Shipping News
mariposa Arrived. SAILING FOR 'FRISCO, 10 P.M. TASMAN SAILED. e ■f " WAX PI AT A DUE ON WEDNESDAY. .1 The Mat son liner Mariposa arrived - at 7.40 a.m. to-day from Melbourne and '' Sydney, berthing at Queen's wharf. She 0 landed IS2 passengers and 192 1 booked through. About 100 will join ' her when she sails at 10 o'clock to-night - for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, Los Angeles and San Francisco, whero she I is due on October 3. The K.P.M. South Pacific Line steamer Tasman sailed . promptly at 5 p.m. on Saturday for 1 Wellington in continuation of her voye age from Saigon, via ports. She arrived 2 at Wellington at 9 a.m. to-day and ' will sail at noon on Wednesday for s Sydney on lier return to the East. The Union Company's steamer Waipiata l leaves Wellington at eight o'clock to- - night for Auckland and will arrive on - Wednesday afternoon, berthing at . Prince's wharf. Her time of departure ' for the South has not been decided. " Kopara, of the Richardson Line, will come out of dock to-morrow morning |. and berth at King's wharf to load. She : sails on Wednesday afternoon for East t Coast bays, Gisborne and Napier, t, Karepo will sail at 9 p.m. to-day ' for Portland. She will return on Wednesday evening and sail on Thursday | for Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) [ Kaimai, the Westport Company'-, chartered steamer, arrived shortly ; before noon to-day from Westport and • Western wharf. (W.C. Co.). < Waimarino leaves Bluff to-morrow for I imam, Lyttelton, Wellington and | Auckland. She is due here next Monday. (U.S.S. Co.) Margaret W., which arrived on Saturday afternoon from East Coast, is loading at King's wharf and will sail tomorrow afternoon on her return.— (F. , Co-op.) ARRlVALS—Saturday. Margaret \V„ from East Coast. 4.20 p.m. Kawaii. from Surfdaie. ft p.m. Tangaron. from Octend. f; p.m. <»newa. from Osfend. p.m. Pono, from Thames. 0 p.m. Yesterday. Ton. from Wliakiitnne. a.m. I Hawaii, from Surfdaie. 5.50 p.m. Maroonu. from ('owe:*. <i Tanjraroa. from Surfdalc. i; p.m. Onewa, from Ostend. (j..j p.m. This Day. Mariposa, from Sydnev. 7.4.1 a m Kaimai, from Westport, 11.20 a.m. DEPARTURES—Saturday. Kaimlro, for Westport. 2.0." p.m. lasman, for Wellington, 5.30 p.m. Yesterday. Ouewa. for Ostend. !). fr> am 'lanjraroa. f,.r Omilia. ft.r.o am Ka wa u. for Surfdaie. <1.5.-, a.m. ' 'I ulioe, for I'aeron. 5.1(1 p.m. V. ill Watch. for Whanjrarei. 7 p.m. Kapiti, for Whanjrarpl. 10.20 p.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. To-morrow. Kawau, from Comma 11 del, a.m. Tuhop, from Paeroa, morning. roll i Thames, morning. Kapit i. from \\ hangarei, morning. Kanginui. from Tauranga,-morninsr Kawau. from Surfdaie, 5.30 p.m PROJECTED DEPARTURES. To-day. Parofo. for Ray of Islands. 