The ordinary menthly meeting of the . Borough Council was held last night; when there were present— the Maypfr ; (Pastor Ries), Crs Rose, Benzieyjwtuj son. Newett, Mclntyre, Johnston, ffiynjfcson, Clayton, and Drummond. y^-fi^Ys Before entering upon- the ordinary' business, his Worship . iieT " Hkw& ' thanked' the Councillors fyr th,e manual ) inwhijh the business, of the/CouMil^ had been transacted in his absence^aadv i stated that it was on his rimffiM taking to remaiu .only - two or thral^l hours that his medical adviser KajjP-1 allowed him to be present. .- ' r I WORKS COMMITTEE'S REPORT^ "' "I When the Works Committee's teport I was called Cr Mclntyre took a\pre- I Jiminary objection to' the report beiflg M dealt with, because the Works Com. I mittee meeting had not been held in I accordance with the regulations of ihe I Council, and quoted from the standings I orders to show that it was the dtotj- of 1 the Town Clerk to convene aiMMich I meetings. It was customary to hold I such meetings on the Monday evening - 1 preceding the usual monthly meeting qf 1 the Council, but the notices had not I been sent out, and he (Cr Mclntyre)j ■ had come in from Kumeroa on Monday- ~l and Tuesday evenings for the purpose of- ■ attending the meeting of the Work£..B .Committee. YyW In answer to the Mayor, Mr Magnug^B son said it was his duty to send out the '■ notices, but on this occasion this had ndtf I been done, owing to the fact that he hatT'fl rung up Cr Rose, who promised to sefejl the other Councillors interested, and lepM him know later in the day, but presum^M ably the matter had been overlooked. M However, iv future the meeting would M be called for the- regular night. ' \AM The following is the report : — Re Mrfl Blair's letter, , we have been over wifl ground doubt a. mistake has beet|fl made in going through his land withoutffl notifying him. . - However,, aftery jeehtgfl Mr Reynolds we are c&theopiaion thatffl the best way would be 'to offer Mr Blair W say £5, for the freehold of the piece of fl land where the bridge goes over the fl Tapuata, and to. put a secure fehceWmfl the native side of the'creek and givellrfl Blair a lease of. the small piece of fl ground between the river and the fencfe. fl "Mr Reynolds has -loudly consented to fl put the pegs in to facilitate the transferfl to the Council. We think Mr Blair willfl agree to this.. We regret tp report that H the survey line: of. the , native ' land hasfl been altered materially- from; what we>H expected it would be from ' the tracmcH given by Mr Reynolds. We consider H that not more than. 22 acres cs^b^used:^! for what it is intended, and, should tneH adjoining land get into other, hands, theH Borough would find tbeywould have'tdH pay dearly for it in the near future. WeH think it would be adviiable "vbeforeH finally taking over to mfet theH natives and try to exchange witn thenx^fl At present we have about 10 acres join^H ing the Tapuata alongside of Mr Scott'sH section. We can never use it for sewer-^B age purposes, but it would be valuable toH the natives as giving them access to th§H YTbJe- committee decided Atd': deter fpit^B vibe present: t^ yeohsideratioh of tk^^B questions arising^ out " of " the raotiip^B moved by Cr Newett re the f ormation^M of streets and footpaths*— Rep^^fl received, -y \ -.-'Ay aA^^M V The question oif the area taken fbrM sewerage purposes .was .then gone into,^| and a letter read from Mr Reynolds^B confirming the A o '[ the Works^B Committee as regards the alteration inH the 1 area taken, and pointing out i|p^.^^M (Mr Reynolds) had written unde£ dateM 17th March, 1905, advising the coTOcil^B that it would be the abetter^fl avail themselves of his (Mr Reynolss')H services as surveyor in order to avoid^B what has now taken place. -A-A -A "AAi^M The letterT was' read from MrH Reynolds in which he offered to dp > tltie^fl survey fbritwenty-twp. guineas, y-\ yS^B Cr Drummond asked if it was nipt s^B fact that Mir Reynolds' offer to do theM survey for; twentyr two wasjH . refused and the work cost the council^B The Mayor said he understood thal^B was so. :, yyy-^mA The clerk explained that the work^B had been let to Mr yCharlesworth by th^fl late Miyor^J^ V f #I^H 1 Crs Wilson and Benzi^^ntionedM that they'had never ■ hfeara of Mr^B Reynolds* cSferbef ore. yi y#^H - His Worship thd Mayor thought tiatM before going further into the questioa^B it would j be r advif^ble for Councillors and Mr Reynolds to agiuu^fl inspect the property. y^s^B Cr Rose, in speaking on the questioifc^B stated that Mr Reynolds had said;hc^M was unable to trace Mr Charleßworth*^H line, and hei. supported' the Mayor's prp^^M ppsal to inspect 'the grounds in ■panj with, Mv Reyuoldai ' -"^^M The Mayor moved, and Cr Johnstot^M seconded., that the late : Mayor (M^fl Patterson) be interviewed in connectibn^M with the question under review, and the^fl Councillors confer with Mr Eeynold^fl on the ground. The question of adopting the repori^M was adjourned. . ENG INEER'S REPORT. A? The Borough engineer reported tha^fl repairs had been effected in Miller'^fl road, Seddon> Allardice, Queen-street: a^fl the junction with Victoria Avenue, ano^fl Princess- streets ; also portion of Tenny^fl son-street. Tennyson and Swinburn-^fl streets should be lightly coated witjb^fl metal from the Rawhiti-street pit,,ani^fl while this is being done he recommended^fl the employment of two more teams fc^fl better facilitate the work. Theffiire^fl plugs throughout the bbrongh hav#bee»^fl examined, tested and cleaned. Al^fl scours to watermains have been peribdi^fl cally opened at nights and the mtake^fl race examined. ' '^fl Seven building permits <have been^fl granted during toe month/ •'-''^fl Work was started with the' extension^! of the sewer in High-street on 22nd^fl October, and in King-street on Kovem-^H ber sth ; 452 yards of 9-inch pipesjand^fl 621 yards of 6-inch 'pipes have?bee.^^B laid down in High-street, and f our lamp^H holes and two. Man-holes have been conJ^H structed. InMng-street 352, yards ci^fl 6-inch pipes have beeiKsompleted^-Re-^fl port adopted onthe motion of the Mayor^fl seconded by Cr Drummond.
