GRAMMAR TWO POINTS BEHIND.' til.. NWIIIIM .it' next Slltlinlil.v'H 'RiiKbv gillie-.. M.insi (Mil Kit.vH diTiii («tUin In iimil .it tin' .ml in tin. lii -I i i.l of tin- Knells rc.iiipi'iiiiiin. Hi'iit.inu l'<mftonl.v mi Si thi iia\ . llie.\ then l.illi of pollltw I . I- , , I'll.'ll nppolH'll'* Ih lII,' IflM -JIUUf ..; lII.' luull.l 111-M 5,1t11111.1.\ .11 ITr.IMIIII.' ( llll.'if.', M hri illi' Mi'.ll 111.' lioltolll of Ilir Hi. ~i (IM Urns, Isl S I.CIIIT-I l>|>|lU||l'lllH. ,|l«' t\\.l pllllllX Imhiml N<-.\l Hi-ck Ci.ii ,n |,Im.\ Hi.. wtldiW (; 1., 11 <■ ti lill.'.'ii. (Ji.'iiiiiii.ii- ,iii r'Xilliiu liihl Illlllilti- \Kluiv im.illiHt T.' (lid Bi>>h mi S,itiinl,i,\. Hl.iii, hMelil brilii* .i»\»ii ilotl ,j iiit hlhil ,it fitter 1,,., h ,,i, m wlm'H Hlillllllli '111 W.IH I'llllXl-l-llliK il llMtHllillllll' 11>. Kvi;ii limn, llinlliii.r vv,i* tin- linisli of the l'i .iiiiiiiu ' nlli-jti' - \i.i I h Slim p HlniKitlf >a tin- Slum <iiinini|K. Ninili Shore ll't'l I lII' '"'Hi 111 It. till lll'.ll till' ~||l|. « I.l'll IV-lldllllMl' opi'lH'.l till , ».l\ fill- Illl' MtllllclllS Mil. I lIIIMt. ..I till' t.'.111l 11.111111.'.l m ~ |)|.V|lHtiitiiitt liiml iiiiiiuti- IminL m-.ik-Ii c\ciinl th<WOt I' .1,1, I I iill. TI thr- fiiMt iliviwinn K.inif .'i'h.iluml hi a win for (iiiiftoii iivit M.iiiiik.iii li.v 17 J'"int« tii 11. The i-xpeiuMlre ~l ' the OiafloM till.'l'M miih l.lic ild nliii|{ laitoi. HreiiltH weir: - AlariMt I'i, liciit I'liiiHiuiliv ,1. (• H, bent Twliiiiciil H. (}r>iftu.i 17. l» M.uiuk.iii !). fcihoro 11. <li-i-w with Ti hi I'ollotfp 11. How they wtiinil: — I'l.ltlt!. I'll.
FLAGGED ON DEFENCE. Mnrlst's way was made easy bv the weak Mckllne of the I'oneonhy barks', who also hurl not ihe co-ordination or their opponent*. Marist won by \2 to 3 and tlioroiialilv deserved the victory. Taken nil round, the name was nut tlirllllin! and only In niltchex raised ihe excitement <,f the crowd. Mucli interest centred in the appearance of OiMirffo Solomon, member of the wellknown Huifliy family, who appeared as second live eighth. Tllouuh never brilliant. he pulled I'oiisonb.v out of several holes by his neat kiekliiK. Ho retired Injured In the 111> it 1 quarter. feature of Ihe name was the daubing ills play of the Marist forwards, who remained ill constant pursuit or the ball. The oiitHtiindliiic mail wan probably MoHltt. who hooked well and was constantly at the head of Marist dribbling rushes. In a splendid pack, others who constantly stood out where llogan, Sullivan and l>. Bailey. the captain. I'oiisonb.v missed W. V Car son In their pack, In which most prominent, members were Bond, Johnson and K. Solomon. R. V. Bell-Booth made a number of neat opening* from first five-eighth. The outstanding Marist hack, however, was \V. Hare, whose long, accurate touch finding drove back the rallying I'oiisonb.v forwards In the filial quarter. His play prevented I'niiHonhy from closing the gap several times. Tries for Mnrlst were scored by Moffft (2) And Hniley and Hare kicked a penalty. Halllwell kicked a penalty for Foneonby.
