AUCKLAND CONTROL OF GAME.I JUBILEE CUP SATURDAY, j SCHOOLBOYS' FA HADE, AUGUST 22. At last night's meeting of the Auckland Rilghy Football Union, over which Mr. Arthur linker presided, it was decided to commence the Jubilee Clip knock-out competition, in two sections of the lirst division, 011 Saturday. The Suburbs Club sent a deputation, consisting of Messrs. Graham, Howie, Orrvll and Kitchie, to request improvements to the grounds on the racecourse at Avondale. where the club plays most of its matches, attracting, according to one member of tlie deputation, up to 500 people for important matches.
Messrs. Graham and Ritchie stated the work was oijo of urgency, the surface at present being in a vvry unsatisfactory and uneven condition. The ploughing, levelling and grassing of an area this spring would provide three excellent grounds for next winter.
A commit too was set up, comprising the chairman and Messrs. Laurie ami Sutherland, to confer with the Avondale JockeyClub ami to arrange if practicable l'or the work to be put in Imml at the union's expense.
The Taranaki Union eonfirmed the arrangement to play next year's match with Auckland in July, instead of later in the season, as in Up* past. Taranaki also suggested that in l'nture the popular TaranakiAuckland tixture be played twice yearly on a home-and-home I?.sis. Mr. Baker said this required consideration in view of possible interference with club fixtures. The matter was ret erred to the match commit tee.
Tiie Tauranga Union wrote inviting the winning team of the subsidiary competition, which is to be conducted in Auckland while the representative team is abs.-nt, to visit Tauranga for a game with the local representatives. Mr. Arthur Billiugion pointed out that, although it had boon agreed that the winning team in this competition should have an outside game, the policy laid down had been that it should play one of Auckland's sub-unions. It was decidvd to notify Tauranga that this policy must lie adhered to. The Taupiri Union applied for a match with an Auckland senior club tpam on August 29 or September 5. and it was decided that either Grammar Did Hoys or Marist. (-cams which have byes on these dates, should he invited to accept the iixnire.
Yisits by the Junior representatives to Paeroa on August S. and by the third grade representatives to i'apakura on the same date, were 'approved. The I'riinarv Schools I'lilon was granted £40 toward the cost of sending teams to Thames Valley for the Northern Roller Mills competition. A recommendation was received from the junior hoys' committee that a parade of primary school footballers and junior boys should* be st'Jged on August -- —the day Auckland's match against Australia—— as a demonstration of the strength of this class of Kugby. It was decided that the chairman. Mr. A. linker, should confer with the I'riinarv Schools' Union on the subject. Mr. A. H. Floyd stated that well over 1000 boys could be paraded, as there are 144 tennis playing in all primary grades of the primary schools' competition (besides 00 in the secondary schools).
Mr.-A. Buliiniis. chairman of the junior hoys' committee. taking liis place for tlio first time ns ail advisory member of the innnnsviiient committee, was welcomed by members.
It was reported that for the remainder of the season the outer ground at the Domain is to be made available exclusively for junior boys' matches in order to reduce tlie amount of travelling imposed on suburban teams. Clearances were granted (o A. Johns. Minamata representative, and I". Ilalli well, of Clevedon. to play for Otahulni. T. Fitzgihlion, Marist, was regriuled to senior second division. SATURDAY"S PROGRAMME. Matches to he played oil Saturday under the control of the Auckland Kugby 1* ootball Union: — Senior First Division. —First section: Ponsonbv v. Grafton, Eden I'ark No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. ,1. G. C. Wales: Otaliuhu v. Training College, Kturgcs Park, 3 p.m., Mr. E. J. Cichero: Technical v. North Shore, North Shore No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. V. Kerr. Second section : Manukau v. Grammar, Eden Park No. 1. 1.30 p.m., Mr. A. A. 1-ucas; 1 niversity v. Marist, Eden Park No. 2, 3 p.m.. Dr. ltriggs: College Kitles, a bye. Line I'mpires.—Eden Park No. 1. Messrs. E. Hudson, W. S. ill : Eden Park. No. 2. Messrs. \V. J. Crighton, .1. I'earce. Reserve: Mr. .1. A. Malcolm.
