MONTEREY ARRIVES. TAMABOA LOADING. Monterey arrived from Los Angeles this morning and berthed at Prince s wharf. She is continuing her voyage to Sydney at 5 p.m. to-day. Tamaroa is loading at the Central wharf for En-land, and leaves with passengers and mails on Wednesday morning, via Panama. Winton, with cargo from New York and Galveston, arrived yesterday, and sails for Wellington, Lyttelton _ and Dunedin at 5 p.m. to-day. She is at the Queen's wliarf. Port Whangarei arrived from Soutn this morning, and sails again for South this afternoon. Waipiata, loading for Southern ports at Prince's wharf, is to sail at 6 p.m. to-day. Rangitane, en route from London to New Zealand, arrived at Colon on November 2. Rangitiki is due from Wellington on Mondav to continue loading for England. She will berth at Queen's wharf.
ARHlVALS—YesteriJay. Taniwlia, from Paeroa, 4.30 p.m. Kawau, from Great Barrier, 8.15 p.m.
This Day. Tamuroa, from Gisbome. 0.50 a.m. Monterey, from Los Angeles. 6.55 a.m. Passengers for Anclclanu : —Mrs. J. Ij. Berrv, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chapman and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark, Mr. I-.. Dp Guerre. Mrs. Humphreys-Davies, Mrs. Eflith Javne, Mr. and Mrs. V. Johnstone, Miss G. M. Jones, Miss K. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Larson, Miss F. G. McT.elland. Miss B. MeLelland, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Milnes, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel C. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Niccol, Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock and family, Miss B. W. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. A. Vlaloux, Mr. Herbert Bellam, Mr. H. C. C. Bellam. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick Bradley and son, Mr. B. Brahne, Mrs. M. Clapham, Mr T. R. Colebrook, Master T. DudleySmith. Mr. A. V. Evans, Miss G. Evans, Mr. F. J. Gee, Mrs. L. and Miss Jose Ifwersen, Miss E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mason, Miss C. E. Mcintosh, Miss A. Mecham, Mrs. M. D. O'Neil, Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Purnell and family, Miss R. Raysmith, Mrs. D. Shirley, Misses B. and S. Shirley. Master W. Shirley, Miss C. Simpson, Mr. Stephen Smith, Mrs. M. Suisted. Port Whangarei, from South, 9.25 a.m.
DEPARTURES—Yesterday. Monowai, for Sydney, 3.25 p.m. Hauitl, for Coromandel, 2.50 p.m. Tulioc, for Mercury Bay, 3.55 p.m. Coronation, for Whangarei, 6.10 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei, 8.10 p.m. This Day. Knwau, for Thames, 1.30 p.m. Hauitl, for Waiheke, 6.30 p.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. nauiti, from Coromandel, 1 p.m. Pono, from Warkworth, 1 p.m. TO-MORROW. Taniwha, from Paeroa, 4.30 a.m. Coronation, from Whangarei, 5 a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, 4 a.m. Iluaitl, from Walheke, 5.40 a.m. Waka, from Russell and I'arenga, 10 a.m. Paroto, from Kerepeehi, a.m. Tuhoe, from Tairua, a.m. Kawau, from Thames, 1.30 p.m. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. TO-DAY. Ahel Tasman, for Wellington, p.m. Kawan. for Thames, 1.30 p.m. Port Whangarei, for South, 4 p.m. Monterey, for Sydney, 5 p.m. Wiuton. for Wellington, 5 p.m. Waipiata, for Wellington, 6 p.m. Duchess, for Matiatia, 6.30 p.m. llauiti, for Waiheke, 6.30 p.m. TO-MORROW. Motu, for Awanui, noon. Toa, for Tauianga, noon. Hauiti, for Waiheke, 1 p.m. Waipahi. for Westport, noon. Tiroa, for Glsborne, noon. VESSELS IN PORT. H.M.s. Laburnum, Devonport (Naval Dept.). H.M.s. Philomel, Devonport (Naval Dept.). 11.M.5. Veronica. Devonport (Naval Dept.). R.F.I. Nucula, Devonport (Naval Dept.). Recorder, in stream (Pacific Cable Board). Waipahi, Prince's Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Monterey, Prince's Wharf (Oceanic). Waipiata. Prince's Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Abel Tasman, King's Wharf (N.S.S. Co.). Winton, Queen's Wharf (X.Z.S. Co.). Tamaroa, Central Wliarf (S.S. and A.).
