The departure yesterday of the Mataroa, Tasmania and Port Fremantle for London considerably reduced the tonnage in port, while another departure this afternoon will be the Karamea, also for London. No overseas vessels are expected at Auckland until next week. Tlie lonic, from London, via Wellington, is due on Monday, and the passenger steamers Maraina and Monterey, both from Sydney, on Tuesday. ARRlVALS—Yesterday. Canopus. from Westport, 10.25 p.m. Paroto, from Coast, 10.30 p.m. This Day. Coronation, from Whangarei, 5.43 a.m. Claymore, from Whangarei, 0.20 a.m. Lyttelton," witli raft, from Coast, 7.40 a.m. DEPARTURES—Yesterday. Motu, for Tauranga, 3.30 p.m. Kiwitea, for Napier, 7.15 p.m. liaimiro, for Greymouth, 9.35 p.m. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waipiata, for Portland, to-day. Karamea, for London, to-day. Canopus, for Westport, to-morrow. VESSELS !N PORT. H.M.s. Dunedin, Devonport (Naval Dept.). H.M.s. Diomede, Devonport (Naval Dept.). H.M.s. Philomel. Devonport (Naval Dept.). R.F.A. Nucula, Devonport (Naval Dept.) Recorder, in stream (Pacific Cable Board). Waipiata, Prince's Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Taranaki, Queen's Wharf (L. D. Nathan, Ltd.). „ t Karamea, Queen's Wharf (L. D. Nathan, Ltd.i. Tiri, Central Wharf (A. G. Frankham, Ltd.) [Waipahi. Central Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Waitemata. in dock (U.S.S. Co.). Canopus, Western Wharf (Westport Coal Co.). , Shlnnoh Maru, King's Wharf (H.R., Ltd.). Dalcross, Chelsea (A. G. Frankham, Ltd.). Gunbar. Waltomo, Mako, Kaimanawa, Kurow, Waiotapu, Kaitokc, Tofua, Southern Cross, in stream. ISLAND SERVICES. Morinda (8.P.), leaves Sydney, Devember 20. for Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Auckland: due Auckland. December 27; leaves Auckland. December 27, for Norfolk Island. New Hebrides, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island. Sydney: due Sydney, January 15. Maul Pomare (Spedding), left Wellington November 30, for Apia, Niue; thence Lyttolton. Wellington.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. INWARD. Maranin (Union), leaves Sydney December 1G; due Auckland, December 20. Zealandia (lluddnrt-Parker), leaves Sydney December 16; due Wellington December 20. Monterey (Oceanic), leaves Melbourne December 13, leaves Sydney December 17 ; due Auckland December 20. Makura (Union), leaves Sydney December 22; due Wellington December 20. OUTWARD. Monowai (Union), leaves Wellington December 16; due Sydney December 20. Manama (Union), leaves Auckland December 23; due Sydney December 27. Zealandia (Huddart-Parker), leaves Wellington December 23 : due Sydney December 27. Niagara (Union), leaves Auckland December 27; due Sydney December 31. Monowai (Union), leaves Auckland December 29: due Sydney January 2; due Melbourne January 4. Mariposa (Oceanic), lenves Auckland January 3: due Sydney January 6 ; due Melbourne, January 9. Zealandia (Huddart-Parker), leaves Auckland January 6 ; due Sydney January 10. Marama (Union), leaves Wellington January 6: due Sydney January 10. Maunganui Union), leaves Wellington, January 10; duo Sydney, January 34. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. NORTHWARD. Maunganui (Union), left Wellington, November 29, for Rarotonga, Papeete, San Francisco: due San Francisco December 10. Aorangi (Union), left Auckland, Dec. 13, for Suva. Honolulu, Vancouver; due Vancouver, December 30. Monterey (Oceanic), leaves Auckland December 20. for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, Angeles, San Francisco; due San Francisco January 4. Makura (Union), leaves Wellington Decern her 26, for Rarotonga. Papeete. San Francisco; due San Francisco January
