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The curtain will fall on the 1934 Rugby season next Saturday when, owing to Eden Park being closed to football, the final of the Jubilee Trophy and Rugby Union Gold Cup will be fought out at the Show Grounds between Grammar and Marist. To many Grammar's victory over Graiton, the club championship winners, came as a big surprise, but whispers emanating from the Grammar quarters last week prepared many for a hard game and an excellent chance of that team winning. Grammar was definitely Grafton's master last Saturday, and is a worthy finalist xor the .Jubilee Trophy. Marist, also, has worked hard to redeem the defeats of the beginning of the season. The senior team kicked off weeks before the other clubs with the Spillane Cup tournament at Easter, but the members have gained their reward in winning through to the final of the Jubilee .trophy series, the reward of perseverence and dogged determination in overcoming what appeared to be insurmountable obstacles. Il illustration of this Is the fact that repeated injuries have resulted in 33 players having 'played in the senior team this season, J8 backs and 15 forwards. Proof of the slight difference in the calibre of the various senior teams in Auckland is revealed by a glance at the records of the two trophy finalists. Alter the first round Grammar and Marist, together with College Rifles, were relegated to the senior B division, Marist winning its way back to senior A status by securing the top position in the B division in the second round. Luck was not with Grammar, and it has had to stay in the senior B division for next season, but it has capped this season's performances by decisively defeating the senior A champions in the semi-final, and taking its place with Marist in the final. Many followers of the game are inclined to believe that Grammar will have little difficulty in defeating Marist next .Saturday but it is on the cards that they will be" as far astray as last week in believing that Grammar could not beat Grafton. Marist only won one game in the rivt round of the club championship, but since then it has not been defeated, a far better record than Grammar can boast, and cue club supporters and players are confident that the last game of the season will not result in a defeat. . Man for man there is little to pick between the two teams and patrons at the Show Grounds next Saturday should see some enjoyable football in the final game of the' season. The Pirates, a team composed of players from half a dozen Auckland senior clubs, previously mentioned in this column, has finished its scries of matches against \\aiheke, and, although victorious in all five games, the record of points, 78 for and li;) against, shows the evenness ot the games. W. llammou, Auckland representative three-quarter, has proved himself a very useful front row forward, besides heading the scoring list. He is closely followed by A. Keano and A. Mcßeth. ot the Auckland B pack, who pleased as hveeighths. ,tt -i i The most promising of the Waiheke team, besides A. Berridge, of Manukau, and A. Bourke,' of Grafton, who qualify by reason of summer residence, have been L Brown, a fine 14st forward and a good goal kicker, and P. O'Brien, a fast and elusive inside back and captain of the side. The games have been refereed by Mr M. Parris, who, by liberal use of the' advantage rule, has helped greatly in the production of fast, open football. The Manukau Chill intends holding its annual prize night and dance on the last night of this month. Jack Evans, who has been playing as a front row forward with the Otahuhu senior team for the past three years, scored his first try last Saturday.

Kingi Smith, the speedy Mnrist winger, scored two fine tries lust Saturday, and us good players in this position arc very much lacking, more serious attention to football might give him a chance next season* Recently delegates from the various clubs had an unofficial conference and various matters were brought forward. Now the Auckland Union has called a meeting for October 29, when delegates will be able to discuss matters pertaining to the interests of the game. Players and officials of the Grammar and Technical Old Hoys' Clubs bade bon voyage to W. Hammon and A. Keane, wlio sailed by the Monterey for Melbourne on Friday. The former is joining his parents and will probably be lost to Auckland football for at least a couple of seasons, but the Technical player will return after a short holiday. Otahuhu players and friends gather round the festive board next Saturday evening for the annual smoke concert. M. Judd, the stocky Marist forward, who was unfortunate in receiving concussion in the last few minutes of the game last Saturday, is still in hospital, but be is reported to be making a good recovery.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 239, 9 October 1934, Page 14

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 239, 9 October 1934, Page 14

RUGBY FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 239, 9 October 1934, Page 14


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