Port Whangarei, Central Wharf (N.S.S. Co.) Yoseric, Chelsea (Speeding. Ltd.).
Gtinbar, Kairanga, Xltiko, Kaimanawa, Waiofapu, Kaitoke, Totua, Pakura, in stream.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. Leave Auckland for Sydney — Monterey November 3; Wanganella (H.P.), November 10. Leave Auckland for Sydney — Monowai (Union), November 2; Monterey (Oceanic), November 3; Wanganella (H.P.), November 10. Leave Wellington for Sydney—Marama (Union), November 10; Makura (Union), November 14. Due Auckland from Sydney—Wanganella (H.P.), November 8; Aorangi (Union), November 13. Duo Wellington from Sydney—Monowai (Union), November 13; Wanganella (H.P.), November 21; Makura (Union), November TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. Leave Wellington for San Francisco— Makura (Union), November 28, via Rarotouga. Papeete. Leave Auckland for Vancouver — Aorangi (Union), November 14, via Suva, Honolulu. Leave Auckland for San Francisco—Monterey (Oceanic), November 18, via Suva, Pago Pago. Honolulu, Los Angeles. Due Auckland from Vancouver — Niagara (Union), November 27, via Honolulu, Suva. Due Auckland from San Francisco—Monterey (Oceanic). November 3, via Los Angeles. Honolulu. Pago Pago. Suva. Due Wellington from San Francisco— Makura (Union), November 13, via Papeete, Karotonga. INWARD CARGOES DISCHARGING. Rhymney (A.S.P.), ex Seychelles, at New Plymouth. Cumberland (N.Z.S.), ex U.K., at Wellington. Waikouaiti (U.S.S.), ex Sydney, at Lyttelton. Waihemo (U.S.S.), ex Los Angeles, at Dunedin. Nolisement (A.S.P.), ex Juan de Nova, at Bluff. Rangitiki (N.Z.S.), ex London, at Wellington.
Golden Cloud (O. and O.), ex Los Angeles, at Tirnaro. Maul Pomare (Govt.), ex Apia, Niue, at Wellington. Abel Tasnian (N.S.S.), ex Newcastle, at Auckland. Winton (A. and A.), cx New York, at Auckland. CARGOES TO ARRIVE. Wairuna Nov. 6 U.S.A. Karetu Nov. 7 Islands Brisbane Maru .... Nov. S Japan Kartigi Nov. S .... Australia Canadian Constructor Nov. 9 Canada Kotorua Nov. 0 ....... U.K. Akaroa ........... Nov. 10 U.K. Golden Cross Nov. 12 U.S.A. City of Bedford .. Karamca ......... Nov. 27 U.K. Golden Coast Nov. 27 U.S.A. Fort Dunedin .... Nov. 27 .. New York Tealuvood Nov. 30 . . Black Sea Fordsdnle Nov. 30 U.K. Wailtawa Dec. 3 U.S.A. Canadian Highlander Dec. 7 Canada Tainui Dec. 11 U.K. Rangitata Dec. 20 U.K. Cornwall Dec. 21 U.K. Golden. Eagle .... Dec. 27 U.S.A. Hauraki Jan. 2 U.S.A. Canadian Victor . Jan. 4 Canada Huntingdon Jan. 10 U.K. Golden Bear Jan. 25 U.S.A. Ruahine - Jan. 31 U.K. lonic Feb. S U.S.A. Waihemo Feb. U.K. Rangitiki Feb. 14 U.K. Golden Cloud Feh. 27 U.S.A. Wairuna Mar. 1 U.S.A. Rangitana Mar. 14 U.K. Golden Coast Mar. 27 U.S.A. Waikawa Apr. 1 U.S.A. Rangitata ........ Apr. 11 .......... U.K.
