TOO MUCH RAIN. i£ DRY SPELL NEEDED. EXPORT VALUES STEADY. Since last review export conditions hav e been reasonably satisfactory. Reports on dairy produce markets from Tooley Street are not encouraging, but New Zealand deliveries have been satisfactory and there has been a slight improvement in values. At 121/ per cwt butter ie 5/ per cwt higher than at this period last year. Smithfield reports satisfactory returns for most classes of meat. The lamb market is very firm and chilled beef also ie selling well. Prices for Xcw Zealand pork and bacon are lower than they were a year ago. new Australian wool season has opened with good competition, but it is yet too early to find any useful comparison ae a guide to the prospects of the next New Zealand clip. Weather conditions have not been altogether favourable. Temperatures have become milder, but the country could do with at least a ten -.lays' epell without rain to give the pastures a chance to recover. Of conditions in the province our Waikato correspondent writes: — "Practically no change or improvement has been noted in the stock markets during the paet week. Mild conditions have certainly stimulated growth to a certain extent, but euch a nhortage has been experienced that it will, be some Ume before- farmers or graziers will have any surplus. "Last week it was mentioned that beef if anything, was just a little easier, but it m pleasing to note that during this week at all sales a very sound level has been maintained. As a matter of fact at Te Awamutu, where an excellent yarding was penned, new high levels were reached and in several cases central yard values exceeded. Perhaps it might be as well to mention the fact that the offering of beef, so far ae quality is concerned, has been of the beet, the cattle being particularly well finished and of splendid quality. Aβ .vet no offerings of store cattle of any note nave come forward and although no great inquiry exists, it is considered that a pen-
ning of good quality cattle would meet a fairly ready market. With special sales nexj week a better indication, of .the demand will be able to be given. "Dairy stock of all cla sees is etill gelling comparatively well with little alteration in values. Naturally, few cows are being offered with good yardings of heifers, but it Cannot be said that the quality in many cases is of a very high standard. . "Good supplies of mutton, are available at practically all sales, but this section still remains disappointing. A looked-for rise in values has not materialised and only the very beet classes are competed but unfortunately' weather conditions made it impoeeible for numerous farmers to finish properly their article. "In the store section practically the only business being transacted is in, hoggets, and although sales are being made values generally are disappointing. "Increased yardinge of pigs are coming forward and in all sections values remain firm. Good grown stores in particular are improving under a strong demand from buttermilk feeders." ' - WESTFIELD PRICES FIRM. i Except in the fat pig section prices were very firm on the Westfield fat stock market yesterday. Keen' bidding kept values for sheep, cattle and calvee well up to the advanced levels of recent weeks, number* yarded being about average. The offering of pige was also about the same as usual, but while porkers sold at firm ratee baeonere were down by 3/ to 4/ a head. The range of prices, together with last week's, is as follows: — This Week. Last Week. BEEP (per 1001b)— j Extra choice ox 40/ 40/ Choice and prime ox 36/ to 39/ 36/ to 39/ Choice and prime cow and heifer 33/ to 36/ 33/ to 89/ Boner and rough 25/ to 32/ 25/ to 32/ BHEEP (per head) — Prime wethers . .27/ to 37/9 26/ to 37/3 ffnfln. wethers . 20/ to 26/6 10/ to 25/r, Prime ewee . . 15/ to 25)7- 16/6 to 28/3 Cnfin. ewee .. 10/ to 17/e 7/6 to 16/ Hogpetß 18/ to 27/6 8/ to 29/ Hpring lambe . — . 25/ (per head) — Banners 70/ to 150/ 80/ to 220/ Vealere . .. -4/ to 18«/ 8/ to 136/ PIGS (per head) — Baeonere 66/ to 01/ 70/ to 95/ Porkers. ~.; ,34/ to 67/ 25/ to 71 / Weaners .....: 12/ to 25/: 15/ to 26/ Slips • 20/ to 80/, 28/ to 34/ Large stores .. 30/ to 37/ 26/ to 44/ LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report:— Beef.—At the Westfield fat stock market we had more than an average yarding of beef. Competition was keen, wjth values jfor' all claesee very firm at last week's quotations. Extra ox eold to £2 per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £1 16/ to £1 19/; ordinary and plain ox, £1 10/ to .£1 15/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 14/ to £1 18/; ordinary cow beef, £1 6/ to £1 13/; extra heavy. prime steer* ranged in, price from £19 10/ to £17 5/; heavy prime steers, £15 to £16 2/6; lighter prime steers, £13 to £14 17/6; light prime steers, £10 to £12 17/8; plain and 011811, £7 to £9 17/6; .extra heavy prime young cows and heifere, £11 10/ to £13 10/; heavy prime young cows and heifere, £9 10/ to £11 5/; lighter, £8 to £9 5/; light, £6 to £7 17/6; aged and plain fioiehed cowe, £2 10/ to £5 15/. Prime eteere from Mrs. E. L. Craig, Waipipi, realised up to £17 5/. Prime cows from Mr. Oeo. Reed, Waerenga, realised up to £13 10/. Sheep.—A large entry of sheep met a steady demand, with little or no change in values. Heavy prime wether*, £1 15/ to" £1 17/9; medium prime wethers, £1 10/ to £1 14/6; light prime wethere, £1 7/ to £1 e /9; *tnall and unfinished wethere, £1 to £1 6/6; heavy prime ewee, £1 5/ "to £1 7/6; medium prime ewes, £12/ to £1 4/9; light prime ewee, 18/ to £1 Vβ; 3*« killtbie ewee," 15/ to 1776; inferiorly fatted ewee, 10/ to 14/; heavy oriee-hoggeteT '£1 5/ to £1 7/6; medium, £1 2/ to £1 4/9; light, 18/ to £1 1/6; unfiniehetl. 10/ to 17/.
