. Si,,ce la-t review export markets have •*liiwu moderate fluctuation. The met liivourabie from the poiut of view of "'""" ' f »rmer e ha* been «n impiove- ■''<••'><• i» wool. Tin* B taple w in keen .."!"? ,; /,""', vall "* have been steadily ■;'-'. with the result that values at Dunin « ««-«n<l emle ymtetduy were well 1,1.• vl ■?■ ° the blßt n «ure in Deceml> tie. l ( " T y x, treet the "Wket for v", 1 ""' °, X£i l per ewt - which * * ; >"»t '~,,.' t ' wt * b ? , ; e va'lueu ruling a II ei "d,ll niU , held etiM lepolU! ***** «- rather dull, and it aeerns evident that the rtl \ TOarkete are overloaded both n efcard to mutton and lamb. New Zea land .«'"> m offering from the c-omp* " - evhent'lv ' l r*' f he A Wt™ ami it I' Dom,l,lon en J°i» over ite «o,nU'catier comlitioiw durinc the week '<■ v« ~e,. ideal for and for ■i "<k. tlioutrii temperatiirew have I.immi "«>'i than i H usual a,t thi« time of ve.-ir " '•'•"ditioiw in t | u . ~o llutly wu . j: halo fon-fHiiuiidfiit writen: — .\h is urtiial at this time of file vear mie mieep section eoiiunaiulM ino«t a'tteii«lm!,:.| "• ,Ct -. "!' 4 '» e^it * t.ave been 1 «<l towards the purchasing of annual ■••luneiiicnte, and «heep farmers are exI'mely h, lwy making selection* at the ' , "- s f ' l "«- Hho»e G-i»l>orne etittionouneiH who have consigned their shwp , ,"■ vv -"kato have receive* , , exceedingly M'Nl prices and in mowt caeeti consi<lerni>l> in advance of Gisborne salew There '■•* »ne thing, however, which muet be I ;." j hat "? tJlle ehee P havc a/iTived bolter order thi. year than ueual, and no doubt thw lhas helped to strengthen thn bkldirw. At Morrin«ville on Kridav. I*l * f Ke entr >' of «i«borne and Houthern .heep waa submitted, a stion« jweference for young sheep wae irfiou n two-tooth* being most popular. At the
locul fail* improved prices continue ulniieit from nale to Male: eiipecially in thin noticeable with breeding ewee. Store lamb have aleo improved in value, but not k> the extent to which older wlieop have. Wethers, however, etill remain dull of eale. Storr C.ttl* NMlMted. "Business in the cattle section bae been confined chiefly to 'boner.; and oddmente, and although a few go nl-tj-iality etore cattle were yarded at >lorriiu>-ille on Friday, little attention \v m jmid to them, thie no doubt being dv.i to the fact that breeding ewee were beinf offered at tlie same time, and apparently most 'interest wae centred in the latter clm. With the recent raine and the improvement in the pastures there is no doubt etore cattle I will ;i«nin become popular as noon as the •rfbcep faire are over. The dry weather which the Gieborne district has experienced 'hae had the effect of inducing vendors to send their cattle to the Waikato, and already advices to hand indicate that several mobs will arrive in the near future. Big BuilnMs in Pl§s. "A large volume of business continues to be done in the pie section, with heavy baconere and porkers in keen demandOwing to the 'buttermilk buyers not operiitinn, light fat pi** have not been no popular, whiWt store* and weaner* are dull of sale, thin no doubt being due to the decline in the farmers' milk eupp , !;-." WESTFIELD PRICES FIRM. Owing to a short yarding of ox beef nt the IVestfield fat stock' sale yesterday prices improved by fully 1/ per 100 lb. Cows and heifers eold freely at firm rates, choice quality showing an improving tendency. Pigs were also firmer, the offering being smaller than last week, and all other sections of the market were practically unchanged, average entries of calves, sheep and lambs, realising late rates. Following is the range of prices together with last week's:—* This Week. Lest Week. BBEK (per 1001b)— Kxtra choke ox 38/ 87/ Choice and prime ox 33/ to 37/ 32/ to 36/ Choice and prime cow an«l heifer 28/ to 33/ 28/ to 33/ Boner and rough 10/ to 27/ 10/ to 27/ KHERP (per head)— Prime wethers : Shorn 15/ to 23/6 16/ to 24/3 L'nrtn. wethers : Shorn 12/ to 16/ 7/ to 15/9 Prime ewes : Shorn 7/ to 14/ 7/ to 10/9 L' nfl n l«hed ewes : Shorn 0/6 to 7/8 0/6 to 7/6 Prime lambs .. 17/6 to 26/ 18/ to 27/6 IJntln. Inmbs .. 