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WAIKATO PAGEANT. FIRST DAY'S JUDGING. FINE ARRAY OF STOCK. EXCELLENT ORGANISATION. i Fly Trlejrrapli. Spcrlal to "Star. ") HAMILTON, this day. At l;i"t the Wuikato A. ami P. Absolution lias achieved its greatest desire — l lie staging of l lie tlr»t. Royal Show to lie held iu the Waikalo. The show was opened this morning nn the pict urcsqiie I lainlelands Showgrounds with record cut lies. On these "rounds are paraded over IIKMI horses, (Mill cattle, SOU sheep. ;; l.'l pigs, numeroiM head of poultry, dog,* representing breeds, ami many other all racl ioii», including scores of sideshow*. When judging eonunenced at the lio\al Show in Hamilton at a.m. to day I In' sky was overcast and drizzling rain was falling. Farmers need ruin, but il is generally hoped that blight weal her will l'u\our the remaining days ol' the sliow. It takes months and even years of work to stage a successful Koyal Show. Three years ago it was suggested that a Royal Slimv might be held in Hamilton. Two yearn ago it was deckled thnt the M'-'IS I toy a I Show would be held in Hamilton, and now the great, event is taking place. It has meant very hard work for the local president, Mr. P. H. ( larkiu. who happens this year to be vice president of the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand, the secretary of the Wuikato A. and P. Association. Mr. \V. IJonistcad, and the executive. The president of the Royal Society, Mr. [~ J. Wild, of Feilding, and Mr. R. Met'ay. secretary, have not been idle. There have been meetings of representation and disciM*ions and visits of inspection from time to time during the last year particularly, and new buildings have had to be erected.

Although the «)iow features the proyroM of farming industries throughout New Zealand, yet ttie welfare of the country in go bound tip with the welfare of the city and town that the townspeople of the Waikato have been gen* erous in their support of the show association for they realise that a Royal Show in their district is as much their interest as that of the mral dwellers. Summing up, it could be well said that the entries have fully justified the confidence of the Royal Society and of the Waikato Agricultural and Pastoral Association in undertaking the great responsibility of a Royal Show. To-day'i Judging Kenlta. Following are the results of the judges' swards made to-day: — BOUSES. THOROUGHBREDS. Mar*, any age : R. T. RrM'a Uilt Whirlwind 1, R. T. RHil 2, K. John* 3. Colt. Ally or gelding, two year* : R. T. Reld's Bes-.i Repairs 1, Mrs. R. T. Reld 2. Miss R. Rellly S. Cult. All; or gelding, one year: R. T. Reld's entry 1. R. T. Reld 2. R. J. Weal 3. Mare, em|i'y. In foal or fonl at foot : Mrs. J. M. Allen's Cara I. Lynden Chltt.v 2. R. T. Reld 3. Mare, adapted to breed lightweight hack*: Miss <}. E. Watch's Golden Dawn 1, K. Johns 2. M. Vincent 3. Flllr or gelding, two years: Mrs. K. T. Reld's Msvfalr 1. Miss R Rellly 3. W. Hunt 3. Filly, colt, or geldlnc. one yenr : R T. Reld's entry 1. R. J. Weal 3. H. E. Porrltt 3. Hark, up to 15 stone : Mrs. Frunk Baker's Tliespls 1. H. E. Porrltt 2. J. Ooodwln 3. Hack, up to 11.0: N. H. McDonald's Olencoe 1, Mr*. L. Mar»>ton 2. Mrs. P. H. Umlth 8. B. Marfyn Wright 4. Maiden hack, mare or geldlnix: O. S. Fullerton's Chief