3 nm Kan-po for Portland, afternoon. i for riiamrs, :i p.m. Jtanginui. for TauraiiKa. 3 p 111 lea. for lloirtiora, 4 p.m. I lansinan. ;'or Whnkiitane. -I p.m. \\aioiahi. fer Opoiiki. 4 p.m. ; • -Mariposa, for San Francisco, 10 p.m. 1 To-morrow. I Jiawau. for Suifdale 0 1 r, n Ma . K" ret \Y.. f„ r Kilst <. ( ,a st .'-l p m » mi"i . I. >r Paeroa. 4 p.m. I u k «;ko f ior Kast Coast, 4 p.m. Kapin. tor \\ hahgarei. 4 p.,„. ; Kawau, tor Great Barrier, midnight. j VESSELS IN PORT. Mariposa. Queen's Wharf 111 & Mi Karepo, Central Wharf < U.S.S! Co) Ka 1 mil-O Western Wharf (USS Co ) Kopara, in dock (W and W ) - I TRANS-PACIFIC STEAMERS. ! Sr ieM l v?.- , 'T r^ f , t September 15; I n ' September IS: arrives! • an I' ranciseo. October ;i ; leaves S-m I !;™Xr^° Ctober 10; arrives A«cklan." - her arrives Sydney, October 30 I ! ° t !' t r erP i y .~ r ' Cft , San Francisco. Septem- ! •'9 . *Vive arr i Ve ? A,K ; k,nnrl - September I -J. arrnes Sydney, October 2: leaves | Melbourne, October 9; leaves Svdnev" October lo; leaves Auckland. October lt>arrives San Francisco. October 31 ' CARGOES TO ARRIVE. Ko/.an Maru Sep '>st.,„„ Monterey Sen ">0 siiii fl-vn • Maetsuycker X;;.' be?! ?3 Monterey Oct. 16 .... s Mariposa ... Xov IS / a , Pn " I Tasman x°v fi Naniwa Maru Nov. 21 1 ! ! ! . , PORT OF ONEHUNGA. P K P A KTI" RES-— SATURDAY I Hauturu. for Hokiansa. 3.15 p.m. ; ARRIVALS—YESTEKD A Y. Alexander, from Dar^-aville, s a . ln . The Hauturu. which is f ' . iiiinja to-morrow morniiiK. will sail the sin WARNING TO ALL MARINERS ' mumcale with them to obtain information app 10aeh tlie°port. Whi ° h U j TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. i September l<j. Arrival - i.ibriella. from Gre.vmouth. ft 10 n m ! 1 Breeze, from Wansanui. 11.15 inS 'nj : 1 "cr'T?":- 21 •' " Septem: | ■ ti:' iv, sF r K '"T i' a.m. September IS— \rrlv<vi • , a m " : Gasman,' from' wei,"^!;; Vm. pm - ; Ho,mdiU '' ;: Dunedin. September 10.—Arrived • Storm : Rln'lr i .Sailed: Waimarino. for Bluff. 130 p.m.: Storm, for Timaru (s'!') P.m. September IS.-Arrived : IlV.'lnVlV.Vi - lrom M ollinjjtoii. 7.125 a.m. ' , AIRWAY PASSENGERS. ] ;y' r \Y' ls '7-Sa ,, ;rday---F r oi» th,. South: 3 1 -Mr. K. Walker. Miss N. I'ool Mr i Mr- \"' ( M ' s " " ,!li - infants' 1 r' v : MlSs A. Jones. Mrs. 1 ,V;, .. H r ' • "'""out. Yestcr U - 77" vv - Suil "- Ml-- M V Seott Jr. W. <;. Wat kins. Mr. 11. Mr. 1-. kill-'. Mr. N. Comas. Mr. N Uir e'| - t; r " Mr \ v xvillianisoii s !, I ; ni Vn" s T F,,r th " Souti ' 11 • I'yne. Mrs. W. Kvans Air : Wm«-. ?i h v« - J , lr - "• Mr. j. Monoshan/Mr - II rt' ,V ' r , r - v: n,,0n ' Mr - Holmes. Mr 11. Hold. Mr. P. Coyle, Mr. G. Robertson " l'or East Coast : 8.10 a.m.. Mr S PeruTn • Mr. T» MeEwert Mr, S. F. Kln«, Mrs s' ; At' Il>K A. Adair. Professor Heim I " Mr. .\. Dumont, Miss J. Little. 1 i
