Amazing HE ALT H DISCOVERY by a British Scientist p.- A startlingpronouncement of vital concern to Invalids, Athletes, C)ld and Young A stoi^hing OC tribute. t\ A'sfoil ndm 0 T OVPT Old Aop Infirrnifics Hea?th a Met U hod e, thSt is*of Suaf Merest to mTrkably £enefi- liifc:: I afto'S LtA.l.& JL X ILL 111 UII vVVI v/lU- xTjL cd t" JLlllii lilllLCu the Invalid and tho Athlete, the Old and the Young. It c i a i mfluence upon recovering ~, ,f n , „,. . D „ „ , lL ~ ... , „ issrss^jsss-risss^z» wsa ss«rs«.3 g«a&ts Remarkable new method of Drugless Healing promises Better Health and Longer Life for all. J-SSX'S*SST"- SsS/oHS «■ the Elderly a New Lease of Life. storing a Singing ® on <>» Ot'i wab i! ARi P ROOK WHAT THE PRESS SAYS. — —-—? — " ~ S lc cm "t Troat f, reater w«Kr 2I _ _____ The Press, not only of the Empire, but of many 7 trouble and loss of - Jimc unable to even ■for* (EVerV rcadof of tf?o <4 STAR foreign countries has drawn attention to Mr. Over- _ # . _ FAVOUR A ■»* F, voice. . •=£&:?:>• *!® ' a °^ n to bed, and vu every rcaac ,nvent,on for - pPo,onflmfl ~f# and Constitutional Disorders Banished. hpinion of Medical Men, the Press, and the general public cannot fail to be deeply Tllc flowing comments are from leading news- Constitutional Disorders disappear under the marvellous health-building UrlWlUll Wr Known vocalist. Miss right side, I have at interested in the news of an important health discovery, of equal benefit papers in England:— treatment described here. The following are a few of the ailments _ . T n/ICM Sybil St. Elmo, last lound relief, to the Invalid and the Athlete, the Old and Young. The fact that the new The Whl ° h —" W * h '" na "" b, « „ MEDICAL MEN. speaks for itself. Jf f health method announced to-day IS entirely independent of drugs adds peop ie anxious to be made young Mr. Overbeck the blood rressure S«nlrur neurasthenia Manv medical men are now recom- W ' "?f or this wonder. X additional interest. The knowledge that it is the outcome of the research Grimsby scientist, told me he was being overwlielined CATARRH heart affections PARAPLEGIA " mending Overbeck's Rejuvenator, 31 Linden Gardens, f In 35 experiments of a well-known British scientist, ensures its receiving SSSSSfcffiS. ESPS jMljff ITmTo^Z the careful attention it deserves. Mr Overbeck claims restores the balance of thb CONSTIPATION RE-COLOURATION RHEUMATOID n, t"the roHowfng r overbeck treatment to <?$ L' Few men are better entitled 10 a Hear- T„o up was u,. o, of * SSSSS 35S S- Y 31L -- s w-r-cr srssrc Em™ tr ß » o o i o , " <iOUR sisrsss*™ wSffsfeja Issawr t "^SS-S -V* beck, FJLS.A.. F.P.C. (Lond.), etc., the first on. his hair. The result was presidedsaidthat he had known Mr. Overbeck for GOUT NERVOUS DEBILITY WRINKLES trM and speak from their personal ro_ « %s friends so ttiatttiey ' well-known British scientist. For Mr. magical. Not only did his hair many years, and during the last two or three years " knowledge. S f rom the • can pass to anyone Overbeck, at 70 years' or age, is ; a rap.d y grow thicker and darker in hl3 and appearance had improved wonder- Overbeck's instrument is SSr use or your • • * suffering:. marvel of physical fitness and mental colour, but his mental faculties be- fully." nmntiniiiv foolDroof and if the very ■Rpinvpnator for 12 ' • ' ' Yours faithfully alertness, whereas berore he began to came greatly invigorated; evary day «Heilth and Efficiency" (the leading health maga- i P. r i c Jl ca Hi?,°;?'n° out. months M - c «c. AAVprobe into the true cause of ill-health he found himself getting stronger; z i„ e ) says: "The Overbeck Rejuvenator is well so i, use" montns. Above, Miss Sybil St. Elmo, v• ' he was given up by his doctor as a the rheumatism that had plagued him Ue ' d j; eca iiso the extraordinary difference in his nWHB^f, 13 entirely narxniess i mends are amazed the well-known vocalist, who v i dying man. When, therefore, Mr. Over- for some time disappeared, as well ' d otllcr people's appearances, palpable to (Signed) M.8., Ch.B. (Vict.). "li r n anKe in my ap- with Justifiable candour con- Whenuakura, Patea " A beck announces that he has discovered as the kidney trouble, from which he evervbodV, has been so marked after using the \ and general con- fesses to being over 50 years 26th April, 1930" a new health method that promises to had been a chronic sufferer; his eye- process" S I had rheumatoid of age. The recovery of her Speciality Agents -■ banish a host of intractible disorders, sight improved to such an extent that 1 « The teeds Mercury" says: "Middle-aged men in <■_ Tithritis in both knees, full singing voice, after having Dear Sirs,—l meant ? y strengthen weak constitutions and to he was soon able to give up the Grimsby, using tho machine every day, tell me tho mWm ' , also Mucous Colitis, but retired from the profession to have written to ?-- give the elderly a new lease of lire, his spectacles he had worn for years; treatment has rid them of such afflictions that beset BIHMmCV "The Rejuvenator has been bene- mqrvpllous to relate, lam 16 years ago owing to throat you some time ago *V words have behind them a weight oi and before long he was ablo to re- m iaaie-a'ge as Sciatica, Lumbago, and Cramp. Elderly ife Z1.3 ficial in a case or muscular atrophy - and j n the trouble, is in itself an amaz- telling you of the authority and experience that compel sumo a normal life of active work. women are chasing away time's wrinkles with its J WM, Wl of the legs after severe illness, and ™ 1 pntirelv rejuven- , ing tribute to the new drug- great .benefits, which attention. a j d 1 Heard or ono case where a man who had |f, v personally I have used it on my bald P . less health method described I have derived from WANING VITAL ENERGY. /, 2 m . 2ondiUon° red ln tl cases r or° headache! a vocalist ll ! AUCKLAND, r , S' '' v / (? • ' r 7* g| the machine is invaluable, especially owing to constant throat near Sirs, —When I purchased one of your "ReiuIlis interests in lire had been as ;■/ $ - . • SI n- —' wn»n <,rrtnr. where headaches are largely of a trouble, but I now have venator" machines, 1 was suffering severely from t: L col ? ur ?s as c ° at ' ai J >J 4 *> 'jo- il — nervous type." exactly the same voice I . several ailments, viz.: valvular rupture of the heart be c.lung to them with all pe <~£m».so39> / CENTRE Ml) had 20 years ago, and find which I have had-for three years, noises in the head of a man whe. taowa heart that X • MM, sl/ (Signed) M.D. myselr ln my nfty-flrst nervousness, and acute rheumatism across the ! £IS4tEVK£H' , / A few years ago Mr. Overbeck's SSfS&feS Suto, te sSSita- Mr. O. Overbeck, F.R.S.A., F.P.C. beck's Rejuvenator at the International Exhibition or ' '/• I A \ heart was so weak that he dare not vnnrs/ : everything that wants doing; thanks to your that tomediatelv followed the (Lond.), the well-known scientist, Inventions, 1929. J 'X~U V -jf — f \ stoop down to tend to-his beloved Sincerely yours, machine, which I was persuaded by my brother to of a rapid piece or music And whose amazing health discovery has The document is signed by Lord Askwith and Mr. / ( ¥"}:'*. .m,o°/"W%. / \ plants lest a heart-attack should SYBIL ST. ELMO. try. In rererring to my wife, I wish to state that £ though an enthusiastic horticulturist, aroused world-wide interest, and S. E. Denning on behalf or the Council, and is given / I "n\ \ endanger his lire. To-day, whenever for years she has Seen lie sooil found that to stoop down and brought relief to sufferers in every under the common seal of the Institute or Patentees . V J\ V v.v'.-.V. fysftsf ZZ; i\ ) ho can spare the time for his many suffering with neuritis in ; put a plant in the ground was to risk civilised land. (toe.). X/ I *^^V-M^ r , J) '1 exacting engagements as a Fellow of rnrr D Ani r Fill in and post this form for her hands, could not fasia, a heart attack that might prove fatal. : r ' Mr. Overbeck's book, "A New Electronic Theory Iv'1 v ' Vl 1 JE MiMw J J /T\ ( all the Royal Botanical and Horticul- rKLt KULfN a cop y of the fully illustrated ten her dress ln the morn- ■* mi) ty, ti hori n-nr. c,i CHANTRY HOUSE, GRIMSBY. 