CONTEST TO-MORROW The election of four Maori members for the House of Representatives will take place to-morrow, polling hours being from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Three of the electorates are in the North Island and one in the South Island. The Northern Maori electorate extends from the northern boundary of the Borough of Otahuhu to the North Cape, and includes Great Barrier Island. Kaikohe is the headquarters of the chief returning officer. The Western Maori constituency em braces the western portion of the North Island from the northern boundary of the Otahuhu Borough and the southern shores of the Manukau Harbour to Wellington. The Eastern Maori electorate is centred in Gisborne and takes in the Rotorua and Taupo districts. Nine candidates have been nominated foi - Northern Maori constituency. In the Auckland City area polling places have been arranged at the Manchester Unity Hall in Hobson Street, the Native Department office in Emily Place, Orakei Village, the old school building at Panmure, the Avondale Town Hall, the Westfield Freezing Company's works at Westfield, and the courthouse at Onehunga.
Six candidates will contest the Western Maori electorate. Polling places for this seat in the vicinity of the city will be at Mangere and Otahuhu. Two candidates are contesting Eastern Maori and four have been nominated for Southern Maori. Employers must give Maori employees reasonable opportunity for recording their votes. Maori Servicemen in camps and other establishments in New Zealand must cast their votes by 7 p.m. to-day. If they have not voted by that time they will be able to vote at the ordinary polling booths to-morrow.
The Public Works Department has had a team of workers employed for the last two weeks preparing booths and facilities in the oolling places allocated for the 11 Auckland electorates. Over 1200 ballot boxes will be used. There will be between 1200 and 1300 booths, half for licensing and half for electoral, and 1700 screens will be erected for privacy. The Auckland Town Hall will have IS booths and from eight to IS booths will be installed in the Leys Institute, Ponsonby, St. Mark's, Remuera Road, and Remuera, Parnell and Grey Lynn Libraries.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 226, 23 September 1943, Page 6
Word Count
364MAORI ELECTION Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 226, 23 September 1943, Page 6
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