'.•Tie Otahulm Orphans' Club held, a evening last Tuesday, which-was conducted by Mr. G. F. F. Harrison. jl ra ;|j..B. Elliott won the ladies' bridge prize, while the gentlemen's trophy was wqnsby Mr. W. H.. Paine. In the 500 tournament the prizes were won by Mrs. Constance and Mr. Grinthorpe, while jfrs".-; White received the consolation prize. ..' '■■ . •. ' ' ' r . * * • •» .«• \- , ■' ;., ?An afternoon tea in honour of Mrs. T. E- Taylor, of Christchurch, who is visit- ■ in" ; Auckland at present in connection vfflp the W.C.T.U. Conference, . was given-Tjy the executive of the Auckland branch of the National Council^>of Woinen in the/ lounge of the Lyceum duty yesterday. Among those present wre: Miss Ellens.Melville (president), j Mesdames A. D/' Campbell, John Cook, McNair, Misses'."Quayle arid , Newton. The president of the Carlton: Croquet Clufii'Mrs. ofjv Glad win Pioad,:Epsom,'!ga\e. : a-'fofidge' l and SOP ■par&/to.ihe-meffi^^rS^at";' , ner residency.! The drawing, roouis wer|use3. w|th deep , ?red ligMslp3;'gilo\yiiig fires, made an : effective; MrsiHamilton wore a and gold eoatfe;' 'The pnze were 4Mesdames Davdy," R. Wwd, M. Walker >and ShieltJs.j: '.A game of. lacrosse,'.therfirst ,, of the ' season^,was. arranged by Miss Annette George yesterday afternoon at the Market 1 Road-hockey field. The' 'match was Splayed between the Nga-Tawa v old girlsf.and .friends, and was won by the Nga-Tawa, team. • "After the game tea was Served in the pavilion by Mrs. George.; Among those present were: Mrs. Todd, Mrs.- Findlay, Misses , Hilda Walkley, "Joan Brittain, Cecil Upton, Eeggy and Mary Upton, Barbara Stedmani'lorna: Reyburn, R. and Pani Sidebpttomi Barbara George, M. Findlay and Alison.,,;'. ~;■'■.: ■. , , ' !i • * • -*' • * A dance and euchre party was held unHef the auspices of the Putaruru Railffiy,. Social Club in the Putaruru Town Hall; ..Effective use of the 'club's colours,; red,', white -and. green, was ■niade.,', Em* blems of welcome were prominently displayed and a miniature, model of- a-sema-pto're signal "was ', mounted by the Orchestral stand.; A' : Monte : Carlo waltz Mswon by Mr, J/Halketfand partner. M<v%' Simmons, and partner, won the spot waltz. ..A Wehre ; tournament was mi on the stage. "Mrs. S. Hudson woii prized and 'Mr. C." A. Taylor' tte' men's-prize'.'ov. V, , ■ ■?•'<" ' ■/''";■■ ,': j. * ■ -'i -j *!'"'■»■ |K. j andMre.:Clyire : Taylor, at "Hill : crest;"-were paid a surprise visit this week irhohour of;-Mr. Taylor's birthday. T?fnty guests" were, present. Dancing |fe enjoyed to'music -played .by Miss Jessie , Pennell. f: Preceding supper,/ Mr. Caarlee Edwards,: presented the guests, of;honour with a; which expressed the regard.'felt for him by those present.; Mr; dyffe, Taylor suitably respoiiaed. Musical honours were accorded Mrs. Taylor.' .Among those: pre-' sent.:were:' Mrs..Clyffe Taylor, Misses Joyce ;T6ng, Mina^: Hammonds, Maisie Wincey, Nessie Pennell, Molly Osmond. - • *' * * * :'■ . a |2 gathering was given by Mr. f at the Gaiety Hall w t Miss Sarah Miller. During the evenW *- on S: was given by ,Miss L. Gold™fg.andan orchestra provided excellent U\r C 'n ancin S was enjoyed. Mrs. Julian'received in and gold crepe de chine. Miss S. Miller w ™J ea JJ d e nil S atin. Among the guests S-™ames J. McGeehan, Caddy, Shepherd, Milligan, Parson w • ke F> Nisbet, Anderbera, *$ Misses McGregor, L. GoldGamM a « ale ' : W - Coultas, P. Beale,, S le I. and L. Faulkner, b" K W- •, Ander son, N. Jones, M. Hudson, Croftw I nley ' B - Jon * 3 > & Deane, M. Waglf , L. Lang, M.. Emrnett, R. il : & r. Emmett ' V - Nisbet, D. Dews, At ii"- '*. " # •* •■ ? e ; convention of the th »r6Dorf>' fIV contin «ed yesterday, Ot -f* superintendents of were read. «S^- hat 6Xcellent Progress had i£SiYV S bein S i-ead:lron, the BirSf^ rtnients: Bible in Schools; T Le^^ ue ' L it«e White RibG(M nr Ho P^ I> »son and Reform and jfint Maori WOTk ' Home and The White ward t« w Veral "solutions came fore / onsi^ered at the next of:Sk in Sl l er 5° b Jy § ave a » accomt iiearS e Nort hern Maori Union, a - Ll % MrefofmW II 1 " 8 ' l n ;esident, recalled the e '«ht^ a • he first district executive )%S Tv and referred to the thpaStiU,d^Se^^