5/ to 14/6 7/ to 17/6 CALVES (per head) — Runners 50/ to 163/ 60/ to 160/ Venlers 5/ to 120/ 5/ to 120/ PHJS (per head) — Biiconers 62/ to 78/ ,62/ to 78/ Porkers 26/ to 61/ 34/ to 61/ Wenners 8/6 to 23/6 10/ to 20/ Slips 2i>/ to 20/ 20/ to 28/ Ldirse stores . . 24/ to 86/ 27/ to 38/ LOAN AMD MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports:— Beef.—At the Weetfield fat stock market our yarding of ox beef was leas than an average one, cow and heifer beef being penned in average numbers. Medium and light-weight ox sold to a> keen demand, with quotations for these 1/ per lOOib better. Cow and heifer beef sold at late rates. Extra choice ox sold to £1 18/ per lOOib; choice and prime, £1 13/ to £1 17/; ordinary and plain, £1 6/ to £1 12/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 8/ to £1 12/; ordinary, £1 to £17/. Xo extra heavy .prime steers were penned. Heavy prime steers brought £12 10/ to £13 2/6; lighter, £11 2,6 to £12 7/6; liffht, £10 to, £11; plain and small, £7 to £9 15/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £J) 2 6 to £10 12/6; heavy, £8 to £9; lighter. £6 12,6 to £7 17/6; light, £5 to £6' 10/; aged and plain-finished cows, £3 to £4 17/6. Sheep.—An average yarding of sheep met a steady demand, with values on a par with last week's sale. Heavy prime wethers sold at £1 2/ to £1 3/; medium, 19/ to £1 1/0; light, 15/ to 18/9; small and unfinished. 12/ to 14/9; heavy, 12/ to 13/; medium, 10/e to 11/9; light, 9/ to 10/3; juet killable, 7/ to 8/9; inieriorly fatted,, 1/ upward.
L:1110s- Lambe in average numbers sold roaciuy at late quotations. Extra heavy pnme realised £1 4/ to £1 6/; heavy prime, £\ 2/fl to £1 3/9; medium, £1 to il 2,3; light, 13/ to 19/9; smaller, 15/ to u/9; unfinished, best, 10/ to 14/6; others, o, upward. Pigs.—Wβ had an average yarding of pigs. There was a steady sale, with porker values Htm on last week's quotations, •bacon values being firmer. Choppers sold from i! 2 to £4 3 ; heavy and medium bat-oners from £3 12/ to £4; lisrht biiconeiw and 'heavy porkers from £2 16/ to £3 ]0/; medium porkers and light porkers from £2 8/ to £2 14/; small, £1 I<V to £2 6 . Store pk;s sold at late rates. Lar-e stores, £1 8/ to £1 14 ; elips, £1 to £ 1 t>, ; weaners, 10/ to 19/. Calves.—Our entry of calves was a large one. and, with a yardinu of quality vealers, exceeded the .. einund. Values were easier. e*i.ecially for late sale calves. Runners realised £2 10 to £j 12 6: heavy veale- s, £4 to £5 2'; medium, , £3 to £3 16, ; lisrht, £2 8/ to £2 18 : smaller. £1 ]<> to £2 6/; small, £1 to £1 I<> ; rough calves, 10/ to £1 5 ; fresh dropped to three weeks old, 5/ to 19/. DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report: Beef.—At our weekly Westtield fat stock market our yarding of beef totalled 132 head, comprising 43 steers and 109 cows and heifers, against 149 head last week. The smaller yarding accounted for an iiiipioveineiit in the demand for ox beef and values rdiovved a rise of fully 1/ per l(IOlb. Cow and heifer beef 'sold steadily, with 110 variation in values from the last report. Extra choice ox sold to .'«' per 10011.; choice and prime, 3.V to :V7 : just kilhible. 31 to 34 ; prime young cow and heifer beef. 30 to 33, ; just killable. l!i to 24 . Kxtm heavy prime steers landed in pi i,c from £14 12 li to £15 2 ti tor steers from Jlw«s. Walter Wakclin and Si>ns. YYhaiiiMi'ei; heavy, £13 10/ to t"l4 10'; lighter. £12 10/ to £13 0': light, £11 10 to £12 .->/: fiiii.ll and unfinished steers, £8 5/ to £10 I.V; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £!> 10/ to £10 10' for cows from Mr. W. Main. Tirau; heavy, £7 1.1/ to £0; lighter, £6 '•>' to £7 10/; lipht cows, £5 to £8; other killal)le cows, £3 10/ to £4 10/. Sheep.—We hud an average * entry of fllieep. which sold under steady competition at values on a par with last week. Extra heavy prime wethers made £1 I'D to £1 2'9; heavy, 19/ to £1 1/6; medium, 17 f> to 18/6; li K ht and unfinished, 16/3 to 17'3: heavy prime ewes, 11/3 to 16/3; liphter. 10/ to 11/; other ewes. 6/ to 0/. Lambs.—Lambs were offered in average numbers and sold freely at full late rates. Heavy prime lamb sold at £1 to £1 0'!); medium, 18/ to 19/6; light. 16/ to 17/6; Kinall and plain, 14' to 15/6. Calves.