SOUTHWARD. Niagara (Union),. loft Vancouver, December 7. for Honolulu. Sura. AucUlund : due Auckland December 26. Xlnriposn (Oceanic). leaves San Francisco December 15. for Los Angeles, Honolulu, Pago Pago Suva, Auckland; due Auckland January 2. Maunganui (Union!, leares San Franacisco December 21. for Papeete. Karotonga, Wellington : due Wellington January 9. LOADINGS. Karamea (S.S. and A.), leaves Auckland, today, for London and W.C.U.K. ports, via C'ape Horn. Mabana (S.S. and A.), at Wellington: tlience, via Napier (December 10-18), to London. Rancitane (N.Z.S.). at Lyttelton; thence, via Wellington (December 15-23), to London (passengers). Huntingdon (Federal), at Tokomaru Bay; tlience Napier (December 19-23). London. Canadian Leader (C.N.S.). at Napier; thence, via Lyttelton, Dnnedin (December 21-23), to New York, Boston. Halifax. Shinnoli Maru (11. R.). at Auckland; sails Decemher 24, for Yawata. Port Brisbane (C. and D.), at Gisborne: (hence, via Napier. Wellington (December 29-.Tanuary 3). to London. Otaio (N.Z.S.). at New (Plymouth: thence, via Bluff. Wellington. Auckland (December 23-31). Lyttelton (January 3-4). to London and W.C.U.K., via Cane Horn. Runhine (N.Z.S.), at Nelson: thence, via New Plvmouth, Auckland (December 27301, Wellinston (January 2-6), to London (Passengers). Bencrunolian (Scales), loads Plctnn (December 12) : thence via Nanier, Tolacrn Bay. Wellington. Lyttelton. Timaru. Dnnedin (January 5-0), to Dunkirk. London.
Port R.vdni-y (P. and D.V loads Wflncantii. Dpcomber 17; thence. ria Gisborne, Nnriier, Wellington. Lyttelton (January 7-10), to London. Ton'c (S.S. and A.), loads Auckland, December 20; thence, via Picton. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Wellington (January 7-11), to Southampton, London (passengers). Port Hunter (C. and D.l, loads New Plymouth. December 20: theuce. via Wansranui. Nap><>r. Auckland (January Gisbornn. Wellington (January 11-14), to London and W.C.U.K. Canadian Conqueror (C.N.S.). loads Dunedin (January P-10): thence via Wellington (■January 12). Napier (January 14), to New York. Boston, Montreal. Rangitata (N.Z.S.t. loads I-iyttelton, January 3: thence, via Napier, Auckland (January 12-14), Wellington (January 16-20), to London (passengers). Brisbane Maru (0.5. K.), loads Wellington (January 31) ; thence via Auckland (February 3-4) to Yokohama. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. The Kaimiro sailed last night for Greymouth, to load for Wellington and Auckland. The Kartigl left Westport at 11 a.m. yesterday. and is due at Auckland ou Saturday morning. The Kiwitea sailed last night for Napier, Wellington, New Plymouth and Greymouth, to complete discharge of her Australian cargo. The Kairanga was expected to clear Sydney for Auckland at noon yesterday. The Waipiata sails this afternoon for Portland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Oamaru. NORTHERN CO/S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. To-day.—Taniwha, for Paeroa, midnight; Claymore, for Whangarei, 7.30 p.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Kawau, from Great Barrier, 6 p.m. To-morrow. —Motu, from Tauranga, 7 a.m.; Ronaki. from Raglan and Kawhia, 6 a.m.
INWARD CARGOES—ARRIVED. Otaio (N.Z.S.), Liverpool, October 8, to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Timaru, New Plymouth; at New R^u"e Ut (N.Z.S.j, London, October 21. to Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Nelson, Kiwit^a IS °( U.S.S.), Melbourne, December 2, to New Plymouth. Auckland. Napier, New Plymouth, Wellington; to Port Hunter (C. aua L>.>, >ew * u rk, octo ber 29, via Corpus Christi, £ovember 1- to Auckland. Wellington, New Plymouth; at New Plymouth. x -„„ OTr ,hor Ta a ran L ak" e s!s n and A.), Liverpool November Bluff; at Auckland, December 1-. Waibemo (U.S.S.). Los Angeles. Novembw 10 via Papeete, December 2, to Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Melbourne, Sydney; at Napier. Dalcross (Spedding). Java to Auckland, arrived December 34. m«»mnhi>r Waipahi (U.S.S.). Apia, via Suva (December 9), to Auckland; arrived December 14.
