set aside for Milton were immediately adjoining Fairfax, and had been for sometime set aside for sale as suburban land when Fairfax township sections were sold. Already the township of Milton had had ten acres given to it, which was all that could be asked for the purposes of health^ and recreation. He hoped the motion would be withdrawn, until the report of the select committee on the aid to be' given for the- establishment of country municipalities was brought up. Mr Haughton. v thought the motion* deserved consideration ; and he moved as an amendment, that the debate be adjourned to Thursday* next, in order that hon. members might have time to consider it. ../■'" Mr Maddock seconded the amendment.*Mr Macandrew could see no object to begained by the adjournment, and he hoped the motion would be pressed. He woul<j[, support it. Mr Rrodie could see no reason why this case should be pressed upon the House with such urgency. All the proposed country municipalities wouhlbe dealt with together by the committee, and he hoped the motion would- be withdrawn until the report ofthecommittee was received. Mr Macandfew would withdraw his support; because he was not aware that the- . matter was under the consideration of a select committee. Mr Grant strongly opposed the granting of one single acre of land to private townships. Mr Thomson supported the motion, and> considered the reasons advanced by the Provincial Secretary to be trivial indeed. The request was' a very slight. one, and should be granted. Mr Reynolds hoped the motion would.; not be pressed until the committee hajf reported. There was no intention to sell! the land at present. / v -0Mr Dyer consented, to the adjournment, of tfoe debate, which was agreed to./ Monday, November 27. / A Bil introduced by the •Provincial Solicitor to add a further provision to the [Town and Country Police Ordinance wasread a first time, and the second reading made an order of the day for the next sit- ' ! tin £\ ', In reply to Mr Brown, the Provincial-; Secretary said the Superintendent of Canterbury had promised to bring the. matter of co-operation with the Government of Otago in the formation of a practical" road to the West Coast before the Provincial Council of that Province. "■ On^ the . motion of J\lr Thomson, Mr Reynolds's resolutibns,lß64, on the Education of Girls, was referred to the Select; Committee on Education. - On the motion of Mr Macandrew, a. Select Committee was appointed to enquire?

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Bruce Herald, Volume III, Issue 87, 30 November 1865, Page 7

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PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Bruce Herald, Volume III, Issue 87, 30 November 1865, Page 7

PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. Bruce Herald, Volume III, Issue 87, 30 November 1865, Page 7


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