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WARM RAINS NEEDED. I FAT STOCK CHEAPER. Since I«i««t i<* | m »11 tli e | >1(><1 u<-1 ion position" ha* lu'cn less favourable for 111 farmers who \v a»11J11 w clconie a few days* rain, as pasture has been checked. Kat stock i.s i r»11»111to hand morp freely ■, and the seasonal easing in pi ices has followed. 'Die freezing winks are still quiet with opei at ion* confined to (he last of the season's I»oli)>\ lalvcs, and a fair number ot p<>t conditions in the country our Waikalo i 01 -respondent writes: '(ieneralh speaking Waikato is carryi nir plent\ «»i teed, but the dry conditions pi e\ all my, follow in si the recent .-oil winds have considerably cheeked pasture mow tli. and rain is anxiously awaited b.v both irra/ur and farmer alike, as any severe check at this time of the year wi!! no doubt have more serions consequences later on. Kariuers have already shut up paddocks f»»r hay and ensilage crops, and in view or the general appeal for a greater wartime production it is hoped that heavy harvests will follow "All sections of the stock market, with the exception of pigs, show an easing I<- ndene\ . which is natural at this time of the Near. Apparently the market for fat stork over supplied, and at Frankton 01. Tuesday another large yardim.r of both «.\ and cow I»m« f i ercded a little on tinPi e\ io l l s week «< quotat ions. l»idding U -oin. what tcMricled i»w inn to the lack o," competition, w hirh would greatly relieve the present situation, and fuPer detads in roiinection with charges to f.o.b on the (lovei ument *s recently announce ! meat prices nie eagerly awaited. Kxporter* would then be in a position to operate freely and so relieve any congestion in this section. • "The works will open for the handling of lat lambs next week, and in the abs. ■nee ot nil announced schedule farmers will have to put in and accept the price to lie declared later. ,Just what the reaction to this will he it in hard to say. hut no doubt if the present dry conditions continue there will be a considerable movement in this section. At present it would also appear that the farmer would lie well advised to put all surplus ewe and wether mutton in the works, in spite of the fact that prices have yet to be announced.

"Tile recent demand for store cattle has to some extent abated during the pa*t week, and with larger offerings of stationbred cattle ;it most yards, values generally have shown an easing teinlem v. A special sale of Kast Coast eat tie is scheduled to take nhiee next week, and no doubt trood i| ; ty cattle will be procurable at iea--onabl.> prices. Yearling and two-vtvir .Jerse\ heifciw. suitable to i tio into tli.. b' eedinjr paddock, still continue in hri«k deniatul.

'' The iiup iry for dairies st'll holds crood. but is somewhat limit -d v. 'th little fjmlity cattle idTerimr. any outstanding heifers available realising ii\ the vic'nity of CI?. Heifers in milk cv»k~ a better inouiry than in previous year*, and some quite sales have resulted.