INWARD CARGOES—EXPECTED. lonic (S.S. and A.). London, November 3, via Southampton, November 4, Colon, November 22, to Wellington, Auckland, due Wellington to-day (passengers). Yarraville (Vacuum), San Francisco to Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Wellington, December 10. . . Brunswick (Atlantic UnionV, Los Angeles, to Australian pcrts, Wellington, Auckland, due Wellington, December I<. Rangitata (N.Z.S.), London, H, via Colon. December 1, to Auckland, Wellington; due Auckland. December 21 (pasKafrangl'Vu.S.S.), Sydney, December 14, to Auckland. Pakeha (S.S. and A:), London. November 9, via Kingston, November 27, Colon, November 29, to Suva, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, New Plymouth; due Lyttelton, December 24. Surrey (Federal), Liverpool, December IJ, via Panama, December i, to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, due Auckland, December SO. Golden Eagle (O. and o.), Lo ®. I °® e t le ®' Lecembei J, to Auck.and. Wellington, Melbourne, Sydney; due Wellington, December 27. Narbada (U.S.S.), Calcutta, December 9, via Penang, Singapore, Samarang, to Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff; due Auckland, January o. Sydney Maru (U.S.K.), Aloji, December 1. via Hongkong, Manila, to Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Wellington, Auckland, due Wellington, January 3. The Canopus arrived from Westport last night to discharge at the Western wharf. She is to sail again lor Westport at a p.m. to-morrow. TABANAKI'S SAILING. In continuation of her voyage from Liverpool, the S.S. and A. Line motor ship laranaki is to sail on Saturday morning lor Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin and Bluff. RANGITATA REPORTS. According to her wireless report, the New Zealand Shipping Company's motor ship Rangitata, with passengers, mails and cargo from London, will arrive at Auckland at 8 a.m. on December 21. lONIC AT WELLINGTON. With passengers, mails and cargo from London nnd Southampton, the S.S. and A. Line's steamer lonic is due at \\ ellington this afternoon. From Wellington she is to come to Auckland to complete discharge. MARAMA'S MOVEMENTS. Leaving Sydney at 4 p.m. to-morrow, the Union Company's passenger steamer Marama is due at Auckland .next Tuesday morning. She is to sail again for Sydney at 3 p.m. the following Friday. PORT FREMANTLE SAILED. After loading at the Prince's wharf, the C. and D. Line motor ship Port Fremantle sailed last evening for London, via Cape Horn. KARAMEA TO SAIL. For London and W.C.U.K., via Cape Horn, the S.S. and A. Line motor ship Karamea is to sail from the Queen's whan at 5 p.m. to-day. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Successful students from the Richmond Nautical School at the last examination of this year, conducted by the Marine Department at Auckland, were:—Compass syllabus, N. E. Bowater; masters, foreign going, G. M. Scliofield. H. J. M. Kemp, D. Rutter; second mate, foreign going, A. Matheson; masters, home trade, D. R. Munro, J. Carey; masters, home trade, under 25 tons, C. Webb, A. E. Peterson; special signals, J. V. Broadhouse, D. Rutter. D._ R. Munro ; partial passes in orals, J. P. Kellaway, B. H. Young.
PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Ronaki, for Raglan. 6 p.m. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Wellington. December 14.—Arrived : ICini, from Westport. 12.30 p.m. _ I*yttclton, December 14. —Arrived : Wingatui, from Wellington, 4.45 p.m. Sailed : Wninmrlno, for Wellington, 4.15 p.m. Gisborne, December 15.—Arrived : Waimea. from Auckland. 0.30 a.m. : Margaret W.. from Auckland. 6.35 a.m.; Fukeko, from Auckland. 10.15 a.m. . Wellington, December 15.—Arrived : Waimarino, from Lyttelton, 7.5 a.m. Sailed: Huntingdon, for Tokomaru Bay, 7.5 a.m. OVERSEAS. Panama, December 11.—Sailed : Northumberland (Liverpool to Auckland). Sydney, December 14.—Arrived : Waikouaiti. from New Zealand. Balboa, December 14.—Arrived : Rangitiki (Napier to London). WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be -within range of the Auckland wireless station to-night:—Aorangi, Karamea, Laburnum, Mataroa. Maui I'omare, Port Fremantle, Tasmania.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 297, 15 December 1932, Page 4
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1,634SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 297, 15 December 1932, Page 4
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