WANTJBP TO SEW HIGH CHAIR. 3-in-l. as new: also Iron Frame Folding Pushchair.— Apply 10. Reamers Av- Sandrincham. ; . . _ HIGHLAND COSTUME.—I 9, Leone Terrace, Mount Albert. 1° History freemasonry," 5 vols., profusely Illustrated. Masonic Press says: "Indispensable for all Degrees." Legends. Mysteries, Strange Rites, Modem Craft, Symbols, Regalia, Statuses, etc., easy terms—Book Specialties, Box 515, Auckland. HOIi-vSr MIXER, A.C.. 10-quart, 2 bowls; perx'ect conditio": what offers?-Write S. 1470. STAR. •HOME DOCTOR," 1943; 27 Specialists Women, Children Treatment: Sex, Diets, Home Remedies, Prescriptions. Beauty Culture. «* Nurste Social Diseases, etc. Supplement free yfa"y- ea s* terms.—Book Specialists, Box 515. Auckland. 30 HORNBY TRAIN Set, £s—Write H., STAB Runner. Otahuhu. __ _ INVALID CHAIRS, new, second-hand; also for Hire.—Thompson and Co., Wakefield St. Ufa JUICE EXTRACTOR, large, househpl* perfect condition; reasonable.—Write B. mim. Star. ' i u KAYAK, excellent condition.—For particulars ring 64-649 Saturday, 64-576. Sunday. ___£? KITCHEN TABLE, 4x3, as new.—2s, Takitimu St., Orakel. ■iz KITCHEN Alco-e. Radio Tables. Bookshelves Stools, Chairs. Torms.— Mervyn Abel, 53, High st. 5 s LAWNMOtfER, 14-inch, ball-bearing, good order; ■£5 10/.— Ring 26-942. £ u UWNMOWEK, as new. for Sale.—Apply 1. Royal Flats. Park Rd.. Grafton. LAWNMOWER, motor, in Perfect ord": Jll a '7Z Phone 20-826. W. White. Ltd.. 287. Broadway (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday). i u LETTER. PUNCHES, set 1-16 new, .30/.—Write B. 0450, STAR. *£? LINENS—ReaI Irish Linen Cloths, in pure double damask or In woven colours. Finest rang© of Sheets, .Pillowcases and Tea Towels in Auckland. Prices defy any competition at the Trousseau Specialists. Dromorne Linen Co.. Ltd.. 4th Floor. New Zea.land Insurance Building, Queen St.. Auckland. X 7 LINOLEUM, 7yds. inlaid, with felt.—3s3 Queen St. (above Town Hall). 52 LINO. Runnel, Byds; also Vacuum Cleaner, elec., all Parts; both excellent condition. —Flat 6, 101. College Hill. _£<> MAII JONG Set. ivory, bamboo backed, case and walls. £4 10/.—78-885. Takapuna. 30 MAII JONG Scorers, 9d each, obtainable at Aucktar_^ff^e J _3honiand_St. WS4 MATTRESS, hair, good, 3ft 31n: cheap.—Phone 70-277. , ;_ 5? MATTRESS, new, 4ft 6in, Wire Wove; Portable Gramophone. Columbia, perfect order and 80 Records.—ll9, Cook Street. 30 MICROSCOPE, Wenham, binocular type, sliding stage; several hundred slides; suit medical student; £18 10/; University Textbooks, First Year Medical. as new.—Write S. 1412, Star. 30 MILK SHAKE Machine in perfect order. —Apply 900, New North Rd.. Mt. Albert. 30 MODEL Racing Yacht. 3ft, £7; Boy's Half-size Bicycle, £B.—Phone 24-391. 30 MODEL FROCK, blue embroidered, summer weight, sw. or w.; cost £9; never worn; £s.—Ring: 40-478. 30 "MOTOR CYCLE REPAIRS," all types, latest, 3 vols. 880 diagrams; money-saver for owners. Mechanical, Electrical Faults, Complete Overhaul, Tuning, High Speed, Fuels, Dirt Track, etc. Easy terms.—Book Specialties, Box 515, Auckland. 30 "NATURE WONDERS," 3 large vols., profusely lllus., answers children's questions, authorities recommend helpful for home, school lessons, stories of animals, plants, sea, praehistoric, etc.; easy terms.—Book Specialties, Box 515, Auckland. 30 OVERCOAT, Brown Cloth, fit girl aged 16; good condition.—S. 1673, Star. 5?0 OVERCOAT "(1), Coats (8), Vests, size 4, suitable for working man, £5, or offer.—Write S. 1418. Star. . ePj OVERCOAT, Navy Blue Velour, suit boy 10-11; also Football Boots, size 2, as new, £3 the two. — Phone 30-295. 