PASSENGERS PER MARIPOSA. | Tlic following passengers arrived nl 7.45 a.m. to-day from Sydney and Melbourne by Ibe Matson liner Mariposa First-class: Mr. J. L. Algie, Mrs. C. E Haxter, Mrs. F. M. Baume, Mr. A. W. Bascand, Miss G. Battersby, Mr. and Mrs <\ Bell, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Blaxland, Mr ami Mrs. X. M. Blaekmore, Mr. \V. E, Bottomley, Miss M. M. Boulton, Miss L. A Hridson. Miss E. J. Brown. Mr. F. M j Burke. Mr. <Beasley, Mist; M. Cliadwick Mrs. B. 11. Chalmers. Master W. H. Chal I mors. Master D. Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs !<'. K. Chambers, Mr. L. Chappie. Mr. and I Mrs. .1. Cherry. Mr. K. C. Church, Mr •and Mrs. A. C. Clark. Master K. Clark I Miss B. (.'lark, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clinch i Mr. F. Coyle. Mr. and Mrs. D. Commons j Mr. S. Corson, Miss J. Cunningham. Mr and Mrs. H. Davis. Miss I'. Davis, Miss .J | 1 'avis. Miss F. Davl«. Mr. and Mrs. H i Denton. Mrs. E. G. de Montalk, Mr. J. L I I >ix<iii. Mr. and Mn>. M. Duchin, Miss J ! Edwards, Miss H. P. Elsfelder. Mr. am: -Mrs. T. R. Ellis. Mrs. A. D. Elliot. Mis: i .1. Ewing. Miss F. Farrar. Miss C. Farrar j Mr. It. X. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. \V. H j Fletcher. Mr. C. E. Forrest, Mr*;. It. Fraser ; Smith. Master A. Fraser-.Sinirh, .Mr. am i Mrs. K. H. Galloway, Miss L. Galloway i Mr. and' Mrs. T. F. Gibson. Miss X. L | Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. It. Graham. Mastei i li. Graham, Mr. It. (irav. Miss K. X. Green j Mr. and Mrs. I*. Guillard. Mr. H. llalil Mrs. M. A. Hall. Miss F. Harty, Mr. H. C | Hardcastle. Mrs. 11. Hawthorne, Dr. am Mrs. J. Hcunessv, Miss E. L. Herbert. Mr ' E. A. Ilerron. Mr. W. Hesleliurst, Mr. T I S. Hieke.v. Mr. E. C. Holroyde. Miss I* I Ilyams. .Mr.' F. H. Johnson. Mr. X. G {Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, Mift \ I>. Jolinston. Miss J. Johnston, Mrs. O. C j Johnston. Mrs. (J. I/empriere. Miss J ! Lourie, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Mills. Miss K | Moore. Mrs. E. Murphy, Mr. J. H. Mur i dock. Mi*. M. Moshal. Miss M. McArtlnir i Miss E. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. C. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Nathan, Miss F I Xicolas. Mrs. E. A. Xelson, Miss L. O'Brien j Mrs. M. Perkins, Miss G. Perkins. Mr*. Ii ; Porter, Master D. Porter. Mr. It. Porter, ! Mr. and .Mrs. \V. H. Pouch. Mrs. A. Price j Hawkins. Miss S. Price-Hawkins. Mrs. K. i Kawlinson. Mr. S. Jteid, Mr. and Mrs. A. ! Itidd. Mr. A. Robinson, Miss P. E | ItclMTston. Mr. D. J. Kussell. Mr. C. H. j Sawyers. Mrs. M. Scarborough, Miss G Scarborough. Mr. and .Mrs. S. S. Scott, j Miss E. Scott, Miss I. Scott, Mrs. E. U. ; Sliand. Master It. B. Shand, Mrs. M. M, i Shrafl't. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sliriner. Mrs. I). Simpson, Miss N. M. Simson. Miss li. Smith. Mr. N. Smith, Mr. C. Smith, Mr. land Mrs. H. Sincock, Mrs. V. Stokes, Mrs. •M. M. St-acey, Mrs. E. Staple, Mrs. C. i Strut hers. Mr. and .Mrs. H. Surerus, Mr. ! W. TatTe. Mr. E. 'l'idd, Mr. S. Trunipcr. ; Mr. 14. Taylor, Mr. J. Yuleta. Mr. H. : Wallace. Miss B. E. Wavgood. Mrs. J, Whit tington. Mr. A. Wliyte, Mrs. A. Wicksteed, Miss It. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, Master A. Wright. G. Wright, .Miss S. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yoek. ! Cabin Class: Miss B. Abrahams. Mr. and : Mrs. It. Adams-, Mr. J. W. Atkin, Mr. M. I'. Atkin. Mrs. H. Hanks, Mr. A. J. Barrett, j Miss K. Barriball, Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. F, ; Bennett. Miss Y. Bennett, Mrs. Z. A. K. Best. Mrs. E. Biffin, Mr. It. It. Bishop. Miss It. Blake. -Miss G. Y. Boyne. Mr. X. C. | Hums. .Mr. 11. W. Cherrili. Mr. It. Cody, | Mr. V. Collins, Mr. T. Cox. Mr. Y. C. Dacre, -Mrs. E. Dick, Mrs. W. Dingle, Mr. P. J. I><]<iganT Miss E. Durham. Miss H. Dutton, j -Mrs. M. Enieny. Mr. and Mrs. B. It. Fer- ! gnson. Miss E. M. Fogarty. Mr. It. K. Gar- : lick. Miss E. Goldblatt, Miss B. Greenwell. I Mr. 1. Griffiths. Mrs. A. Gunn. Miss B. I Gunn. Miss J. Haite, Miss M. Handler, Miss i'. Hansen, Mr. A. J. Hansen, Mrs. A. M. Hector. Miss E. Higgins, Mrs. H. Hudson, ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hutt, Master K. Hutt, , Mrs. A. Jenkins. Mr. J. Johnson, Mrs. Z. j Jolly. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Katterns. Mr. i and Mrs. W. Letlibridge, Mrs. A. M. Eokes, Miss It. M. Eokes, Miss M. Lokes, Miss K. Eokes, Miss A. Eokes, Mr. G. Eongton. Mr. ! A. Enxford. Mr. ('. Enxford, Miss M. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. A. MacKenzie. Master M. Mackenzie. Mr. M. I. MacKenzie. Mrs. E. .1. Miller. Mrs. M. Millington, Mrs. E. M<»«»re, Miss D. Moore. Mr. L. Moore. Mr. :»ml Mrs. M. Moore. Miss X. Morris. Mr. A. S. Morrison. Mr. H. G. Moulds. Mr. E. C. Xaden, Mr. It. A. Xeal. Miss I. Neilson, Mr. -V. I. Xicolaou. Dr. P. Xoakes. Miss M. O'Connor, Mrs. S. M. O'Neill, Mr. C. Palmer. Mr. I'. I'apadopoulos. Mr. and Mrs. C. Peach, Miss M. Peach, Mr. F. Prendwgast. Mr. E. M. Preston. Miss E. Reeve. Miss E. M. Iteid. -Miss M. E. Revell. Miss J. Kid-way. Mrs. A. Ridgway. Miss Robinson. Mr. M. 1,. Shepherd. Miss J. Simons, Miss Solomon. Mr. It. G. Stacey. Mr. E. Staiger. Miss G. Thorpe. Mrs. M. K. Trooien, Mr. and Mrs. J. Turnbull. Mr. E. A. Walker, -Miss M. Whittle. Mr. W. Wilcox, Miss V. Winter, Mr. B. P. Worsfold.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 220, 18 September 1939, Page 4
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1,887Shipping News Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 220, 18 September 1939, Page 4
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