j "Yarding* of fnt pigs are considei ablv larger, with prices remaining very firm. Stores and weaners fluctuate according to the number varded. with quotations sometimes n shad" lower, but. generally stinking, the market remains fairly steady." Westfleld Prices Lower. Reef prices fell sharply on the Wcstficld market yesterday. and sheep and n'vw were also cheaper than at the rircvinus sale. Generally the supply of i";it stock was heavier tliiin for »onie tie.te. ;>iid tlii< accounted for the all-'' tmi.l •I'sin:.' in pt ices from the high levels which have been ruling. The only exception to the downward trend was the price of pork and bacon. the pig market being firm. Following is the range of prices together with last week's: - This week I.ast week RKF,F (per lOOlti) — K\tra clmicenx 38/ -11'' Choice & prime ox 34/ to 37/ 3.V to 41' Choice & prime cow & heifer 30/ to 30 ' to 3!)' Boner & rough 24/ to 31/ -•">/ to 34/ SHIOEP (per head) — Prime wethers: Shorn 20/ to 27'3 21/ to .30'9 I'ntln. wethers: Shorn .... 13/ (<■ 2'O/t) 1."./ to 22/!» Prime ewes: Shorn .... 12/3 to 21/ 14' to 22/ Unshorn . . -— 20/3 to 20/ I'llUii. ewes: Shorn 2/ to 12/0 3/0 to 14/ Hoggets: , Shorn .... 10/ to 'J."i' — Spring lamhs. 15/ to 'J7/3 1.1/ to 31/0 C.\ I,VMS < per head ) - Itunncrs .... 00/ to 100/ 00/ to 182/ Vcalers •*»/ to 130/ ti/ to 141/ !'I(iS (per head) — Ila eon era ... o.l' to 80 ' 04/ to 87' Porkers .... 38/ to 03/ 30/ to 02 ' WeaiMTs .... 10' to 20/ IN/ to :■{:{' sups _' i' in ;vj/ 'j."i/ to hh/ I/arge stores . :il/ to 44/ 3.">/ to 44/ ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report: — Beef. We penned fat cattle to the number of .'{o4 head, as against 30.") head last week, comprising 114 steers and MM) cows and heifers. Tlu» quality of ox beef penned was first class. Bidding wax not so keen and prices were easier by about 3/ to 4/ per 1001b. Cows and heifers were not so keenly sought after and they also eased in value. Extra choice ox. £1 18/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £t 15/ to £1 17/; secondary and plain. £1 13/ to £1 14/: prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 14/ to £1 16/; ordinary cow beef. £1 7/ to £ 1 11/; extra heavy prime steers. £14 to £15 5/, for steers from Mr. Ben Reed, Waerenga, and Mr. C. G. Orr. Tuakau; heavy. £13 5/ to £13 15/; lighter. £12 10/ to £13; light. £11 to £12; small and unfinished steers. £8 10/ to £10 -10/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £10 to £10 17/6: heavy, £8 to £0: lighter, £6 to £7; other killable cows, £4 to £5. Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 1328. Competition was • not keen and values again cased on last week's quotations. All quotations are for shorn sheep. No extra heavy prime wethers were yarded. Heavy prime wethers. £1 4/ to £1 5/6; medium to heavy, £1 2/ to £1 3/; light to medium, £1 to £1 1/; unfinished wethers, ' 13/ to 18/; extra heavy pnime young ewes. 18/6 to £1 1/; heavy. 16/ to 17/; lighter, 14/ to 15,'; other killable ewes, 9/6 to 12/6; others, 2/ to 7/. Lambs. —Lambs were penned to the number of 301 and a good sale resulted at value* slightly lower than last week. Extra heavy prime lambs. £1 6/ to £1 7/3; heaw, £1 4/6 to £1 5/6; lighter, £1 2/6 to £1 3/6; light, £1 1/ to £1 2/; small and plain lambs, 15/ to £1. Calves.—We had an extra large yarding. the majority being plain atld unfinished. Good quality runners and prime vcalers were easier in value, while plain and unfinished calves <1 lopped considerably and were very hard to dispose of. Heavy prime runners. £6 10/ to £0 5/, I lie latter price realised for an outstanding Shorthorn heifer from Mr. Robert Hall, Wiri; light and unfinished, £8 to £5 2/6; heavy prime vcalers. £5 10/ to £6 9/; medium, £4 4/ to £5 4/: light. £3 8/ to £3 18/; smaller. £2 18/ to £3 5/; small. 18' to £2 15/; rough calves. 16/ to £1 8/'; bobby calves. 5/ to 16/. A total of 310 calves was sold. Pigs.- There was an increased entry and an improvement in values for baconers. Porkers sold readily at late quotations. < 'hoppers made C 2 to £4 s': heavy prime baconers. £4 3' to £4 0': medium. £3 15/ to C 3 19': light. £3 8' to £3 12/; heavy porkers, €2 IS' to £3 3/; medium. £2 12/ to £2 10 ; light. £2 7' to £2 »/; small and unfinished. £2 to £2 5/; stores, £ I 14/ to £2 4': slips. £1 6/ to £1 12/; weaners. 18/ to £1 Baconers sold from O'/id to OMjd per lb and porkers made 6%d to 7'/4<i per lb. A total of 707 pigs was 'sold. i

DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgety anil Company. Limited, report:— I{<•••!. Our otl'ei iiik totalled 1 .'i4 head, i ouiprisiiiK st ft 'is and 107 rows and hciteis, against 12!) head last week. The quality nt the offering was again tirst-class lint met with a weaker demand. all i lasses of beef easing ." to 4, per 1001b. Kxlia ehoiee ox. 38/ per KHilb; clioiee and prune, 30/ to 37 ; secondary and plain, 3'J/ to '.'A ; extra prime ynui< row and heifer lieel, 34 to 30, : choice and pi ime, 30, to 33 ; oidinary cow bed. '24 to J!) : extra heavy prime steers. Ul4 to X. I*> ."> . for steers sold on account ol Mr. Hen Heed, AV'aei enga: heavy. Ul3 to L'l3 17 (j; lighter, .£ l'J to L' I' 217 (>; light. £11 to L' I I 17,0; small and unfinished. Cln to till l' r >, ; extra heav,\ prime young cows and heifers, A'II) to £13 20: "heavy, X!) to •t;!» 13/ ; lighter, £7 In to US I.*) : light. i'O td .t!7; aged and unfinished cows, £4 to t.j I.V. Sheep.- We had a lug yarding and. although the demand was steadv. last, week's prices were not obtained. all classes being lower. Kxtra heavy prime vv hers, shorn. £1 li oto LI 73; lieavv, CI 4 to £10 ; medium. £ I '2 to CI 3 0; light. £1 0 li to £ I I li; plain and unfinished, I.V tn £1; heavy prime young and niaiiien ewes. 17' to id li: heavy prime ewes, I.V to 10 0: lighter. 13/ to 14,0; plain and aged ewes. to 12,0. Lambs. A large yarding sold steadily but did not reach last week's levels. Heavy prime lamb, £1 3/ to £1 ."> ; medium. £1 I ti to £1 2 li; lighter, £1 to £1 1 ; light, 18/ to 11)0. Calves. Calves were yarded in large numbers, a lot ol' plain calves coining forward. From the outset valnex were easier, especially lor unfinished sorts, which were hard to iput. liuriiicrs, L.) to L'S ."> ; heavy vcalet's. in to CO 111 : medium. C 4 la to C."i 70; I iuh t. £3 la to C 4 II ; small. £.3 to C' 312 : sniallcr. CI In to C 2 l.i. ; plain and unfinished, la, to £1 la ; bobby calves, ."i to 10 . I'igs. A heavier v aiding came forward under keen competition. A steady sale lesiilted with values rem.lining on a par with late rates. Ileavv baconeis. C' 4to C 4 4 : mednim. C 3 I l' ; to £3 10 : light. £3 a to C 3 8 : lieavv pm kers. £2 17 to £3 2 ; medium. C"2 il to £2 14 ; light. £2 to £•> 8,; small. CI 18'' to £2 3 ; stores. £1 11' to £1 18 ; slips, £1 4,' to £ I !) ; weaners, 10/ to £ 1 ii/. LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report: — Beef.--A larger yarding met a slacker demand, with values receding 1(1/ to la/ a head, equivalent to 3- to 4 per KXJIb, according to weight and quality. Heavier cattle were affected most. Kxtra choice ox. C I IS per 1IH)I1»: choice and prime. CI 14 to CI 17 ; ordinary and plain. £1 S to £1 13 : prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 10 to £1 10 ; ordinary cow beet, CI •' to CI !> . Kxtra lieavv prime steel s. Cl 4 to CI4 la : heavy. £13 to £13 17 0; lighter. £12 to £12 17 0: light. £111 to £11 17 0; plain and .-mall. £7 in to C!l 17 0; cxtia lieavv pi ime ,v oiilig cows and liei,el.-;. C 111 to £10 la ; lieavv. £!) to Cil 17 li; li-ht-r. C 7 12 0 to CH 17 li; light. CO to C 7 In ; aged and plain liu-i.-hed cows. C 3 a to Ca 17 li. Sheep. Although a large inaiket. which ill'* uded manv unlinishi'd suits, met .i steadv demand, values vvei e .;_':iin easier b.v 1 to 2 per head. lieavv prune vv.-tliers. CI 0 to CI 0!); medium. CI 4 to £(• a ;i; light. £ I I lo £ I 30: smaller. _ 17 to £1 Oil; small and unfinished. la to Hi i); prime maiden ewes. IS to CI 2 0; heavy pi ime ewei. 10 to 17 li; medium. 1-1 !l to la 0: light. 12 3 to 14 0; int'ei ioi Iv I'nlted. 0 0 to !l 0: just killable. I" to 12 : vci y poor. 2 to 0 : prime hoggets, heavy. £1 2 to CI a : medium. HI 0 to £1 1 0; light, 10 0 to HI ; unfinished. Il> to 10 . Lambs. Spring lainlvs in average numbers sold readllv at values about the *ame as last week. Ileavv prime lambs. £1 .V to £1 00: medium. £1 3 to £1 4 <); light. £1 to £1 2 0: unfinished, I.V to HI li. I'igs.- We had a large yarding. There was a steadv demand, with values on a par with last week's quotations. Clioppeis. £1 to £3 X : heavy an I medium baconeis. £3 12 to £» <; ;|j ; |,t baconeis and heavy porkcis. £3 3 to £3 ]<)'-, medium and light nnrkciv. £2 10 to £3; small. £2 to £2 8 . Store pigs sold at lute quotation.-. Large stores. £2 to £2 [o ; slipo. £1 8 to £1 is ; vvcaners. 14," to £1 0 ; sows with litters. £."i 10 to £8 10'.

Calves. Our entry was n larire one. More sni.ill calves arc (Miming forward. I here was a httMi!v .wale. lint values were easier. RiMinr-rw. £4 1(1' to £!> ]() : heavy vealer-'. t'."> to £6 .V : medium. £4 .V to £ * 11 ; liirlit. iJ.I 10 to t! 4 '2 : smaller, £2 10' to £.'! S ; small. £1 111 to £_' S'roinili calves. |."> to £1 10. ; t'resli dropped" 7/ to £18'.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 265, 9 November 1939, Page 16

Word Count

LIVE STOCK MARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 265, 9 November 1939, Page 16

LIVE STOCK MARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 265, 9 November 1939, Page 16


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