lONIC TO LOAD. MAUNGANUI FOR SYDNEY. Expected arrivals at Auckland during the remainder of this week include the motor ship Melbourne Maru and the steamer lonic, both due from southern ports on Saturday morning The Melbourne Maru is to complete discharge here of general cargo from Japan and China, while the lonic is to complete loading for London. On her return trip to Sydney, the paesenger steamer Maunganui is to sail irom the Queui's wharf to-morrow afternoon. The Cumberland, which has been discharging general cargo from West of England ports at th© Queens wharf, is also to sail to-morrow for Wellington. DE PART U RES-Yesterday. Motu, for Tauranga, 3.20 p.m. Canop-u®, for Westport, 4.40 p.m. Astoria, for Dunedin, 6.20 p.m. Otokia, far Los Angeles, 6.20 p.m. Tuhoe, for Coast, 7.45 p.m. A R RIV A LS-Yesterclay. Tiroa, from GlsTjothc, 9.16 p.m. This Day. Coronation, from Whangarei, 6 a.m. Claymore, from Whangaroi, 10.25 a.mEndeavour, from Russell, 10.50 a.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaponga, from 'Wellington, to-morrow. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waipiata, for Wellington, to-day. Cumberland, for Wellington, to-morrow. Maunganui, for Sydney, to-morrow. VESSELS IN PORT. H.M.c.B. Iris, Devonport (Pacific Cable H.M.S. Veronica, Devonport (Naval Dept.). H.M.B. Philomel, Devonport (Naval Dept). R B\A. Nucula, Devonport (Naval Dept.) Eangitata, Prince's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). Waipiata? Prince's Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Port Fairy, Queen's Wharf (Heather, Roberton). Maunganui, Queen's Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Cumberland, Queen's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). Waikawa. Central Wharf (U.S.S. Co.). Tiroa, King's Wharf (A. G. Frankham,Ltd.,. Coronation, King's Wharf (A. G. Frankham, Weirbank, Chelsea (Spedding, Ltd.). Vileehi. in stream (American yacht). Tin King's Wharf (A. G. Frankham, Ltd.). Kiw'itea, North Wall (U.S.S. Co.). Gunbar, Waitomo, Mako, Kaitoke, Kairanpa, Kaimanawa, Kurow, Waitemata, in stream. ISLAND SERVICES. Maui Pomare (Spedding), left Auckland, November 20, for Niue, Apia; leaves Apia December 1, for Niue, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Auckland; due Auckland, Morinda "Burns, Philp), left Auckland, December 1, for Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, Sydney; due Sydney, DecemTofua (U.S.S.), left Auckland November 30, for Suva, Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavau, Apia; leaves Apia, December 12, for Suva, Auckland ; due Auckland, December 21. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. INWARD. Ulimaroa (Huddart-Parker), leaves Sydney, December 4; due Auckland, December 8. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, December 4; due Wellington, December 8. Sonoma (Mateon), leaves Sydney, December 8; due Auckland, December 12. Niagara (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, December 10 ; due Auckland, December 14. Maunganui (U.S.S.) leaves Sydney, December 11; due Wellington, December 15. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, December 18; due Auckland. December 22. Ulimaroa (Huddart-Parker), leaves Sydney, December IS; due Wellington, December 22. Monowai (U.S.S."), leaves Sydney, December ber 24; due Wellington, December 28. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, December 24; due Auckland, December 28. Ventura (Matson), leaves Sydney, December 20; due Auckland, January 2. Ulimnroa (Huddart-Parker), leaves Sydney, December 31: due Auckland, January 4. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, December 31; due Wellington, January 4. Niagara (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, January 7; due Auckland, January 11. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, January 8; due Wellington, January 12. OUTWARD. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, December 4; due Sydney, December 8. Ulimaroa (Huddart-Parker). leaves Auckland. December 11; due Sydney, December 15. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, December 11; due Sydney, December 15. Monowai (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, December 15; due Sydney, December 19. Ventura (Matson), leaves Auckland, December 18; due Sydney, December 22. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, December 18; due Sydney, December 22. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, December 24; due Sydney. December 28. Ulimaroa (Huddart-Parker), leaves Wellington, December 24; due Sydney, December 28. Aorangi (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, December 29; due Sydney, January 2. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, December 31; due. Sydney, January 4. Ulimaroa (Huddart-Parker). leaves Auckland, January S; due Sydney, January 12. Sierra (Matson), leaves Auckland, January 8; due Sydney, January 12. Marama (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, January 8; due Sydney, January 12. Makura (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, January 12; due Sydney, January 16. Maunganui (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, January 15; due Sydney, January 19. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. NORTHWARD. , Aorangi (U.S.S.), left Auckland, November 17, for Sura, Honolulu, Vancouver; due Vancouver, December 4. Sierra (Matson), left Auckland, November 21, for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, San Francisco; due San Francisco, Deccms ber 9. ' Makura (U.S.S.), left Wellington, Decem- ( ber 1, for Rarotonga, Papeete, San Francisco; due San Francisco, December ; is. ' Sonoma (Matson), leaves Auckland, Decem- '■ ber 12 for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, San Francisco; due San Francisco, December 30. Niagara (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, December 1!), for Suva, Honolulu, Vancouver; due Vancouvor. January 1. Monownl (U.S.S.), loaves Wellington, December 29, for Rarotonga, Papeete, San Francisco; due San Francisco, Janu- > ary 15. • Ventura (Matson), leaves Auckland, January 2, for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, San Francisco; due San Francisco, January 20. SOUTHWARD. Monowai (U.S.S.), left San Francisco, November 25. for Papeete. Rarotonga, Wellington; due Wellington, December 14. > Ventura (Matson), left Los Angeles November 27, for Honolulu. Pago Pago. Suva, Auckland; due Auckland, Decem- : ber 18. ; Aorangi (U.S.S.t, leaves Vancouver, December 0, for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland; due Auckland, December 28. Sierra (Matson), loaves Los Angeles, December 18, for Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland; clue Auckland January 8. > Mflknro (U.S.S.), leaves San Francisco, December 23. for Papeete, Rarotonga, , Wellington : due Wellington, January 11. . Niagara (U.S.S.), loaves Vancouver, January 0, for Honolulu. Suva, Auckland; due Auckland. January 2.">. Sonoma (.Matson), leaves Los Angeles. January 8. for Honolulu. Pago Pago. Suva, Auckland ; due Auckland, January 20. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. To-day.—Taniwha, for Paeroa, 4.30 p.m.; Claymore, for Whangarci, 4 p.m.; Omaua, for Surfdale, Ostend and Omilia, C.30 p.m. To-morrow. — Kangitoto, for Tliames, S.UO a.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day. — Rangitoto, from Coromandcl, i 5.30 p.m.; Ouiana, from Mullet Point and f i MatakUna, 4 p.m.; Knivau, from Great Bart rier, li p.m. ;] To-morrow. — Omana, from Surfdale, 1 J Ostend and Omiha, 8.40 a.m.; Motu, from Tuuranga, 7 a.m.