Senior Second Division. —-Etlen v. Parnell, Gribble-llirst Park, 3 p.m., Mr. H. G. Bowden; Suburbs v. Takapuna. Stadium, 3 p.m.. Mr. A. Leatliart; Marist v. Manukau, Eden Park No. 3. :t p.m., Mr. W. Gasparieh ; I'nivcrsity v. Manukau Suh-l'nion, Papakura, 3 p.m., arranged. Second Grade A—Suburbs v. Grafton. Western Springs, 3 p.m., Mr. C. I l '. I'aull: Marist v. Trinity College, Eden Park No. 3, 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. It. Dye; University v. Panmurc, Paumure, 3 p.m., Mr. ,1. Salt: Waitemata v. Eden, Swanson, 3 p.m., Mr. K. K. Havhow. _ ; Second tirade B.—Technical v. Northeote. Northeote Park. 3 p.m.. Mr. .1. Gasparieh: Ponsonby v. Otahuhu. Victoria Park No. 1. 3 p.m.," Mr. .1. Finlayson : Grammar v. Training College. Western Springs. 1.30 p.m., Mr. E. H. Macintosh; College Utiles wins l).v default. Third Grade A. —Grafton v. Otahuhu. \ irtoria Park No. 1. 1.30 p.m.. Mr. C. Mmdoch : Training College v. Waitemata. Point Clievalier No. 1. 3 p.m.. Mr. C. F. ISeecroft: College Rifles v. Manukau A. (Inehunga No. 1, 3 p.m., Mr. H. D. Craig; Grammar Colts, a bye. . Third Grade B.—Technical v. St. George's. Three Kings, 3 p.m.. Mr. E. Earll.v; Ponsonby v. Takapuna, Takapuna No. i, 3 p.m.. Mr. E. Simmons; Grammar A v. Tamaki; Point Chevalier No. 'J, 3 p.m., Mr. M. Paris; Manukau Colts, a bye. Intermediate Grade A.—Grafton v. Manukau, Domain No. 5, 3 p.m., Mr. M. »- Thompson: College Ilifles v. Otahuhu, Sturges I'ark, 1.30 p.m., Mr. A. I'niversity v. Grammar A. Domain No. ,i. 1.30 p.m!. Mr. M. W. Thompson : Marist v! Ponsonby (B section), Domain No. 1. 1.30 p.m.. Mr. E. Pearce. Intermediate Grade B.—Ponsonby v. Marist (A section), Domain No. 1. 1.30 p.m. Mr. E. Pearce: Parnell v. Technical. Domain No. 1, 3 p.m.. Mr. E. Pearce; Eden v. Suburbs. Avondale No. -» 3 p.m., Mr. F. Frv : Training College, a bye. Fourth Grade:—Marist v. Manukau. Eden Park No. 2. 1.30 p.m.. Mr. 1). V. Moore t I'anmure v. Parnell. Grey Lynn, 3 p.m.. Mr. \ Williams: Technical v. Ponsonby. I liree kings. 1.30 p.m.. Mr. S. V. Nicol: Otahuhu v Suburbs. Avondale No. 1. 3 p.m.. Mr. .1. H. Land: Takapuna v. North Shore. Takapuna No. 2. 3 p.m.. Mr. L Bridgens : Northeote. a bye; Grammar, a bye; Newton, a " V Fiftli Grade A.—Technical v. Manukau. Oneliunga No. 1. 1.30 p.m.. Mr. \\. St George's v. Parnell. Showgrounds, 3 p.m.. Mr. L. Bay : North Shore v. Tamaki. North Shore No. 'J. 3 p.m., Mr. J. G. Howard. .. ~ Fifth Grade B. —Grammar v. Nortlicote. Northeote Park. 1.311 p.m.. Mr. J. KirkPatrick: Marist v. Eden. Stadium. 1.30 p.m.., Mr. G. A. I.endrum : Ponsonby v. Takapuna. Takapuna No. 1. 1.30 p.m., Mr. E. Simmons: Suburbs Colts, a bye. Sixth Grade. —Eden v. Otaluibu. GribhleHirst Park. 1.30 p.m., Mr. H. G. Bowden : St George's v. Suburbs. Avondale No. 1. 1.30 11.111?. Mr. S. Burk : Manukau v. Panmure. Oneliunga No. 2. 3 p.m., Mr. E. K. Carter.