2? PAINT, white, cream, colours, 5 gallons, 1 gallon, lowest prices.—J. Jones. Auckland. S "PAINTER-DECORATOR," 1944, 3 vols.. Mixing, Estimating, Cellulose, Enamels, Colours, Spraying,Synthetics, Varnish, Distemper, Furniture, Motor, Car, Silkscreen, Paperhanging, Defects, etc.; easy terms.—Book Specialties. Box 515. Auckland. 30 PANEL PLANE, steel; 501b drum Copper Paint; H.M.V. table Gramophone and Records.—S. 1552, STAR. ; 30 PHILLIPS Bike, sports model, good order, sale or exchange for Quarter-plate Camera.—Write H. 1095. Star. ? PICKET Double Gate and Fence, pickets good order.—16, Rose Road, Ponsonhy. _30
PORTABLE FOWLHOUSF, With built-in nest' boxer,,—s7, Elizabeth St.. Dominion Rd. -30 PRAM, English, good condition.—Phone SO-673. 30 VRAM. good condition, sponge tyres. — Ring 65-213. X3O PRAM, Cane, Plunket, as new, £8 »/.—s>hone 61-315. X3O PKAM, cane, sponge tyres, condition good; Bgns; Bassinette.—Phone 71-40 Z. x3O PRAM, cream cane, rellned; £5.-7, Harbour View Bd., Ft. Chevalier. 30 PRAM, twin, good condition, sponge tyres, £7. — 18. Alverston St.. Avondale. 30 | PRAM, Phinket, sponge tyres, £6 15/; good condition.- —72. Queen St.. Onehunga. 30 PRAM, Plunket, cane, detachable, cradle sprung, excellent condition: £7 10/.—Phone 88-753. 30 PRAM, English style, navy. 121n wheels, good sponge tyres; as new; £B.—S. 1483, Stab. 30 PRAM. Plunket, sponge tyres, cream, cane, modem: Dropside Cot, £7 two.—Write S. 140S, Stab. 30 PUSHCHAIR, loldlng hood, tyres recently renewed. £3.—Write S. 1411. Star. 30' PUSHCHAIR, cane, sponge tyres: excellent condltlon; £6.—6, Muratal St.. Castor Bay. 30 PUSHCHAIR, cane, with hood, sponge tyres, good condition.—Apply 208. Pt. Chevalier Rd. 30 PUSHCHAIRS, steel frames, 90/6.—Thompson's Pram House. 313. Queen St. (Established 1893.) Phone 45-998. ; N PUSHCHAIR, iron frame. In excellent condition." bus and tram regulation type; £2. —Apply 57. Kensington Ave.. Mt. Eden. 30 PYJAMAS, 0.5.; Slacks, grey, s.w.: Sleeping Doll. grey; Wedgo Shoes, 3\i,— 3. 1198, 6TAB. 30 RADIATION Gas Fire. 6 tabes, automatic lighter. as new.—Ring 71-402. 30 REFRIGERATOR, 12 cubic feet, as new, £160.— Ring 41-925 (after 4.45). X3O REFRIGERATOR, Kelvlnator, household, deep cream colour, as new.—Ring 63-442. 3(k REFRIGERATOR, household model, excellent order: £85 cash.—Phone 31-894 (9 to 5 p.m.). x3O REFRIGERATOR, perfect condition, 18 cubic feet, £160, suitable dairy.—lnspect, 2, Pine St., Balmoral (Sunday). X3O REFRIGERATOR, Crosley shelvador, large household size, In perfect order, £95.—Inspect 59, Argyle St., Heme Bay. 30 REFRIGERATORS. — Ice cream. H6h. Display, Shop, Storage and Household types.—Kel'rigerator House. 27. Wyndham St. L REFRIGERATED Cool Room in sections; heart kauri; sft x sft x 6ft Inside; complete with com-' pressor and cooling coil; automatic operations suitable butcher or milkman. Inspect working.—l Business Phone 20-588. 30-i RIDING BOOTS, size 6, gent.'s, lace-up;'also, two. pairs Breeches, as new.—-Phone 26-332. 3<r RING, opal, lucky October.—Ring 62-036. 30 RING, pre-war, emerald and white sapphire, platinum round setting; small fitting: suitable. engagement; £8 10/.—Dainty. 1663. Star. 30 ROADSTER, Lady's, perfect condition, chrome rims, original enamel, pump, carrier and lamp, genuine proposition: £10 :or near offer. —Phone; 40-253, between 3 6 and 7 p.m. 30i ROTARY LETTERGRAPH (duplicator), Heyerr practically new; offer wanted.—Phono 50-022. 30 SADDLE, medium stock, good condition, £11.— 1. The Drive. Epsom. x3O ANT TREASURED PHOTOGRAPHS OF A XOTEIJ. ONE REPRODUCED IN OILS. WOULD MAKE. A LOVELY XMAS GIFT. We are taking orders now for Xnias. N. A. SHERWOOD ANDjCO.. 16, Customs St. East (opp. John Bums). 30;