Scout 1. R. J. Weal 2. Miss P. Rellly 3. PEDIGREE CATTLE. FRIESIANS. Cow, four rears or orer : Plrl Land Co.'s Totara Forest l.ass 1, C. A. Kuutson 2. A W. Montgomery 3. Plrl iJind Co. 4. Heifer, three roars: C. A. Knutsnn's Ahlkouks Colantha Fobes 1. A. W. Montcoinerle 2 F B. Pegler 3. Plrl Land Co 4. Heifer, two years: A. W. Montinuiierle's Oakvlew Keves Verbelle 1, C. A. Knutson 2. Pirl I.and Co 3. R. O. Mcintosh 4. Heifer, two years, dry : Plrl Land Co.'s Totara Converter Cola 1, F. B. Peglcr 2. Bull, Junior yearling: Whewcll Bros. Bracken Duke Posch 1. J. Cooper ntid Sons 2. Plrl Land Co. 3. R. O. Mcintosh 4. Ball, senior vearltng: Plrl Unil Co.'s Totnra Invincible Victor 1. P. W. Hodgson 2. C. A. Knutson a, Matarawa Land Co. 4. JERSEYS. Cow. four years or orer: A. Moreland and Sons' Beachlands Falrv Sunray 1. N. M. Colson 2. A. C. Smith ft. N M. Colson 4. Heifer, three rears: J. Bones' Greencroft Precious l. P. Mlers 2. R Sanderson V. McD Hltchlngs 4. Heifer, two year* : V McD. Hitching*' Windermere Nest I. peful 1. W, s McEwen 2. J Bones 3. Mrs S M. Rnnford 4. Cow. three years or orer D. D. Wilson's Sllrermere Golden I.sdr 1. R Sanderson 2. J E. Parson 3 Metier, two years: W s. McEwen'i Lorelands Summer Breexe 1. Heifer. 2 years, dry : J. h. Williams' Ssnts Rosa Betty 1. p Mlers 2. Cow or I heifer. 3 years or ow A. Moreland nn.l i Sons' Beechlsnds Fairy Sun 1. X. M Colson I 2, 8 snd 4. Bull. Junior yesrlins : J. Bones' 1 Greeacroft Bandit 1, w J cbrnoweth 2.1 V. McD, Hutehlngs 3. U»n Sbaw 4. HEREFORDS. Ban. calved since July 1. 1!»S" F. E. Humphrey's Wllencote Beau £n-ciion 2nd 1 and rfjffT# rhinploD, E. W. Burnett —. Bolt calved since July "; I ' rh,^ n Bros.' Walkohn James 12th 1 and £ham ploa. J. Brlce 3. Miss B. Donald 3. H. W. Barker 4. Bait eelved since Joly 1. ltl3< • Hutchinson Bros." Walkohn Cnrley Ist l, j R. Matthews 2 aad S. Hutcblnsonßro^ %as?« 8 sit , im«: Ha»b*aw>« Brsa. Waaata> SP^t isx. i ::s: iff.:/£ iJSfiWSnnf*. I * nTVrr *■ ?.

SHORTHORNS. Bull, calved i-Mnee July 1, 1936: D. J. HnldPn's ' 'Upper of Te l'una 1 and champion. I>. .1. Holden :> and reserve champion, Kllconr llros. a and 4. Bull, calved since July 1, 11*.W : l>. J. Holalen's Defiance of Te l'una 1. !>■ .1. Holden •_> nnd 3. Heifer, enlved since .liilv 7. l!».'i»i; I» J Holden's Te Putin lt itter iip Sth 1. Ilelfer. calved since July I. 1-1.17; U. J. Ilolden'g Te l'una Duchess of Beaufort 3rd 1 and champion. Kllk'our Itros. J, n. ,|. Holden 3. Two heifer*, calved since July 7, 1!)37 • D J llolden'n Te I'u.ia Duchess of Beaufort 3rd and Te Puna I*idy Fortunate sth 1. Urnup null and three females; i>. J Uolden's <• "fry 1. MII.KINO SHORTHORNS. u r ° w :,, ' years or over: O. D. Hall and .sons lerraee Mew Minnie 1, Green Bros. n I*. 'i.MP 11 *? U * on 3 Heifer, 3 years: * ml s,,n * I'inedale Matchless ... . HHfor. rnlvptl slnco 1/«/;*«, in milk : W. J. Slark's Ki'rrru I>»u>hne 1 G 11 Hall nn<| Son J and X Hrifer. ralvni "In co 1/H/Htt, dry: Ureen Bros' Rushy Acme 1, (i. D. Hall and Son J, Green Bros. A I'.KHDKKN AXUI'S. r» 1 /7/.1.