- Calves were penned in nverajre numbers, the yarding com prising mostly small and rout;h calves. The demand was not keen and we have to report a sale with values showing no improvement on last week's quotations. Plain runners realised £5 to £6 s': heavy vealers, £i 15/ to £5 10'; medium. £4 to £4 13/; liffht. £2 10/ to £3 6'; smaller. £1 15/ to £2 8': small. £1 2/ to £1 12'; unfinished and bucket fed, 15/ to £1; bobby calves. 8/ to 14'. Pigs. -Pigs came forward in small nuiivl>ers. Competition was keen, with values for both baeoner and prime pork showing "i improvement on last week's sales. Heavy baconers brought £3 15/ to £3 18': medium. £3 9' to £3 13': liirht. £3 4/ to £3 R/; heavv porkers, £2 15/ to £3 1/; medium. £2 8/ to £2 I.V: liirht. £2 tn £2 6': store nis*. £1 5' to £1 16/; slir*, £1 1/ to £1 i'; weaners, B'6 to £1 3/6. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buekiand and Sons, Limited, report: — Beef.—At our weekly Westfield fat stock market our total yarding of fat cattle numbered 256 head, as against 322 head last week, comprising 78 steers and 178 cows and heifers. A smaller yarding of ox beef sold under keen bidding at values in advance of late quotations. Cows and heifers of quality showed an improvement on late sales, while medium and inferior were hard to quit. Extra choice ox sold to £1 18/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 15/ to £1 17/; secondary and plain, £1 11/ to £1 14/; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 10/ to £1 13/; ordinary, 19/ to £1 4/. Extra heavy prime eteers ranged in price from £14 10/ to £15, the latter price being obtained for eteers from Mr. H. E. Reed, Waerenga, Messrs. Matthews. Paengaroa, and Mr. W. .T. >tjlls, Rangiriri. and Mr. K. D. Orr, Tuakau; heavy, £13 10/ to £14 s'; lighter, £12 10/ to £13; light. £11 10/ to £12; small and unfinished, £7 10/ to £10 10/: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 to £9 10/; heavy, £7 to £8 5/; lighter, £6 to £6 10/; other killable cowg, £4 to £5. Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 923 and eold freely at prices showing little or no alteration on last week's gale. Extra heavy prime wethers brought £1 2/6 to £1 3/6; heavy. £1 1/ to £1 2/; medium to heavy, 18/6 to £1; light to medium, 17/ to 18/; unfinished, 14/ to 16/; extra heavv prime young ewee, 12/6 to 14/: heavy. 11/ to 12/; lighter, 9/6 to 10/6: o</er killable, 7/ to 8/6; other ewes, 6d to 6/. Lambs.—Lambs were yarded to the number of 565. Competition wag steady and late rates were maintained. Extra heavy prime lambe sold at £1 2/6 to £1 4'; lieavy. £1 1/ to £1 2,/; lighter, £1 to £1 o'6: lidht, 17/6 to 19/; email and plain, 6,6 to 15/. Calvefl.--We had a smaller yarding of calves and good quality vealers and runners were in short supply. The demand for these was very keen and values showed considerable improvement on Inet week's quotations. Plain unfinished and late sale calves were hard to dispose of, and sold at late rates. Heavy prime runners realised £7 to £8 3/; plain and unfinished runner*, £4 to £6 5/; heavy prime vealern, £5 5/ to £6; medium. £4 5/ to £5 3/; light. £3 8/ to £4 1/: smaller, £2 6/ to £3 3 ■■: small. 18/ to £2 2/: unfinished and bucket-fed. 18/ to £1 10/; bobby calves, 5/ to 15/. A total of 206 calves was sold. . Pigs.— There was an average offering of pigs. Competition was steady for all nrime fat piirn. with values fully firm. Prices for unfinished sorts and for stores and weaners were lower. Choppers made £2 5/ to £4 3/: heavy prime baconere. £3 13/ to £3 18': medium. £3 0/ to £3 11/- light, £3 2/ to £3 6/; heavy porkers. £2 14/ to £2 10': medium. £2 6' to £2 0/- light. £1 19' to £2 2/; unfinished and email. £1 6 ' to £1 14/; *"t° res - £ 1 */ to £1 14'; «lips, £1 to £1 2/; weaners, 10/ to 15'; baeoners solrl from 6%d to 6%d per lb.' and porkers 6%d to 7d per lb. A total of 541 pigs wae sold.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 27
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2,267LIVE STOCK MARKET Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 33, 9 February 1939, Page 27
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