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SHIPPING. __ MION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OS NEW ZEALAND. LIMITED. Sailings "(Circumstances permitting). For Sydney (with Through Bookings to Melbourne and other. Australian ports). Passengers in Three Classes. Ships' Doctors Carried. From Auckland. R.M.s. Monowai*..Thurs., 2nd Not., 3 p.m. S.s. Marama*...Fri.. 24th November, 3 p.m. R.M.s. Niagara* Tuesday, 28th November Sydney (From Wellington). S.s. Marama*...Frl., 10th November, 3 p.m. R.M.s. Makura* Tues.. 14th November, 3 p.m. Sydney and Melbourne. R.M.s. Monowai*,.Thursday. 2nd November Inclusive Tours in Australia Arranged. To Calcutta, Singapore and Sama'rang. Chartered Steamer. Narbada. Jan., May and Sept., from New Zealand. For Suva (Fiji). Honolulu. Victoria (8.C.), and Vancouver. R.M.m.s. Aorangi*..Tuesday, 14th November Takes Apia Cargo. Lautoka and Nukualofa. (Cargo Only.) Waipahi Wednesday, 15ttt November Picton (From Wellington). S.s. Tamahine. Mon., Wed., Fri., 2.45 p.m. Gisborne and Napier. (Cargo Only.) Waimea .Tuesday, 31et October, 5 p.m. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff, Timaru, Picton. (Cargo Only.) Waiplata Friday, 3rd November, 4 p.m. Lyttelton (From Wellington). Rangatira Mon., Wed., Fri., T. 45 p.m. Wahine ..Tues., Thurs., Sat., 7.45 p.m. Berths Booked at 'Auckland Office. . . CANADA, UNITED STATES, EUROPE. Through Bookings by; CANADIAN AUSTRALASIAN AND UNION ROYAL MAIL LINES. ■ Fortnightly Sailings Across Pacific ' . ♦Passengers in Three Classes. ".,.','y - - - Auckland •' ' W^tlingtan to to Ship. Suva (Fiji), Rarotonga, Honolulu, Tahiti, San Victoria, ■ ■ Francisco. Vancouver. R.M.s. Aorangi* Nov. 14 — R.M.s. Makura* — Nov. 28 R.M.s. Niagara* Dec. 12 — R.M.s. Maunganui* — Dec. 26 R.M.s. Aorangi* Jan. 9 — R.M.s. Makura* — Jan. 23 R.M.s. Niagara* Feb. 7 — Aorangi and Niagara Sail 11 a.ra U.S.A. AND CANADIAN RAILWAY TRAVEL. Itineraries, Cost of Tours, end all Information Supplied. Rail and Hotel Reservations Arranged. SPECIAL SEASONAL EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND SAN FRANCISCO. Particulars on Application. Auckland Office: 32-38, .Quay Street East City Passenger Office: 107. Queen Street. HE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LTD. DIRECT SERVICE TO THE UNITED KINGDOM. VIA PANAMA CANAL. : ~~ (Subject to alteration.) '. Steamer. Sailing' Finally from . ' RAXGITIKIf ... Napier Nov. .17: ■ ■ / • 6- p.m. ROTORUA§* .... Wellington ; Dec. 15 RAXGITANEt ... Dec. 22 RANGTTATAt ... Jan. 19 REMUFJR A^t § ... Wellington Feb. 17 ~ motor vessels, with First, Tourist, and Third Classes. *011 fuel, calling Pitcairn Island (circumstances per-' mitting) and Curacao. JCabin class. §Tourist class. First Class from £85 Sing., £149 Ret. Cnbiri Class from £67 Sing., £117 Ret. Tourist Class from £38 Sing., £68 Ret Third Class from £37 Sing., £66 Ret. All Fares plus Exchange and Tax. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LTD., Maritime Buildings. Quay Street. PASSE-NGER BOOKING AND INQUIRY OFFICE, N.Z. Insurance Bldg.. Queen Street. TS Obtain Details of the EXPRESS CABIN SERVICE (Akaroa, Mataroa and Tamaroa), NEW TOURIST CLASS. NEW TOURIST CLASS. L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD. ■ A. S. PATERSON AND CO.. LTD. DALGETY. AND CO.. LTD. D

{v 5 ' fO ! I f,(-\ V f" Y\ 2 C v>3 a Uα 11 l\Jl Li lib \ \ FREE booklet \, lIP ® For some time past the Guardian Trust has addressed a series of advertisements to those interested, covering the need for the regular revision of Wills. In order to meet the many enquiries that have arisen from this important subject, a new and interesting Booklet, entitled Directors: "The Necessity For Will lirSiS" Revision", has been published. A limited number of these Mr. A. B. Roberton _ , , ... , Mr. E. R. N. Russell Booklets are available and you Mr. W. R. Wilson are invited to write or call Mange!? 0 " without obligation for a copy, R. F. Ward which will gladly be presented on request. Assets under administration exceed £10,000,000 Nearly £1,000,000 new business last year The Guardian Trust & Executors' Company of New Zealand Ltd. (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament, 1883) Head Office: South British Insurance Building, Shortland Street, Auckland Branches and Agencies throughout the Dominion ■ . ' ...... Gl3-I:

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 257, 31 October 1933, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 257, 31 October 1933, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 257, 31 October 1933, Page 4


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