The ever-ready committee of the Victoria League held a successful- bridge party in their rooms, Shortland Street, yesterday afternoon to raise funds to. assist the Flying Angel Missions to Seamen to purclniise a billiard table for tho cadets of the mercantile marine. The hostesses were: Mesdames J. B. Macfarlane, Moorehousei Gulliver,'• Skeates, Alfrey, Allen, Preston' Chambers, L. S. Rickerby andiMiss E. Kcesing. The rooms looked charming .with;, bowls of -daffodils and Iceland poppies ivhich were placed here and there.' -Prizes were uvon by Mrs. Sherlock (first), Mrs. Patrick Smith (hidden number), Mrs. H. McGuire (consolation). The hostesses at each table. were: Miss Mowbray (president of the league), Mesdames Claude Heather, J. Graham, Hunciman, Errol Hay, Edgar, Donald Ogilvie, Kohn, Kay Smith, Moir, Charlton, Mumford, Coutts, Cheal, Woollams, Passmore, Misses Te'ape, Keesing,. Clark, Chapman, and:Kelly. -.Mrs. B.J. Parsons, of Tamaki Avenue,, Otahuhu, gave a pleasant card party: at her'home last Tuesday, the proceeds of which are being given to.the vestry stall at the forthcoming Holy Trinity parish fair. The hostess, who received in a beautiful frock,of floralninon, was assisted by Mesdames. F. Leslie, T. W. Nield,' W. H. Houglitoii, R. Rugg, J. 0/ Snowden and E. N. Tregear. The winners of the bridge were Mrs. R.Hickson and Mrs. Hunt, while the 500 tournament was won by Mrs. M. Constance. -Among the guests were: The Mayoress, Mrs; H. T. Clements, Mesdames ,R; B. Todd, fA. Murdoch, N. Walters, M* Constance, _J.:.H. Fenton, F. W. Martin, A. M. G. Ward, McAnulty, H.'-Fronts A,.McL.;Pirie, S. W. House, E.'Furness, A. Parton, Pcarce, J. Gillies, Anderson, ;Mofntt r M. J: ' Barret, F. Everett. B. H.-Menzies; T.' W. Day, J. H: Hall, H. Lovell,i George McDell, F. Ppllardj W. Payne,;W. Hope, A. J. Flood, R. Hiekson, J. Eliott, -Misses Masefield, Carson, Hilliard, Ward and Lippiatt. '■ A; brief outline;pf.the work , of the district nursing service of the St. John Ambulance was given' on Wednesday afternpon to a large/"gathering-at the Coronation Hall,-Onehu3iga, by Niirse SaundersJoues, senior .district 'nursed Mrs. Cuthbertj president of the-Oriehunga branch of ;tho kindergarten, .association, addressed the':meeting- 'arid spoke in, ;ap-. preciative , ' terms ,of the splendid work? done by the-district nurses-for the chil-j dreh of the Jcindei-gartens. i Mrs. Neale, j president of. the. Cmelrunga branch of the| •hoepital auxiliary, said how'kind she had always found the nurses and so ready to ,help in r times of need. Mrs. Bassett, divisional .lady superintendent of the Onehunga nursing division, spoke of tho work of the division, emphasising especially the efficiency and interest shown by the cadets. During the afternoon solos; were rendered by Mrs. Loney and Miss Cunningham. The members of the Onehunga nursing division served tea in the hall, which had been tastefully decorated by them for the occasion. . ' • * * * * The Haeremai Lodge, 1.0.0. F., of Kumeu, gave a complimentary dance to the. Wharepai Rebekah Lpdge. During the evening a competition waltz was won by Miss Laura Barnes and Mr. J. Smith. Among those present were: Mrs. Geo. Duncan, flame satin beaute; Mrs. W. Hprsman, gold lace; Mrs. I. Outram, black taffeta; Mrs. 0.