.Pigß.— We had an average yarding of Pigs. Values for baconers were easier. Porkere remained at the name rates ae wet"week". Chopper* eold from £1" to £? and medium baconen,. from *312/ to £4 8/;-sght baconero and heavy porkere, from S2 18/ to £3 10/; medium Porkere and light porkers, from £2 to £? 16/; email, £110/ to £1 18/. Store PWB sold at late rates. , Large stores, £1 W to £1 17/; slipe, £1 to _£1 10/; JW'^yve. 15/; ™ (in pig), We nad a fair entrv of calves. Ine demand k stilf keen, and values remained firm on laet week"e quotatione. Runnere, £3 10/ to Zl 10/; heavy vealers, £o 10/ to £6 6/; medium, £5 to £5 8'; light, £3 16/ to £4 16': smaller. £3 to £3 14/; email, £2 8/ to £2 18/; rough calves, 15/ to £1 10/: fresh-dropped to three-weeke-old, 7/ to £2 6/.
DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports: Beef.—At our weekly Westtield fat stock market our offering of beef totalled 220 head, comprising n> eteers and 210 cows and heifers, against 208 head last week. Bidding throughout was very keen, and values ruled very firm on last week's rates, kxtra choice ox sold to 40/ per 1001b; choice and *)rime ox, 37/ to 30/; just killable, 33/ tp 36/; prime young cow, and beef, 33/ to 39/; just killable, 25/ to 32/; heavy prime eteeis, £14 7/6 to £14 15/; lighter prime steers, £13 to £14 5/; light prime eteers, £11 to £12 15/; small and unfinished steers, £9 5/ to £10 10/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £12 2/6 to £13 17/6 for heifers from Mr. J. A. Hill, Hoe-o-Tainui; heavy prime cows and heifere, £10 10/ to £12; lighter prime cows and heifers, £9 to £10 5/; other killable cows.. Jbs to £7: 18 cows sold on account of Mr. E. M. Wright, Mauku, averaged £11 16/9: nine cows and heifers sold on account of Mr. J. A. Hill, Hoe-o-Tainui averaged £11 10/. Sheep.—Sheep again came forward in average, numbers, and sold under ready competition at values fully on a .par with laet week. Extra heavy prime wethers. £ 1 16/ to £1 18/6; heavy prime. £1 14/9 to £1 15/9; medium, £1 12/ to £1 14/6; lighter, £19/6 to £1 IP/6; light and unfinished, £1 6/6 to £1 9/; heavy prime ewes. £1 5/9 to £1 7/9; lighter, £1 3/3 to £1 5/6; other ewes, 14/ to £1 2/6. Lambs.—A email entry of lambs sold freely at full late rates. Heavy prime lamb, £1 4/6 to £16/; medium, £1 2/ to £1 4/; lighter, 19/ to £1 1/6; light, 16/ to 18/6. Calves. —We had an averaging yarding of good quality calves. Competition was good and values ruled very firm to slightly better than last week's rates. Runners, £4 10/ to £7 Iβ,'. for a choice heifer sold on account of Mr. K. G. McLennan; heavy vealere, £j 10/ to £6 18/; medium, £4 12/ to £5 7/; light, £3 13/ to £4 10/; smaller, to £3 10': unfinished and bucket-fed. £1 5/ to £2 2/; bobby calves, 5/ to 16/. Pigs.—An average yarding of fat pigs was penned. The demand for baconers was not so keen, and values eased. Porkers fiold steadily at late rates. Heavy baconers, £4 1/ to £4 7/: medium. £3 16/ to £3 19/; light, £3 8/ to £3 13/; heavy porkers, £3 3/ to £3 10/; medium. £2 16/ to £3 2,'; light, £2 6/ to £2 14/. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, reports:— » Beef.