GRAMMAR LUCKY. After the hrllllHiit nninnrr In which they dei'enied* r'nnNonh.y ln*t wi-i-k, Ommiuiir were expected to account for Technical Mwlly. As events proved, however, they were extremely Im-ky to scrape home in the ciirtnln-rniser by two points, with the board read I ii« B—6. The Technlrnl forwards were nt nn ndTantage because of several deficient-lex In the (.niliim/ir puck, nnd heron' lie vepnt off hurt In the seeon.' xpell Johnson gave Technical plenty of the bull. A penalty gnvn Technical ii lend nt linlf time. (Iriininiiir were several times Hose before Bin iiclitlelil evened the scores with a penalty. I'Ni.v livened then, nnd Technical took tin' lend ipilckly with niiother penalty. Uramiiiar neenied n beaten teiiin. hut Onto proved himself the hero of the day when he raced through from a ruck. gave to WngxMiffe. nnd collected ngaln near the priMtM to Mi-ore In iiu eilHy poMition. Rut the exclteineiit wan not over. Blnnehfleld'n kli'k uilHsed. The referee ruled nn unfair rhnrgi' and Willi lilm wnniil he iiiade no mlHtiike, lo notch the two points that Uraminnr wanted. In addition fo futo'n try nnd Blnnrlifleld'H ronverMion, one penalty wan reroriled for (Inuninar, Hliimhtlild lielim responsible. AmoH klrked nix points for Technical, all from penulttos. t __ LAST-MINUTE DRAW. At the Show (JroimiN Nortli Shore nnd Training College played hii 11-polnt draw after a gmne that whk rarely up to ilie atnmlard of Hrnt class Ktigliy. In the tlrst •pell Who re had the advantage of a Ntrong wind hut fumbling amongst their Imckn loxt tboin many m-orltig cliiinceM. The tni'kliiig on hotih nlden wan poor. Shore was Hrst on the board with an unconverted try by Wbilliinf). College's turn came when Pile completely fooled the opposition enabling W. K. Wllliniiis to score a try Miind the posts which Clark converted. A try by JShoelimi, converted by Putoli, gave Shore an B—s lead nt half-time. Karl.v In the aecond spell College evened the score when Klngstone stored a try. From thin on Shore launched a Merle* of attacks and , . getting ii fennt of the hull from the xcrum.M had College defending of the time. A try by Jessiip, which I'aton converted. fare them a lead at II to *, and the win •eemed wife, but College mint' with a brilliant effort right on time and saved the game with a try scored by Scott after most of the team had handled In a passing bout tint, traversed over half the length of the Held. For Shore Arkle again played a £oo«l giim<> nt half, lnit the men behind him. while showing plenty of pace, fumbled badly. I'aton wan In excellent form and bin line kicking In the second spell, particularly, was dlMhenrtenlng to the opposition, while his tackling* wan thoroughly sound. WhlllaiiH and Sheehan were the pick of the forward*. Kor College Pile, behind u beaten pack, made the most of the opportnnltlen that came his way. Clark wan ■afe. hut was right off hU unum at goalkicking. LITTLE TO SPARE. Orafton defeated Maniiknii by 17 points to 0 In a game In which 20 of the "JO Eolnts xcored came from goal-kicking. Blu« lckeil three penalty goal* for tirafton and Cheater kicked three for Manukail, hut Ornttoii ndded two tries, one hy liable and one by Dick, the lutter of which Blue con vert mi. If. wn» largely a Imttie of the forwards In which Uriifton got 14 uolnlx to .'J when tnejF had the wind, and Manukail got « to ..