0 f Lire," in which bis views or the/ electric consti- 'IBMMIISSP* \ ( ) -tural Societies and numerous learned boo |( B bout this new health restoring method. ings until she had been on ihitP M^P X ?rpmpiv I have renewed my youth by a. new tution of matter are ruUy set forth has aroused t -L-/ / j societies representing Chemistry, her feet about hair an hour. *v' hif health method that floods the cells of almost as much interest as the Rejuvenator itseir / / / ( - | — J ' / Geology, and other branches or •— ——-—— —— — « Both hands would be swol--5-- J« ,™ ! i™ ly lmed, Md ni s Wood ■•■ th e- bo dy wttH energy, and creates new in scientific circles. ■ MOTOR SPEECH ( . /k_ —Y science and the arts, he is at work SPECIALITY AGENCIES, LTD., I len so much that you could piossuie abnormally lngh. j t , cells-to replace those whioh are worn Adjoining is a special personal message irom Mr. CENTRE \ —'1-—on his estate the livelong day, plant- ] Overbeck Distributors, 1 not see any_ knuckles or tjN Mwmmv out and. inefficient. EIGHT YEARS AGO Overbeck to the Public. V / V— — ing, potting and so forth. Meantime, Sixth Floor, Cooke's Buildings, | Joints, and they looked as «' i my heart was so weak that my doctor . — his mind is busy with the details of ] Queen Street, Auckland. ■ if they had been polished,'' AN EXPERIMENT —AND .ITSP . told me to make my will, as I had not , August 12, -1930. wLnrwiNf centre an amazing series of experiments he . P 0 Box 1817 so she used your machine ' '« MAGICAL-RESULT. >' v--': long to live. To-day an active life, Dear Sir, —I have been using your Rejuvenator for CENTRE Is carrying; out, which wiU throw a p.o. box 101/. ' about four months, twice * both physical and intellectual,'finds mo about live months twice dally, and have round it CHARGING THE HUMAN BATTERIES. flood or light upon the common 1 Please send me a copy or the Free Book about daily, and is now pleased to " Concerned rapid thinning'and literally untireable of great benefit: * Science has proved that the brain is the electrical "heart" of origin of the life-activities alike of | Overbeck's Rejuvenator, fully .illustrated with I state that her neuritis is a 4 whitening-or his hair, Mr. Overbeck's What my health-renewing process I was suffering from Neuritis, but pleased to tho human electrical machine. In hospitals It is a frequent man, animals and plants. He also |, plates showing self-treatment for a variety of ix thing of the past. She is & thoughts turned-to electrical stimula- has done for me, it will do for others, \ say I have scarcely felt any pain this winter.- ' experience that, in an accident case, a man who has lost a limb personally supervises the work or . ailments. 1 able to do all her house W*i'. tion. He. began experimenting. His as countless letters pouring in to me I have worn spectacles Tor 25 years, and now will complain of pains in his toes, showing that, the real seat his gardening staff, and orten is J NAME i.:ttinwiC<»»aaM• • • I duties and . has a good first efforts were not very succe&rul. •'.from all parts of the world abundantly my eyes are wonderfully improved, although I of pain, as of all sensations, is in the brain itself, v still hard at work, in the waning night's rest, which was imr" V Then the'idea came to him that irl&ec- prove. The invalid and the athlete, the cannot do without my glasses yet. Some progress has been made in mapping out the areas of tho light, long after they have gone I ADDRESS I possible previous to treatc tricity is to be of real lasting benefit, old and young alike, must benefit by My hair, which was white; is being replaced with brain which control particular functions and parts of the organism. home, because he does not know I (Please ] ment. ?. r it must be absorbed without sensation, a health method that charges the entire new dark hair. By Wlr. Overbeck's method of feeding eleotricity by a new process what it is to be tired since his dis- j Write Clearly) . Itf"* just as it is absorbed from the rood we system with energy and vitality. I think your Rejuvenator is a wonderful Invention. to the brain cells, in cases of bodily disorders, the conquest of covery of the true secret of vital I j Yours respectfully, eat. The cells must, in very truth, be (Signed) o. C. J. s. L. OVERBECK. , Yours faithfully, pain has become a reality, as has already been proved in thousands energy and health of all the cells of t S/730 * ■V?."'-. fed with the electrical current, (Sgd.) W.J.F. of cases throughout the world. the body. __ __ __ _ — _ " __ ___ I J.C.W, t. . ' . v . / ' 1 ■ :i •