-Anderson, black ninbn; Mrs. J. Smith, black lace; Miss A. Eddy, red satin; Miss N. Gill, beige j crepe de chine; Miss B. Parnell, orange taffeta; Miss T.. Shuttle worth, shell pink taffeta; Miss L. Barnes, blue georgette lace; Miss L. Bell, black velvet; Miss B. Best, gold satin beaute; Miss Jean Marchand, ikme georgette and gold lace; Miss Violet Cane, black net; Miss ; 'A. Lee, gi-een'.panne; velvet; Miss EJ Cane, black k and lemon satin; Miss L.! Kingdoii,'peach georgette; Miss R. Macklow, primrose taffeta and lace; Miss M. Sinton, floral ninon; Miss I. Harrison, powder blue georgette; Miss Tliora Dane, white crepe de chine; Miss Ruth Irwin, flowered taffeta;. Miss K. Phillips, pale blue georgette; Miss D. Moss,, gi-een fi»ui-ed marocain; Miss G.,,Moss, russet crold satin; M4ss Betty Irwin, shell pink panne velvet; Miss Nellie Sinkovich. lemon georgette; Miss Ada Sinton, rose pink satin; Miss L. Goodall,, orange taffeta; Miss J. Irwin, powder blue geor,getjte; .Miss. M. Jurakovich, grpeii crepe, de chine. .-.•■.
The annual children's and adults' fancy dress dance promoted by St. John's Ladies' Guild took place in. the Tuakau Town Hall. Items were given by the pupils of Miss Sheat, of Auckland, Misses Joan Webb, Joan' Weaver and Master B. Murphy. In addition, local children gave exhibition dances. Prizes for fancy dresses were awarded to Mr. E. Allison (Waiuku), the Sheik'; Mr. E. Rapwood, ewagger; Mr. Thompson (Waiuku), schoolboy; Mrs. Smith, bridge table; Mrs. Lucas, hot water bottle; Miss Lucas, brick'wall; Miss Lysnar (Pukekohe), brick wall. -:;■ « * «- The members of. the dramatic section of the. League of Penwomen were addressed on Tuesday evening by Mr. J. W. Shaw on drama from its conception to the plays of the present day, describing graphically the old Greek plays, from which extracts were read, and the old "Morality" and "Miracle" plays of early England. Speaking of the present day plays Mi\ Shaw pointed out how playr wrights had broken away from the old conventional characters and plots of the Victorian period,- and now presented plays full of vital interest to the public showing representations of contemporary life and problems of the day. At the conclusion of his, speech Mr. Shaw presented a play entitled "On the Vag," by C. H. Box, acted by Messrs. L. B. Goodall, E. G. Pressley, J. R. Nairn and C. M. Sealy. Those members present were: Mesdames Arthur Griffiths, Crisp, Innes, Kingsley, McKinney, Bennett, Carte Lloyd, Ponder, Boswell; Misses Burton, Sweet, Innes, Shutes, Bertram, Teepc, Macintosh, Manning, Quill, Spur l ling, D'Arcy Jones, G. Peacock, S. Quinn. * ■-..*'■ i # ■ # " :■ Want of co-operation was mainly responsible for the great misery to be seen in the world to-day, said the Rev. W. G. Monckton, speaking yesterday to the members of the Lyceum Club. There were twelve million people in Germany that never tasted butter because they could not afford it. In China there were millions of eggs, yet in parts of Russia an egg cost. a shilling. What had not been foreseen in the present crisis was the drop in raw 'materials ' without a drop in the finished product. Therefore the manufacturers were credited with making profits. America could produce nine pairs of boots per head each year, and if . 14J per cent of the factories worked full time they could produce 95 per cent of the requirements of the whole nation. Workers were competing against each other, all over the world; and many thinkers on the Continent held that if that was not avoided war was inevitable.