-t : Morrison Hros Blackcap Kcho (Quality 1. Bull, rn ved since I 7 ;t!i ; |>. (J. Grunt's Jimmy Jen ks l._l>. K. furlong I'. Bull, calved s 1 .1. : l> K. furlong's Cyril of lllcliland Home Mrh i, j. » self 3 and 4. I'ow. calved prior to 1/7/3.1: J. K. Self's Kliramere j i. ,| s«>]f Morrison Bnw. •t. I'ow or heller, calved since l/ 7/3.">; .1. K Selr's j:ilia ress (Quality 1. Heifer, calved since I 7 :;i> . I>. Grant's Genista of •111 rdlne 1. .1. K. Self J and 3. HeiN'r calved since 1 7 :i7 : .1. R. Self's Klha l/iiallty Oi Meacltlea l r Morrison Bros. 2 anil •' l> Kaj I Two heifers, enlved since I 7 Morrison Hros. 1. Group of hull and three females : .1. U. Self 1, Morrison Hros. 'J. AVKSIMimS. Hull, years : ('. Bailey's 4rdfrowan I 'i»|i;ici* I. \V H. Worsler 2. Bull. 3 years: .1 il. lionald's Netlerton Mahinoiid I \V. r Wallace J Hull. * veurs or over: lliilclilims Itros.' Ardcowan Hislntr Star 1. Ilenry l(o«s A. Bailey 3. Croup of hull. - years or over, and females. In milk : P. Bremer 1. A. i\ Bailey 12, Hatchings Bros. 3. i'ow, 4 years or over, in milk : P. Bremer's Kden Park Swell 1. W, Wallace -, P. Bremer 3, A. < . Balle.v 4. Heifer. .'I years. In milk : J. Donald's Arileowan ltrljrht«*t Star 3rd 1, Ballcv 2, Bros. 3. Heifer. -J years. In milk : Hutching* Bros.' Ardtrowan i'retty Maid I. Hutchlivis Bros. 1!. Ilelfer. years, dry : J. G. IHinaW's Ardgowan Hose Queen 1. RBI) I'OIyL.

Tow. cnlved prior to 1 /G/.1.", In milk : | Mir K. Urn ton Rhodes' Otnhuna Mndeleinr -t»l 1 and champion. L. C. Anderson 2. Heifer, calved Minor l/»i/35, in milk : Sir I H. Heatoll Rliodex' Otnhuna Reflect |1. Heifer. cnlved since In milk: I Sir U. HriUnii KlirOt*!*' otnhunn Winsome • !ril I. Heifer. cnlved since 1 'li .til. ,| rv : Sir |{. Minion Rhodes' ntnhuna Molly 2nd t hihl rmiTM' I'liiiiupion. Hull, calved since t/ll : Sir It. Hriilim Ithoilc*' lvnnhoe I.adas 1 nml rowrvc champion. XV. I.ensk Bull, ciilvivl prior to 1/6. 3~>: 1.. Andersim* Wlngaroo Value 1 and chain plon. SHEEP. I Ram, 18 months nnd under 80 months: W. M. Blsh<-U's entry 1 and champion. Ram. under 18 months: W. M. Biflhell's entry 1. I'. Rremner 2. Two rams, under 18 months : Von* Bros.' entry 1 and reserve champion. W. M. Blshell 2, P. Bremner 3. Ewe. 18 months and under 30 months, with Inmb: ff. M. Blshell's entry 1 and champion, Vosa Bros, 2, W. M. Blshell 3. ROMNEV MARSH. Ram. 30 months and over: Sir William Terry's entries 1. 2 and 3. Vosa Bros. 4. Rain, 18 months and under 30 months : Sir William Terry's entries 1, 2 and 3. Vom Bros 4. Ram. hogget, tinder 18 months: Oonald Ross' entry 1. Donald Rosa 2. Two ram hoggets, under 18 months: Donald Ross" entry 1. Shorn ram. over 18 months nnd under 30 months : Sir William Terry's entry 1, Alexander Brown and Son 2 and 3. Shorn ram hogget, 18 month* and under: Alexander Brown and Son's entry 1. Sir William Terry 2, W. H. Gibson 3 and 4. Ewe, 30 months and over, with lamb : Voss Bros.' entry 1, Alexander Browa and Son 2, W. H. Gibaon 3. Ewe, 18 months and under 30 months, with lamh: W. H. Gibson 1 and 2. Voss Bros. 3 and 4. Ewe hoggot. under 18 months : Donald Roxs 1. Two ewe hogget*, under 18 months : iHmald Ross 1. shorn own hoggets, under 18 month* : Alexander Brown and Sons 1 and 2. W. H. (ilhson 3. Romney Marsh.