BEST QUALITY HOLLAND BUNDS. John King's Guaranteed Holland Now Avnllnblel' Estimates Freel TYLER'S. The Cash Furniture People, Anzac Avenue. Auckland. t C. SHELLEY, First Floor, 117, Colonial Mutual Building, Queen Street. Auckland. Phone 42-048. •FURS FOR SPRING WEAR—Fur Stoles from 3gs. Fur Collars from 29/6, Fur Capes from.4gs.. Fur: Toppers from £8 19/6. Draw-string Leather and, Fur Handbags, overseas designs, skins and materials. Remarkable values. Inspect. HS4 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD. ORDER NOW! MILLWOOD, eight bags £1. four bags 11A FINE BLOCKS, six bags 21/. PHONE 30-721. Or Write P.O. BOX 29, HENDERSON, AUOK. 30 GOLF ! GOLF GOLF. FULL RANGE SUPERIOR GRADE CLTJBS. AUCTION PRICES. GEORGE WALKER. LTD. L NEW CYCLE FRAMES AND FORKS. GENTS AND LADIES'. Complete with Head and Bracket Fittings, £7 15/. CLARKE'S CYCLE WORS, LIMITED, 292 - 294. Broadway, Newmarket. Phone 17-194. S PAINT OF QUALITY TELLS —Use the Best for that House Job. TAUBMANS have Paint for All Purposes. Secure your requirements while Stocks are available. - Prices are Reasonable. PRIME AND CO., Karangalmpo Road. HS LINO., uood sizes and colours: Gum Boots, size 2: ; , Cnambers. Dolls' Houses. Log Boxes. Copper Preserving. Pan. Vacuum Cleaners. High Chairs (small).' Fire Tidies. Tricycle. Meat Safe. Wringer. Push Chairs (sponge tyres}. Child's Saagrass : Chalrs. email Tables. Occasional Tables. Chest of Drawers. Tallboys. Settees and Squabs. Dolls' Prams. Umbrella Stand. PHONE 60-568. 238. DOMINION ROAD. 30 KEN'S PYJAMAS MEN'S PTJAMAS. Good . stocks of outstanding quality Men's Onion Pyjamas. Pure wool material, the very thiny (you've been waiting for. Men's size and o.s. only. Price Tribunal Price, 30/9. Write now, sending 8d extra for postage. Order with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed or money and coupons refunded. MUNNS, LIMITED, 738, COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, ws SURPLUS STOBES, LTD., 172, Queen Street. Auckland. P.O. Box 757. —Hand Saws, 26in, 8/9 each, post 8d: White, Turkish Towelling, 241n wide, 5/11 yard, % coupon yard, post 3d yard extra; Stirrup Leathers, brand new, 8/6 and 10/6 •pair, post 8d; Pruning Shears, parrot beak pattern, 9/6 pair, post 8d; Khaki Drill Shirts, with pocket and collar attached, sizes 3 to 6, for 17/3, 2 coupons, post 3d; Riding Bridles, with reins, but no bit, 13/6, 16/6 and 21/; Copper Rivets and Washers, assorted sizes, >,2lb packets, 3/, post 4d; Khaki Drill, 28in wide, 3/3 yard, 3 /t coupon yard, post 2d extra: Horse >Collars, leather lined, 19 to 23in, for 65/ each; Riding Breeches, brown suedette material, waist measure 30 to 40in, for 50/ pair, 5 coupons, post 8d; Canvas Tool Kits, for carpenters, 19/6 each; iTJtlstons, D.B. Handsaws, 261n. for 33/9 each, posts 8d; Plough Reins. 54ft, for 3/9- Rim Locks, double handed, for 10/6 each, post 8d; Blow Lamps, English, pint size, 48/, post 1/3 extra; Khaki Bib Overalls, sizes 3 to 8, for 19/9 pair, 2 coupons, post 8d extra. U '
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Auckland Star, Volume LXXV, Issue 232, 30 September 1944, Page 2
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1,513Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LXXV, Issue 232, 30 September 1944, Page 2
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