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I ANNUAL AUCKLAND MEETING I "I wonder how many of our men j escaped from Greece and Crete because of the training they received as scouts,", said the Mayor, Mr. Allum, at last evening's annual meeting of the Boy Scouts' Association. As offsetting the results of a period of long prosperity in New Zealand, the -guide and s.cout movements with their underlying principles of service, self-reliance and unselfishness were to be welcomed, Mr. Allum added. At last night's meeting constructive criticism was offered by a number of younger members of the movement. A special appeal was also made for workers on camouflage nets as the Army still needed all that could be made.

Those electee; to the council were: Messrs. C. A. Arthur, T. H. Brooke, F. Butcher, A. E. Davis, A. T. Dougherty, A. W. Essex, R. Howard, A. J. Hutchinson, J. S. McMillan, R. Sellar, A. Service, G. L. Taylor, L. G. Tuck, N. V. Stevens, F. Cricket, the Rev. H. J. Lilburn, Father von Rotter, the Revs. F. A. Parsons, W. A. Scott and Vickery, and Dr. de Largey. Mr. H. G. Robinson was elected honorary treasurer, and Miss Whitaker is to continue as secretary.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 226, 23 September 1943, Page 6

Word Count

VALUE OF SCOUTING Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 226, 23 September 1943, Page 6

VALUE OF SCOUTING Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 226, 23 September 1943, Page 6


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