CHEAP DINNER SETS AT TANFIELD, POTTER & CO. 10% DISCOUNT off our already fine prices, and the largest selection to be had in Auckland. A Number of Incomplete Sets Offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. Tanfield, Potter & Co China and Glass Warehouse CIVIC HOUSE, CIVIC SQUARE
Extraordinary VALUE« in FINE FURNITURE/ Charming BEDROOM SUITE J £ f; Pie fw B ® dr ? om Suite > comprising full-size Double Bed, Dressing A/r j arc * r °k e > an d Pedestal Cupboard. Beautifully finished. Made in any wanted shade of Oak or in Kauri, Polished Rosewood ; i. or Walnut shades. • ;; IN OAK— IN KAURI— (Any shade) (Polished Rosewood or Walnut £28/10/0 '£25/18/6 /ft. 1l
HAMILTON DISTRICT McCABE'S RADIOS j '.. -m y :•, ; ' Will be in the Hamilton District next Saturday, Sunday, Monday, August 30 and 31, for the special purpose of demonstrating to country clienits. WRITE NOW AND ARRANGE DEMONSTRATION. Pricete Complete as follows: BATTERY SETS. 2-Valve ...... £5/5/-3-Valve ... £7/19/6 3-Valve "Cossor" Screened Grid . £13/107-4-Valve "Cossor" £16/10/LATEST ELECTRICS. "Telefunken," 4-Valve, including Rectifier, £11/10/'"McCabes," 4-Valve Screened Grid, including Rectifier, £19/10/"McCabes" 5-Valve Console Screened Grid, including . Rectifier ——£25/10/All Wave—£29/10/"Dayton", 9-Valve— c £29/10/"Philco," 7-Valve Screened Grid, Table Model—£3B. Console—£47 /10/- " McCabes " Combination Radio Gramophonef—£s9 McCABE'S RADIOS NEWTON, AUCKLAND.
AMUSING INVERCARGILL . - . INCIDENT*. New M.P.'s Tribute to "Baxter's." Loud laughter was caused.. when the newly elected member for Invercargill, Mr. Vincent Ward, addressed the public from the balcony of the Grand Hotel on the evening of August 15, after the result of the poll had been declared. Mr. Ward remarked on the huskiness of his voice, and stated that his wife, who had been:a nurse, was taking care of him by "massaging his legs" with Baxter's Lung Preserver! Baxter's Lung Preserver has been famous in. this 'Dominion for over sixty years for remedying sore throats, coughs, colds, influenza, asthma, bronchitis and kindred ailments, and it is, interesting to note that the latest recruit to the House of Representatives is a strong booster for "Baxter's." ; "Baxter's" is a-rich, red, warming, soothing compound that does good from the first dose. It also : possesses, "unique tonic properties. Obtainable at all chemists and stores; generous-sized ; bottle 2/6, economical, family size at 4/6, and bachelor's bottle 1/6. Now fitted with screw caps which make a perfect seal and preserve the contents.—(Ad.) • '*"'•.
<gugen SI Auckland 1 plllllillll Illlllg IS / \ Hfj I I \ mS: I 1 PAKURANGA H.C. RACES. ( I / "KIWIS" PLAY AUCKLAND. \ | Club Soccer—Golf—Cycling— Athletics *'*% m Basketball— Gun Club Event, Etc. § l To-night's "Eight o'clock" f
Messrs. H. Rollett (Peria), D. B. Higgins (Matamata), H. Sutherland (Okauira) and A. Crowtlier (Matamata) have been appointed directors for the Matamata district branch of the Kural Credits Association. Prom microbes, germs iand baccilli, The atmosphere is never free; To spread their ills they wing- their way Throughout the hrigrhest, clearest day. In every season of the year Their presence is a thing- to fear. For germspread colds relief assure— Forget not Woods* Great peppermint Cure. '—(Ad.),
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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 199, 23 August 1930, Page 18
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2,690Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 199, 23 August 1930, Page 18
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