The annual Daffodil Day efforts of the combined i ladies', cpmmittees, of the Manurcwa' Anglican Methodist and Presbyterian Churehee was held on Thursday, in the Manurewa, Town Hall.. Unfortunately illness 'thinned the ranks of the helpers, and the Countess of O'rford, who was to have performed the opening ceremony, was unable to be present through indisposition. Mjs. A. Collie declared the:function'':ppeji.';in her stead, and was presented with a bouqiiet by-the secretary on. behalf of the committee. The stall holders \yere: Flowers,' Mesdames deCartaret, Butterworth,- Stewart and. Miss Smith; produce, Mesdames Gray, .W. Phillips and Burton; cakes, Mesdames Cox and T. Wood, and Misses Craig and Finlay; sweets, Mesdames Forbes, A. Phillips, and Missee Finlay- , son -and Coxhead; books, Mesdames Trimmings and Pilcher; tea rooms, Mesdames Brown, Hood, Bennett, Gallaher, White, de- Jongh, Ayling, Whitton, Lupton and Osborne. The officials for this year were: Mrs. Collie, president; Mrs. Whyte, secretary; Mrs. T. Wood, treasurer; 1 ■ Mesdames Cox, Gray and Rogers, executive members; Mesdames Hv Lupton, Middletoii and Sheldon, entertainment committee. The baby carnival resulted: Baby Barnard, 1; Baby Christopher,' 2; Baby Sinclair, 3. Mesdames Collie and Nield donated the prizes. Misses D. Grey, J. Dreadon and H. Finlay son were in charge of the ballot boxes. At night a concert was.held. Songs were given by Mesdames Sykes and Butterworth, .instrumental. solos .by Miss M. Cooper-Smith, Messrs. E. and N.. Walker. A very fine orchestra, under the baton of Neville Walker, rendered several items, and Mr. H. V. Burton gave humorous selections.
The annual ladies' night held, in connection '.with the Onehunga Orphans' Club, in the Foresters' Theatre Mst Wed-; nesday evening, was an unqualified euccess. The theatre was decorated with, streamers, flags and foliage. Among those present were:. Mrs. W. J. Hill; black silk lace and chiffon;' Mrs. G. H; Heeling, fawn silkiace; Mrs. A. L. Gatland, black lace; Mrs.. W. Cuthbert, pale grey and silver; Mrs. R. Buchanan, black inoirervelvet;; Mrs. D. D. Scott, floral Mrs. A. G. Houldsworth, floral georgette:; Mrs. H. G. Badcock, -black embroidered georgette; Mrs. A. Elliott, ,lime green georgette; Mrs'. I. J. Wathew, black chiffon; Mrs. J. Dean, peach satin beaute; Mrs. T. C.Turnbull, black, embossed georgette with lace; Mrs. F. Milnes, floral velvet and pink crepe de. chine; Mrs. E. Laing, black lace and georgette;. Mrs. L. Bray, black and cherry georgette; Mrs. R. D. Rugg, peach ring velvet; Mrs. A. S. Hinton, white satin beaute; Mrs. E. Buller, rose georgette and moire p taffeta; Mrs. D. Kirk-Jones, black georgette; Mrs. W. G. Marks, sunset fleuri; Mrs. F. Langton, cyclamen and silver; Mrs. R. Lighton; navy satin; Mrs. A. Haydon, .black. georgette and. lace; Mrs. S. Vella, black floral ninon; Mrs. D. Dodds, black and silver georgette; Mrs. Hal. McLenman, ivory suede satin; "Mrs.' R. W. Cuthlie, black crepe de chine; Mrs. W. R. Farrell, sea green satin beaute; Mrs. G. Wing, palest pink ninon and lace; Mrs.. P. Billings, black lace; Mrs. L., Robertson, beige lace; Mrs. G. Herbert, maroon embossed chenille georgette; Mrs. S..L. Anderson,.flame.crepo'de chine and net; Mrs. Foote, black ring velvet;- Mrs. H. Pardington, sen., black luarocain; Mrs. J. E. Gillies, green ninon; Mrs. : T. Hughes, black crepe dc "chine; Mrs. G. Crichton, black crepe do chine; Mrs. W. Casey, odd gold and black; Mrs. ;E. V. Sutherland, embossed georgette;- 1 -Mrs. W. T. Tegg, "apricot crepe de chine !; and lace; -Mi'e. T. Pardington,; juni, rose eharmeuse and lace; Mrs. Burgess, ; black embossed georgette; Mrs. R. Gordon, blue satin beaute; Mrs. A. 'Brain, lime green taffeta and georgette; Mrs. J. B. Currie, ivory crepe de chine; Mrs. Vaughan, pink orepe de chine.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 215, 11 September 1931, Page 11
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2,343SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 215, 11 September 1931, Page 11
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