BOYS" COMPETITION'S. Seniors. —Suburbs v. Newton, Grey I.ynn, 1.30 p.m., Mr. A. G. Williams: Parnell v. Mnnuknu. Showgrounds, 1.30 p.m.. Mr. H. L Wratliall; Takapuna v. Eden, Potters Park. 3 p.m.. Mr. C. C. Robertson. Intermediate. —- Newton \. Nortlicote, Outer Domain. 3 p.m.. Mr. 1-. E. (jargon . North Shore v. Marist. North Shore No. _, 1.30 p.m., Mr. J. G. Howard: Takapuna v. St George's. Potter's Park. 1.4.") p.m., Mr. c C. Robertson; Otahuhu v. Parnell. Sturges Park. 12.30 p.m.. Mr. N. Lipscombe; Eden v. Manukau, Point Chevalier No. 1. 1 30 p.m.. Mr. C. F. Beeeroft: Suburbs v. Mnnukau Colts. Oneliunga No. 3, 1.4,1 p.m., Mr. C. S. Reader. juniors.—North Shore v. Takapuna, North Shore No. 1. 1.45 p.m.. Mr. V Keefe. Parnell v. Xorthcote. Outer Domain. 1.30 p.m., Mr. F. E. Gargen : Eden v. Panmure. Point Chevalier No. 2. 1.30 P-Ui.. ilr - ; Pari*- Manuka 11 v. Monte Cecilia. Onehunj,a No *» 1.30 p.m.. Mr. E. K. Carter: Newton wins l>v default: Suburbs, a bye; St. Andrew's v. St.'s. Pencarrow Avenue, 3 p.m., Mr. R. E. Ree~-«s. SECONDARY SCHOOI.S. Senior. —Grammar v. King s. King s College. 3 p.m.. Mr. Kirk-Burnand : Sacred Heart College v. South Auckland secondary school representatives. Sacred Heart College. 2.30 p.m., Mr. E. H. Boulton; Mount Albert, a bye. , Second Grade.—Kings v. Mount Albert. Mount Albert, 2 p.m.. Mr. T. H. Robinson : Technical v. Grammar B. Grammar. No. 1. 10.30 a.m., Mr. R. Burk ; Grammar A. a bye. Third Grade A.—Otnlmhu v. Mount Albert. Mount Albert. No. 1. 10.30 a.m.. Mr. A. M. Matheson ; Grammar, a bye.
Third Grade R.—Sacred Heart v. Grammar, Sacred Heart, 10.30 a.m., Mr. 11. M. Scott; Mount Albert v. Takapuna, Takairana Grammar, 10.30 a.m., Mr. W. Elworth : Kill's, a bye. Fourth Grade A. —Takapuna v. Sacred Heart, Takapuna Grammar, 0.30 a.m., Mr. \V. Elworth ; Grammar A v. Mount Albert, Grammar No. 1, 0.30 a.m., Mr. R. Burk; Tecliuieal v. Grammar B, Domain No. 1, 0.30 a.m., Mr. 1.. J. Meek.
Fourlii Grade B. —Grammar C v. Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart, 0.30 a.m., Mr. H. M. Scott; Mount Albert v. Otahuhu, Otahuhu, ». 1. 10.30 a.m., Mr. K. Watkins; Grammar 1). a bye.