«i .'i "'"'""'•ly ravoured. (irarton ilomlll wiTh ,1 * v I"'H H a, " l ""•»■*«• '" advantage mini, .n " Up " ~u, ,1 ""'Kl' ualnlng inriiiigh the Miiiiiikau (lefeni<e c>1.1,. m tr« Sl!- , Vl,S , WKi"" , 'l s :"■-■"'•'*.■
BRISBANE May ■•■ d*f«.ntp<| Xpw Monti, iv i u
GRADE GAMES. SECOND DIVISION. i.f.amm: xv, hkatkn. I'nlvcrslty T. ht'ai otaiiutiii 6. Suburbs i-'X. b<"il I'lirni'll f>. F.din J4. bent Northcote O. College Ritics *;.. !>«>nt Tiiknimna 5. Championship I'iiinti (with only on' , more, dnv's |iln> hi '.'ii before promotion of twii lending sidesi. Oinliiiliii. 1": Suburbs'. College Klllcs. !• : TnkiipuiiH. >> : Eden, Ini verslt.v. ."i : I'arnell, 4: Norllicote, 0. SENHUI KKSEKVK. Mauuknii (!, In-lit Army 3. .11 NIDUS. S. heat Eden 3. College Rifle* 11. bent I'lllVlTwlty Tulls 3. (.in in mil r Cults I.Y bent University A 0. a.m.c. in. i»'iit \v«iit tii ii. < • rit ft on -ii. hen Miinitkim "• 'Iralnins College A l!». bent I'aiimiire r>. • Til I Kt> <IKAI>E. Crnfton 37, heat A.M.C 11. I CClllllcnl l.'l. iM'ill I'lHllMHlb.V f>. SiihnrliM i>. drew with Air Vnrrf 6. Mnmiknu Colts !>. beat Shore •!. Northcote \2. !►•■;>t lirnmtnar 3. Marist lii'ilt l'niversity l>. Utahuhii J", '"'lit Epsom t>. INTERMEDIATE. Ornmmnr 17. bent Nnrlhcote fi. Technical Colts 22. beat Iniversity 3. Tfi hnlcnl 3. ilrew with Tnkaptina 3. (iriiffoti 1-. '."'ill College Rifles l>. SubiirhM l>. bent I'ariiell «. Miiiiukim •!. drew with Hden 0. Kill lITH IiKAKK. Mnrixt A 3»>. beat Thames 0. .Shore !». beat Newton :t. Marist C"lt» H, bent Epsom 6. Suburbs H. beat Tiiitmki ::. Miuiukiiti i>4, bent I'linmiire 0. Otnliulin 8. bent ■■'.den '•>■ Takapunn 2*. heat l'onsonby 3. FIFTH (iKAIIK. N«'wtnn 34. bout Miinukiiil Colte 0. ntnhuliii 14. b.-nt Shon> •".. -<>. bent Tiiiniiki «. Suburb* 13, bent Xorlhrote 8. Manukuu 17, tx-at Takupuna 6. SIXTH (iRAIIE. Northcote 34, beat Takapuna 0. PALMER MEMORIAL CUP. SKMOR. Eden 4*3, boaf Tamnki 0. Otabuhu », bent Tnkapiina 0. INTKRVIKIHATK. f'nnnonby -.'!. bout Miiniikiui 0. Otiilniliii "J3. bt-at <;riiff<vn n. Nlihiirhx 3, drew with \i>rthcot« 3. Takapuna 8. hem .\«>wton o. .ir.\"in:ts. Kdpn 23. bf>nt Shore 0. Tiikiipiinn -1. tiiMir Miiniikiin 8. Otnhiitiii 8. IM'iit I'oiiHonhy U. roi.TS. Ofahiihu won by defnitl; from Edin. I'nnmure 11, bent Ponnonby o. Siiburlm 17. bent Marint l>. Northc-otc 0, drew with Tnkapuna 0. GAMES IN SOUTH. XKW I'IiY.MOUTH. Star 19, lx>at Old floys e. Clifton 14. l>ent <)knt<i 11. Stratford 22, b<-nt Inttlewood 0. N A I , IKK. IMrnteß 1!