—Yesterday at our weekly Westfield fat stock market we penned fat cattle to the number of -46 head, as against 249 head last week, comprising 71 steers and 175 cows and heifere. Ox beef was penned in smaller numbers. Competition was keen and late quotations were easily maintained. The quality of cows and heifers was not up to the usual standard. Bidding was brisk and a keen sale resulted at fully late rates. Extra choice ox eold to £2 per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £1 17/ to £1 19/; secondary and plain ox, £1 13/ to £1 16'; prime young <ow and heifer beef. £1 16/ to £1 18/; ordinary cow beef, £1 5/ to £1 10/, Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £15 10/ to £17 5/. The latter price Wae for steers from Messrs. Blackett Brother*, Te Kowhai. Heavy prime steers. £it 5/ to £15; lighter prime steers. £13 to £13 15/; light prime eteers, £11 15/ to £12 7/6; small- and unfinished steers, £7 10/ to £10 15/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifere, £11 to £12; heavy prime cows and heifers. £9 5/ to £10; lighter prime cows and heifere, £" 15/ to £8 10/; other killable cowe, £4 15/ to £6 10/.
Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 772. Bidding was steady throughout the sale and laet week's improved prices were' maintained. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 14/6 to £1 16/9; heavy, prime wethers, £1 12/ to £1 13/; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 10/ to £1 11/6; light to medium prime wethers, £1 7/6 to £1 8/6; unfinished wethers, £14/ to £1 6/; extra heavy prime young ewee, £1 6/ to £L 9/; heavy prime ewes, £1 3/6 to £1 5/; lighter prime ewes, £1 to £1 2/; other killable ewes, 17/ to 18/6; other ewes, 2/6 to 14/. La m be.—Our total yarding of lambs numbered 231 and sold freely at late rates. Extra heavy prime lambs, £1 7/ to £1 11/; heavy prime lambs, £1 4/ to £1 5/6; lighter prime lambs, £1 to £1 2/64 light prime lambs, 18/ to 19/; small and plain lambs, 13/6 to 16/. One pen of extra choice lambs sold on account of Mr. L. W. LeggV Runciman, made £1 13/. Calvee.—We again had a full yarding of Good quality runners and vealere were in short supply, and sold under keen competition at fully laet week's advanced rates. Ifo heavy runners were penned. Medium runnere, £5 5/ to £7; heavy prime vealens, £6 to £6 16/, for an exceptionally choice vealer from Wiri; medium prime veakrs, £4 10/ to £5 9/; light vealers, £3 15/ to £4 4/; smaller vealers. £2 12/ to £3 10/; small vealere, £1 10/ to £2 5/; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 5/ to £2 If; Jjobby calvee, 4/ to 15/. (A total of 374 calvee was sold.)
Pigs.—An average yarding of pigs came forward. The demand for well-finished porkers was very steady, with values fully Up to last week's quotations, while baconers were decidedly easier from 3/ to 4/ a head. Choppers made from £3 9/ to £3 16/; extra heavy prime baconers, £4 2/ to £4 7/ (one outstanding baconer realised £4 11/); medium prime baeonere. £3 15/ to £4; light prime baconers, £3 6/ to £3 12/; heavy prime porkers. £3 to £3 7/; medium prime porkere, £2 8/ to £2 18/; light prime porkers. £2 2/ to £2 6/; small and unfinished porkers, £1 14/ to £ I 19/. A, large yarding of store pigs met with a very keen demand, with prices fully up to late ratee. Large stores, £1 10/ to £1 16/: smaller stores. £16/ to £1' 9/; good slips. £1 4/ to £1 8/; beet weaners, £1 to £1 5/; small ■weaners. 12/ to 18/; sows in pig. £3 to £5 10/. Baooners sold from 6%d to 6%d ner lb. and porkers realised from 7d to 7%d per lb. (A total of 547 pigs was sold.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 206, 1 September 1938, Page 23
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2,305LIVE STOCK MARKET Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 206, 1 September 1938, Page 23
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