Firth (Ira ilo A.—Otaliuli u v. Sacreil Heart, Victoria l'ark. No. 3. 10.30 a.m., Mr. G. Ashton : Grammar v. Takapuna, North Shore. No. 1, 0.30 a.m.. Mr. K. S. Slaney : .Mount Albert v. Technical, Mount Albert No. 2, 0.30 a.m., Mr. h. Coign n.
Fifth Grade B.—Dihvorth v. Kowliai, Domain, No. 5, 0.3.0 a.m., Mr. H. Blow; Grammar B v. Sac ml Heart, Grammar No. 2, 10.30 a.m., Mr. A. M. Wilson; Mount Albert H v. Mount Albert C, arranged; Tecliuieal v. Otaliiihu, Otalniliii, No. 3, 0.30 a.m., Mr. K. NYatkins; Grammar C, a b.v<\
Sixth Grade A.- -Technical v. Sacred Heart, Outer Domain. 0.30 a.m., Mr. S. Tilly; Grammar v. Takapuna, Grammar No. 2, 0.30 a.m., Mr. A. M. Wilson; Mount Albert, a bye.
Sixth Grade B.—Sacred Heart B v. Grammar B, Victoria l'ark. No. 1. 0.30 a.m., Mr. G. Ashton: Otahuliu v. Mount Albert H, Mount Albert, No. 1. 9.30 a.m.. Mr. A. M. Matheson ; Takapuna v. Mount Albert C. North Shore, No. 1, 10.30 a.m., Mr. E. S. Slaney ; Grammar C v. Technical li, Grammar, No. 3, 0.30 a.m., Mr. N. Simmons.
Seventh Grade.—Otahuhu v. Sue red Heart A, Domain, Xo. 10.30 a.m., Mr. H. Hlow : Technical v. Grammar. Outer Domain. 10.30 a.m., Mr. S. Tilly; Grammar H v. Technical K. Grammar. No. 3, 10.30 a.m., Mr. X. Simmons; Mount Albert, a bye. JUUiXHS C'JP R.VJL.S3. WINNER TO MEET rONSOXBV. The Auckland Ru.ghy Football Union's Jubilee Trophy competition, to be conimeneed next Saturday, will be played in one round among division senior teams. Tiie management committee is given power by the rules to conduct the competition by tiie division of the entries into sections, the winners id' the sections to play-oft' and tiie winner of tiie play-off to be declared the winner of the trophy. The winner of tiie Gallaher shield, I'onsonby, and the successful team in the Jubilee Trophy competition will tie matched for tiie grand championship, for which caps will lie provided l'or tiie members of the victorious fifteen. In the event of the same team winning both competitions it .shall be known as the grand champion.
During tlit? sUHpeiislon of the Jubilee Trophy matches in August during the southern tour of the Aueklanil representatives, a subsidiary competition will be run for which .special rules and regulations have been drawn up. SUBURBS CLUB. SIXTH U RADIO TEAM'S RECORD. At the invitation of the junior management hoard, the captain, vice-captain and coach of the suburbs sixth grade team attended on Tuesday evening at the meeting of the board, when the chairman, Sir. A. Tilly, extended congratulations to the club mid the players on their line performance in winning the championship ior the I!l3<> season. Delegates from the various clubs complimented the team*on tlie high standard of play shown and extended eongrat illations. In returning thanks, the coach recapitulated the past performances of the team, which was formed in 11Kl.'i and competed successfully in the junior boys' grade for that season. The championship record was: Games played 14, won 13. drawn 1, points for 31)4, against !). Season 1034: intermediate boys, runners.up to Eden (games 115. won l.'i, drawn "J. lost 1, points .'JSO — 14). .Season 103.1 : Champions, senior hoys, played 14. won 14. points 307 —8. Season 303*0: Championship sixth jrrade. played Hi, won 10, points J7'_' —3. Total points for four years, Hi.Vt for and 34 against. Of the 10 members of the present team, seven played in tile original team in 11)34 and 112 in 103."). This is certainly a unique record, and it is hoped that, the team will keep together and seek further honours in the higher grades. l!v defeating I'onsonby oil Saturday the Suburbs lifth graders retained their posi(ion as leaders of section 15. This team and also the fourth grade are improving every week and will lie hard to beat.