Cr Mclntyre drew attention to the state of London-street, and portions of Cole and Alexander- streets, which, he said, were in urgent need of repairs. THE ABATTOIR. The abattoir committee reported as follows :— Mr - Reakes, Government Vet./ visited the abattoir, and stated •that the water 'pressure was mot enough sat tbat point. He also recommeds -_-inch wire netting to .covers all the louvres to »k_ep ,l -)irdi, etc., out, and about six chains bf 6-inch pipes from sump to -creek. The committee recommended " that "the same be done ; also that a stand be erected to carry two 600-gallon tanks, say 14 feet hig'b, to give the y pressure required ; also that the road from the gate to the building round the < house be formed aod metalled at once. The report 1 was adopted, on the , motion of Cr Benzie and the Mayor. Cr Benzie, in speaking iv support of ithe adoption uf tne report, said that the . abattoir would, be ready for opening - within a month, and he asked what • steps are to be taken te obtain the services of a slaughterman and other - employees required. Thirteen chains of road are to be ' formed and metalled. The abattoir •committee were empowered to arrange Jor the survey of the roads, and it was s decided to call .tenders for the work. It jwas resolved that the Council employ .its" own slaughterman, and the clerk was .instructed to obtain a copy of the regulations'.'which, govern the abattoir at Masterton, and that the abattoir committee consider the question of obtaining .the services, ofa suitable slaughterman. y ' y -CORRESPONDENCE. From" A, 'H, Hill, application for^ -water connection with his house outside* the borough,— Cr Drummond' moved, Cr Newett 'seconded, that the appli- ' ■ cation be griuted under the usual conditions. From Lawn Tennis Club, application to have .2-inch water connection laid on te their 'cbhrti:' ''"."*' iit Magnus'sou remarked that £520 1 was available for water extension, ahd the mattey was one for the consideration of the water*coi_iimttee. ' CrMclhtyre moved that the application be' grtfntfedi and Cr Wilson seconded. < 7 Crs' yprummond— Rose moved as an amendment that' the waterworks committee/Ve'a ddipmittee to go into the •question. " ' v '"" Cr Drummond said his object in .moving the amendment was for the purpose bf considering whether .it would not be better td lay 4in mains down the -streets inentibhed'. - ' , Cr Mclntyre pom f ed ont that similar Applications Kkd been granted recently, and the expenditure involved would not -exceed 40s tiking into consideration the iact that pipes are already in the' •council yard. At His Worship strongly opposed the applications,, and pointed out that similar applications had been refused, •and said at times the pressure at Mangatera was so low as not to fill a bottle , in an "hour.j— -Amendment lost. - Cr Ne we'tt moved as a further amendment that* l£in main be laid from Miller's Road full length of section and that the Tennis Ciub be granted one £in iouneptjbh f orvjßach^i. acre section they hold. ' Cr Wilson^ seconded. — Carried unanimously.- ■ , GENERAL. " During this reading of the incoming .correspondence it transpired that the Auditor-General had returned the Council's balance-sheet, asking under what statutory authority the Council voted the sum of £200 to the Hospital, and s also questioned the right of the Council to ''charge against the waterworks' -account 'a proportion of the clerical - expenses/ ; "' The Town Clerk stated that his medical officer had advised him to take a - holiday, and' he proposed to be absent -for five weeks. Mr Magnusson stated *that the fete Town Clerk (Mr G. Wright) would be .willing tb act ih his absence. Cr Rose' moved add Cr Newett seconded, that' Mr Wright be appointed to act in Mr Magnusson's absence, at a salary of £5 per week, Mr Wright to find any assistance heinay require: " At 9.35 p.m. Cr Rose moved, and the Mayor seconded, 1 that the Council .adjourn' till 7p.m.-'pn Friday.
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Bush Advocate, Volume XVIII, Issue 569, 15 November 1906, Page 4
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1,683BOROUGH COUNCIL. Bush Advocate, Volume XVIII, Issue 569, 15 November 1906, Page 4
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