KAWAU TRIP CANCELLED.' Owing to the easterly gale in the Gulf the agents for the steamer Duchess have cancelled her trip to Kawau this evening. The Duchess will now run only to Matiatia, leaving at 6.30 p.m. The usual Sunday trip will be made. PASSENGERS FOR AUSTRALIA. Announced to sail for Sydney at's p.m. to-day in continuation of her voyage from San Francisco, the Oceanic Line steamer Monterey is taking the following passengers :—First-class: Mrs. E. Allen and child, Mr. .T. H. Barker. Mrs. S. Braham, Mrs. r. Brown, Mr. M. P. Burney, Miss J. Davis, Miss Field, Miss R. M. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fox, Mrs. W. Hudson Fysh, Master J. 11. Fysh, Miss C. E. Fysh, Miss M. V. Harrington, Mrs. Herdson and child, Miss K. M. Hessel-Witliam, Mr. G. H. Hewson, Miss M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kendall and child, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin, Miss .T. Martin. Miss McNelis, Mr. D. McLeod, Miss V. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. O'Connor. Miss F. J. O'Connor, Mx\ and Mrs. .T. A. Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Plowman, Mr. N. Porter, Mr. H. Razetley, Mr. Sjtterthwaite, Miss L. O. Soski, Mr. 11. C. Spinley, Mr. Beaumont Smith, Mr. .T. Taple.v, Miss H. Tulloh, Mr. J. Trotter, Mr. C. Zelman. Cabin class: Miss D. J. Anderson, Mrs. C. Boles, Mrs. E. M. Brown, Mr. J. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. IX S. Donkin, Miss E. E. Heffernan, Mrs. R. Homer, Miss N. Homer, Miss M. Leser, Mrs. M. Morris, Miss S. Morris, Misses R. E„ E. A. and K. I. O'Connor, Mr. P. Short, Mr. L. B. Smith, Mr. O. T. Smith, Mr. G V. Steele, Mr. I. V. Steele, Miss B. Stuart, Mr. T. Taverner, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Taylor, Mrs. E. F. Taylor, Mr. Icsoriero.
LOADINGS FORECAST. (With arrival dates at final ports.) Brisbane Maru (0.5.1C), Auckland, November 8, to Kobe. Tamaroa (S.S. and A.), at Auckland, to Southampton, London. Kia Ora (S.S. and A.). Auckland, November 6, to Montevideo, U.K. Rangitiki (N.Z.S.), Auckland, November 8, Napier, November 14, London (passengers). Port Huon (C. and D.), Auckland, November 30, London. Tuscan Star (8.5.), Auckland, November 17, Wellington, November 29, London. Cumberland (Federal), Auckland, November 29, U.K. v> Melbourne Maru (0.5.1C), Auckland, December C. Kobe. Akaroa (S.S. and A.), Auckland, December 7, Southampton, London (passengers). Pakeha (S.S. and A.), Napier, December 12, London. Rotorua (N.Z.S.), Auckland, December 11, U.K. (passengers). Rangitane (N.Z.S.), Auckland, November 27. Wellington, December 15, London (passengers). . . Hertford (Federal), Auckland, December South, London. Sydney Maru (0.5. K.), Auckland, January 4, Kobe. UNION CO.'S STEAMERS, The Waipiata sails at 6 p.m. to-day for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Timaru and Picton. The Wairuna expects to arrive here on Monday evening from Pacific Coast ports via Nukualofa. After discharge here she proceeds to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Melbourne and Sydney. The Wgimarino is at Wellington, and proceeds thence to Picton and Auckland. The Karetu left Suva at midnight last night for Auckland. The Waimea left Gisborne yesterday for Napier and Auckland, and is due to-mor-row. She returns to those ports on Tuesday at 4 p.m. The Karepo left Greymouth yesterday for Wellington and Auckland. After discharge here she returns to Greymouth. The Wingatui leaves Bluff to-day for Auckland, via Southern ports. The Niagara is due at Vancouver to-day, and leaves there at 10 a.m. on Wednesday for Victoria, Honolulu, Suva and Auckland, where she is due on November
TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Wellington, November 2.—Sailed Golden Cloud, for Timaru, 5.10 p.m. November 6 - —Arrived Kia Ora.-from Lyttelton, 7 s _ a 3. l ® d •' °- A. Knudsen, for San Pedro, 7.20 p.m. Lyttelton, November 2.—Sailed: Kia ?„ ra ' T,° eU i?St on ' 4 - 20 P- m -: Waimarino, for Picton, 9.20 p.m. November 3.— Arrived: Poolta. from \yellinston, 6 a.m. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be ■mthm range of the Auckland wireless station to-night: Akaroa, Abel Tasman, fn,i >SS ' . K 2,retu, Meiko Maru, Monruna,' Win™?' ° rt Alma ' Wai "
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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 259, 3 November 1933, Page 4
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1,629SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 259, 3 November 1933, Page 4
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