The seniors (second division) are two points up 011 Manukau. who have one game to play. The next meeting of these teams will he awaited with interest and an excellent game should result.
THE ALL BLACKS. TESTS AGAINST AUSTRALIA. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) \Y ELLINGTON. \Y ed n e sda y. After playing the at Wellington on September lie All Black team will he kept together for the second match at Dnnedin on September lli. The New Zealand Rugby l/iiion to-night decided that the Dominion team should play a game against South Canterbury at Timaru on September 5). on its way to Dnnedin. The Australians will be meeting North Otago at Oainarn that day. COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVES. WHANG ABE I BEATS OTAMATEA. In the replay yesterday in the Harding Shield match between Whangarei and Otamatea, the former won by 11 points to 10. Last Saturday at Maungaturoto the teams played a three-point draw, and although Lindsay Weir (the New Zealand cricket rep. wh > was leading Whangarei) won on the toss of a eoin. he refused to accept the verdict and sportingly insisted upon a replay. NORTHERN WAIItOA'S ELECT. For the final elimination match for the Harding Shield in the southern zone the following team has been chosen to represent Northern Wairoa at Dargaville next Saturday against Whangarei : —Full-back, Te More (Kaihu): three-quarters, Nash (Northern Stan. Walters (Southern), Conaghan (Northern Star): live-eighths, Burkhardt (Kaihu), Franich (Southern); half-back, Hackett (Southern) : forwards, I). Newlove (Kaihu). M. Morresey (Northern Star). J. Newlove (Kaihu), Wordley (Southern). Wilson (Ruawai), Flavell (Kaihu). Stanaway (Northern Star). Simons (Southern). Reserves: Backs, Corkill (Southern), Osbaldiston (Kaihu), B. Morresey (Northern Star) : forwards, Taylor (Northern Star), Bell (Kuawai). I'. Morresey (Northern Star), Nathan (Kaihu). THAMES V. PAEROA. Thames Rugby senior team to meet Paeroa on Saturday at Thames for the Birch Cup:—P. Ray, W. Savage. S. Goodwin. C. Billing. O. Hay ward. C. Hamilton, R. Vedder. J. Poland. A. Story (captain), A. Howard. E. Russek, #\ Barbalich. T. Abraham, C. Abraham. G. Burgess. Reserves: E. Murray. Maxwell. Duffy (hacks): Watene, Sanderson, Elisor (forwards). OPOTIKI V. APANUI. Cpotiki players to meet Apanui in the Bay of Plenty Rugby competition for the Pa rata Cup, the match to be played at Te Kali a on Saturday:—Full-back. Mason: three-quarters. Ross. Morgan. N. Slialfoon : five-eighths, Mihaere. Cuff: half-back, R. Abbott; forwards. Maunsell. Newth. Edwards. Poeliipi, Gage. Clay. Tekane, A. Abbott. Reserves : Backs. Delamere. Hunia, T. Walker; forwards, Ashdown, Mulhern, Shadow. UNIVERSITY V. SUB-UNION. Team to represent the University Rugby Football Club in a match to be played against the Manukau Sub-union representatives at Papakura on Saturday:—E. C. Brenstrum (captain), J. D. Camachan. C. G. Chater. X. Dixon. C. W. Evans, J. I'. C. Eneveldsen. H. C. Garliek. S. C. B. Gaseoigne. G. L. Hesketli. J. I'. Hooper. .T. W. Law. J. E. Makgill, .T. I'. McYeagh. I'. T. Medhurst. B. 1). O'Shea. .1. IJ. I'aterson. I-\ W. Smedley, W. H. Stevenson, E. K. Wylie. Mr. L. E. Brooker will l>e manager.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 173, 23 July 1936, Page 22
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2,702RUGBY FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 173, 23 July 1936, Page 22
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