INWARD CARGOES—ARRIVED. lonic (S.S. and A.), London, October 8. via Southampton, October 9, to Auckland, Duncdin ; at Dunedin. Win ton (A. and AJ, N w-'h i^Gal 10 via Newport News, Fort Arthur, (jJi vestou to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin; at Lyttelton. . , Ranrftnta (N.Z.S.), London, October via Southampton, October 23, to Welling- ] ton, Auckland: at Auckland. Weirbank (Spedding), Java, to Auckland, r^n Ved roas°t V To ber asd O.). Los Angeles, : Octobcr 31, to Auckland Wellington, Lyt- . telton, Dunedin ; at Lyttelton. Cumberland (Federal), Liverpool, October land, November 28-December t Dunodin \ at Wellington. 4°S£ kala, mXopm. Wellington, inckland; at Wellington, December 3. loadings. tw TTnirv fC and D.), at Auckland; sails December 5, for London, via Cape Horn. fS S and A.), at Napier; thencs Auckland (December 5-12), Southampton, London (passengers). W via U mS S Decem?e" l l4, t to Melbourne. K °,Cs ber, " e i (F &," ?n|», ssb. Port Huon (C. and D.), at Timaru: thence Npw Plymouth, Wanganui, Gisborae, Ser, Lyttelton, Wellington (December 17-21), London. Benlawyers (Scales), from loads Picton December 16, thence wapier, Tolo°a Bay, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru Dunedin (January 1-4), London. Raranga (S.S. and A.), loads Bluff December &gra P °mouth lie i)e r cember n 7; Gi°borne, Napier, Lyttelton (December 21-24), London. 4 Tjanm-tnta. (NZS), at Auckland; thence Hertford s \'FederaJK from England; loads Lyttelton, December 28; thence Bluff, fJisborne, Auckland (January 111")» Wellington (January 18-21), London and Rotoru'a"'<N.Z.S.), loads Lyttelton, December 21* thence Auckland (December 28-January I),' Opua, Napier, Wellington (January 913), Southampton, London (passengers). UNION CO.'S STEAMERS. The Waipiata sails at 3|P-™- . to " to s l ?2 r Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, •Oamarn and Timaru. . r , „. The Kaponga is due «t Anc&land from Westport and Greymouth ria at 7 a.m. to-morrow, and is to berth « the Prince's wharf. OTOKIA SAILED. Her overhaul completed, Che Union Company's tanker Otofcia sailed last evening for Los Angeles to load fuel oil for Wellington. matjnganui fob. Sydney. Taking passengers, mails and cargo for Sydney, the Union Company's steamer Mannganui is to bo dispatched from the Queen's wharf at 3 p.m. to-morrow. ASTORIA SAILED. After refuelling at the Western wharf, the motor ship Astoria sailed last evening for Dunedin, to complete discharge of her ■cargo of Ocean Island phosphate. CUMBERLAND'S DEPARTURE. The departure of the Federal steamer Cumberland for Wellington, in continuation of her voyage from Liverpool, lias been postponed to noon, to-morrow. lONIC TO LOAD. Leaving Napier to-night, the S.S. and A. lAne st&am&r lonic is duo ®.t Auckland for final Homeward loading on Saturday morning. From here she is to be dispatched with passengers, mails and cargo for Southampton and London on December 12. PHOSPHATE FROM SEYCHELLES. A. S. Paterson, Ltd., have received advice that the Finnish full-rigged ship Grace Harwar is en route from the Seychelles Islands, with 3000 tons of phosphate for discharge at Auckland. She is due here about the end of January. I WARNING TO MARINERS. \ A Press Association telegram from Wellington states that the steamer Northumberland reports that she passed a large tree trunk, floating vertically, 19 miles from Stephens Island. The trunk was showing approximately 6ft above the water, and was of considerable length, and dangerous to navigation. GUNFIRE IN GULF. H.M.s. Diomede is to carry out the following gunnery practices in the Hauraki Gulf: —-Friday, December 4: 10.30 a.m., Lewis and machine-gun firing. Monday, December 7: 9.15 a.m., anti-aircraft,- subcalibre (two-pounder) ; 10 a.m., 6in subcalibre (three-pounder), and on completion pompom firing (two-pounder); 2 p.m., 6in sub-calibre (lin 'aiming rifle). Tuesday, December 8: 9.30 a.m., anti-aircraft, subcalibre (two-pounder) ; 10.15 a.m., torpedo firing; 1.15 p.m., 6in sub-calibre (threepounder). Wednesday, December 9: 9.30 a.m., 6in full calibre and torpedo firing.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 286, 3 December 1931, Page 4
Word Count
1,545SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 286, 3 December 1931, Page 4
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