>. brut Celtic 6. Technical 12, l«-nt M.A.C. 3. chkihtchi;kch. Merlvaip 15 bent Air Force 3. Snnny*id« 11>, bent Viirslty 6. Southern 8, bent Christ church 3. Albion 14, drew with Technical 14 ; Athletic US, bent I.lnwood -J. OA.MAKU. Old Hoj-H 34, bent Mnheno li. Athletic 21, bent Kxce.sior «. WANGAXUI. Old Boye 8, drew with I'irnteg 8. Technical Old Boye 7, bent Marist 3. Waverley 17, beiu Tulhape Country a. INVKHCAKOIL.U. I'lrateu 12, bent Bluff 11. lnverciirglll 2'A, bent .Miirlst 9. Star 18, b«at Old Boys 3. MASTEKTOX. Carterlon '21, bent Musterton 8. WEM-INGTON. Ilntt 8, drew nidi Bros. 0.8. 8. Athletic U. drew witti University t>. I'oin'ke 14, bent KiiHtboiimr l>. JohiiHonvllif 12, bent Oriental 11. Wellington 1», bent St. I'at.'s 0. l'etone 11, bent Wellington College 0.8. 8. DUNKinN. I'lrateu 28, bciu University B 3. !S«uthern Its, heat (Jnivereity A 12. /.iiitfan •>. ii if iv wnii Kiiui.'diii j. KalKural 11, beut Tuierl 8. Lnluii I-, beat Alliainbrn 11. ■ WANOANUI XV. M.l*.'S SON PASSED OVEH. (By Telegraph.— I'rt'Hn Aemocintion.) WANUAXUI, Sunday. The follow In a IdiKby tea in kns been xelefted to WniiKanul U)faiiiMt Tiiranakl at \\ ntiKiiniil oil June .">, the Kiiii; « Birthday :—Kull-btu-k. K. Welsh; three-quartern, Al. Sinn In, l>. U. Barton, U. Mrl'lke; nv-eiKhtliM. O. Hook, M. Dickie; hiiir-btick. ii. Brogden ; forwardH, (i ColllriH, K. B. Bellls, A. l>avidson (captain), \V. Klriunn, W. Uleiin, M. Sutton, K. C. CalliiKlian, 1.. -Nortliover. The selection is not without its surprlnen. Mel'ike goes Into the team, on one club match and can be counted lucky to be in ahead or J. l'olxon, who ix not even a reserve. I'olson, wln> is a eon of Mr. W. ,1. I'olson, M.1 , ., is playing Kraml football this season anil his beitiK passed over lias caused comment The forwards are xtrons aml should do well. Belllss is a son of the former All Black. played in Sydney and wns New Sou iii Wines hooker nnil reserve against the All Blacks. Five member* of the team played against Tnranaki last year, when Tarannki won by 11 points to 111 In the first match. COLLEGIATE CONTEST. SACRED HEART V. HAMILTON. 11l a football match at Rugby I'ark on Saturday, SacreU Henrt College (Auck l » n . a l b fat Hamilton Hi«h School by 32 ton" penalty goal, by lirnn-
I , . \v. r,. i>. y. a. I'lx. Mnrlsf ti it _ _ 7i -_>4 jj (iritmmiir ... « ."i I - 7» ;ts |n Ornfton c. t 'j _ |MS 4-, ,s Ponxonhy .... nil'- .ii 4ii h Train. Cnll.. B «« tl 1 4 1 »7 M.". :( Nf»rih Shun- . tl I •» 1 4:1 vt ; t MntiiikHii .... ti 1 r. . 4M 7i, ., Tochiilcal ... U 1 ."> - ;jl» "4 i;
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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 124, 29 May 1939, Page 14
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1,914MARIST AT TOP. Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 124, 29 May 1939, Page 14
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