—ln the wool or In natural condition, ram, 18 months or under: Donald Rosa 1, T. Bremer 2, Donald Rosa 3. SOUTH DOWNS. Ram. 30 months and over: R. If. Perry 1 and 2. J. Knight 3. Ram. 18 months and nader 30 months : H. i. Andrew* 1, W. C, Knight 3, J. Knight 3. Ram hogget, under 18 months: H. J. Andrews 1. Ram hoggeta (two), under 18 months: H. J. Andrews 1. Shorn ram. over 18 months and under 30 months: Sir William Terry 1. Ewe. 30 months and over, with lamb: H. J. Andrews 1, J. Knight 2 and 3. Ewe, 18 month* and under 30 months, with lamb: H. J. Andrews 1, J. Knight 2 and 3. Ewe hogget, under 18 months: H. J. Andrew* 1, J. Knight 2 and 3. RYELANDS. Ram. 30 months and over: W. O. Rennle I. Ram, 18 months and under 30 months : J. Brook's "Glenrowan" 1. W. O. Rennle 2. Voss Bros. 8. Ram hogget, under 18 month*: W. O. Rennle 1 and 2. E. Averill and Sons 3. Two ram hoggets, under 18 months: W. O. Rennle 1, E. Averill and Sons 2 and 3. Shorn ram, over 18 months nnd under 30 months : W. O. Rennle 1 and 2. Shorn ram hogget, under 18 months: A. I-. Thomas 1. W. O. Rennle 2. Ewe. 3« months anil over, with lamb: Felldlng Agricultural High School 1 and 2, E. Averill and Sons 2 and 3. CORRIEDAI.ES. Ram. 30 month* and over: Trustees Bitshev Tark Estate 1 and reserve champion. and 2. 3 nnd 4. Ram. 18 months nnd under 30 months: Trustees Bushey Park Estate 1 nnd champion, and 2, 3 ami 4. Ram hogget, under 18 months: Trustees Bushey f'ark Estate 1 and 2. Shorn rum hogget under IS months: Trustees Tark Estate 1. PIGS. BERKSHIRE^. Boar. 14 months nnd over: H. C. Taylor nnd Son** Dominion Nnumi Rw lit 1, O. C. Urwn 2. N.Z.C.D.C. 3. Boar. 8 month? nnd untl*r 14 months: T. K#l»on Butler* Mountlrys Pleasant Boy 13th 1. R S. Gernhoefer 2. Mrs. H M. Jackson 3. Boar ■I months and under 8 months: Hawke and Gannon's Marnl Jumbo 3rd 1, N.Z.t .D.t . 2 K D. Maenrrcey 3. Boar, under 4 months: N.Z.C.D.C. 1. H. C. Taylor ind Son 2. and 4. Hawke and Gannon 3. Sow. 14 months nnd over : A- M. <> Sullivan s Woodhurn Rosabelle 1. O. O. Ijirsen 2. H. B. Kieidhoiise 3. H. C. Taylor and Son 4. Sow. 8 month* nnd under 14 months: H. C. Tnrlor nnd Son's Hosnnagh Felice 4th 1. X.Z.r.Pi'. 2. H. C. Tnylor and Son 3. W. McGill ami Son 4. LARGE BLACKS. Boar, 14 months and over: G. M. Whitelock's Takenlsiim Someday 1 and champion. G. M. Whiteloek's Grinton Toch Ist 2 and reserve champion. G. D. Hall and Sons 3. Boar. 8 months nnd under 14 months: I. C Lister and Son's Ellerton's Taddy 1. G. M. Whltelock 2. N.Z.C.D.C. 3. Bo«r 4 months and under 8 months: N.Z.C.D.C. s Tunsa Mirit Unr« I*t 1. C. C. Lister and Son 2. G. M. Whltelock 3. Boar, under 4 months: W. McGiU and Son 1. Hamilton Tig Club 2- Sow with purebred litter : W. McGill and Son's Ngnhape Dori* 1 and reserve champion. G. D. Hall and Sons 2. Miers Bros. 3. Sow. 14 months and over: G D Hall and SonV entry 1 and champion. r. f I.i*ter 2. w. McGill and Son 3. Sow. 8 months nnd under 14 month*: N.Z.C.D.C."# Tunga Mnrn Bln.k sth 1. Miers Bros. 2. Sow, 4 months and under 8 months: G. M Whitelork's Grinton Armsworth Lass 1. N.ZCDC. 2. C. C. Lister 3. Sow. under I 4 month* : N.Z.C.D.C.'* entry 1. W. McGill and Son 2 and 3. Group of one boar [and two sons fiom same litter, under 4 i months W McGill and Son'a entry 1. | Hamilton Pig Club 2.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 12

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ROYAL SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 12

ROYAL SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 254, 27 October 1938, Page 12


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