No More Piles. Pile sufferers can only get qulcK, safe and lasting: rcller by removing the cause —baa biood circulation in the lower bowel. Cutting- and salves can't do this —an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leonhardt's Vaculoid, a liermless tablet, succeeds because It relieves this blood congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Vaculoid has a wonderful record for quick, safe and lasting relief to Pile sufferers. It will do the same Tor you or money back. Chemists anywhere sell Vaculoid with this guarantee.—Copyright. W. A. THOMPSON & CO. for Latest Qual- Malffit&srgMreffl ity Prams and XVy Pushchairs at VV\# Free List Issued. Phone 45-998. UgU ■ f OR TOOTHACHE
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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 149, 26 June 1934, Page 11
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109Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 149, 26 June 1934, Page 11
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